Occupation Lama
On the road with a Mongolian Lama
Part 2, Diptych, Right Side

Von Beruf Lama - Unterwegs mit einem Lama in der Mongolei, Teil 2 Diptychon, rechte Seite

A video document by
Wolf Kahlen
German, 1994/95,108 minutes
(see for introduction: The Lama, the Jurt, the Oracle)
In this right side of the dyptich (double film) we start with the
moment of preparations, shaving of the lamas head, to leave Ulan Báatar,
the capital of Mongolia, where new values like Bruce Lee and
Jesus and the today sanctified hero Djenghis Khan dominate,
into the far east of the country.
In Hintii Aimag, Lama Zagdag seeks traces of his family.
Everywhere he, the selftaught lama, talks to, prays with or
blesses the spiritually hungry ones. He meets his, by the years
of absence, grown up daughter and former wife, as if he had left
them yesterday, we participate in the nomad's daily life, observe the
exercises of the wrestlers, riders and archers in the
country side, who prepare for the national festival Naadam, we are
privatly invited to the 'Great Eagle', the National Champion of
the wrestlers, a friend, to whose victory another friend, a great
singer, composes and sings a hymn, practice the circumambulations
at monasteries, watch the young monks at leisure and visit a
reborn dakini incarnation ( goddess),
who practices the ritual Choed,
visit old historic witnesses, who print Buddhist books, teach
traditional medicine or other almost forgotten knowledge.

Second edition, new, Euro 155,- Order here: ruine-kuenste.berlin@snafu.de

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