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Die Ruine der Kuenste in der Kunsthalle Palazzo, Basel-Liestal, 1992

This in situ exhibition catalogue (Kunsthalle Palazzo Basel) represents the works of the artists Evgen Bavcar,

Veit Stratmann, Timo Kahlen, Wojciech Bruszewski, Christian Hasucha, Robert Filliou, Diet Wiegman,

Wolf Kahlen, Gleb Gamasin. In the cover and throughout the catalogue, designed by Timo Kahlen,

there are cut out holes resembling the bullet holes depicted on the photo of the facade of the Ruine der Kuenste Berlin.

60 pages in color, Euro 20,50 plus postage, just a few left

Copyright 2000

Order her: ruine-kuenste.berlin@snafu.de

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