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Re: [DDL-ML] INFO GA problems

Matthias wrote:
> Never use null terminated strings, SRCP specifies a "real" linefeed as the
> end of a command. zeros are at best ignored, or lead to a crash ;=)
After the #10 there is a #0. If I don't want this I have to take a pascal
string (with as first character the length of the string and pass to my
socket.send procedure a pointer to the second character of the string.  Not
nice and refused by Delphi. Only thing that rest is to remove the #0 at the
end of the string with inline assembler code. No problemm again but not

> Another hint: Commands like SET produce no response (as of version 0.7.3
> the SRCP). You have to send them blindly.
I do send them blind. I use one PC running in automatic mode. On an other PC
I can use the Info to display what is happing on the track. The PC in auto
mode displays everything as well.
Only usefull for large layouts. Then you can see on as many PC's as you want
what is happening.
>In SRCP 0.8 that behavior is changed  substantially. There all commands
send a response to the >client. The INFO mode almost always tells you, that
the command was _executed_, that is far more >than  a simple "Ok, I've got
your command".
> What software you are developing/using??
It a layout design program which uses libraries to draw a layout on scale.
When the layout is ready it starts scanning the layout to divide it in
blocks. Then writes a block program to controle the lot. I can use a Lenz or
Marklin interface or Erddcd.
This is a very short discriptian of what it is doing.
Ofcause only with Lenz and Erddcd you can use this Server Client setup.

Rob Nieuwland