Ulee's Gold
USA, 1997, 111min
director: Victor Nunez
cast: Patricia Richardson, Christine Dunford, Jessica Biel
An introverted beekeeper is brought out of isolation by the women in his life to withstand a dangerous situation and knit the family back together.
Ulee Jackson, boss and sole worker at a small apiary in the marshlands of Florida lives isolated after the death of all his friends in Vietnam and the loss of his wife, immersed in his energy-sapping work. His son Jimmy is behind bars after a bank robbery that went wrong, and his son's wife Helen has left her family. Ulee is, rather unwillingly, bringing up her two daughters, Penny and Casey.

One day the slowly rising dissatisfaction of grandfather and granddaughters is disturbed when Jimmy asks his father for help: Helen is in trouble. Ulee sets off for Orlando to recover his mentally disturbed daughter-in-law from the care of some old friends of the couple. It turns out that these friends, Eddie and Ferris, had taken part in the robbery and have just found out that there is some money, which Jimmy was able to put away before his arrest. This is their demand: if Ulee is unable to come up with the money within one week, things will not look good for the granddaughters in his care.

The coming week is a testing time for the stressed man's energies. It is the climax of the honey season, and honey is what his livelihood depends on. He has to care for his psychiatrically overloaded daughter-in-law, who, in normal circumstances, would have been committed long before. And he has to find the money and cope with two hardened criminals.

But help comes from an unexpected quarter. His neighbour Connie Hope, who has her own problems, stands by Ulee and the family pulls itself together...

seen during the:
Sundance Film Festival 1997
also shown during the:
1997 American Film Market
seen during the:
MIFED 1997
Deutsche Version


Official link:  http://www.teleport.com/~patv/uleegold.htm

copyright: Queer View, July 2, 1997