The famous proverb "Study joseki to become two
stones weaker!" contains a spark of truth: It is useless or even
counter-productive to learn a dictionary's variations by heart and
apply them without understanding and regardless of the positional
context. Contrarily, the key to becoming much stronger lies in good
understanding of general theory and evaluation of the position, that is
strategy and analysis methods. As a reader of Go books, the author has
been disappointed about the rarity of strategy books teaching more than
one aspect of strategy and more than a few principles. At the same time
and in comparison to books teaching by examples only, he
did learn a hundred times as much from those books explaining at least
about half a dozen of strategic concepts in general. The author's plan
was born: a strategy book covering all aspects of strategy with the by
far most complete collection of generally valid principles, concepts
and methods. This book fulfils his dream! Joseki / Volume 2: Strategy
is written with the clear intention of making many serious readers
significantly stronger.
Remarkable Top Achievements
Joseki / Strategy is the (English language or world-wide) Go book with
variety of 7 discussed major strategic aspects,
greatest number of 22 strategic concepts explained
in general,
greatest number of 175 carefully selected
greatest number of 30 methods and values,
most precise definitions of 64 important terms,
systematic explanation of strategic lines, strategic choices, group
meanings and the analysis methods Current Territory in Quiet Groups,
Unsettled Group Average and Local Positional Judgement,
profound and complete explanation of the strategic concepts Cut,
Efficiency, Influence, Thickness, Stability, Investment, Playing
Elsewhere, Mobility and Timing and of 7 aspects of the analysis method
The book serves the two purposes of teaching
joseki strategy in particular and strategy in general. While the
majority of examples shows josekis or other corner situations and only
some examples illustrate the middle game, almost all principles,
concepts and methods are equally applicable during opening and middle
Besides introduction and index, the book's top level
structure consists of the major strategic aspects: strategic objects,
strategic concepts, analysis methods, strategic lines, strategic
choices, group meanings and strategic planning. The almost trivial
chapter Strategic Objects is a very short preparation for the later
chapters, in which strategic objects (dynamically studied groups of
stones, strings or intersections) are studied or occur in some
Lines (the sequences' moves having the same major meaning) and Group
Meanings are two comparatively simple and fundamental chapters in the
spirit of Volume 1. If one has not studied josekis in great detail yet,
then the construction of many variations remains a mystery. Knowing the
possible meanings (such as a player's construction, restriction of the
opponent's development, fight and temporary actions) of related moves
or groups can turn on the light in an instant when the structure of
josekis becomes evident. The book's cover can be seen as a metaphor for
the power of simplicity reflected in these chapters. In general, the
potential of strategy is its great reduction of decision complexity.
The final chapter Strategic Planning gives general advice how to
combine and apply the earlier chapters' theory to whole board examples.
chapters Strategic Concepts, Analysis Methods and Strategic Choices
form the book's core. Although it explains everything that is new and
above an 18 kyu's
level of knowledge and it is written for players of all stronger ranks,
the book has both its easy and its advanced chapters. Some kyu players
might prefer to postpone reading the most difficult chapters while
readers interested in such theory, dan players and professionals can
enjoy the author's recent discoveries.
The aforementioned top level chapters have the
concepts, methods or choices as their second level. Some meticulously
studied topics can have a third level, which studies the flavours of a
topic. The basic structure within each chapter starts with general
theory in bold font, proceeds with its detailed explanations in
ordinary font and finishes with examples. Typically, easy chapters have
shorter explanations and fewer examples while difficult
have longer explanations and more examples. Particularly difficult
chapters are preceded by preliminary chapters and, as far as possible,
contents applied in later chapters is treated in earlier chapters.
Therefore reading the book from the beginning to its end is the natural
strategy, although selective reading is also possible and supported by
the index and difficult chapters could be skipped during the book's
first reading.
kinds of general theory occur: principles, definitions, methods and
values. The principles give general advice how to play ("Count threats
before starting a ko!"), which kinds of moves to choose ("A player
chooses no fight and simplicity if he is ahead.") or which purposes of
application a concept (such as 'timing') has ("An aim delayed until
about the last moment can preserve additional ko threats.").
