Again a demise of (web) 3D companies :
Nan (blender), Echtzeit, Artemedia, Okupi , Elsa
now blaxxun, my loveley home for the past 5 years is in trouble.
Seen that in the past with Cosmo Software/SGI, Newfire, Intervista, VReam, Platinum/CA put Cosmo in the dust.
MM Whats wrong with 3D ?
Is Flash enough, I need to do an authoring tool ....
Some new ART pieces using VRML
space.navigable music
Chun / Vishal Dar - Untitled Space (looks good, but where is the VRML ?)
Melinda Rackham's -empyre- media email list (Archive)
Save the "2ème monde", the most important VRML community in France,
Please, sign the petition here : Vincent Gardet
A great project from the Cybertown world builders guild.
The idea is to have an mediaplayer supporting all common formats.The player should be intelligent, that means learns about your preferences (style, artist etc), should adapt to your current mood, should be able to get meta information from music websites on the web. Other goals are managing large media assets (e.g. move less preferred media to an CD-R or to the trashcan) have a configurable user interface, advertising free ....
However doing all that gets complex and many commericial projects going into similar directions:
Real Networks RealOne now manages a media database.
Musicmatch Jukebox and Microsoft Windows Mediaplayer are getting better.
There are attempts ( to analyze MP3 data in order to detect style, tempo and similar artitsts.
A complete 3D model of the earth in VRML is dynamically created from a GTOPO30 database. I think its the largest walkable VRML model ever generated.
As a nice complementary project see Stan
Odgen's project Landmark,
where visitors can plant trees.
In the beginning the world had trees only in some exposed locations, now it
is crowded arround the entry view. (you might need to turn off collission using
control-c in order to walk through the forrest.)
A great collection of artistic worlds, tips and links :
A marvelous generated landscape with many scripted surprises.
fun VRML game, yes done by Roland Smeenk.
Contact 5.1 improves support for 4 speaker setup. This allows to position sounds around you.
Here is the experiment :
sound_scape0.wrl Walk
around & use the viewpoint keys, for moving floating sounds
drag new MP3 (<200K )/ wav files or url's into scene, to create new balls,
if the cursor is over a sound ball there is an additional menu on right-click.
Some more sound files from are here.
After playing with EAX and some other Direct Sound options, I think more support for these features should be added in some next Contact version.
A little fun extension in Contact 5.1, the screen is not cleared between renderings. So if the viewpoint or the object is moving, it is leaving a trail.
Demo: sphere_paint.wrl Drag with the mouse to change the view
Demo: sphere_paint_blend.wrl Variation with a background fading each frame
Demo: particle_fx_paint.wrl And with particles for deepwave
Deepwave from Geometrek is a plugin for Winamp. It allows getting spectrum data from the current playing song and to driver an animation in VRML with that data.
The idea is great, and here are my experiments with it : Deepwave worlds
An after hour project to convert
Id software's Quake 3 levels to VRML with optional support for Contact 5.0 multitexturing.
Basic geometry and lighting effects are transfered, its not completed as it
could be.
The ideas where :
© 2001-2002 Holger Grahn
All VRML files on this site can be freeley used for further developements
if credits are given.