Endgame 5 - Mathematics
Review by the Author
General Specification
- Title: Endgame 5 - Mathematics
- Author: Robert Jasiek
- Publisher: Robert Jasiek
- Edition: 2021
- Language: English
- Price: EUR 26.50 (book), EUR 13.25 (PDF)*
- Contents: endgame
- ISBN: none
- Printing: good
- Layout: good
- Editing: good
- Pages: 240
- Size: 148mm x 210mm
- Diagrams per Page on Average: 2
- Method of Teaching: truths, mathematics, methods,
classification, examples
- Read when EGF: 15 kyu - 9 pro
- Subjective Rank Improvement: -
- Subjective Topic Coverage: + (endgame in general), + to ++
(endgame evaluation)
- Subjective Aims' Achievement: ++
Endgame Theory
This mathematical textbook with definitions, theorems and
their proofs establishes endgame evaluation as always
correct truths. The
book studies most important aspects of modern endgame theory.
Introductions, many remarks and examples, 20 tables, several game trees
and a few thermographs assist the reader.
Endgame 5 Mathematics
justifies and verifies most of the theory of endgame evaluation of Volumes 2 - 4
and introduces further advanced theory. Besides excursions to
combinatorial game theory and scoring, by far the largest part
of the book develops modern endgame theory as the new field of
endgame evaluation. While combinatorial game theory, which can be
applied to various games including go, could explain the
microendgame and provide some very general but rough approximations
depending on the larger temperature, modern endgame theory better
describes the large late endgame by de-emphasising the last move of the
game and the early endgame by emphasising tighter
approximations depending on the smaller drops between moves.
Missing Contents
are especially the following few exceptions of theory the book does not
explain. The chapter Microendgame only studies a few new details of the
microendgame (see Volume
which has already been established by the literature on combinatorial
game theory. Consult it for difficult kos. The book shows the
limitations of the method of making a
hypothesis in Volume 3
that the advanced and tedious tools of thermography remain necessary
for the most difficult shapes of local endgames. It remains an exercise
for a future researcher to prove the principle of extreme difference
values for iterative local endgames in Volume 4. Although
the book can
be read independently, Volumes
2 - 4 provide the practical side of the theory for
improving one's playing skill.
Combinatorial Game Theory
combinatorial game theory in chapter 2 and sections 4.3 + 4.4 describes
the basic calculations involving algebraically
represented positions and their resulting scores, difference
games, and simplifying positions by ignoring dominated or reversible
plays. This low-level theory can be used directly but a few proofs
elsewhere in the book also apply it. The model of a rich environment
enables the definition of count and move value more elegantly than the
literature's older definition relying on an infinite number of multiple
copies of a position.
After this preparation, long sequences can be
evaluated by T-orthodox (worth playing successively), the orthodox
forecast and accounting theorems, the sentestrat algorithm and
thermography. The iterative algorithm of calculating a thermograph
algebraically is explained in detail together
with step-by-step
calculations deriving the counts, move values and thermographs of an
example position and its followers. If you found the literature on
game theory too hard, the careful selection and new study in this book
give you a fresh access in a simplified and go-friendly notation.
Modern Endgame Theory
book studies the following topics of modern endgame theory: definitions
of the basic values and their relations, identification of the types of
local endgames, evaluation of local endgames with short or long
sequences, the value of starting in an environment and modification of
alternating sums. Half of the book determines the correct move orders,
and first and last moments of playing in a particular local endgame
instead of the environment.
The timing is solved for either starting
player, all temperatures of the environment and all basic types of
local endgames with arbitrary values: a local gote, an ambiguous local
endgame or a local sente with one or two simple follow-ups; a local
endgame with gote and sente options; pairwise comparison among several
local endgames each with one player's follow-up.
During the late
endgame, the solutions are exact if the environment comprises simple
gotes without follow-ups. In practice, tactical reading can stop
whenever such a position is reached. During the early endgame, the
solutions are the best available approximations. The proofs presume
such an arbitrary environment or sometimes the model of an ideal
environment. In practice, such environments closely resemble ordinary
environments of quiet positions without active fights and also allow
application to local endgames with iterative follow-ups.
course, the early endgame cannot be solved completely yet. Therefore,
mathematical research assumes some simplified value
environment of
an early endgame position. Combinatorial game theory uses an
arbitrarily dense rich environment. Modern endgame theory uses an
environment of simple gotes without follow-ups and arbitrary values, or
an ideal environment with constant drops. The assumed environments
enable the proofs of theorems but these models only provide
approximations for more complicated ordinary environments.
Nevertheless, the great difficulty of constructing exceptional
counter-examples indicates that these approximations describe reality
very well.
We learn the basic values: count, move value,
gain and net profit. The largest value of the environment is called the
temperature. We sometimes also consider its second-largest value.
During the late endgame, it can be necessary to calculate the
alternating sum of the environment's remaining simple gotes by adding
the values taken by the first moving player and subtracting those taken by
the opponent. More sophisticated alternating sums accelerate
calculation by ignoring the immaterial values. Conditions in
theorems compare the relevant values to describe
correct decisions
between playing locally or in the environment.
We characterise
each local endgame as a local gote, ambiguous or local sente so that we
calculate its correct gote or sente values. We also learn when it is
better to describe a local gote by sente values or vice versa. The type
of an ordinary local endgame is determined by four alternative value
conditions, whose equivalence we prove. Similarly, a local endgame with
gote and sente options permits two alternative value conditions. We
prove the non-existence of local double sente.
As expected,
evaluation of local endgames with long gote, sente or reverse sente
sequences is much more difficult because we must determine for how long
successive local play may proceed before continuing in the
environment. For this purpose, the book establishes these methods:
comparing the opponent's branches, comparing counts, comparing move
values, thermography and making a hypothesis.
book does not just solve local endgame positions
in environments during the late endgame phase but even
presents a
fully developed theory with different, alternative methods
and proves their equivalence. The methods of comparing either
counts or net profits replace the too complex tactical reading by only
considering two particular test sequences. The method of
a principle disregards sequences; instead, move decisions only
rely on values.
The theory of scoring relates area to territory
scoring and parity to the winner, describes the impact of approach
moves and proves the equivalence of life defined by capturability or
The book contains 40 major definitions and 149 statements
of truth, of which 139 are proved in the book and 10 are taken
from the literature. The statements of truth represent
60 theorems, 76 propositions, 11 corollaries and 2 algorithms.
Besides, one lemma is embedded in a proof. Statements of truth
labelled as theorems, propositions or lemmas in decreasing order of
relevance but mathematics does not use these terms
The book refers to major results as theorems, intermediate
or preparations as propositions, and helping statements of truths as
lemmas. Corollaries are derived by symmetry, trivial transformation, or
as less general implications of theorems or propositions. For
comparison, the book Mathematical
Go Endgames about
the microendgame and scoring has 24 statements of truth, of
11 are theorems, 9 propositions (called lemmas), 1 corollary
and 3
average level of difficulty of the mathematics in this book is that of
the first year of study at university. You can understand much with
school algebra. The rich variety of proof techniques is a
great source for learning them. Most definitions and theorems
understood easily like principles. The mathematical proofs are as
detailed and step-by-step as is common at school. This is unlike
mathematical books or journals read at university, where the student
needs to think 30 minutes per line of text. The diligent
has a chance to understand even the advanced proofs of this book by
spending half an hour per page. A reader skipping the proofs misses
half of the book's contents but can still learn a lot.
We study the fundamentals as
well as advanced theory. We prove both the 'obvious' and the difficult.
However, allegedly obvious theory may be easy or difficult, and has
required between 20 minutes and three weeks per proof. Some proofs need
one line applying theorem A to theorem B while the longest
studies 30 cases on 11 pages.
professional mathematician has proofread chapters 2 to 5 and I
have proofread everything, especially the mathematical theory,
several times very carefully.
we compare 100% of the theory of endgame evaluation in this book, then
informal go theory has 30%, of which more than half is guesses
and partial descriptions. Besides, informal go theory contains
wrong theory. Combinatorial game theory represents 33%, of which almost
third is partial descriptions. 56% of the theory in this book is new
and was not part of informal or combinatorial game theory. The book
clarifies prior guesses and works out previous partial
descriptions. Hence, in comparison to informal go theory, the book
triples the theory of endgame evaluation. Compared to combinatorial
game theory, the book greatly enhances theory.
The inventors of
mathematical theory, such as theorems and their proofs, in this book
are as follows: the author Robert Jasiek 82%, Bill Spight 13%, others
8%, unknown 13%. Note that 15% of the theory has been developed by two,
or in one case three, persons.
Why does the book make such a
great progress? Combinatorial game theory has evolved
more than a century. Bill Spight has done pioneer research
in modern endgame theory for decades. Eventually, I have spent circa 15
months on full time research for this book and years of further endgame
study for my other endgame books. Informal go theory was conceptually
limited whereas modern endgame theory profits from the power of
mathematical contents uses a generous layout while the commentaries on
examples are dense and sometimes refer to several
theorems. Mathematical text uses a font that eases reading and
resembles script in block letters. Clearly, the book emphasises the
theory. Nevertheless, the examples cover all important or rare cases
proclaimed in theorems or proofs.
Obviously, the book is not for players preferring informal go theory to
mathematics. Read the comprehensive Endgame 5 Mathematics
if you are interested in the endgame, mathematics, the most
advanced new theory at its highest level of truth and its verification.
* = These are
the endconsumer prices in EUR according to UStG §19 (small business
exempted from VAT).