Definitions are not arbitrary descriptions but try to be both clear and
as precise and general as possible. For example, the strategic concept
'investment' is not only explained but even defined: "A player's
'investment' in a set of nearby groups consists of his stones added or
sacrificed there since the previous stable state and until the next
stable state." Now the reader can understand easily that an investment
must be fulfilled by making his groups stable again before playing
elsewhere. Methods are step by step procedures used for evaluation of
the position. Most of the methods consist of just two or three
steps - simple and powerful. The Unsettled Group Average method for dan
players is the exception because two formulas are needed to determine
the average values of a move and a local position's count. Other values
introduced in the book are simpler. For example, overconcentration can
be measured by the Territory Efficiency, which divides territory points
by the number of stones played to achieve it. With little effort,
everybody can improve quickly: It is very easy to understand that about
2 points per stone are better than 1 point. The book provides many
simple principles and tools for greatly easing decision making.
The chapter Strategic Concepts explains connection, cut, gote, sente
and initiative, aji, efficiency, influence, thickness, stability,
urgency, investment, playing elsewhere, options, flexibility, mobility,
forcing, haengma, timing and so on. If the reader wonders whether
anything is missing - yes: the strategic concepts sacrifice, exchange,
reduction and invasion
could not get extra chapters and will be topics of later books on the
middle game. The range of difficulty varies from easy (like connection)
via intermediate (like timing) to advanced (like thickness). While the
easy concepts can be understood immediately, the intermediate concepts
require learning of one or two dozen of principles or a method
deciding about playing elsewhere called Unrest Model, which demands the
player's ability to count to 2. The author believes that such
simple methods prevail because they can be applied during one's games
regardless of the pressure of short available thinking time.
and thickness are as easy or difficult as the reader chooses:
Explanations start with the easiest models, continue with more general
models requiring a bit more effort (to verify whether stones are
connected and alive) and culminate in the most precise definitions of
these concepts ever. In the related chapters, the regular player can
choose to read half of the pages and skip the other half. Dan players,
professionals and players interested in a formal model will enjoy the
generalisations of connection, life and territory, which study how
often a player can play elsewhere while the opponent already starts to
attack. Although this is not more difficult than judging whether an
opposing move threatens something, a regular application of the
generalised concepts requires much reading. Assessing the
exact quality of influence or thickness behaves like solving a life and
death problem. While advanced players are enabled to replace "This move
good, believe me!" descriptions by carefully justified objective
explanations, kyu players might prefer to apply the easier, less
precise models.
chapter Analysis Methods starts with the most basic quiescence and
counting territory in quiet positions. After the chapter about
evaluating unsettled
groups, positional judgement evaluates the position.
While global
positional judgement studies territory, thickness, mobility, strategic
choices and so on, local positional judgement assesses both territory
and (surprise!) territorial values of influence. Although the latter
cannot always be determined precisely, the reader profits from the
results of the
author's new research made for the sake of writing this book. The
tewari chapter is the most complete but still very easy to understand
treatise on this topic in English literature.
Books teaching
strategic choices only by means of examples are occasionally seen. This
book raises the level by presenting both the relevant general
principles and examples for the following decisions: "Sente or gote?",
"Which strategic plan to follow?", "Which direction to choose?", "Which
kind of local development?", "Which cut to play or protect?" and "What
to sacrifice?"
The book is filled with so much invaluable theory
and examples explaining it that space
for problems is
missing. Another thing is
missing but scheduled for Volume 3: a more dictionary-like discussion
of many variations. Volume 2 has only some full joseki move sequences
they occur in the context of a strategic topic's example. While the
book teaches
joseki understanding and strategic embedding in the positional context,
the author recommends to read it in conjunction with a tactically
orientated dictionary or selection. Learning joseki well requires both
strategy and tactics. Since Joseki / Strategy fills the topic's major
gap in literature, reading it is essential.
* = These are the endconsumer prices in EUR according to UStG
§19 (small business exempted from VAT).