Star-CD Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Solver from CD-AdapcoProduktüberblickThe STAR-CD solver provides one of the most effective numerical methodologies available in an industrial CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) code with the high level of accuracy needed for complex unstructured meshes. This is delivered with the speed, efficiency, and robustness demanded by engineering design and development cycles STAR-CD uses state-of-the-art, proprietary numerical schemes to achieve the highest levels of accuracy in both steady and transient simulations, making this solver one of the least sensitive to mesh type and quality, including distorted tetrahedral meshes. Remarkably, this has been achieved without sacrificing efficiency or robustness. So, whatever the choice of mesh or engineering application, the STAR solver will provide the best solution in the shortest time. A particular feature of STAR-CD is its fast CPU performance for transient flows. As the first to introduce moving mesh into a CFD code, Cd-adapco has always been a technology leader in this area. The meshes can not only move and deform, but they can also slide along non-matching interfaces; furthermore, selected cells or cell regions can be deleted or added, detached and again attached to the core model. STAR-CD remains ahead of its competitors when performing CFD calculations in environments that are moving in a reciprocating fashion, from IC engines to a beating heart! Stichwörter
Wichtige VorteileComprehensive CFD Functionality Not only does the STAR-CD solver provide a rich source of models for turbulence, combustion, radiation, and multiphase physics, it stands alone among industrial CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) codes in offering all models on all mesh types. This is the result of CD-Adapco's ongoing commitment to a "one code" philosophy. The end product is delivered within an ISO9001:2000 accredited code development environment. Zurück zu Stichwörter HaupteigenschaftenSTAR-CD pre & post processing
STAR-CD Physical models
STAR/KINetics STAR/KINetics is a close coupling of STAR-CD, the leading tool for complex flow simulation, with proprietary solvers and components of CHEMKIN®, Reaction Design's powerful chemical kinetic simulation package. STAR/KINetics allows researchers to seamlessly solve reacting flows with comprehensive treatment of both detailed chemistry and intricate flow geometries, including heterogeneous interaction at gas-solid interfaces. The tool's great strength lies in an unrivalled ability to predict the interplay between fluid transport, heat transfer, and chemistry in applications ranging from materials processing, to combustion, and to chemical manufacture. PerformanceBenchmarks are provided here for STAR-CD with several levels of testcases. Besondere Eigenschaften
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Zurück zu Stichwörter Kompatibilität & Ergänzende ProdukteThe following is a version compatibility listing of Absoft Fortran compilers and CD-Adapco STAR-CD.
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