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Online Film Dictionary

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Welcome to the Online Film Dictionary. This dictionary shall help you to better understand all those movie-specific terms in foreign languages.
As thus it should also be a helping advice for the contributors of the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) in their need to translate movie credits into the english language.

Contributions for any language are highly welcome.

At the moment only parts of the languages contain a reasonable amount of terms. It is my hope that these and even new language sections will be filled soon with some help from you.

The dictionary currently supports the following languages: Albanian, Brazilian Portuguese, Croatian¹, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian¹, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish¹, Portuguese, Russian¹, Slovene¹, Serbian¹, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish¹.

This dictionary is by no means linguistically accurate. The translations and equivalents were compiled from many different sources and often can hardly or even cannot be validated though. Please take the contents of this dictionary as such, as a base for further discussion. The meaning of certain movie-specific terms changes fluently through time in several countries and there is often no exact definition available. A guarantee for the correctness of translations contained in this dictionary cannot be given at the moment. Should you however realize faults or inaccuracies, please feel free to let me know about your point of view.

There is another issue to be aware of: User submissions to this dictionary are being made against English or German as a reference language. The level of inaccuracy might increase if you are interested in comparing other languages only. E.g. you might be interested in French-Hungarian translations. If the French terms were submitted against the English reference terms and the Hungarian terms were submitted against the German reference terms, chances are that a shift in meaning has found its way into the translations - especially if you are interested in very specific terms which are not common knowledge.


Online Film Dictionary (c) 1996/2005 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
The contents of this dictionary may not be reproduced in any form, should it be electronically or otherwise, without the explicit permission from the author. is not responsible for the contents of this page.
[Fri Dec 2 16:53:26 2016]