ak/gak00: AK_basic_const_type ak/gak30: AK_const_type ak/gak40: AK_Show_const_type ak/gak68: AK_join_const_type ak/gak70: AK_strategy_const_type ak/hak05.h: no match ak/hak07.h: no match ak/hak10.h: no match ak/hak12.h: no match ak/hak263.h: Stream Handle Functions ak/hak34.h: no match ak/hak341.h: no match ak/vak001: AK_const_type ak/vak01: Scanner ak/vak011: Unicode-Scanner ak/vak02: AK_syntax_tools ak/vak03: AK_syntax_values_tools ak/vak04: AK_byteswap_and_locset ak/vak05: AK_semantic_scanner_tools ak/vak06: AK_universal_semantic_tools ak/vak061: AK_Identifier_Handling ak/vak07: AK_error_handling ak/vak09: AK_BD_procedure_interface ak/vak10: Systeminfo_cache ak/vak101: Systeminfo_cache ak/vak102.cpp: AKDump | AKDump startup code ak/vak11: AK_Table ak/vak111: Drop_Table ak/vak12: AK_Domain ak/vak13: AK_Alter_Table ak/vak14: AK_Data_Type_Options ak/vak15: AK_save_scheme ak/vak16: AK_View_semantic ak/vak17: AK_SAVE_RESTORE_LOAD ak/vak18: AK_exist_rename_Table ak/vak19: AK_usertab_tools ak/vak20: AK_DDL_Syntax ak/vak21: AK_User_Password ak/vak22: AK_Grant_Revoke ak/vak23: AK_Synonym ak/vak24: AK_Index ak/vak25: AK_Link ak/vak26: AK_Comment ak/vak260: AK_dialog_tools ak/vak261: AK_Stored_Procedure_DDL ak/vak262: AK_Trigger ak/vak263.cpp: Stream Handle Functions ak/vak264: AK_Function ak/vak27: AK_VIEW_SCAN ak/vak28: AK_update_statistics ak/vak30: AK_Syntax_utility ak/vak31: AK_SERVERDB ak/vak34: Kernel_Sink ak/vak341.cpp: Kernel Sink ak/vak35: AK_distributor ak/vak36: AK_cold_utility_functions ak/vak361: Catalog_Migration ak/vak37: AK_warm_utility_functions ak/vak38: AK_data_dictionary ak/vak40: AK_universal_show_tools ak/vak41: AK_show_syntax ak/vak42: AK_Show_statistics ak/vak421: AK_show_sysmon ak/vak43: AK_Show_user_priv ak/vak44: AK_Show_synonym_domain ak/vak45: AK_Show_index_link ak/vak46: AK_Show_program_usage ak/vak47: AK_Show_table ak/vak48: AK_Show_view ak/vak49: AK_Show_Procedure ak/vak501: Executing_dispatcher ak/vak502: Executing_complex ak/vak503: Executing_union ak/vak505: Executing_loop_most ak/vak506: Executing_values ak/vak507: Executing_finish ak/vak508: Long-Support-Getval ak/vak51: AK_Connect ak/vak52: AK_Lock_Commit_Rollback ak/vak53: UNICODE_LOAD ak/vak54: DML_Help_Procedures ak/vak541: DB2_SQL ak/vak542: DML_Help_Procedures ak/vak543c: AK HASH Procedures ak/vak544: diagnose analyze ak/vak545: diagnose monitor ak/vak55: DML_Parts ak/vak56: AK_Insert ak/vak562: AK_Insert_Select ak/vak57: AK_Update ak/vak58: AK_Delete ak/vak59: DML-Join-View-Procedures ak/vak60: Select_Syntax ak/vak61: Select_List ak/vak62: Single_Select ak/vak63: Where_Part ak/vak640: Execute_Factor ak/vak641: Execute_factor_col_function ak/vak642: Execute_factor_constants ak/vak65: Execute_Where_Part ak/vak651: Const_Expression ak/vak660: Execute_Select_Expression ak/vak661: Subquery_handling ak/vak662: Union_handling ak/vak663: Resultname_handling ak/vak664: Complex_View_Optimization ak/vak67: Part2_Select_Expression ak/vak680: Join_Select ak/vak681: Join_Select_help_routines ak/vak682: Join_Select_execution ak/vak683: join_trace_routines ak/vak684: Join2_Select ak/vak685: Join2_Select_help_routines ak/vak70: Build_Strategy ak/vak71: Build_Strategy_2 ak/vak720: Build_Strategy_3 ak/vak721: Build_Strategy_4 ak/vak722: Catalog_Select_Optimizer ak/vak723: Build_Strategy_index_only_handling ak/vak724: Build_Strategy_term_structure ak/vak73: Resulttable ak/vak74: Fetch_Without_Resulttable ak/vak76: execute_string_opns ak/vak77: AK_string_columns ak/vak78: AK_string_columns_syntax ak/vak80: Hint_Syntax ak/vak91: Main-Procedure ak/vak92: Deal-With-User-Commands ak/vak93: DBS_Commands ak/vak94: Utilityprocess ak/vak95: Timeoutprocess ak/vak96: Event-Task ak/vak97: Fast_SELECT_DIRECT bd/gbd00: BD_kernel_constants_and_types bd/gbd01: BD_object_constants_and_types bd/gbd02: BD_object_constants_and_types bd/gbd05.h: general classes used in BD | description ... bd/gbd07: BD_kernel_constants_and_types bd/gbd11.h: Free Block Management | defines / macros / typedefs / prototypes bd/gbd15: BD_io_constants_and_types bd/gbd300.h: Currents for Tree's | bd/gbd400.h: InvTree Handling | defines the class cbd400_InvTree bd/gbd450.h: InvList Record Handling | bd/gbd460.h: InvList Iterator | navigates over InvLists bd/gbd470.h: logging ... | description ... bd/gbd490.h: CreateIndexCoordinator | bd/gbd491.h: CreateIndexParticipant | bd/gbd494.h: FunnelHandling | bd/gbd495.h: DoubleQueueHandling | bd/gbd496.h: FileHandling | bd/gbd497.h: StackDescInfo | bd/gbd499.h: IndexMemoryManagementUnit | bd/gbd500.h: Tree Handling | This module offers classes to handle B*-Trees. bd/gbd501.h: Internal Tree Classes | Types and Classes to restructure the tree bd/gbd510.h: RecordIterator | navigates within a page over records bd/gbd520.h: Separator Record Handling | class cbd520_Separator is defined here bd/gbd550.h: PageChainHandling and QueueHandling on the basis of PageChains | This module offers methods to handle page chains bd/gbd600.h: Node Handling | defines class cbd600_Node bd/gbd700.h: eventing | the basic event class is defined bd/gbd900.h: "BD_Object_Constants_And_Types" | for the implementation of the non inline methods see vbd900.cpp bd/gbd910.h: object node classes | description ... bd/gbd920.h: container for object file info | the container bases on a chained list hash bd/gbd930.h: "BD_Object_Constants_And_Types" | for the implementation of the non inline methods see vbd900.cpp bd/gbd94.h: History Images | bd/hbd01.h: no match bd/hbd01_1.h: no match bd/hbd02.h: no match bd/hbd03.h: no match bd/hbd04.h: kb-bd interface for the bd-funtions of the liveCache | BD FileSystemInterface4: Operations for processing object files .. bd/hbd06.h: no match bd/hbd09.h: no match bd/hbd10.h: no match bd/hbd102.h: no match bd/hbd11.h: Free Block Management bd/hbd12.h: no match bd/hbd12_2.h: no match bd/hbd13.h: no match bd/hbd15.h: no match bd/hbd17.h: no match bd/hbd20.h: no match bd/hbd21.h: no match bd/hbd22.h: OMS_KeyManagement | Map an object key to an OID, there is no consistent-check done. bd/hbd30.h: no match bd/hbd300.h: logging ... | description ... bd/hbd30_1.h: no match bd/hbd31.h: no match bd/hbd35.h: no match bd/hbd400.h: Inverted Lists | Add / Delete bd/hbd401.h: Inverted Lists Accesses And Statistics | bd/hbd402.h: Inverted Lists Selects | bd/hbd403.h: logging ... | description ... bd/hbd404.h: logging ... | description ... bd/hbd405.h: Inverted Lists | Create/Diagnose Index bd/hbd50.h: no match bd/hbd52.h: no match bd/hbd72.h: no match bd/hbd73.h: no match bd/hbd75.h: no match bd/hbd90.h: | Declaration of exported functions of modul vbd90.cpp bd/hbd91.h: | Declaration of exported functions of modul vbd91.cpp bd/hbd92.h: | Declaration of exported functions of modul vbd92.cpp bd/hbd93.h: logging ... | description ... bd/vbd01: filesysteminterface_1 bd/vbd02: filesysteminterface_2 bd/vbd03.cpp: BD : filesysteminterface_3 | Index-Handling Interface bd/vbd04.cpp: BD FileSystemInterface4: Operations for processing object files | description ... bd/vbd05: filesysteminterface_5 bd/vbd06: error_text_handling bd/vbd07: filesysteminterface_7 bd/vbd08: filesysteminterface_8 bd/vbd09: filesysteminterface_9 bd/vbd10: pagestore bd/vbd100.c: converter bit functions | description ... bd/vbd101.c: converter bit functions | description ... bd/vbd11.c: Free Block Management / init, mark, dump bd/vbd110.c: "Free Block Management / backup. fragmenation handling bd/vbd12: BD_bufwriter bd/vbd13: nodehandling bd/vbd14: backup_and_restore bd/vbd15: secondary_storage_interface bd/vbd16: converter_cache bd/vbd17: filedirectory bd/vbd18: diskfiledirectory bd/vbd19: flist bd/vbd20: systembufferinterface bd/vbd21: task_temp_data_cache bd/vbd22.cpp: OMS_KeyManagement | Map an object key to an OID, there is no consistent-check done. bd/vbd30: treehandling bd/vbd300.cpp: Class Implementation | InvCurrentBasis, InvCurrent, InvCurrentSubtree bd/vbd31: leafhandling bd/vbd33: leafoverflow bd/vbd34: b34leafunderflow bd/vbd35: entryhandling bd/vbd36: qualified_records bd/vbd37: BD_modify_table bd/vbd400.cpp: Inverted Lists | Add / Delete bd/vbd401.cpp: Inverted Lists Accesses And Statistics | bd/vbd402.cpp: Inverted Lists Selects | bd/vbd403.cpp: invlist_primitives | union and intersection of inverted lists. bd/vbd404.cpp: aggregate functions (sum, max, min, avg, count) on inversion trees | see CRS 1104319 bd/vbd405.cpp: Inverted Lists | Create/Diagnose Index bd/vbd460.cpp: InvList Iterator | navigates over InvLists bd/vbd490.cpp: CreateIndexCoordinator | bd/vbd491.cpp: CreateIndexParticipant | bd/vbd494.cpp: FunnelHandling | bd/vbd495.cpp: DoubleQueueHandling | bd/vbd496.cpp: FileHandling | bd/vbd499.cpp: IndexMemoryManagementUnit | bd/vbd50: indexhandling bd/vbd500.cpp: Tree | methods for navigating through the tree structure bd/vbd51: branchnodehandling bd/vbd510.cpp: cbd500_Tree | Restructure TreeIndex bd/vbd52: branchhandling bd/vbd520.cpp: cbd500_Tree | OverflowHandling and UnderflowHandling on Tree Level bd/vbd53: indexing bd/vbd530.cpp: cbd500_Tree | Methods for managing record-space bd/vbd54: indexupdateorders bd/vbd55: branchreorganization bd/vbd60: bytestring_handling bd/vbd600.cpp: Node Handling | implementation of methods for cbd600_Node. bd/vbd61: bytestring_indexhandling bd/vbd610.cpp: NodeHandling | bd/vbd620.cpp: OverflowHandling and UnderflowHandling within a Node | bd/vbd700.cpp: eventing | description ... bd/vbd72: filestatistic bd/vbd73: ref_statistic bd/vbd75: concurrency bd/vbd76: tree_requestlist bd/vbd77: tree_locklist bd/vbd80: chainhandling bd/vbd90.cpp: BD : Operations for processing object files | bd/vbd900.cpp: BD_Object_Constants_And_Types | bd/vbd91.cpp: interface for the pascal routines to the OMSGarbageCollection | description ... bd/vbd910.cpp: object node classes | non inline methods of the classes cbd910_ObjDataNode bd/vbd92.cpp: BD_AuxilleryFunctionsForObjectHandling | description ... bd/vbd93.cpp: continuation files for handling objects of variable length | description ... bd/vbd930.cpp: logging ... | description ... bd/vbd94.cpp: History Files | Implements the History Image Management. bw/sphsapdb.cpp: no match bw/sphsapdb.h: no match bw/sphsapdbIspc.cpp: no match bw/sphsapdbIspc.h: no match bw/sphsapdbObj.cpp: no match bw/sphsapdbObj.h: no match bw/sphsapdb_i.c: no match cn/dbm.pm.dbm: no match cn/dbmapi.idl: no match cn/gcn00.h: common header file for cn modules cn/gcn002.h: header for param management cn/gcn003.h: backup and media management cn/gcn00_1.h: DBM Error Messages | specification of dbm error messages cn/hcn13.h: UTF8-Output | API for reading/writing UTF8 from/to stdin/stdout/stderr cn/hcn14.h: Database Manager-API | API for Database Manager Client Applications cn/hcn20.h: DBMServer Parameter Management | DBMServer Parameter Management - Specification cn/hcn21.h: read xparam help file cn/hcn23.h: param calculation cn/hcn29.h: param utility functions cn/hcn30.h: media management