offered jobs
sought jobs
The German employment advertisement newsgroups: de.markt.arbeit.*
Dear employers, dear job seekers,
As moderator of the German-language newsgroups for offered and sought employment
I would like to give you the necessary information.
Internet consists not only of the World Wide Web, but also of
Usenet. In the Usenet everybody can publish messages, which are thereafter
on no specific server, but on many ones. Each news server permanently
exchanges the latest messages with its neighbours. If you feed a message
onto a news server, it will thereby spread on many ones.
In order to participate in Usenet, you need a newsreader
and the right to access a specific news server. A newsreader is a program
to publish own messages, to delete (cancel) them again from all news servers
and to read other people's messages. If everything works fine, you browser
will launch a newsreader when you click on a newslink:
Usenet is organised in the sense of a tree structure or a
hierarchy and consistst of newsgroups on individual topics.
Some newsgroups are discussion forums,
some newsgroups contain classified advertisements, some
newsgroups serve for official announcements, and in some newsgroup the users
exchange pictures or music. The names of the German-language newsgroups begin
with de. Therein the classified advertisement newsgroups begin with
de.markt. The job advertisement newsgroups begin with
Usenet as interaction of so many people only works if
regulations are followed, most of which were decided by a majority within a vote.
Almost each newsgroup has a charter which determines what and how
may be posted there.
The charters of the German-language
newsgroups can be found
Further regulations forbid
spam, that's excessively repeating the same message or advertising the
same service, HTML and binaries (attachments) except in special
binary newsgroups.
Most newsgroups are not moderated. Everyone can post there
whatever he likes, even if he is not allowed to do so.
If an article would have belonged into a quite different newsgroup
and many people start to discuss upon it in the wrong newsgroup,
the legibility of the newsgroup is destroyed.
In addition, the escalating imitation effect
(monkey see, monkey do) multiplies the damage:
illicit postings encourage everybody to violate the newsgroup
charter or other regulations as well.
Moderated newsgroup are protected by the following mechanism:
If you try to post something, the news server converts it into
an e-mail to the submission address of the newsgroup.
The moderator or
the moderator team retreive these mails and convert them
to usenet articles only if they correspond to the newsgroup charter and
the other regulations. This has absolutely nothing to do with
censorship, because moderators are elected democratically.
This mechanism causes that the messages appear delayed, only
after the moderator had time to dispatch them. It also means that
you can send the message directly to the submission address by e-mail
instead of hoping that the news server will do so. You shoud observe
that personal messages to the moderator do not belong there,
because the moderator will more or less automate his work.
In the German-language Usenet the job advertisement newsgroups
are moderated to enforce that comments and discussions are not
mixed with the advertisements, but appear in the parallel
discussion newsgroup de.markt.arbeit.d .
Thus the advertisement newsgroups remain clear and can be
scanned automatically. Vary bad experiences until 1998 have
made this necessary.
- Newsgroup:
- Translated tagline: Offered employment.
- Status: moderated
- Submission address
- Translaterd charter:
In this newsgroup employment and other kind of jobs can be
Discussions are not permitted here.
Complete specifications include:
- activity and required qualification,
- location where to work,
- form of job (contract / permanent position or other),
- where to apply,
- name or at least sufficient description (including
branch) of the employer or orderer.
Advertisements with incomplete specifications are not permitted.
It is not permitted to advertise jobs which require that the
candidate pays money to the employer or orderer before he can start the job.
All articles must include the header:
"Followup-To: de.markt.arbeit.d ".
- Newsgroup:
- Translated tagline: Sought jobs.
- Status: moderated
- Submission address:
- Translated charter:
In this newsgroup exclusively requests for employment and for other kind of
jobs may be published.
Discussions are not permitted here.
All articles must include the header:
"Followup-To: de.markt.arbeit.d ".
- Newsgroup:
- Translated tagline: Comments, questions, discussions.
- Status: not moderated
- Translated charter:
Comments on the offered and sought jobs can be posted here.
Also questions on labour law and tariffs may be asked in this
newsgroup. Also similar discussion topics are imagineable.
It is not permitted to advertise offered or sought jobs in this
For this, you need neither a news server nor a newsreader.
- Authorization check
- An employment contract or a similar agreement between
an employer or orderer and an employee or contractor
must be intended, the contractor being a single person,
not an enterprise.
- It may not be planned to break any specific Usenet rule deliberately.
- Configuration of the program:
- Appropriate e-mail address in the From field and if used in the
Reply-To field. Unfortunately, the advertisement will also cause loads of
unsolicited bulk e-mail (UBE). It is recommended to use a
temporary e-mail account only for this advertisement
with powerful UBE filters.
- Turn HTML off.
- Turn off binary attachments (visiting cards,
digital signatures)
- Limit line lengths to 72 characters.
- Decide exactly one newsgroup (submission address where to send themail)
- If job offered, then
Email to
for newsgroup: de.markt.arbeit.biete
- If sought job, then
Email to
for newsgroup: de.markt.arbeit.suche
Decide the language. Although de.* is the german language part of Usenet, it's not
forbidden to post in English. Most Germans, Austrians and Swiss speak English.
- Write the subject line
- Not longer than approx. 60 characters
- At least indicate what kind of work
- Without "offered" or "wanted"
because this is evident from the newsgroup
- Location
- May not begin with Re:
- Write message body
- A message body may not be missing, the subject header
is not sufficient.
- Don't append any attachment, don't include any
binary stuff like MS WORD *.doc, *.pdf or figure.
- Don't exceed a line length of approx. 72 characters
- No tabular layout, because if it will be shown botched
with a variably spaced character set (recommendation)
- Don't mention any web pages which could already have
been advertised excessively in the newsgroups
by somebody else.
