[At the game end a balanced double ko is a seki and it may not be used
to avoid the game end by only playing within it.]
double ko seki [80]
[At the game end in a shape with possible repetitive play the stones of
one colour are dead if wise alternating play could lead to their capture.]
double ko death [80]
double ko death [80]
If the players do not end the game by repeating positions, the game ends
without result.
round-robin ko [80]; seki is also possible
round-robin ko [80]
triple ko [80]
triple ko [80]
triple ko [80]; seki is also possible
eternal life [80]; transformation to seki is also possible
eternal life [80]; transformation to seki is also possible
[At the game end after hypothetical removal of all dead stones neutral
points are empty points surrounded by living stones of both colours not
in seki and defensive moves inside territory are moves that are necessary
to maintain life of living stones, death of dead stones, and prohibit new
opponent's living stones in own territory according to wise alternating
neutral points (triangled), defensive moves inside territory (squared),
dead stones (circled) [80]
a and b are neutral points. If white occupies a or b, then no defensive
move inside territory on c is necessary, else it is. [80]
[80] The three-points-without-capturing positions shown in the diagrams
below are treated as alive in seki at the game end. [No territory.]
[49] For the first three-points-without-capturing position white receives
three points of territory [without performing capture and by means of prisoner
stones], for the second and third five points each, for similar positions
for each further black stone another two points.
three-points-without-capturing [80]
three-points-without-capturing [80]
three-points-without-capturing [80]
A bent four in the corner is independently dead, regardless of the rest
of the board.
bent four in the corner [80]; black is dead
bent four in the corner [80]; black is dead
bent four in the corner [80]; black is dead
[80] [A game may not end if life and death depend on a direct ko.]
[49] A defensive move is required for a direct ko shape, when immediate
means are available.
defense inside territory [80]; [80] : white need capture the single
black stone; [49] : white need capture the single black stone, then connect
the ko
defense inside territory [80]; ko need dissolution by either player
bent five in the corner [49]; a white defensive move capturing the single
stone in the ko is necessary
bent six in the corner [49]; no white defensive move is necessary
defense inside territory [49]; a white defensive move is necessary
Before the game end in a thousand-year ko the player who is able to capture
and connect the ko to retain a seki shall do so.
thousand-year ko [80]
thousand-year ko [80]
[49] In the position below black has to capture one of the white strings
and let the other one live.
a rare position [49]