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GNUS newsreader

Bob Babcock <> writes in comp.emacs (Wed, 03 Jan 2001):

I'm in the process of upgrading from 19.33 to 20.6.  Three things I've

1. emx-meta.el seemed to be missing.  I copied it over from my 19.33 setup.

2. 19.33 would sometimes crash reading news with gnus.  20.6 was much worse.
   I just used emxstack to increase the stack from 8 MB to 32 MB and I think
   that may have fixed it.  (Haven't run long enough to be sure.)

3. Some .elc files in lisp\gnus are older than the corresponding .el files.
   When I byte-compiled the whole directory, I got some errors and gnus
   stopped working.  I reverted back to the original distribution and haven't
   looked at the problem any further.

Solutions? Suggestions?


browse-url.el provides an interface to the most common web browsers from within any Emacs buffer.

Please note
browse-url.el does work under OS/2 as well, but does not check correctly for Netscape. In fact it assumes Netscape for Un*x to be installed.

In function (defun browse-url-netscape (url &optional new-window) the statement

  (if (eq window-system 'w32)
      (list url)
     (if new-window '("-noraise"))
     (list "-remote"
	   (concat "openURL(" url
		   (if new-window ",new-window")
has to be changed to
  (if (memq window-system '(w32 pm))  ;; ready for OS/2 Warp ;-)
      (list url)
     (if new-window '("-noraise"))
     (list "-remote"
	   (concat "openURL(" url
		   (if new-window ",new-window")

Download OS2-ready browse-url.el

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Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu> is not responsible for the content of this page.
[Tue Oct 23 22:42:53 2001]