cn/hcn31.h: backup management cn/hcn32.h: backup history management cn/hcn35.h: cn layer | connection between dbmsrv and abstract external archiving tool cn/hcn351.h: cn layer | connection between dbmsrv and external backup tool ADSM cn/hcn352.h: cn layer | connection between dbmsrv and external backup tool NetWorker cn/hcn353.h: cn layer | connection between dbmsrv and Backint for SAP DB conforming cn/hcn36.h: cn layer | basic functions used in vcn35.cpp, ..., vcn355.cpp cn/hcn361.h: cn layer | string handling functions used in vcn35.cpp, ..., vcn355.cpp, cn/hcn38.h: cn layer | basic definitions and type for vcn38.cpp and vcn38?.cpp cn/hcn381.h: cn layer | basic classes for Backint SAP DB cn/hcn382.h: cn layer | function for handling Backint for Oracle cn/hcn383.h: cn layer | functions for handling history file of Backint for SAP DB cn/hcn384.h: cn layer | Backint for SAP DB functions for handling the pipe2file cn/hcn385.h: cn layer | classes for reporting the errors for Backint for SAP DB cn/hcn40.h: DBMServer directory and system access | DBMServer directory and system access - Specification cn/hcn41.h: DBMServer Configuration | DBMServer Configuration - Specification cn/hcn42.h: DBMServer File Access | DBMServer File Access - Specification cn/hcn50.h: DBMServer User Management | DBMServer User Management - Specification cn/hcn51.h: DBMServer Configuration Value Class | DBMServer Configuration Value Class - Specification cn/hcn52.h: DBMServer Parameter History Class | DBMServer Parameter History Class - Specification cn/hcn53.h: DBA Action Protocol(s) | specification of the DBA History file cn/hcn54.h: DBM Server | specification of the TGZ Class cn/hcn80.h: no match cn/hcn81.h: no match cn/hcn82.h: DBMServer | specification module for kernel event access cn/hcn83.h: DBMServer | specification module for special sql access cn/hcn84.h: DBMServer | specification module for kernel trace cn/hcn90.h: DBMServer | specification of useful utility functions cn/vcn10.cpp: DBMServer | "main" file for DBMServer cn/vcn11.cpp: dbmgetf | implementation of command line DB-File-Get-Application cn/vcn12.cpp: dbmcli | implementation of command line DBMServer access cn/vcn13.cpp: UTF8-Output | API for reading/writing UTF8 from/to stdin/stdout/stderr cn/vcn14.c: Database Manager-API | Implementation of the API for Database Manager Client Applications cn/vcn16.c: no match cn/vcn17.c: no match cn/vcn20.cpp: param management cn/vcn21.cpp: xparam help handling cn/vcn23.cpp: param calc cn/vcn29.cpp: param access service functions cn/vcn30.cpp: media management cn/vcn31.cpp: backup management cn/vcn32.cpp: backup history management cn/vcn35.cpp: cn layer | implementing connection between dbmsrv and abstract external cn/vcn351.cpp: cn layer | implementing connection between dbmsrv and external archiving tool ADSM cn/vcn352.cpp: cn layer | implementing connection between dbmsrv and external backup tool cn/vcn353.cpp: cn layer | implementing connection between dbmsrv and Backint for SAP DB cn/vcn36.cpp: cn layer | implementing basic functions used in vcn35.cpp, ..., vcn355.cpp cn/vcn361.cpp: cn layer | implementing basic functions used in vcn35.cpp, ..., vcn355.cpp cn/vcn37.cpp: dbm server | implementation of pipe2file cn/vcn38.cpp: ni layer | main function and core functions of the Backint for SAP DB/ cn/vcn381.cpp: cn layer | implementation of basic classes for Backint for SAP DB cn/vcn382.cpp: cn layer | implementation of functions for handling Backint for Oracle cn/vcn383.cpp: cn layer | implementation of functions for handling history file of cn/vcn384.cpp: cn layer | implementation of Backint for SAP DB functions for handling the cn/vcn385.cpp: cn layer | implementation of classes for reporting the errors for Backint cn/vcn40.cpp: DBMServer | DBMServer start-stop / system / registry access cn/vcn41.cpp: DBMServer Configuration | DBMServer Configuration - Implementation cn/vcn42.cpp: DBMServer File Access | DBMServer File Access - Implementation cn/vcn50.cpp: DBMServer User Management | DBMServer User Management - Implementation cn/vcn51.cpp: DBMServer Configuration Value Class | DBMServer Configuration Value Class - Implementation cn/vcn52.cpp: DBMServer Parameter History Class | DBMServer Parameter History Class - Implementation cn/vcn53.cpp: DBA History File | implementation of the DBA History file cn/vcn54.cpp: DBM Server | implementation of the TGZ Class cn/vcn80.cpp: utility and sql access cn/vcn81.cpp: show info views cn/vcn82.cpp: DBMServer | implementation module for kernel event access cn/vcn83.cpp: DBMServer | implementation module for special sql access cn/vcn84.cpp: DBMServer | implementation module for kernel event access cn/vcn90.cpp: Control-Server | implementation of useful utility functions cn/zlib/adler32.c: no match cn/zlib/compress.c: no match cn/zlib/crc32.c: no match cn/zlib/deflate.c: no match cn/zlib/deflate.h: no match cn/zlib/gzio.c: no match cn/zlib/infblock.c: no match cn/zlib/infblock.h: no match cn/zlib/infcodes.c: no match cn/zlib/infcodes.h: no match cn/zlib/inffast.c: no match cn/zlib/inffast.h: no match cn/zlib/inffixed.h: no match cn/zlib/inflate.c: no match cn/zlib/inftrees.c: no match cn/zlib/inftrees.h: no match cn/zlib/infutil.c: no match cn/zlib/infutil.h: no match cn/zlib/trees.c: no match cn/zlib/trees.h: no match cn/zlib/uncompr.c: no match cn/zlib/zconf.h: no match cn/zlib/zlib.h: no match cn/zlib/zutil.c: no match cn/zlib/zutil.h: no match co/gco00.h: XXX YYY XXX co/gco001.h: no match co/gco01.h: LiveCache Interface used by DB-Procedures co/gco02.h: OMS | LibOms Interface co/gco04.h: DBProcedure: allgemeine Routinen (OMS+SQL Klasse) co/gco05.h: SQL-Class Interface co/gco10.h: OMS | C++ Persistent Object Interface co/gco102.h: OMS | Oms Tracing co/gco14.h: ABAP Packed Interface co/gco501SQL.h: C++ SQL-Class | SQL - Application Interface for an SQL-Statement co/gco502SqlOpt.h: C++ SQL-Class | SqlOpt - SQL - Session Options co/gco50SqlHandle.h: C++ SQL-Class | SqlHandle - SQL Session Interface co/gco511SqlSession.h: C++ SQL-Class | SQL - Application Interface for an SQL-Statement co/gco512CParseSQLReply.h: C++ SQL-Class | co512CParseSQLReply - Parse SQL Reply Parser co/gco519CErrorHandling.h: C++ SQL Class | Implementation of co519CErrorHandling co/gco51CSqlSessionContext.h: C++ SQL-Class | co51CSqlSessionContext co/gco521CSqlStmt.h: C++ SQL-Class | co521CSqlStmt co/gco522CColumnDesc.h: C++ SQL-Class | SqlCol - SQL Statement Parameter Description co/gco52SqlCol.h: C++ SQL-Class | SqlCol - SQL Statement Parameter Description co/gco54.h: Interfaces | SQL Class | Client Session co/gco70.h: no match co/gco71.h: LiveCache Version Add-In co/gco72.h: LiveCache Version Add-In co/gco73.h: LiveCache Version Add-In co/gco74.h: LiveCache Version Add-In co/gco90.h: DBProcedure: Monitor co/hco00.h: User Interface for C++ Persistent Objects co/hco10.h: OMS | C++ Persistent Object Interface co/hco12.h: OMS | Implementation of the OMS Context co/hco13.h: C++ Persistent Object Hashing co/hco14.h: Currency Interface for C++ Persistent Objects co/hco15.h: C++ Persistent Object TimeStamp co/hco16.h: OMS Memory Management co/hco17.h: OMS | OmsVersion Dictionary co/hco18.h: OMS | Oms Class and Container Dictionary co/hco19.h: OMS | Oms Monitor co/hco20.h: System Stored Procedures co/hco21.h: no match co/hco30.h: no match co/hco31.h: no match co/hco509Utils.h: C++ SQL-Class | Utility functions co/hco60.h: no match co/hco60res.h: no match co/hco61.h: no match co/hco62.h: no match co/hco63.h: no match co/hco70.h: LiveCache Version Add-In co/hco80CGenHFile.h: IDL to Code Generator | Generate header file out of generated XML file co/hco81CGenInspecCode.h: IDL to Code Generator | Generate Inspection Code out of generated XML file co/hco82Idl2Code.h: IDL to Code Generator | Main prgram for code generation out of a XML File co/hco83ErrorHandling.h: IDL to Code Generator | Error Handling co/hco91.h: Implementation of hidden OmsHandle Functions co/vco01.idl: OMS Special Interface co/vco02.def: no match co/vco02.idl: LC-Debugger-Interface co/vco03.idl: LIVECACHE IDL Types co/vco10.cpp: Implementation of C++ Persistent Object Interface co/vco102.cpp: OMS | Oms Tracing co/vco12.cpp: no match co/vco13.cpp: Implementation Runtime Functions of Persistent Object Interface co/vco14.cpp: Implementation Packed to Int64 Conversion and vice versa co/vco15.cpp: Date/Time co/vco16.cpp: Implementation of C++ Persistent Object Interface co/vco18.cpp: Implementation of OMS Class Dictionary co/vco19.cpp: OMS | OMS Monitor co/vco20.cpp: System Stored Procedures co/vco20.def: no match co/vco20.idl: no match co/vco20.rgs: no match co/vco20rc.rc: no match co/vco21.cpp: no match co/vco22.cpp: System Stored Procedures co/vco30.cpp: Common base of SQL-Class and OMS | Defines Functions used by SQL-Class and OMS co/vco31.cpp: liveCache Error Class | Defines Functions of an error thrown by OMS and SQL class co/vco501SQL.cpp: C++ SQL-Class | SQL - Application Interface for an SQL-Statement co/vco509Utils.cpp: C++ SQL-Class | helper functions co/vco50SqlHandle.cpp: C++ SQL Class | Implementation of SqlHandle co/vco511SqlSession.cpp: C++ SQL-Class | SQL - Application Interface for an SQL-Statement co/vco512CParseSQLReply.cpp: C++ SQL-Class | co512CParseSQLReply - Parse SQL Reply Parser co/vco519CErrorHandling.cpp: C++ SQL Class | Implementation of co519CErrorHandling co/vco51CSqlSessionContext.cpp: C++ SQL Class | Implementation of co51CSqlSessionContext co/vco521CSqlStmt.cpp: C++ SQL Class | Implementation of co521CSqlStmt co/vco522CColumnDesc.cpp: C++ SQL Class | Implementation of co522CColumnDesc co/vco52SqlCol.cpp: C++ SQL Class | Implementation of SqlCol co/vco60.cpp: LiveCacheProxy: Implementtation of WinMain co/vco60.rgs: no match co/vco60r.rc: no match co/vco61.cpp: LiveCacheProxy: Implementation of 'Debug' Method co/vco61.rgs: no match co/vco62.cpp: LiveCacheProxy: stdafx.cpp co/vco63.cpp: LiveCacheProxy: DCOM-Apartment-Thread co/vco65.idl: LiveCacheRMT Class co/vco69.cpp: DCOM Registry auf NT | Registry Functions (REGSVR32) co/vco70.cpp: LiveCache Version Add-In co/vco70.def: no match co/vco70.idl: no match co/vco70l.bmp: no match co/vco70m.bmp: no match co/vco70r.rc: no match co/vco71.cpp: LiveCache Version Add-In co/vco72.cpp: LiveCache Version Add-In co/vco73.cpp: LiveCache Version Add-In co/vco80CGenHFile.cpp: IDL to Code Generator | Generate header file out of generated XML file co/vco81CGenInspecCode.cpp: IDL to Code Generator | Generate Inspection Code out of generated XML file co/vco82Idl2Code.cpp: IDL to Code Generator | Main Program co/vco83ErrorHandling.cpp: IDL to Code Generator | Error Handling co/vco90.cpp: C++ System Interface for DB-Procedures co/vco91.cpp: Implementation of hidden OmsHandle Functions ContentStorage/autoptr.h: no match ContentStorage/ContentStorage.cpp: no match ContentStorage/ContentStorage.h: no match ContentStorage/ContentStorageDefines.h: no match