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Firma | Mathematik | Naturwissenschaft & Technik | Schule | Simulation | Programmieren | Bücher | Sonstiges | Dienstleistungen

Training Schedule

M101: A First Course in Mathematica (2days)
M102: Project Session (1day)

M221: An Introduction to Programming in Mathematica (1day)
M215: Applied Statistical Analysis (1day)
M225: Parallel Computing with Mathematica (halfday)
M255: webMathematica Using Wolfram Workbench (

language is English or German (Dutch and Spanish are possible, too)/ prices excl. tax./ Training in Berlin or Kiel

Flyer (Data and registration form for print)

Wolfram Education Group Training von mathemas | ordinate

Jan 2012 Berlin
16-17 M101
18 M221
19 M102
20 M255 + M225
Feb 2012 Kiel
13-14 M101
15 M221
16 M102
17 M215
März 2012 Berlin
19-20 M101
21 M221
22 M102
23 M255 + M225
Apr 2012 Kiel
16-17 M101
18 M221
19 M102
20 M215
Mai 2012 Berlin
14-15 M101
16 M221
17 M102
18 M255 + M225




More dates, in-house-training details, group prices on request !

location Kiel Berlin :10407 Berlin, Bötzowstrasse 10
Prices (plus VAT) M101: €1095 / M102, M215, M221: each €575 / M225, M255: each €315.. Discount for academics, Premier Service, BYOC (bring along your own computer) .