Input parameter:
OBJ_F - string with function name of objective function
if omitted, 'objfun1' is assumed
Bounds - Matrix containing the boundaries of the objective
function for mesh plotting, same format as in
objective function.
Bounds=[lower_bound_x1, lower_bound_x2;
upper_bound_x1, upper_bound_x2]
if Bounds has more than 2 columns, than first one or two
columns with Bounds(2)-Bounds(1) are used for variation
if Bounds are omitted, the objective function is called with
first parameter empty and second parameter 1 to get the
default boundaries
Points - Scalar/vector containing number of mesh grid points.
If 2 scalars are provided, the first is used for
points in x1 and the second for points in x2.
If 1 scalar is provided it is used for points in x1 and x2
if ommitted, 25 points in both directions are assumed
"Undocumented features of Points"
if Points contains more than one row, each row has the
following meaning:
first row: number of mesh grid points
second row: value of optimum for first and second dimension
a doted line is plotted along this value
third row: define limits for y-values of 2-D plots
(doesn't work at the moment for 3-D plots)
varargin - additional parameters for the objective function
Examples: (graphics representing the examples will be added later)
% plot with default parameters
% use default boundaries, use 20 grid point in both dimensions
plotmesh('objfun1', [], 20);
% same boundaries for both dimensions, use 100 grid points per dimension
plotmesh('objfun1', [-10; 10], 100);
% define different points for every dimension
plotmesh('objfun1', [-10, -5; 10, 5], [40, 30]);
% define different points for every dimension, plot lines at x=0 and
% y=0 to indiciate optimum
plotmesh('objfun8', [-10, -5; 10, 5], [30, 30; 0, 0]);
% visualize variable 4 and 7 of multidimensional function, set the remaining
% variable 1,2,3,5,6 and 8 to zero
plotmesh('objfun10', [0,0,0,-20,0,0,-10,0;0,0,0,20,0,0,10,0], [50, 50; 0, 0]);