ContentStorage/CSMutex.h: no match ContentStorage/Options.cpp: no match ContentStorage/Options.h: no match ContentStorage/SAPCSConHdl.cpp: no match ContentStorage/SAPCSConHdl.h: no match ContentStorage/Storage.h: no match ContentStorage/TRACE.h: no match ContentStorage/XArray.h: no match ContentStorage/ZString.cpp: no match ContentStorage/ZString.h: no match en/gen00.h: Operating System Specific Defines | During replacement of vsp00c by gsp00 missing parts had en/gen003.h: communication ... | en/gen13.h: sqluser_functions | Sqluser Functions en/gen23.h: dump packets | Get Socket Addresses en/gen32.h: dump packets | Get Socket Addresses en/gen33.h: Remote communication | Communation functions en/gen34.h: dump packets | Get Socket Addresses en/gen35.h: KERNEL LZU UNIX DCOM Threads | Threads for serializing DCOM requests into seperated worker en/gen36.h: Enum2String | Kernel Enum to String Tables en/gen38.h: Enum2String | Kernel Enum to String Tables en/gen41.h: IPC Resources | Handling routines for IPC Resources en/gen42.h: remote_sql_functions | create/extract/read/write remote sql_packets en/gen43.h: socket_address_resolution | Get Socket Addresses en/gen45.h: kernel_kill_and_info | Kill Kernel Processes and Remove Ipc Resources en/gen46.h: dump packets | Get Socket Addresses en/gen48.h: string | Miscellaneous String Functions en/gen49.h: interlock 4fold | en/gen50.h: Kernel LZU UNIX | Kernel interne Strukturen en/gen500.h: Kernel LZU UNIX Messages | Defines all messages of UNIX Kernel en/gen52.h: date_time | vclock, vdattime, vtimestamp en/gen54.h: disk_io | Disk I/O en/gen541.h: sqldevsize | Inode information en/gen55.h: Mutual Exclusion | Mutual Exclusion en/gen57.h: internal kernel malloc / free routines | to be able to locate memory consumer these routines are en/gen60.h: vopmsg | Message Output en/gen60_1.h: vopmsg | Message Output en/gen66.h: Virtual File Kernel | Operating system dependend file I/O en/gen70.h: init_shm | Initialize Shared Section en/gen71.h: dispatcher | Dispatcher and Queue Management en/gen72.h: wake | Wake a Kernel Process en/gen73.h: Queue Handling | Queue handling routines en/gen74.h: communication_shm | Initialize Shared Memory Section for Communication en/gen75.h: communication kernel | Communication Functions for Kernel en/gen76.h: interlock | lock handling routines en/gen780.h: DCOM Registration for UNIX | Test program functions en/gen79.h: read_param_file | Read Param File en/gen81.h: RTE | Kernel Processes | Coordinator Process en/gen83.h: timer_process | TIMER Process en/gen84.h: requestor_process | REQUESTOR Process en/gen85.h: network_process | Handling of Remote Sessions via Sockets en/gen87.h: console_process | CONSOLE Process en/gen88.h: user_kernel_process | USER KERNEL Process en/gen89.h: Kernel calling C++ wrapper | This is calling the en88_CallA91Main, but adds a en/gen904.h: Database and Installation Registry | description ... en/hen09.h: Registry for UNIX | Handling of '.ini' files on UNIX en/hen37.h: script functions | Miscellaneous Functions used by Script en/hen38.h: COM en/hen40.h: abort_and_dump | abort and dump routines en/hen42.h: remote_sql_functions | create/extract/read/write remote sql_packets en/hen43.h: socket_address_resolution | Get Socket Addresses en/hen50.h: Kernel Abort Handling | Kernel Task vabort routine and exception handling en/hen53.h: communication | vcmd_wait_time, vconnect, vconnect2, vreceive, vreply en/hen54.h: disk_io | Disk I/O en/hen541.h: sqldevsize | Inode information en/hen55.h: Mutual Exclusion | Mutual Exclusion en/hen56.h: scheduling | Kernel Scheduling Functions en/hen57.h: Storage Management | Kernel allocation and cache routines en/hen60.h: vopmsg | Message Output en/hen62.h: vcreate/vkill | vcreate, vkill en/hen71.h: dispatcher | Dispatcher and Queue Management en/hen78.h: DCOM Registration for UNIX | Registration Functions for Class implementation and Kernel. en/ven00mc: RTE_message_include_module en/ven00sc: sql_run_definitions en/ven00tc: virtual_terminal_definitions en/ven01c: initializations en/ven02c: date_time en/ven03.c: communication / USER | description ... en/ven04: virtual_terminal_mapper en/ven04c: virtual_terminal en/ven04mc: make_terminfo en/ven04sc: virtual_terminal_subroutines en/ven05c: virtual_printer en/ven06c: virtual_file en/ven07c: sqlexec en/ven08c: sqlread/sqlwrite en/ven09.c: Registry for UNIX | Handling of '.ini' files on UNIX en/ven11c: param_functions en/ven12a: argc/argv-finder en/ven12c: sqlarg3 en/ven13c: sqluser_functions en/ven14c: sqltermid en/ven15c: miscellaneous en/ven17.c: User storage allocation | sqlallocate/sqlfree en/ven18c: sqlcharsetname en/ven22c: diagwrite en/ven23c: socket_communication_functions en/ven32c: local_communication_functions en/ven33c: remote_communication en/ven34c: map_kgs en/ven35.cpp: Kernel LZU UNIX DCOM Thread | DCOMx_Function Thread support en/ven36.cpp: DCOM load dynamic library en/ven36c: check_param_owner en/ven37c: script_functions en/ven38.cpp: COM_Interface en/ven38a: CALL-DB-Procedure en/ven38c: Enum_to_String en/ven40c: no match en/ven41c: ipc_resources en/ven42c: remote_sql_functions en/ven43c: socket_address_resolution en/ven45c: kernel_kill_and_info en/ven46c: dump en/ven48c: string en/ven50.c: Kernel Abort Handling | Kernel Task vabort routine and exception handling en/ven51c: kernel_initializations en/ven52c: date_time en/ven53c: communication_kernel en/ven541c: inode_info / devsize0 / filecopy en/ven54async: asynchronous disk_io en/ven54c: disk_io en/ven55c: mutual_exclusion en/ven56c: scheduling en/ven57c: storage_management en/ven58c: vdiaginit en/ven60c: vopmsg en/ven62c: vcreate/vkill en/ven66c: virtual_file_kernel en/ven68c: inline_console en/ven69c: accounting en/ven70c: init_shm en/ven71a: chgstack en/ven71c: dispatcher en/ven72c: wake en/ven73c: queue_handling en/ven74c: init_shm en/ven75c: communication_kernel en/ven76a: lock en/ven76c: lock en/ven78.cpp: DCOM Registry auf UNIX | Registry Functions en/ven780.cpp: DCOM Registry | Test program en/ven79c: read_param_file en/ven80.cpp: KERNEL C++ main | C++ Kernel Main en/ven81.c: KERNEL main | description ... en/ven83c: timer_process en/ven84c: requestor_process en/ven87c: console_process en/ven88c: user_kernel_process en/ven89.cpp: Kernel calling function | This is calling the a91mainprogram and establishing a en/ven901c: start, stop, clear as functions en/ven902c: controlling and monitorung of kernel tasks/processes en/ven903c: init Control session en/ven904c: Database and Installation Registry en/ven905c: local control communication class en/ven906c: CServer communication en/ven909.c: dbmsrv Startupprogram | dbmsrv is a setuid Root program. en/ven90c: START en/ven91c: STOP en/ven92.c: console (x_cons) ... | UNIX main module ... en/ven930c: CLEAR_KERNEL en/ven931c: X_CLEAR, CLEAR_PS_IPC en/ven96c: VSERVER eo/geo00.h: RTE | Basic Declarations | Basic Declarations eo/geo001.h: RTE - system specific types, defines ... | eo/geo001x: C++ RTE: Declarations eo/geo002.h: XXX YYY XXX eo/geo002xp.h: XPARAM identifier strings eo/geo003.h: communication | description ... eo/geo007_1.h: Kernel Messages for UNIX and NT | Kernel Messages for UNIX and NT. Used by MSG Macros (geo60.h) eo/geo007_2.h: RTE User visible Strings | Kernel, Common and User RTE show messages for UNIX and NT. eo/geo00d.h: DCOM Layer global definition file eo/geo00k.h: general RTE KERNEL header file eo/geo00_0.h: Common operation system dependend header include | Exists only to prevent vmake from complaining too often eo/geo00_1.h: common include file | common include file eo/geo00_2.h: Kernel Request types, Task types and Task states | Kernel internal used definitions eo/geo03.h: logging ... | description ... eo/geo07.h: Multithreading Runtine | Multithreading Runtine Structures and Typedefs eo/geo102.h: User LZU Function Includes and Typedefs eo/geo110.h: parent/child pipe communication. | This Classes are used to build up parent/child eo/geo111.h: | eo/geo13.h: XUSER | XUser file and registry API eo/geo200.h: event list handling | Creating, queueing and managing event lists eo/geo28.h: Profile Container Class | This container class is used to handle the storage of eo/geo31.h: RTE | Debugging Processes | Enables Debugging eo/geo36.h: DCOMx_Functions eo/geo38.h: DCOM - Senke eo/geo39.h: COM eo/geo40.h: logging ... | description ... eo/geo41.h: byte swapping | byte swapping eo/geo42.h: communication base classes | This module contains the common communication (base) classes. eo/geo43.h: ceo43_CmdPipe/x_cons show API | class interface to access X_CONS show output eo/geo43_0.h: socket_address_resolution | Get Socket Addresses eo/geo44.h: communication | This module contains the communication request and eo/geo45.h: communication protocol | This module contains the communication protocol eo/geo47.h: UNICODE and other string conversions | Defines data types and definitions for unicode handling eo/geo49.h: Security functions | Security and USer specific functions eo/geo50_0.h: OS dependend include file for LZU kernel specific structures | Exists only to prevent vmake from complaining too often eo/geo52.h: LZU Statistics | description ... eo/geo54.h: Kernel I/O definitions | Kernel I/O definitions eo/geo57.h: Memory management functions. | Memory management functions. eo/geo570.h: Memory management functions. | Memory management functions. eo/geo572.h: user storage management | user storage management eo/geo573.h: Global scope new and delete. | Global scope new and delete. eo/geo60.h: Debugging and Message Output + Trace Class | Operating system dependend debugging macros eo/geo61.h: Simple Kernel TRACE | Structures and Classes used by simple Kernel Trace eo/geo66.h: virtual file LZU Kernel | LZU Internal Virtual File Interface eo/geo67.h: logging ... | description ... eo/geo70k.h: analyze taskcluster eo/geo79.h: XParam File | LZU internal calls to XParam File Parsing eo/geo80.h: get options (getopt) | Parse and handle program arguments (argc,argv) eo/geo81.h: get options (getopt) | Parse and handle program arguments (argc,argv) eo/geo900.h: Process checking | Process checking eo/geo906.h: DBMServer communication | DBMServer communication eo/geo907.h: communication | Contains the DBM communication. eo/geo908.h: XSERVER/DBMSERVER communication | XSERVER/DBMSERVER communication eo/geo921.h: sysmon | description ... eo/heo01.h: general Path / Environment functions | Interface for RTE functions, used by C/C++ modules ... eo/heo02.h: Interface for RTE functions, used by c++ modules eo/heo02x.h: shared library handling | Interface for handle shared library functions eo/heo03.h: component communication eo/heo06.h: RTE | Client | Virtual File | Handling of files and directories eo/heo07.h: Multithreading Runtime API | Routines for Creating and managing Threads,Mutex and eo/heo102.h: User LZU Function Prototypes | User LZU Function Prototypes eo/heo11.h: xparam | description ... eo/heo11_1.h: