1997-4-16 last update, 1997-2-1 first day
Robert Jasiek, jasiek@snafu.de
Copyright: All rights of the author are preserved according to the international law.

Examples 7


This page gives game end examples. Also note the classification, where rule sets belonging to the classes can found, and conventions.

Game Phases

For a simple game phase structure see phases of game ends. The following examples spare game stop and game end diagrams.

outset; here a 7x7 board

setup; here black starts with three instead of one board plays

alternating competition

neutral points and defensive points inside territory

optional game stop and removal due to agreement or rules in optional confirmation phase

removal by alternating play and game end

ancient encore

greedy ancient encore, B to play

Rule Classes

Stone Rules

actual position

27, 28 = pass; moves to game end

Simple Area Rules

actual position

14, 15 = pass; moves to game end

scoring position

game end position

Agreement Area Rules

actual position

8, 9 = pass; moves to game stop

removals due to mutual agreement; 10, 11 = pass; moves to game end

scoring position

game end position

Life-Death Territory

actual position

alternate play; 3, 4 = pass; play to game stop

filling of neutral points

removals of dead stones according to rules

final scoring position

scoring position

game end position

Counting Methods

Stone Counting

scoring position

counting position

Point By Point Counting

scoring position

counting position

Point By Point Half Counting

scoring position

counting position

scoring position

counting position

Chinese Half Counting

scoring position

rearranged empty spaces of one colour

rearranged stones of one colour

Japanese Territory Counting

scoring position

putting prisoners on board

rearranged territories

scoring and counting position

Fill-in Counting

scoring position

counting position; no komi

counting position; 4 komi

counting position; minus 6 komi

scoring position

counting position; 8 komi

scoring position

counting position