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  1. Weede,H.: Dynamik offshoretechnischer Linientragwerke am Beispiel der Pipelineverlegung. Dissertation, TU Berlin, 1990. (Dynamic structural analysis of slender rods in offshore technology: pipeline installation as an example. Ph.D. Thesis)
  2. Clauss, G.F.; Weede, H.: Dynamics of pipelines during laying operations. Offshore Engineering. Proc. of the 7th Int. Symp. on Offshore Eng. held at COPPE, Fed.Univ. of R.J., Brazil, Aug. 1989. Pentech Press, London 1990
  3. Clauss,G.F.; Weede,H.; Saroukh,A.: Offshore Pipelaying - Significance of Dynamic Stresses and Motions During Laying Operations. OTC 6760, Houston, 1991
  4. Clauss,G.F.; Weede,H.: Dynamic stresses and motions of offshore pipelines during laying. 1991 OMAE - Vol.V, Pipeline Technology, ASME 1991, pp. 17-24
  5. Clauss, G.F.; Weede, H.; Saroukh, A.: Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Analysis of Marine Pipelines During Laying. Schiffstechnik, Bd. 38 - 1991 / Ship Technology Research Vol. 38 (1991)
  6. Clauss, G.F.; Weede, H.; Riekert, T.: Pipelaying in deep waters - Interaction of vessel motions and pipeline dynamic stresses. 6th Deep Offshore Technology Conference, Monte Carlo 1991
  7. Clauss, G.F.; Weede, H.; Riekert, T.: Offshore pipe laying operations - Interaction of vessel motions and pipeline dynamic stresses. Applied Ocean Research 14 (1992) 175-190
  8. Clauss, G.F.; Saroukh, A.; Weede, H.: Prediction of Limiting Seastates for Pipelaying Operations. 1998 OMAE - Vol. IV.
  9. Weede, H.: Systemidentifikation manövrierender Schiffsmodelle. Schiff und Hafen 2/2000 pg. 53
  10. Weede, H.: Rechenverfahren zum langsamen Manövrieren aus dem Projekt SLOWMAN. Statustagung Schifffahrt und Meerestechnik. Tagungsband der Statustagung 2010. Forschungszentrum Jülich 2010. pg. 89-104

05 Apr 2011 home  Henning Weede