xparam | description ... eo/heo12.h: getopt Wrapper | Needed to hide POSIXLY INCORRECT GNU getopt implementation eo/heo12_1.h: GetDefaultDBName ( using sqlarg3 ) | description ... eo/heo13.h: xuser API | description ... eo/heo130.h: C-Types/Prototypes for external usage of XUSER Entries eo/heo15.h: Message File Output Module (for buffered trace I/O) | Contains Message buffering for use inside the kernel eo/heo16.h: Version and OS-ID | Client RTE version and OS-ID functions eo/heo21.h: RTE internal XUser Access | eo/heo35.h: DCOMx_Functions eo/heo36.h: DCOM Inspection for DB-Procedure characteristics | This Routine is called to get the characteristics eo/heo38.h: COM eo/heo381.h: Kernel | Implementation of a general purpose allocator. eo/heo41.h: Shared Memory Access Functions | Allows to create shared memory chunks eo/heo420.h: communication ... | description ... eo/heo46.h: Interface for RTE functions, used by c++ modules eo/heo47.h: ptoc | Pascal to C String and Other Conversions eo/heo50.h: Mathematical function | Mathematical function wrapper, used to prevent from exceptions eo/heo51.h: kernel_initializations | Kernel Initialization Functions eo/heo52.h: vclock | description ... eo/heo54k.h: vblockio eo/heo55k.h: mutual exclusive eo/heo56.h: scheduling | Kernel Task Scheduling eo/heo56k.h: scheduling eo/heo57.h: Kernel Memory | Kernel Memory Allocation routines eo/heo58.h: vcold / v*dev* | devspace description ( after xparamfiles has been read ) eo/heo60.h: vmessage eo/heo600.h: Unicode Kernel LZU Extensions | Contains all unicode extensions of kernel LZU needed eo/heo602.h: Unicode Common LZU Extensions | Contains all unicode extensions shared by kernel and client LZU eo/heo60_1.h: Wrapper for sprintf | Wrapper for ANSI C 'sprintf' function eo/heo60_2.h: LZU Internal Kernel Messages Interface | Prototypes for exported functions used LZU internal eo/heo61.h: Simple Kernel TRACE | TRACE stack functions for kernel tasks eo/heo66.h: component kernel file I/O eo/heo67.h: Eventing KERNEL Interfaces | Prototypedefinition for interface routines called by kernel eo/heo670.h: Stack Back Trace | Interface that allows to produce a stack backtrace eo/heo68.h: inline_console | Interface to provide x_cons functionality inside of kernel eo/heo69.h: Accounting | Accounting functions (Stack,Timing,IOs etc.) eo/heo76.h: no match eo/heo761.h: InterlockedCounter | Template Class used to handle an interlocked counter eo/heo78.h: DCOM Registration for UNIX | Registration Functions for Class implementation and Kernel. eo/heo79.h: LZU / Kernel | kernel xparam access routines eo/heo86.h: Diagnostic files | Saving of diagnostic files at restart if the database eo/heo861.h: Diagnostic files | Saving of diagnostic files at restart if the database eo/heo862.h: Diagnostic files | Saving of diagnostic files at restart if the database eo/heo92.h: x_cons | common routines and definitions eo/heo95.h: application startup Program | description ... eo/veo004c: common_rte_include_module eo/veo005c: common_rte_include_module eo/veo00c: common_rte_include_module eo/veo00xc: RTE_XCONS_include_module eo/veo01.c: general Path / Environment functions | eo/veo011.c: "Client C++ RTE: Checks" | Helper routines for C++ RTE Checks eo/veo02.c: Interface for handle shared library functions eo/veo03.c: communication | RTE independent functions (USER communication) eo/veo06.c: no match eo/veo07.c: Multithreading Runtine OS Independend | Multithread Interface using WIN32 Threads, CThreads or eo/veo100c: get_page_from_save eo/veo11.c: paramfile access | general xparam access routines ... eo/veo110.cpp: parent/child pipe communication. | This Classes are used to build up parent/child eo/veo111.cpp: | eo/veo111u.c: tool | create param from save eo/veo11u.c: extract param from save eo/veo12.c: getopt Wrapper | Needed wrapper to hide 'POSIXLY_INCORRECT' GNU getopt implementation eo/veo12_1.c: GetDefaultDBName ( using sqlarg3 ) | description ... eo/veo13.c: XUSER | XUser file and registry API eo/veo130.c: XUSER-File API for external application ( R/3inst ) eo/veo15.cpp: Message Output Module (for buffered Message I/O) | Contains Message buffering for use inside the kernel eo/veo16.c: Version and OS-ID | Client RTE version and OS-ID functions eo/veo200.cpp: event list handling | Creating, queueing and managing event list eo/veo21.c: RTE internal xuser access | Crypt routines eo/veo28.cpp: Profile Container Class | This container class is used to handle the storage of eo/veo30.cpp: C++ Wrapper for C main function | This is needed for especially HP C/C++ mixup. Without it eo/veo301.cpp: | eo/veo31.c: RTE | Debugging Processes | Enables Debugging eo/veo35.cpp: DCOMx_Functions eo/veo36.cpp: DCOM Inspection for DB-Procedure characteristics eo/veo38.cpp: COM_Interface eo/veo381.cpp: Memory Management | Heap eo/veo40.c: TCP/IP routines via SAP NI ( network interface ) | description ... eo/veo41.cpp: logging ... | description ... eo/veo42.cpp: communication base classes | This module contains the common communication (base) classes. eo/veo420.c: logging ... | description ... eo/veo42c: main module of control server eo/veo43.cpp: c_eo43xshow | class interface to access X_CONS show output eo/veo43c: sqlxkernelcntl, sqlxkernelmonitor eo/veo44.cpp: communication | This module contains the communication request and eo/veo44c: tsp9_rte_xerror, command parsing eo/veo45.cpp: communication | This module contains the communication protocol base eo/veo46.c: error handling | common routines for rte error handling" eo/veo47.c: ptoc | Pascal to C String and Other Conversions eo/veo49.c: Security functions | Security specific functions eo/veo50.cpp: Mathematic function | Implementation of mathematical functions for kernel. eo/veo51x: RTE | Basic Declarations | assertion support routines for kernel eo/veo54.c: Kernel I/O | I/O Convertion Routines and Page0Handling eo/veo57.cpp: Kernel Memory Allocation Interface | eo/veo570.cpp: Memory management functions. | Memory management functions. eo/veo572.cpp: user storage management | user storage management eo/veo573.cpp: Global scope new and delete. | Global scope new and delete. eo/veo58.c: kernel / LZU | xparamfile access (configuration) eo/veo600.c: Unicode Kernel LZU Extensions | Contains all unicode extensions of kernel LZU needed eo/veo601.c: Unicode Client LZU Extensions | Contains all unicode extensions of client LZU needed eo/veo602.c: Unicode Common LZU Extensions | Contains all unicode extensions shared by kernel and client LZU eo/veo60k.c: vmessage / eventing eo/veo61.cpp: Simple Kernel TRACE | Wrapper Funktions and Allocation for RTE C_Code eo/veo66.c: vbackup_info, vbackup_medium_def, vfopen, vfwrite, vfclose eo/veo67.cpp: Event Handling | Event reporting, Waiting and wakeup actions eo/veo670.c: Stack Back Trace | Interface that allows to produce a stack backtrace eo/veo69.cpp: Task Stack Checking | This contains additional task stack code not contained in eo/veo70.c: kernel / LZU | AnalyzeTaskcluster eo/veo76.cpp: no match eo/veo79.c: kernel / LZU | xparamfile access (configuration) eo/veo80.cpp: get options (getopt) | eo/veo81.cpp: get options (getopt) | Parse and handle program arguments (argc,argv) eo/veo86.c: Diagnostic files | Saving of diagnostic files at restart if the database eo/veo861.c: Diagnostic files | Saving of diagnostic files at restart if the database eo/veo862.c: Diagnostic files | Saving of diagnostic files at restart if the database eo/veo900.c: Process checking | Process checking eo/veo906.cpp: DBMServer communication | DBMServer communication eo/veo907.cpp: communication | Contains the DBM communication. eo/veo908.cpp: XSERVER/DBMSERVER communication | XSERVER/DBMSERVER communication eo/veo92.c: console(x_cons) | common x_cons / sysmon routines eo/veo921.c: sysmon | description ... eo/veo922.cpp: internal sysmon / console | description ... eo/veo95.c: application startup program | main ... eo/veo950.c: application startup program | description ... eo/veo951.c: application startup program | param eo/veo952.c: application startup program | rte programs (x_start, x_stop, ... ) eo/veo953.c: application startup program | other applicaione (xcontrol, xkernprot, ... ) eo/veo957.cpp: Kernel Trace | Tracefile Converter eo/veo964.cpp: ping | Ping to vserver / niserver eo/veo98.c: putparam | don't use putparam eo/veo99.c: GETPARAM eo/veo999sysrc.c: logging ... | description ... gg/ggg00: GG_kernel_constants_and_types gg/ggg07: GG_strategy_constants_and_types gg/ggg11: GG_vtrace_types gg/ggg12: GG_oms_vtrace_types gg/ggg200.h: Basic Algorithms | Implementation of basic algorithms. gg/ggg250.h: Implementation of basic algorithms | AVL Tree gg/ggg251.h: Implementation of basic algorithms | Double Chained List gg/ggg90.h: GG_kernel_templates gg/ggg91.h: GG_kernel_classes gg/ggg92.h: GG_kernel_classes gg/hgg01.h: no match gg/hgg01_1.h: no match gg/hgg01_2.h: no match gg/hgg04.h: no match gg/hgg05.h: no match gg/hgg06.h: GG_cpp_auxiliary_functions gg/hgg08.h: no match gg/hgg10.h: ConfigurationParameter gg/hgg17.h: no match gg/vgg01: Configuration_Parameter gg/vgg02: Codetransformation_and_Coding gg/vgg03: Check-Date-Time gg/vgg04: Select_Help_Procedures gg/vgg06.cpp: GG_cpp_auxiliary_functions gg/vgg08: Regions_and_Longwaits gg/vgg10c: kernel_move_and_fill gg/vgg11.cpp: logging ... | description ... gg/vgg17: GG_edit_routines gg/vgg20: Unicode-Utilities gg/vgg200.cpp: Basic Algorithms | Implementation of generic sort algorithms gg/vgg90.cpp: GG_kernel_templates gg/vgg91.cpp: GG_kernel_classes gg/vgg92.cpp: GG_kernel_classes idl/expat/asciitab.h: no match idl/expat/hashtable.c: no match idl/expat/hashtable.h: no match idl/expat/iasciitab.h: no match idl/expat/latin1tab.h: no match idl/expat/nametab.h: no match idl/expat/utf8tab.h: no match idl/expat/xmldef.h: no match idl/expat/xmlparse.c: no match idl/expat/xmlparse.h: no match idl/expat/xmlrole.c: no match idl/expat/xmlrole.h: no match idl/expat/xmltok.c: no match idl/expat/xmltok.h: no match idl/expat/xmltok_impl.h: no match idl/expat/xmltok_impl_c.h: no match idl/expat/xmltok_ns_c.h: no match idl/idl2xml/interfaceinfo.c: no match idl/idl2xml/interfaceinfo.h: no match idl/idl2xml/interfacetree.c: no match idl/idl2xml/interfacetree.h: no match idl/idl2xml/mam.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pen00.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pmaprx.c: no match idl/idl2xml/pmasso.c: no match idl/idl2xml/pmbufr.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pmcall.c: no match idl/idl2xml/pmdesc.c: no match idl/idl2xml/pmdesc.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pmexec.c: no match idl/idl2xml/pmexec.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pmflat.c: no match idl/idl2xml/pmfram.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pmincl.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pminit.c: no match idl/idl2xml/pmlprim.c: no match idl/idl2xml/pmlprim.