First please choose a reference language for your term(s) to submit. You may either use english or german as a reference.
Second choose the language for your submission(s). If you want to add a new language, please choose the option 'new language'.
Finally choose the category your term(s) will fit in. Please go back to this page if you want to submit terms for more than one category.
A submission form will then be shown to you. New terms, i.e. terms which are not already in the list of the reference language may be added at the bottom of the submission form.
Please try to follow the following guidelines for submissions
- Please use real world syntax, i.e. don't circumscribe special chracters to (international) computer code.
- Please separate alternatives for a term with commata, e.g.:
cinematographer, director of photography, ...
Add as many alternatives as you think are appropriate.
- Please ONLY submit terms you are absolutely sure of, please don't guess or tag guesses with a question mark. Just leave out the terms you don't know a translation for.
- If you feel the need to give a direct, but not common translation to explain a term which is often misinterpretated, please feel free to do so, but put the direct translation in [square brackets] (only if the translation is not common, but important for understanding or whatever).
- Please don't care about exact translations, instead use the terms which are common in the language you are submitting. If the english term itself is used in the submission language, please submit it too.
E.g. if 'composer' is never used in the direct translation and always 'music' is being used in movie credits you would do it like the following
composer; <term for music>, [<term for composer>]
music; <term for music>
- If you would like to add a new language please submit the native word for that language, e.g. 'deutsch' for german.
- Please feel free to add any terms you are missing in the reference language for the appropriate category. If you don't know the english translation it doesn't matter, may be we can link it to another language someday.
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Online Film Dictionary - Submission Page (c) 1996/2012 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
The contents of this dictionary may not be reproduced in any form, should it be electronically or otherwise, without the explicit permission from the author. is not responsible for the contents of this page.
[Sat Apr 28 03:22:24 2012]