- In job offers, pay close attention to the completeness:
- activity and required qualification,
- location where to work,
- form of job (contract / permanent position or other),
- where to apply,
- name or at least sufficient description (including
branch) of the employer or orderer.
- Be careful with mentioning any e-mail address. Spammers harvest them
automatically. You can write buddy (at) instead of
or mention it only on a web page to which the advertisement refers.
- Do not introduce the text by any personal notice to
the moderator saying that he please shall be so kind and
publish the following advertisement.
- Send the e-mail.
- Remain attainable for the next couple of weeks
and read your e-mail.
- Not earlier than approx. 24 hours after sending the e-mail,
check if the advertisement appeared in the newsgroup.
If it didn't, wait at least approx. half a week.
To determine why your ad possibly was rejected by the moderator,
have a look at the the list of typical mistakes
If that did not help, ask the moderator(s) by mail to
Don't try to submit your advertisement again before solving the
problem that caused rejection.
- Look for responses in the newsgroup de.markt.arbeit.d .
It very often occurs that people mix up mail and news and
unintentionally publish there what they wanted to send by e-mail.
Also public criticism and questions are conceivable.
For fastening your search, sort the articles by date or
search for a typical string of your subject header.
- Do not publish the same stuff again in any newsgroup before
45 days.
The following knowledge is complicated, but necessary before posting
As moderator I do my best to make the job ad newsgroups
available also to those who don't know anything about the newsgroups and
just want to publish one single job offer or resume one single time
by e-mail to the submission address. They don't necessarily have to read
the follwoing complicated stuff. On the other hand, I expect that
recruiters and other frequent posters know and follow the
charters, the spam prohibition and the other Usenet rules in all details.
- Follow the checklist to become a Usenet participant
not only if you are new to Usenet,
but also as experienced user to check if there is
anything you have always forgotten.
- Carefully read the charters of all newsgroups de.markt.arbeit.*.
- Inspect the List of typical mistakes
to see if there is anything you couldn't imagine even as
experienced user.
- Each time you advertise, proceed similarly to the
checklist to advertise once by e-mail,
however, with the following exceptions:
- Instead of submitting the advertisements by e-mail,
you can also post them with the newsreader as if the
newsgroup was unmoderated. The news server will send the mail
to the submission address in this case. Of course, you cannot
expect your ad to show up immediately like in an unmoderated
- Don't advertise with the button of your newsreader that
is for replying to another article (Followup).
- You can increase your posting frequency to renew the same article from
once per 45 days to once per week only under the condition
that you cancel the previous copy every time before you re-post it
and if you know and follow the spam prohibition.
- About the mandatory "Followup-To: de.markt.arbeit.d "
header: you don't need to know how to set it, because
I as moderator do that for you.
- Charter violations
- Job offers or resumes in de.markt.arbeit.d
- Job offers or resumes in other discussion newsgroups,
e.g. de.soc.arbeit, de.etc.beruf.misc,
- Mixing up job offers and resumes (wrong newsgroup)
- Test articles in de.markt.arbeit newsgroups
- Keeping the advertisement on a website,
the text of the usenet article consisting merely of the
URL of that website.
- Renewal of an advertisement by clicking the
Followup (Reply to newsgroup) button of the newsreader
- Attempt to advertise the service of an enterprise
rather than a single person in de.markt.arbeit.suche
- Incomplete specifications in de.markt.arbeit.biete
- Discussion in an advertisement newsgroup
- MLM and similar Ponzi schemes. Attempt to make unemployed job seekers
become entrepreneurs. Attempt to abuse the bank accounts of job seekers
for money laundry.
- Attempt to crosspost to more than one de.markt.arbeit newsgroup
- RfC violations
- Message IDs don't end with the correct domain name
- Completely wrong date (misconfigured computer)
- Attempt to renew an article using the
Message-ID of the existing previous copy
- Lecturer sets up an account just for the lesson,
removing it after the end of the lesson,
and lets the participants exercise how to post forged
resumes with forged names using that e-mail address.
- Spam and dupes
- Desperate attempts to post over and over again
because the article doesn't show up immediately
- Repetition or renewal of an advertisement
without cancelling the previous copy
- Renewing an advertisement more frequently than once per week.
- Posting to at.anzeigen.arbeitsmarkt and the same stuff elsewhere
- More than 2 copies or crossposting to more than 4 newsgroups
- Advertising a fascinating business opportunity
which unfortunately has been advertised excessively
already by somebody else in other newsgroups
- Completely empty article (only with subject header)
- Garbage and theft of resources
- Binaries, attachments, e.g. MS-WORD *.doc files,
PDF files, figures, digital signatures
- HTML, Netscape visiting cards (vcard)
- In the lack of informative subject header, compulsion of
all users to open the article
- In the lack of sufficient information in the article, compulsion
of many users to waist their time with a website
specified there and completely irrelevant for them
- Theft of time at the expense of the moderator:
- Abuse of or
personal e-mail address of the moderator as
submission address
- Questions to
which are answered already in this web page or in the
sources of information specified here
- Discussions on rejected advertisements
or begging for deletion from the blacklist
with the intention to repeat the same net abuse
that caused blacklisting
- Using a newsreader that can't cancel,
then asking the moderator to cancel something by hand
- Embarrassing postings
- Mixing up mail and news:
unintentionally publishing something in de.markt.arbeit.d,
which was intended as e-mail.
The recipient does not even notice it, and
others are very amused.
- Forgotten "X-No-Archive: yes" in problematic
contributions in quite different newsgroups (sexuality, politics).
I wish you much success
Henning Weede
28835446 in your e-mail ensures that it won't be removed by my filters.