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LATEX-LADIES artwork of André Pigur

The man who loves the Rubber-Ladies ---- André Pigur - Berlin

Beautiful Girls in shiny Rubber-Catsuits are his personly weekness 
- and his strong point, if it is important to arrange 
their dreamly extravagant elegance in a competent way: 
André Pigur - Latex-Erotic-Photographer. 
There is nothing which is more erotic, as an attractive lady,
who shows her beautiful feminine figure, totally wrapped in shiny rubber dresses, 
enjoying her sensuousness with self-confidence and a kind of exhibitionism bizarre, 
as if it happened to be the most normal and natural thing of the world. 
I mean, this could be understood 
as the actual enticement of the nearly beginning 21.st century: 

Never in the earlier centuries, including 20th century, 
the autoerotic, self-determined sensuousness 
of the erotic-wrapped or -packaged (enclosed) woman's body 
was put in the foreground, in such kind like it will do the 21.st century. 
The woman of the future with growing consciousness 
will practice the art of enticement - more than ever before - 
- with sharp + provocative looking, wrapping and enclosing fashion outfits, 
which you will be able to see more and more in the future times. 

Future orientated designers of fashion as the world famous fashion-designer 
are already showing in the present times, 
where the fashion-trend of the 21.st century will go. 
Probably no other haute-couture designer 
used shiny rubber in such a provocative and consequent way as he does, 
with the intention to show the erotic appearence 
of the female body in such a stimulating and exciting way. 
"Dresses will be skin-tight, close-fitting and for our present standard extreme sexy," 
THIERRY MUGLER says  (quotation by analogy). 

MY erotic girl photographs should interprete in a personly subjectivity 
the wunderfull aesthetic appearence of the feminine female body 
- sometimes intentional overstyled by extreme poses, 
with a phantastic aesthetisized anonymity. 
The most important thing is always - as just said - the aesthetic arrangement. 
Different extreme elements are being always combined with a special intention: 
regarding the figure-arrangement, I prefer to work with female dancers 
in the intention to combine the naturally beauty 
of selected extreme but always erotic dancing poses 
with this even very extreme latex-material. 
For me it's important to remark that the preferential used soft latex-skin 
is a skin friendly nature product. 
Often - again and again - I'm surprised in a positive way 
that several girls and women are reacting very positive, 
sometimes even enthusiastic 
when seeing my fotos for the first time. 
I think the reason is, that the women are feeling somehow, 
that my art photographs express in some unusual kind 
the interest of experimenting, the erotic charisma and sensuousness 
of modern, strong women and that these fotos want to be 
in a personly and simple way just compliments for the strong female sex, 
which often wrongly is called the weak female sex ! 

In these modern times 
more and more young women who like experimenting with their body, 
discover the erotic-stimulating sensuousness 
of softfeeling latex-rubber directly on their naked skin 
and they enjoy without any feelings of duty a very sensuous erotic adventure. 
This could be called a discovery of a new sexual dimension: 
Totally enclosed by this shiny, smooth and - maybe slippery - rubber skin 
they enjoy this very new kind of sensuous-horny erotic stimulation."

André Pigur

You wanna see a picture of mine - so it's time now to show you

(together with one of my future models)

You wanna know some very personly details about me - or how you can meet me ?
So - anyway - just drop me a line by mail 
and ask me your questions - you're WELCOME !
I would like to send you details (e.g. my interests / favourites) by mail....... ;)

LATEX-LADIES - André Pigur - Berlin

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