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WEG Course Example

Training Schedule
(Data and registration form for print)

Wolfram Education Group Training von mathemas | ordinate

Wolfram Education Group Training

Topics are standadized(worldwide) by the Wolfram Research Education Group. Computer will be provided. Participants get a certificate. Participants may keep their course book.

The training structure of the course M101 "An Introduction to Mathematica".

Basic Structure: 45 minutes of lecture, then 45 minutes of excercises

Day 1, morning:

1.: Introduction
1.1: Getting Started
1.2: Common Inputs
1.3: Getting Information
1.4: Building Up Calculations

2.: Notebooks and Typesetting I
2.1: The Notebook Interface
2.2: Cells and Cell Styles
2.3: Format Controls
2.4: Typeset Editing

Day 1, afternoon:

3.: Graphics
3.1: Basic Plotting
3.2: Plotting Data
3.3: Graphics Options
3.4: Graphics Expressions

4.: Programming I
4.1: Assignments and Definitions
4.2: Procedural Programming
4.3: Local Variables
4.4: Functional Programming
4.5: Programming with Rules (Pattern matching)

Day 2, morning:

5.: Mathematics
5.1: Symbolic Calculations
5.2: Numeric Calculations
5.3: Linear Algebra

6.: Programming II
6.1: Basic Principles
6.2: Functional Programming
6.3: Efficiency

Day 2, afternoon:

7.: Packages, Files and Programs
7.1: Packages
7.2: Reading and Writing Files
7.3: Interprocess Communication

8.: Notebooks and Typesetting II
8.1: Persentations using Mathematica
8.2: Options
8.3: Style Sheets
8.4: Buttons and Palettes

Information and comments to:
Dipl.-Math. M.Sc. Carsten Herrmann by e-mail: