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Parallel Computing Toolkit

Die Gegenwart sieht einen neuen Meilenstein: Statt die Taktraten von Prozessoren zu erhöhen, werden jetzt Mehrkern-Prozessoren der Standard.
gratis Video -Schulung zu Multi Core Programmierung

Programmiertechnologie muss also jetzt für Parallelisierung von Prozessen geeignet sein.

Tackle large-scale problems with the power of parallel computing. Engineers, scientists, and analysts will find Parallel Computing Toolkit ideal for product design and problem solving. Educators can use this package in classrooms and labs to quickly convey and explore the concepts of parallel computing.


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"Parallel Computing Toolkit brings parallel computation to anyone with access to more than one processor, regardless of whether the processors are multiprocessor machines, networked PCs, or a Top 500 supercomputer.

This package implements many programming primitives for writing and controlling parallel Mathematica programs as well as high-level commands for common parallel operations. Programs written using Parallel Computing Toolkit are platform independent and can run on any computer for which Mathematica is available."

Neuigkeiten in Version 2.1.

In der Regel wird man die Netzwerkvariante des Parallel Computing Toolkit erwerben wollen.

Das Parallel Computing Toolkit ist ein Hauptbestandteil von gridMathematica und von Personal Grid Edition

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