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pmmadm.c: no match idl/idl2xml/pmmadm.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pmprim.c: no match idl/idl2xml/pmprim.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pmpset.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pmradm.c: no match idl/idl2xml/pmradm.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pms.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pms00.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pms32.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pmser.c: no match idl/idl2xml/pmser.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pmsmsg.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pmsprm.c: no match idl/idl2xml/pmsprm.h: no match idl/idl2xml/pmstck.c: no match idl/idl2xml/pmstck.h: no match idl/idl2xml/rte.h: no match idl/idl2xml/rtearg.c: no match idl/idl2xml/rtebio.c: no match idl/idl2xml/rtebio.h: no match idl/idl2xml/rteblo.c: no match idl/idl2xml/rtecvt.c: no match idl/idl2xml/rtefil.c: no match idl/idl2xml/rtestd.c: no match in/gin01.h: Test file layout in/gin02.h: SQL | Common declarations required to access sql packet. in/gin100.h: Error Messages | specification of log system error messages in/hin100.h: log class | specification of a log class in/hin101.h: XDB interface | Specification of XDB class in/hin105.h: log file class | specification of a log file class in/hin110.h: Primitive SQL Interface | Specification of SQL access classes in/hin201.h: SQL | Part in/hin202.h: SQL | Segment in/hin203.h: SQL | Packet in/hin204.h: SQL | ReplyParser in/hin205.h: SQL | RequestWriter in/hin28.h: Exports for SQL package handling in/hin29.h: Exports for SQL package handling in/hin97.h: Tracing | Simple Trace Stream in/instperl.pl.ipm: no match in/ireport.py: no match in/repman.pm.ipm: no match in/sapdb.pm.ipm: no match in/SAP_DB.pm: no match in/vin00: Dialog_const_u_type in/vin01: global_variable in/vin02: global_init in/vin021: non_db_init in/vin03: messages in/vin04: messages in/vin05: help in/vin06: printersets and attributes in/vin07: setparms in/vin08: inscreen-setparms in/vin09: general-setprocedures in/vin10: dialog_editor in/vin100.cpp: log class | implementation of a log class in/vin101.cpp: XDB interface | implementation of XDB class in/vin105.cpp: protocol file class | implementation of a protocol file class in/vin11: dialog_editor_functions in/vin110.cpp: SQL interface | implementation of SQL class in/vin12: dialog_editor_rand_functions in/vin13: dialog_editor_li_functions in/vin14: standard_editor_functions in/vin15: pick-put-functions in/vin16: command-line-history in/vin17: pop_up_menu in/vin19: Long-Columns-II in/vin20: SQLDB-command-interface in/vin201.cpp: SQL | Part in/vin202.cpp: SQL | Segment in/vin203.cpp: SQL | Packet in/vin204.cpp: SQL | ReplyParser in/vin205.cpp: SQL | RequestWriter in/vin21: SQLDB-command-interface in/vin22: SQLDB-long-support in/vin25: Logon in/vin26: Logonscreen in/vin27: connect_release in/vin28.c: Interface to SQL packet in/vin29.cpp: DBMServer - Kernel Interface | handling of the kernel interface in/vin30: displayable_lines in/vin31: Init-Translation in/vin32: Code-Translation in/vin33: string-functions in/vin35: Binary_String_Conversions in/vin40: Masked-Output in/vin41: Output of Date and Time in/vin42: Date-arithmetic-and-conversion in/vin50: logical_screen in/vin51: logical_screen_layout in/vin52: logical_screen_variants in/vin53: logical_screen_procedures in/vin54: logical_screen_help_procedures in/vin56: logical_screen_modules in/vin57: logical_screen_IO in/vin58: VTTEST_Help_procedures in/vin59: Testmodul f?ur das virtuelle Terminal in/vin60: os_filenames in/vin61: vp_output in/vin70: Interface I01_G/Precompiler in/vin71: SQLEXEC in/vin72d: TARGON-office-Interface in/vin75.c: JDBC | Native Methods to speed up some JDBC operations in/vin76.c: no match in/vin77.c: no match in/vin85: XUSER in/vin86: XUSER_Logon in/vin87: XUSER_GET in/vin97.cpp: Tracing | Simple Trace Stream intel/pse36api.h: no match Interfaces/cpc/irconf.c: Registration tool to register a client installation | Interfaces/cpc/irconf.h: Registration tool to register a client installation | Interfaces/odbc/odbcreg.c: Registrierungs Tool fuer ODBC Driver ip/gip00.h: General Header for OS specific definitions | Platform and Operatingsystem independed macros and definition. jv/sapdbc.jar: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/CallableStatementSapDB.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/ConnectionItem.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/ConnectionSapDB.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/DatabaseMetaDataSapDB.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/DbsCache.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/DriverSapDB.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/FetchInfo.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/InternalStatementSapDB.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/MANIFEST.MF: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/MemoryResultSetMetaDataSapDB.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/MemoryResultSetSapDB.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/package.html: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/Parseinfo.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/ParseinfoCache.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/PeekAndPoke.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/ResultSetMetaDataSapDB.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/ResultSetSapDB.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/StatementSapDB.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/UpdatableResultSetSapDB.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/bug/BatchInsert.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/bug/DuplicateColname.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/bug/GetColumnType.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/bug/RequisiteGetColumns2.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/bug/RequisiteMetadata.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/bug/RequisiteSelect7.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/bug/RequisiteTimestamp.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/bug/RequisiteUpdate0.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/bug/Syskey.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/bug/ThomasANoNext.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/exceptions/BatchUpdateExceptionSapDB.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/exceptions/DatabaseException.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/exceptions/FetchFailure.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/exceptions/InternalJDBCError.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/exceptions/InvalidArgumentValue.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/exceptions/InvalidColumnException.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/exceptions/JDBCDriverException.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/exceptions/NotImplemented.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/exceptions/NotSupportedException.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/exceptions/ObjectIsClosedException.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/exceptions/package.html: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/exceptions/PrepareException.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/exceptions/SQLExceptionSapDB.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/exceptions/StreamIOException.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/packet/DataPart.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/packet/package.html: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/packet/PartEnumeration.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/packet/PartNotFound.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/packet/ReplyPacket.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/packet/ReplyPacketUnicode.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/packet/RequestPacket.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/packet/RequestPacketUnicode.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/packet/SQLPacket.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/test/ConnectApplet.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/test/DropParseids.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/test/Hello.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/test/SetNull.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/test/Test.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/test/Unicode.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/trace/CallableStatement.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/trace/Connection.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/trace/DatabaseMetaData.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/trace/package.html: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/trace/PreparedStatement.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/trace/ResultSet.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/trace/ResultSetMetaData.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/trace/Statement.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/AbstractGetval.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/AsciiStreamTranslator.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/BinaryDataTranslator.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/BinaryStreamTranslator.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/BooleanTranslator.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/BytesTranslator.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/CharDataTranslator.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/ConversionExceptionSapDB.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/DateTranslator.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/DBTechTranslator.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/Getval.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/GetvalLob.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/GetvalUnicode.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/GetvalUnicodeClob.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/NumericTranslator.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/package.html: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/Putval.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/PutvalUnicode.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/ReaderInputStream.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/SQLParamController.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/StreamTranslator.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/StringTranslator.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/TimestampTranslator.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/TimeTranslator.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/TranslatorFactory.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/UnicodeStreamTranslator.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/jdbc/translators/UnicodeStringTranslator.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/powertoys/DBM.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/powertoys/DBMException.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/powertoys/package.html: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/powertoys/sapdbc.properties: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/rte/comm/AdminConstants.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/rte/comm/CommunicationException.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/rte/comm/ConnectPacket.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/rte/comm/CserverPacketLayout.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/rte/comm/DbPacketLayout.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/rte/comm/JdbcCommFactory.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/rte/comm/JdbcCommunication.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/rte/comm/NativeComm.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/rte/comm/package.html: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/rte/comm/PacketLayout.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/rte/comm/RteC.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/rte/comm/RTEException.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/rte/comm/RteSocketPacket.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/rte/comm/SocketComm.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/FullswapMem.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/MemIndirection.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/MemIndirectionForUnicode: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/MemIndirectionForUnicode.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/NullPrinter.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/package.html: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/StringArrayEnumeration.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/StringUtil.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/StructuredBytes.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/StructuredMem.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/Traceable.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/Tracer.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/UnicodeUtil.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/VDNNumber.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/VersionInfo.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/cache/DListElement.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/cache/LruCache.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/options/BoolOption.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/options/IntOption.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/options/ListOption.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/options/OptionDesc.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/options/Options.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/options/package.html: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/options/Runner.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/options/SapDBOptions.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/options/StringOption.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/options/VariableOption.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/printf/DataFormatter.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/printf/FormatException.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/printf/Formatter.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/printf/IntegerFormatter.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/printf/LiteralFormatter.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/printf/OArrayEnumeration.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/printf/package.html: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/printf/PrintfArgumentMismatch.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/printf/PrintfException.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/printf/PrintfFormat.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/util/printf/StringFormatter.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp00/DataType.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp00/LongDesc.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp00/package.html: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp00/Vsp00Const.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp001/CmdMessType.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp001/CommError.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp001/FunctionCode.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp001/InternWarning.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp001/package.html: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp001/Packet.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp001/ParamInfo.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp001/Part.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp001/PartAttributes.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp001/PartKind.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp001/Producer.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp001/Segment.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp001/SegmKind.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp001/SqlMode.java: no match jv/com/sap/dbtech/vsp001/UtilityStartup.java: no match kb/gkb00: KB_constants_and_types kb/gkb03: KB_backup_constants_and_types kb/gkb05: Locklist_constants_and_types kb/gkb06: KB_log_constants_and_types kb/gkb08: KB_logentry_types kb/gkb09: KB_server_constants_and_types kb/hkb04.h: KB_object_handling_interface | kb/hkb05.h: no match kb/hkb28.h: no match kb/hkb33.h: no match kb/hkb50.h: no match kb/hkb50_1.h: no match kb/hkb51.h: no match kb/hkb53.h: no match kb/hkb56.h: no match kb/hkb56_1.h: no match kb/hkb56_2.h: no match kb/hkb64.h: no match kb/hkb67.h: KB_object_handling kb/hkb71.h: no match kb/hkb720.h: no match kb/hkb85.h: no match kb/hkb90.h: no match kb/vkb007: KB7_constants_and_types kb/vkb03: KB_Check kb/vkb04.cpp: KB_object_handling_interface kb/vkb05: KB_functions kb/vkb06: KB_init_config kb/vkb28: KB_shutdown kb/vkb33: KB_index_handling kb/vkb35: KB_utility kb/vkb37: KB_diagnose_outcopy kb/vkb38: headmaster kb/vkb39: sr_read_and_write_process kb/vkb40: KB_stringcol_rollback_redo kb/vkb43: KB_stringcol_copy_trunc_expand kb/vkb44: KB_stringcol_open_close kb/vkb45: KB_stringcol_read_search_length kb/vkb50: KB_trans_state kb/vkb51: KB_locklist kb/vkb52: KB_show_lock kb/vkb53: KB_transaction kb/vkb531.cpp: KB_object_rollback | kb/vkb54: KB_temp_logging kb/vkb55: KB_logwriter kb/vkb56: KB_logging kb/vkb561: KB_save_check_point kb/vkb562: KB_handle_logentries kb/vkb57: KB_restart_record kb/vkb61: KB_ins_del_upd kb/vkb62: KB_inv_link_trigger_handling kb/vkb63: KB_update kb/vkb64: KB_file_table_handling kb/vkb65: KB_rollback_forward kb/vkb66: KB_change_key kb/vkb67.cpp: KB_object_handling_interface | kb/vkb71: KB_get kb/vkb720: Single_Select kb/vkb721: Single_Select_Part2 kb/vkb722: Unionhandling kb/vkb73: Single_Select kb/vkb74: KB_Join_Select kb/vkb741: KB_Better_Join_Select kb/vkb75: KB_Fetch kb/vkb78: KB_build_in_func kb/vkb79: KB_date_time kb/vkb81: KB_restart kb/vkb82: KB_restart_restore kb/vkb85: KB_log_reader kb/vkb88: KB_restart_handling kb/vkb90: KB_sender_receiver kb/vkb92: KB_server_task kb/vkb96: KB_send_rcv_buf_handling LcWizard/chooser.cpp: no match LcWizard/chooser.h: no match LcWizard/Cstm1Dlg.cpp: no match LcWizard/cstm1dlg.h: no match LcWizard/debug.h: no match LcWizard/LiveCache.cpp: no match LcWizard/LiveCache.def: no match LcWizard/LiveCache.h: no match LcWizard/LiveCache.ico: no match LcWizard/LiveCacheAw.cpp: no match LcWizard/LiveCacheAw.h: no match LcWizard/LiveCacherc.rc: no match LcWizard/resource.h: no match LcWizard/StdAfx.h: no match LcWizard/Template/confirm.inf: no match LcWizard/Template/LcIspc.tmp_cpp: no match LcWizard/Template/LcIspc.tmp_h: no match LcWizard/Template/LcObject.tmp_cpp: no match LcWizard/Template/LcObject.tmp_h: no match LcWizard/Template/LcProject.tmp_cpp: no match LcWizard/Template/LcProject.tmp_def: no match LcWizard/Template/LcProject.tmp_dsp: no match LcWizard/Template/LcProject.tmp_idl: no match LcWizard/Template/LcProject.tmp_rc: no match LcWizard/Template/newproj.inf: no match libptc/h00vars.h: no match libptc/libpc.h: no match libptc/sql__1r.c: no match libptc/sql__atan.c: no match libptc/sql__ca.c: no match libptc/sql__caseerr.c: no match libptc/sql__catchae.c: no match libptc/sql__ckl.c: no match libptc/sql__clock.c: no match libptc/sql__close.c: no match libptc/sql__closea.c: no match libptc/sql__closep.c: no match libptc/sql__compare.c: no match libptc/sql__cos.c: no match libptc/sql__date.c: no match libptc/sql__del.c: no match libptc/sql__dfn.c: no match libptc/sql__dispse.c: no match libptc/sql__endof.c: no match libptc/sql__endol.c: no match libptc/sql__env.c: no match libptc/sql__er.c: no match libptc/sql__erq.c: no match libptc/sql__exit.c: no match libptc/sql__exp.c: no match libptc/sql__expp.c: no match libptc/sql__fflush.c: no match libptc/sql__flp.c: no match libptc/sql__ger.c: no match libptc/sql__get.c: no match libptc/sql__gn.c: no match libptc/sql__goto.c: no match libptc/sql__gtl.c: no match libptc/sql__ic.c: no match libptc/sql__intr.c: no match libptc/sql__lel.c: no match libptc/sql__lexe.c: no match libptc/sql__ln.c: no match libptc/sql__lor.c: no match libptc/sql__ltl.c: no match libptc/sql__max.c: no match libptc/sql__multi.c: no match libptc/sql__new.c: no match libptc/sql__nil.c: no match libptc/sql__nlf.c: no match libptc/sql__nname.c: no match libptc/sql__npa.c: no match libptc/sql__nre.c: no match libptc/sql__pack.c: no match libptc/sql__pcnst.c: no match libptc/sql__peer.c: no match libptc/sql__perrorp.c: no match libptc/sql__pmain.c: no match libptc/sql__pr.c: no match libptc/sql__pred.c: no match libptc/sql__psetadd.c: no match libptc/sql__psetco.c: no match libptc/sql__psetge.c: no match libptc/sql__psetgt.c: no match libptc/sql__psetle.c: no match libptc/sql__psetlt.c: no match libptc/sql__psetm.c: no match libptc/sql__pstrcat.c: no match libptc/sql__pstrcom.c: no match libptc/sql__pstrcpy.c: no match libptc/sql__put.c: no match libptc/sql__pvars.c: no match libptc/sql__rd.c: no match libptc/sql__readln.c: no match libptc/sql__reset.c: no match libptc/sql__rewrite.c: no match libptc/sql__rgv.c: no match libptc/sql__round.c: no match libptc/sql__scnst.c: no match libptc/sql__setadd.c: no match libptc/sql__setco.c: no match libptc/sql__setmin.c: no match libptc/sql__setrang.c: no