»… lautloses irren, ways of worldmaking, too …«
Harm Lux, Berlin, February 2003
We work to rules and regulations.
People perform billions of little actions every day, interpret everyday written and verbal messages and carry out everyday rituals.
Interpreting and operating within our fine network of rules hold us together, joins us. But despite being embedded in this way,
many people still feel they need world views that go beyond order.
We have been working on our new, globalized world for about 13 years now, a world that is increasingly characterized by pragmatic
and functional agreements and that is saying goodbye to classical, ideological-utopian grounds for hope. We are less and less
concerned with human fundamentals, as the market economy discourse and the speed at which it moves has proved the most important
way of getting our bearings. And then the bubble burst, shares go through the floor. Alienated from our own needs, knowing only
the feeling of »wanting to have«, we stand there at a loss. Lethargy sets in, superfluity turns into feeling superfluous.
Is this the End of the Spectaclesociety?
The exhibition is in three parts and circles around the above themes. It tells the story of a communication-happy,
consumer-oriented and speed-seeking society, but also illustrates the current state of stagnation. This first part, which is
characterized by a flood of images, addresses reason above all. It is balanced by the next two parts, which say goodbye to rational
reception and make use of all the senses.
Parts 2 and 3 are absolutely silent spaces with an almost meditative fell. We are working on the assumption that works of art and an
exhibition presentation stimulate concentration and strengthen the subject's position.