Prayer Wheels, Amulets, Prostrations/

sKor-lam - Gebetsmuehlen, Amulette, Niederwerfungen

A video document by
Wolf Kahlen
German, 1985-90, 108 minutes
In this film the artist and Tibet expert Wolf Kahlen draws an
intense picture of one single, but central Tibetan issue:
The daily practice of circumambulations, called sKor-lam,
pronounced Cora, the 'circle road'.
The film method of extremely long takes
and the repetitious character of all
events and rituals which establish 'The Time 'on the road'
of a pilgrimage, present the viewer 'a space of time' to arrive,
accomodate and appreciate 'the other' use,of time
and its eternal return.
The Tibetan is a nomade in general. Permanently on the move.
Spoken in Buddhist terms: Within the cycle of life
and reincarnation, the cycle of nature
and the one of detachment and nondetachment...
The essential subject of skor-lam is the encircling
of powerful sites, buildings, incarnated lamas, 'religious' objects.'
the Holy City of Lhasa.
Objects of the practices are the the prayer wheels
personal rosaries
the huge prayer wheel drums, amulets at the body or in the
branches of trees alongside the path, repeated prostrations at
temple doors or for cilometers or over months, incense and
juniper burnings ,offerings at iron-chain bridges
or yakhide ferries.
Central theme is the flow of the river of time, the great
"kor-lam of life, the Wheel of Time.
Like the 108 beads of the rosary the film takes 108 minutes.
Actually it should be endless, a circ1e in itself. Consequently
it is never filnished and subject to change from year to year,
since more material shall be accumulated. The material used so
far has been taken in 1985 till 1990 in various parts of Tibet,
at all seasons
and in other Tibetan inhabited parts of the Himalayas.
In two or three years another 108 minutes could be assembled,
the,second bead, then the third ...


                                                Second edition, new, Euro 155,- Order here: ruine-kuenste.berlin@snafu.de

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