match libptc/sql__setsub.c: no match libptc/sql__sin.c: no match libptc/sql__sqrt.c: no match libptc/sql__srand.c: no match libptc/sql__stopp.c: no match libptc/sql__strlen.c: no match libptc/sql__succ.c: no match libptc/sql__sync.c: no match libptc/sql__time.c: no match libptc/sql__trunc.c: no match libptc/sql__ucmp.c: no match libptc/sql__uncs.c: no match libptc/sql__unget.c: no match libptc/sql__unpack.c: no match libptc/sql__ut.c: no match libptc/sql__writeln.c: no match libptc/Version.c: no match libptc/whoami.h: no match lo/vlo00: LOAD constants and types lo/vlo01: Main-Program lo/vlo02: Execute-Control-Stmts lo/vlo03: Editor lo/vlo04: Main-Subroutines lo/vlo05: SQL-Commands lo/vlo06: Parse-DATALOAD-Stmts lo/vlo07: Parse-DATAUPDATE-Stmts lo/vlo08: Parse-DATAEXTRACT-Stmts lo/vlo09: Parse-EXTRACT-Stmts-(cont) lo/vlo10: Execute-Inserts lo/vlo11: Asynchronous-Mass-Insert lo/vlo12: Execute-Extract lo/vlo17: Catalogextract lo/vlo18: Catalogload and LOAD ORACLEDB lo/vlo19: Utility-Commands lo/vlo20: Execute-NOLOG-Load lo/vlo21: Asynchronous-NOLOG-Load lo/vlo22: Defaults-And-Ranges lo/vlo23: TABLEEXTRACT lo/vlo24: TABLELOAD lo/vlo25: Create - Restore - File lo/vlo26: Catalog-Table-Dependencies lo/vlo27: Catalog-TABLE-And-DOMAIN lo/vlo28: Catalog-REF-INDEX-DBPROCs lo/vlo29: Catalog-USER-Define lo/vlo30: Read-Data lo/vlo31: Write-Protocols lo/vlo32: Online-Protocol lo/vlo33: Read-Statement-From-Controlfile lo/vlo34: Clipboard lo/vlo35: File-Access-(All-But-Write) lo/vlo36: Bin-Var-Files lo/vlo37: VFILE-Interface lo/vlo40: Compound-Messages lo/vlo45: Simple-Messages lo/vlo50: File-Descriptions lo/vlo51: XLOAD-Syntax-Part1 lo/vlo52: XLOAD-Syntax-Part2 lo/vlo53: XLOAD-Keyword-Parser lo/vlo54: Basic-Eform-Handling lo/vlo55: XLOAD-Command-Parser lo/vlo56: XLOAD-Command-Keywords lo/vlo59: XLOAD-Builtin-Functions lo/vlo60: Conversion-To-Internal-Format lo/vlo61: Conversion-To-External-Format lo/vlo62: Condition-Evaluation lo/vlo70: Execute-Mass-Inserts lo/vlo71: Asynchronous-Mass-Insert lo/vlo80: Internal-SQL-Commands lo/vlo83: FASTLOAD-Routines lo/vlo84: TABLEEXTRACT lo/vlo85: TABLELOAD lo/vlo86: Kernel-Save-Restore lo/vlo90: Basic-Database-Communication lo/vlo99: UNICODE-Translation ls/FlexLexer.h: Notwendig fuer die uebersetzung des Bison-parsers ls/gls00.h: Replication Manager | "Fundamental definition module of the LS layer" ls/hls01.h: Replication Manager | communication with client ls/hls03.h: Replication Manager | Functions to connect to the database ls/hls04.h: Replication Manager | Packets, segments and parts ls/hls041.h: Replication Manager | Supplement Function to packet functions in ls04 module ls/hls05.h: Replication Manager | String funktionen ls/hls07.h: Replication Manager | Numerical Conversion functions ls/hls08_long.h: no match ls/hls10.h: Replication Manager | dispatcher ls/hls11.h: Replication Manager | Dispatcher module function definitions ls/hls12.h: Replication Manager | Cursor ls/hls13.h: Replication Manager | Functions to get all necessary information on a table from the database ls/hls14_FlexDefs.h: no match ls/hls14_global.h: Replication Manager | Definition of flex return structure (used by scanner/parser) and ls/hls14_parse.h: no match ls/hls14_scan.h: Replication Manager | definition of (flex generated) class, which implements the scanner ls/hls15.h: Replication Manager | user management ls/hls16_condition.h: Replication Server | Definition of exported functions for condition checking and ls/hls17_BufPars.h: Replication Manager | Buffer class for lex scanner ls/hls18.h: Replication Server | Data file row and value functionality ls/hls19_check.h: Replication Manager | Diverse check-funktionalitaet ls/hls20.h: Replication Manager | dataload ls/hls21.h: Replication Manager | Fastload execution (definitions) ls/hls22.h: Replication Manager | Fastload - filling db pages (definitions) ls/hls23.h: Replication Manager | Module that handles the building of records for database pages ls/hls24.h: Replication Manager | Default and NULL value handling ls/hls25.h: Replication Server | Transformation routines for numeric values ls/hls26.h: Replication Server | Definition of exported functions for TABLEEXTRACT ls/hls26_TETable.h: Replication Server | Definition of exported functions for TABLEEXTRACT for a single table ls/hls27_dataextract.h: Replication Manager | Functions for dataextract ls/hls27_DEExec.h: Replication Manager | Functions for dataextract execution ls/hls28_TLoad.h: Replication Server | Definition of exported functions for TABLELOAD ls/hls28_TLSwap.h: Replication Server | Definition of exported functions for swap on pages for TABLELOAD ls/hls28_TLTable.h: Replication Server | Definition of exported functions for TABLELOAD for single table ls/hls29_dataupdate.h: Replication Manager | dataupdate ls/hls30.h: Replication Manager | Functions for Virtual File access ls/hls31_catalogextract.h: Replication Manager | catalogextract ls/hls31_odbc_Result.h: odbc | ls/hls31_oi_Result.h: OI | ls/hls40cli.h: Replication Manager | replication server command line interface ls/hls51.h: Replication Manager | spezielle Pufferklasse zum lesen von datenseiten aus einer datei ls/hls98msg.h: Replication Manager | Server Protokolldateiklasse ls/hls99.h: Replication Manager | trace ls/vls01.cpp: Replication Manager | communication with client ls/vls03.cpp: Replication Manager | Functions to connect to the database ls/vls04.cpp: Replication Manager | SQL-Packet handling ls/vls041.cpp: Replication Manager | Supplement Function to packet functions in ls04 module ls/vls05.cpp: Replication Manager | String functions ls/vls07.cpp: Replication Manager | Numerical Conversion functions ls/vls08_long.cpp: no match ls/vls10.cpp: Replication Manager | dispatcher ls/vls11.cpp: Replication Manager | Dispatcher module ls/vls12.cpp: Replication Manager | Cursor ls/vls13.cpp: Replication Manager | Implementation of support functions ls/vls14_parse.skl: Replication Manager | bison skeleton for creating the replication server parser ls/vls14_parse.y: Replication Manager | parser grammar ls/vls14_scan.l: Replication Manager | scanner grammar ls/vls14_scan.skl: Replication Manager | source code of flex generated scanner class ls/vls15.cpp: Replication Manager | user management ls/vls16_condition.cpp: Replication Server | Implementation of condition checking and converting functions ls/vls17_BufPars.cpp: Replication Manager | Buffer class for lex scanner ls/vls18.cpp: Replication Server | Implementation of data file row and value functions ls/vls19_check.cpp: Replication Manager | Diverse check-funktionalitaet ls/vls20.cpp: Replication Manager | Implementation of the DATALOAD functionality ls/vls21.cpp: Replication Manager | FASTLOAD execution ls/vls22.cpp: Replication Manager | Fastload - filling db pages ls/vls23.cpp: Replication Manager | Aufbereiten eines datensatzes fuer fastload ls/vls24.cpp: Replication Manager | Default and NULL value handling ls/vls25.cpp: Replication Server | Implementation of transformation routines for numeric values ls/vls26.cpp: Replication Server | Implementation of TABLEEXTRACT ls/vls26_TETable.cpp: Replication Server | Implementation of TABLEEXTRACT for a single table ls/vls27_dataextract.cpp: Replication Manager | Implementation of functions for dataextract ls/vls27_DEExec.cpp: Replication Manager | Implementation of functions for dataextract execution ls/vls28_TLoad.cpp: Replication Server | Implementation of TABLELOAD ls/vls28_TLSwap.cpp: Replication Server | Implementation of swap on pages for TABLELOAD for single table ls/vls28_TLTable.cpp: Replication Server | Implementation of TABLELOAD for single table ls/vls29_dataupdate.cpp: Replication Manager | Implementation of the DATAUPDATE functionality ls/vls30.cpp: Replication Manager | Implementation of functions for Virtual File access ls/vls31_catalogextract.cpp: Replication Manager | Implementation of the CATALOGEXTRACT/CATALOGLOAD functionality ls/vls31_odbc_Result.cpp: odbc | ls/vls31_oi_Result.cpp: oial ( order interface abstraction layer ) | ls/vls40bload.cpp: Replication Manager | implementation of command line replication server access ls/vls51.cpp: Replication Manager | spezielle Pufferklasse ls/vls92.c: no match ls/vls93.c: no match ls/vls98msg.cpp: Replication Manager | Server Protokolldateiklasse ls/vls99.cpp: Replication Manager | trace mt/gmt90.h: Traceoutput | mt/vmt00: TEST_const_u_type mt/vmt90: Test_Procedures mt/vmt90c: Traceoutput Functions mt/vmt91: Test_Procedures mt/vmt92: ccc_count_init_output mt/vmt93: Terminal-IO mt/vmt94: write_protfile mt/vmt95: logical_screen_procedures mt/vmt96: trace sql packet ni/hni00b.h: no match ni/hni31.h: ni layer | basic types for ni30.cpp,...,ni35.cpp ni/hni32.h: ni layer | classes for parameter handling ni/hni33.h: ni layer | classes for process handling ni/hni34.h: ni layer | classes handling files, directories and pipes ni/hni35.h: ni layer | classes handling errors from vni32.cpp, vni33.cpp, vni34.cpp ni/vni00c: SQL_filter_Definitions ni/vni00wc: no match ni/vni01c: Argument ni/vni02c: Form ni/vni10c: no match ni/vni11c: no match ni/vni12c: no match ni/vni25c: no match ni/vni30.cpp: ni layer | main-funktion of xbackup and xrestore, analyzing arguments and ni/vni32.cpp: ni layer | implementation of classes for parameter handling ni/vni33.cpp: ni layer | implementation of classes for process handling ni/vni34.cpp: ni layer | implementing classes handling files, directories and pipes ni/vni35.cpp: ni layer | implementing classes handling errors from vni32.cpp, vni33.cpp, vni34.cpp ni/vni50c: no match ni/vni55c: no match ni/vni56c: no match ni/vni57c: no match ni/vni90c: SQL_filter_main os/gos00.h: old virtual file os/gos003.h: communication | description ... os/gos200.h: | os/gos202.h: SAPDB Microsoft Cluster Server Manager | os/gos203.h: Load DLL Functions | Load DLL Functions os/gos204.h: | os/gos205.h: Microsoft Cluster Server | The PropertyList class. os/gos210.h: Cluster Server DLL | os/gos212.h: | os/gos220.h: Microsoft Cluster Server ( generated by AppWizard! ) | os/gos221.h: Microsoft Cluster Server ( generated by AppWizard! ) | Global definitions across the DLL. os/gos222.h: Microsoft Cluster Server ( generated by AppWizard! ) | CBasePropertyPage class. os/gos223.h: Microsoft Cluster Server ( generated by AppWizard! ) | Definition of custom dialog data exchange/dialog data validation os/gos224.h: Microsoft Cluster Server ( generated by AppWizard! ) | Definition of the CClusPropList class. os/gos225.h: Microsoft Cluster Server ( generated by AppWizard! ) | Definition of the CExtObject class os/gos226.h: Microsoft Cluster Server ( generated by AppWizard! ) | Definitions of routines for extension registration. os/gos227.h: Microsoft Cluster Server ( generated by AppWizard! ) | Definitions of the resource extension property page classes. os/gos229.h: Microsoft Cluster Server ( generated by AppWizard! ) | Resource File constants