Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.religion.scientology From: wbarwell@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM (William Barwell) Date: 1 Aug 1995 21:32:52 -0500 I quit smoking in 1986 with the use of a Dobbshead and a large bottle of Vick's 44. I was up to 4 packs per day. Bought the Vick's, slapped a Dobbshead up on the bedroom door and quit cold turkey. I quit because I had left work at 5:45, bought a pack of cigarettes, and by 10:00 had smoked 'em all and I figured I would kill myself this way. After three days I relied on cinnamon toothpicks to make through the month. I probably could of got by without the Dobbshead, but you never know. L. Ron Hubbard never could give up smoking. One of his stupid tapes had a theory about how to give up smoking by smoking more. Obviously, not a well thought out idea like most of Hubbard's shit. Scientologists are notorious for their prolific smoking. Ask any old Scientologists about that. Pope Charles SubGenius Pope Of Houston Slack!