Publication / Exhibition Guide: »lautloses irren«
[15 x 21 cm, 192 pages]
The publication's language is German.
The project publication is divided in three parts:
Contributions from seven younger writers . They outline the daily rituals of a fictitious subject In a short story:
how is this subject socially embedded in the year 2003, how and what does it feel and what responsibilities does it
take or deny?
Authors include: Annett Gröschner, Germany | Fran Ilich, Mexico | Machida Kou, Japan |
Aldo Nove, Italy | Adrian Pais, Argentina | Kathrin Röggla, Germany | Benjamin Weissman, USA
Contributions from scientists include: PD Dr. habil. Michael Makropoulos, Prof. Dr. Christoph Menke
Artistic section, with visual and textual contributions by the 27
participating artists.
> > > Already now we offer you the possibility to order a higher number of copies
(at least 20 pieces) of our publication for a special discount price. We are convinced that our book fits very well as a Christmas present for your
German speaking colleagues and business associates. We guarantee a beautiful designed book and a profound and exciting reading!
Please get in contact with our office for detailed informations (info@lautlosesirren.de)
or have a look on the German version of our webpage!