This website is dedicated to the presentation and dissemination of case studies about Siberia and the Russian North by leading social and cultural anthropologists. One special regional focus is on Kamchatka. In addition to essays by international scholars, particular attention is given to publications by local and native authors. Along with books and articles on current native issues, there are historical sources that provide complementary ethnographic information from the 18th to the early 20th century. Siberian studies are also placed into a wider circumpolar context. Because of historic and recent exchanges between Siberia and the peoples of northern Europe and the American Pacific Northwest, the site includes corresponding themes relating to these peoples. An express aim of this site is to offer a broad perspective on scientific, practically-oriented and artistic works for this region. Differing viewpoints from a variety of backgrounds should help to stimulate fuller and more productive discussion and understanding among scholars, local and native experts and other practitioners of culture in the Russian North. This can best be facilitated by making such information more widely accessible even in remote communities of the region.
This website has been integrated into www.kulturstiftung-sibirien.de