■ This collection honors Adrienne Laskier Martín’s eminent scholarly trajectory. The chapters encompass three prolific areas that have partially defined her work throughout her ongoing career: humor and the burlesque, eroticism, and animal studies. We have specifically chosen sexuality and gender as thematic axes for these applied Cervantine readings since their broad reach allows for an innovative range of studies in tune with Adrienne L. Martín’s contributions to early modern literary studies.
I. Creative Deceptions in Seduction Frederick A. de Armas: Fainting Men and Forward Women: Gender Instability and Sexual Equivocations in La Galatea David A. Boruchoff: The Prerogatives and the Burden of Beauty in the Quijote of 1605 Adrián Pérez Boluda: Deseo, imaginación y realidad en la construcción del universo quijotesco Susan Byrne: Juridical Philology: Incest, Adultery, and the Law in Don Quijote
II. Peeping through Metaphors J. Ignacio Díez: El gato de los Siglos de Oro y sus variables impregnaciones eróticas: los ‘aruños’ de don Quijote Ana Laguna: Eroticism in Unexpected Places: Equine Love in Don Quixote Sherry Velasco: Music, Sex, and Politics in Don Quixote Carolyn A. Nadeau: Unpacking Food Images in Cervantes’s El celoso extremeño
III. Cervantine Bodies and Gendered Identities Jesús David Jerez-Gómez: Seducción guerrera en el Quijote: la tradición mediterránea de la mujer disfrazada José R. Cartagena-Calderón: ‘Nunca yo vi su fealdad sino su hermosura’: masculinidad femenina y fealdad física en el Quijote Mercedes Alcalá Galán: ‘Tan entera como la madre que la parió’: Maternity, Sexuality and Literary Fiction in Cervantes
IV. Cervantes’ Feminisms Catherine Infante: Inside Harem Walls: Gendered Space and the Place of Women in Cervantes’s La gran sultana Anne J. Cruz: Cervantes: The Accidental Feminist Rosilie Hernández: The Law of Genre/Gender in Don Quixote: Cervantes’s Feminism Reconsidered
■ Adrienne L. Martín (PhD, Harvard University) is Professor Emerita at the University of California, Davis. She has published on all genres of early modern Spanish literature and a wide range of authors and topics, including Cervantes, Góngora, Quevedo, humor, sexuality, eroticism and animal studies. She is the author of Cervantes and the Burlesque Sonnet, An Erotic Philology of Golden Age Spain, and editor of several essay collections. She is former President of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry and of the Cervantes Society of America, and is currently preparing a book on animals in Don Quixote. ■ Adrienne L. Martín (Doctora en Letras, Harvard University) es Catedrática Emerita de la Universidad de California, Davis. Sus publicaciones abarcan todos los géneros de literatura española del Siglo de Oro y una amplia gama de autores y temas, entre ellos Cervantes, Góngora, Quevedo, humor, sexualidades, erotismo y estudios de animales. Es autora de Cervantes and the Burlesque Sonnet, An Erotic Philology of Golden Age Spain, y editora de varias compilaciones de ensayos. Fue Presidenta de la Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry y de la Cervantes Society of America. Actualmente prepara un libro sobre los animales en Don Quijote. Esther Fernández is Assistant Professor at Rice University. She is the author of Eros en escena: Erotismo en el teatro del Siglo de Oro (Juan de la Cuesta, 2009) and co-editor of Diálogos en las tablas: Últimas tendencias de la puesta en escena del teatro clásico español (Reichenberger, 2014) and El teatro clásico en su(s) cultura(s): De los Siglos de Oro al siglo XXI (Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 2017). Dr. Fernández’s research interests have principally attended to eroticism and the Spanish comedia; visual and material culture; and performance analysis of classical theater’s most contemporary adaptations. Mercedes Alcalá Galán is Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research is mainly oriented towards literary theory, gender studies and visual studies. She has published Escritura desatada: poéticas de la representación en Cervantes; La silva curiosa de Julián de Medrano. Estudio y edición critica and is about to publish Discursos sobre el cuerpo: la construcción de lo femenino en la España de Cervantes. She is also preparing a monograph on ekphrasis and visual studies tentatively titled Representing the World: Pictorial Imagination in Spanish Baroque Fiction. She has also published a volume: “‘Si ya por atrevido no sale con las manos en la cabeza’: el legado poético del Persiles cuatrocientos años después” as a guest editor in the journal eHumanista/Cervantes. Ver también / See also: