double ko seki [80]
double ko death [80]
double ko death [80]
round-robin ko [80]; seki is also possible
round-robin ko [80]
triple ko [80]
triple ko [80]
triple ko [80]; seki is also possible
eternal life [80]; transformation to seki is also possible
eternal life [80]; transformation to seki is also possible
neutral points (triangled), defensive moves inside territory (squared), dead stones (circled) [80]
a and b are neutral points. If white occupies a or b, then no defensive move inside territory on c is necessary, else it is. [80]
three-points-without-capturing [80]
three-points-without-capturing [80]
three-points-without-capturing [80]
bent four in the corner [80]; black is dead
bent four in the corner [80]; black is dead
bent four in the corner [80]; black is dead
defense inside territory [80]; [80] : white need capture the single black stone; [49] : white need capture the single black stone, then connect the ko
defense inside territory [80]; ko need dissolution by either player
bent five in the corner [49]; a white defensive move capturing the single stone in the ko is necessary
bent six in the corner [49]; no white defensive move is necessary
defense inside territory [49]; a white defensive move is necessary
thousand-year ko [80]
thousand-year ko [80]
a rare position [49]