64-bit computing
Adaptive plot refinement (APR)
Automatic algorithm selection (AAS)
Common subexpression detection and collection
Document-centered interface (DCI)
Dynamic type detection (DTD)
Dynamic type switching (DTS)
Event detection and event localization
Expression-based document generation (EBDG)
Extended-precision computation (EPC)
Interior point method
Interpolating objects
Notebook document
Numerical-precision control--specified input mode
Numerical-precision control--specified output mode
Numerical-precision tracking (NPT)
Packed arrays
Piecewise functions
Processor optimization
Selective method override
Semantic-faithful typesetting (SFT)
Serializable objects
Significance arithmetic
Sparse arrays
Subsystem autoseparation
Symbolically enhanced numeric computing
Task-oriented superfunctions (TOSF)
Transparent auto-compilation (TAC)
Uniform expression model
Universal database connectivity (UDC)
Web services