Acoustical Society of America - Animal Bioacoustics

Acoustical Society of America HomePage. KEYWORDS: acoustics, sound

Animal Rights Resource Site (other interesting - Links to other sites (see "Marine Life Sites".)

Animal Rights Resource Site - Animal rights issues (includes marine mammals.)

Bill Lemus' List 'o Links

Bioacoustics & Sonar, Dept Elec Eng, LUT

Bioacoustics Home Page

Cetecean Behavior Laboratory - From San Diego State University.

Dolphin Links

Dolphins and Man.....Equals?

Earthtrust - Wildlife Conservation Worldwide

Earthtrust Orca Program

European Cetacean Organisation

Greenpe@ce Homepage

International Dolphin Project - Captive dolphin release issues.

Interpsecies Communication Inc. - Human-animal communications (incl. cetacean).

IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals (1994) - Taxa/geographic loc. search database.

John C. Lilly, M.D.


Manly Whales

Marine World Africa USA - General information.

Marmam News Archive by Date

Mote Marine Laboratory - Detailed info on Mote Marine Lab.

National Oceanographic Data Center - Oceanic data information center.

NetVet-Marine Mammals - From the "Electronic Zoo". Internet links.

New England Aquarium - Visitor information.

Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and - NOAA's Internet information service.

Project Delphis

Protected Marine Species Research and Information - Marine mammal links.

Ric O'Barry

Signal Processing Research Group - Loughborough Univ. of Technology.

SMM - Newsletter

State of Florida. Dept. of Environmental Protection - Florida D.E.P. homepage.

Stephen Birch Aquarium Museum; UCSD - Aquarium info. Links to Scripps Inst. Library

Strategies for pursuing a career in m. mammal - Society for Marine Mammalogy's brochure.

Tennessee Aquarium - Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga (homepage.)

The Society for Marine Mammalogy

The Whale-Watching Web: CONTEXT/The contextual sound

The Whale-Watching-Web: Interspecies Communication Inc.

The Whale-Watching-Web: Whale-watch Research La Gomera

The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Whale-Watching Web

Veterinary Medicine (Biosciences) - Information and links to vet issues (from

Waikiki Aquarium - Aquarium homepage.

Whale Watching Web - Whale watching links and cetacean info.

Whale-Watching Web/Bioacoustic

WhaleNet at Wheelock College - Boston

WhaleNet Weather

Whales on the Net

Whales on the Net - Dolphin Intelligence

Whales on the Net - Whale Watching





Dolphin Gallery


Ulrich Reinartz - Web Design © 1999-2002