os/gos35k.h: DCOMx_Functions os/gos42.h: socket communication | description ... os/gos44.h: logging ... | description ... os/gos541.h: Intel PSE 36 support | ramdisk os/gos542.h: Intel PSE 36 support | special "vblockio" os/gos543.h: Intel extended memory support | "Windows 2000 PAE/AWE-Support" os/gos906.h: logging ... | description ... os/gos94.h: service | service_entry os/gos96.h: logging ... | description ... os/gos960.h: Xserver | support > 6.1 applications os/gos962.h: Cserver | NI support > 6.1 applications os/gos963.h: Cserver | support for 6.1 applications os/gos969.h: START/STOP/INSTALL/REMOVE ANY DATABASE_SERVER | description ... os/hos04u.h: virtual terminal os/hos06.h: XXX YYY XXX os/hos13u.h: rte internal xuser access os/hos21u.h: rte internal xuser access os/hos23.h: communication (TCP/IP) | description ... os/hos33.h: local communication os/hos37.h: COM os/hos38.h: COM os/hos39.h: COM os/hos42.h: communication | description ... os/hos63k.h: kernel to kernel communication os/hos65k.h: vasynio os/sqlmsg.dll: no match os/vos00cnc: RTE_console_include_module os/vos00dsc: RTE_Win32_include_module os/vos00kc: RTE_kernel_include_module os/vos00sec: Microsoft NT Security os/vos01c: Common_Environment_Functions os/vos01cc: SystemRC os/vos01ic: Installation_Functions os/vos01kc: Devlopment_functions os/vos01uc: Initialization_(User_Part) os/vos02c: Version_and_OS-ID os/vos02uc: no match os/vos03c: no match os/vos03uc: component_kernel_communication os/vos04u: virtual_terminal_mapper os/vos04uc: Virtual_Terminal_for_OS/2_V2.x_and_Win_NT os/vos05uc: Printer os/vos06c: Virtual_File os/vos06uc: Virtual_File os/vos07uc: no match os/vos08uc: sqlexec os/vos09c: no match os/vos09uc: OS/2_console_functions_adapted_to_Windows_NT os/vos10uc: SQLREAD/SQLWRITE os/vos11c: XPARAM_Functions os/vos12uc: no match os/vos13uc: XUSER os/vos14uc: no match os/vos17uc: User_Utility_Functions os/vos18uc: character_set_mapping os/vos202.cpp: SAPDB Microsoft Cluster Server Manager | os/vos203.cpp: Load DLL Functions | Load DLL Functions os/vos204.cpp: | os/vos205.cpp: Microsoft Cluster Server | Implementation of the PropertyList class. os/vos210.c: Cluster Server DLL | os/vos211.cpp: SAPDB - Cluster Server Manager | os/vos212.cpp: | os/vos21uc: no match os/vos221.cpp: Microsoft Cluster Server ( generated by AppWizard! ) | Implementation of the CluApp class and DLL initialization os/vos222.cpp: Microsoft Cluster Server ( generated by AppWizard! ) | Implementation of the CBasePropertyPage class. os/vos223.cpp: Microsoft Cluster Server ( generated by AppWizard! ) | Implementation of custom dialog data exchange/dialog data validation os/vos224.cpp: Microsoft Cluster Server ( generated by AppWizard! ) | Implementation of the CClusPropList class. os/vos225.cpp: Microsoft Cluster Server ( generated by AppWizard! ) | Implementation of the CExtObject class os/vos226.cpp: Microsoft Cluster Server ( generated by AppWizard! ) | Implementation of routines for extension registration. os/vos227.cpp: Microsoft Cluster Server ( generated by AppWizard! ) | Implementation of the resource extension property page classes. os/vos228.idl: no match os/vos23c: TCP/IP_connectivity os/vos24uc: sqlat os/vos33c: no match os/vos33oc: no match os/vos35.cpp: DCOMx_Functions os/vos36.cpp: DCOM load dynamic library os/vos37.cpp: GenInspectionCode Utility os/vos38.cpp: COM_Interface os/vos38s.cpp: OLE_Registry_Functions os/vos39.cpp: OLE_Debug_Functions os/vos40c: TCP/IP os/vos40lc: TCP/IP os/vos40uc: Abort_and_Exit_Functions os/vos41c: Create_and_remove_IPC_resources os/vos42c: create/extract/read/write_remote_sql_packets os/vos42oc: create/extract/read/write_remote_sql_packets os/vos43c: socket_address_resolution os/vos44c: miscellaneous device/file functions os/vos49c: NT_Security os/vos50c: NT_Registry os/vos50kc: kernel_exit/exception_handling os/vos51kc: initializations os/vos52kc: DATE/TIME_QUERY os/vos53kc: Communication os/vos54.c: kernel / LZU | Disk I/O os/vos541.c: Intel PSE 36 support | ramdisk os/vos542.c: Intel PSE 36 support | special "vblockio" os/vos543l.c: Intel extended memory support | "dynamic loader for Windows 2000 AWE Support" os/vos55kc: Mutual_Exclusion os/vos56kc: scheduling os/vos57.c: kernel storage management os/vos57c: common_alloc os/vos58kc: no match os/vos59kc: vexec os/vos60c: message_output os/vos60kc: message_output os/vos61kc: X_START/X_STOP_posting os/vos62kc: no match os/vos64kc: vprio os/vos65kc: no match os/vos66kc: Virtual_File os/vos68kc: inline_console os/vos69kc: accounting os/vos69uc: no match os/vos70kc: RTE_initilize os/vos71kc: kernel_task_stack_management os/vos72kc: no match os/vos73kc: QUEUE_Handling os/vos74kc: dispatcher os/vos78.cpp: DCOM Registry auf NT os/vos79kc: read_param_file os/vos80c: getopt os/vos80kc: kernel_entry_point os/vos80knc: no match os/vos81kc: COORDINATOR_thread os/vos82kc: CONSOLE_Thread os/vos83kc: TIMER_Thread os/vos84kc: REQUESTOR_thread os/vos85kc: CLOCK_Thread os/vos88kc: USER_KERNEL_Thread os/vos901c: start, stop, clear as functions os/vos903c: init Control session os/vos905c: sqlxconnect os/vos906c: Control Server Communication os/vos90c: START_DATABASE os/vos90cc: START os/vos91cc: STOP os/vos92.c: cons (x_cons) ... | NT main module ... os/vos94c: NT_Server_Configuration os/vos94cc: NT_Server_Configuration os/vos96.c: Server | common routines for servers os/vos960.c: Xserver | support > 6.1 applications os/vos962.c: Cserver | NI support > 6.1 applications os/vos963.c: Cserver | support for 6.1 applications os/vos968.c: TCP/IP_DATABASE_SERVER | description ... os/vos969.cpp: START/STOP/INSTALL/REMOVE TCP/IP_DATABASE_SERVER | description ... os/vos97c: get_SERVERDB_and_XSERVER_status os/vos97cc: SHOW os/I386_WIN32_32/vos38a.o: no match os/I386_WIN32_32/vos71ka.o: no match os/I386_WIN32_32/vos76a.o: no match ox/vox00c: BACKUP ox/vox11c: BACKUP ox/vox12c: BACKUP ox/vox30x: xtcpupd ox/vox31x: xtcpupd ox/vox32x: xtcpupd ox/vox33x: xtcpupd ox/vox34x: xtcpupd ox/vox35x: xtcpupd ox/xcontrol.ico.N: no match ox/xload.ico.N: no match ox/xpl.ico.N: no match ox/xquery.ico.N: no match ox/xuser.ico.N: no match pa/hpa05num.h: ODBC-Driver | Conversion for SQL_NUMERIC struct pa/hpa101saptype.h: no match pa/hpa102odcompr.h: ODBC | C wrapper for ODBC extension to compress/decompress data pa/hpa104CsObject.h: no match pa/hpa105CsObjInt.h: no match pa/hpa106cslzc.h: no match pa/hpa107cslzh.h: no match pa/hpa110CmprFlt.h: Data-Compression | Filter for block wise compression of data pa/hpa111ODCompr2.h: ODBC | ODBC extension to compress/decompress data pa/hpa112FileCompr.h: Data-Compression | Classes to read and write LZH compressed files pa/hpa81odext.h: ODBC-Driver Extension | C wrapper functions for VB pa/hpa83odbcinstext.h: no match pa/hpa90info.h: ODBC-Driver | Convert ODBC types and codes to string (e.g for tracing) pa/vpa00dlc: no match pa/vpa00enc: no match pa/vpa00global.h: ODBC-Driver | global include file with common includes pa/vpa00odc: no match pa/vpa00odstream.h: no match pa/vpa00sql.h: no match pa/vpa00sqlext.h: no match pa/vpa00sqlod32.h: ODBC-Driver | defines for SAP-DB specific extensions to ODBC pa/vpa00sqltypes.h: no match pa/vpa00sqlucode.h: no match pa/vpa00txc: no match pa/vpa00vrc: no match pa/vpa00wic: no match pa/vpa01c: COMUNICATION WITH ORDER INTERFACE pa/vpa03wc: no match pa/vpa04fc: no match pa/vpa04gc: no match pa/vpa04tc: no match pa/vpa05num.c: ODBC-Driver | Conversion for SQL_C_NUMERIC struct pa/vpa06.h: ODBC-Driver | misc functions pa/vpa06c: no match pa/vpa07wc: no match pa/vpa08msc: no match pa/vpa09.h: ODBC-Driver | suppport for asynchron functions pa/vpa09ac: no match pa/vpa09mc: no match pa/vpa09tc: no match pa/vpa102odcompr.cpp: ODBC | C wrapper for ODBC extension to compress/decompress data pa/vpa104CsObject.cpp: no match pa/vpa105CsObjInt.cpp: no match pa/vpa106cslzc.cpp: no match pa/vpa107cslzh.cpp: no match pa/vpa108csulzh.cpp: no match pa/vpa10ac: no match pa/vpa10ec: no match pa/vpa10gc: no match pa/vpa10Handle.c: ODBC-Driver | ODBC-Handles (environment,connection,statement,descriptor) pa/vpa10Handle.h: ODBC-Driver | ODBC-Handles (environment,connection,statement,descriptor) pa/vpa110CmprFlt.cpp: Data-Compression | Filter for block wise compression of data pa/vpa111ODCompr2.cpp: ODBC | ODBC extension to compress/decompress data pa/vpa112FileCompr.cpp: Data-Compression | Classes to read and write LZH compressed files pa/vpa114decompr.cpp: no match pa/vpa11ac: no match pa/vpa11pc: no match pa/vpa12ac: no match pa/vpa12pc: no match pa/vpa20Desc.c: ODBC-Driver | ODBC-Descriptors - Datastructures and functions pa/vpa20Desc.h: ODBC-Driver | ODBC-Descriptors - Datastructures and functions pa/vpa21DescRec.c: ODBC-Driver | ODBC-Descriptor-Records - Datastructures and functions pa/vpa21DescRec.h: ODBC-Driver | ODBC-Descriptor-Records - Datastructures and functions pa/vpa30.c: no match pa/vpa30.h: ODBC-Driver | Communication with Interface Runtime pa/vpa30DiagArea.c: ODBC-Driver | diagnostic-Area pa/vpa30DiagArea.h: ODBC-Driver | diagnostic-Area pa/vpa30wc: no match pa/vpa31DiagRec.c: ODBC-Driver | diagnostic record pa/vpa31DiagRec.h: ODBC-Driver | diagnostic record pa/vpa40DBC.c: ODBC-Driver | ODBC connection handles (datastructures,functions) pa/vpa40DBC.h: ODBC-Driver | ODBC connection handles (datastructures,functions) pa/vpa41ESQBlock.c: ODBC-Driver | struct tpa41ESQBlock pa/vpa41ESQBlock.h: ODBC-Driver | struct tpa41ESQBlock pa/vpa50Env.c: ODBC-Driver | ODBC-environment handles (datastructures,functions) pa/vpa50Env.h: ODBC-Driver | ODBC-environment handles (datastructures,functions) pa/vpa50wc: no match pa/vpa60Stmt.c: ODBC-Driver | ODBC statement handles (datstructures,functions) pa/vpa60Stmt.h: ODBC-Driver | ODBC statement handles (datstructures,functions) pa/vpa61StmtAttr.c: ODBC-Driver | ODBC statement attributes pa/vpa61StmtAttr.h: ODBC-Driver | ODBC statement attributes pa/vpa62DBCSpecial.h: ODBC-Driver | struct DBCSpecial pa/vpa70SQLDA.c: ODBC-Driver | ODBC related sqlda functions pa/vpa70SQLDA.h: ODBC-Driver | ODBC related sqlda functions pa/vpa80String.c: ODBC-Driver | string manipulating functions pa/vpa80String.h: ODBC-Driver | string manipulating functions pa/vpa80wc: ODBC ODBC GENERATE TRACE ENTRY HEADER pa/vpa81odext.c: ODBC-Driver Extension | C wrapper functions for VB pa/vpa82unix.c: ODBC-Driver | Mapping ODBC 2.5 functions to ODBC 3.5 functions pa/vpa83staticNT.c: ODBC-Driver | missing objects for static linking under WinNT (PTS 1109265) pa/vpa90info.c: ODBC-Driver | Convert ODBC types and codes to string (e.g for tracing) pc/gpc00: SP_basic_constants_and_types pc/gpc001: SP_basic_constants_and_types pc/vpc00: Runtime-System_Typen_und_Konstanten + VSP00 pc/vpc0013c: no match pc/vpc00c: no match pc/vpc10: Precompiler_Syntax_Erkennung pc/vpc10c: no match pc/vpc11: Kommunikation mit Ein-Ausgabeger?ate pc/vpc11b: Kommunikation mit Ein-Ausgabeger?ate pc/vpc11bc: no match pc/vpc11c: no match pc/vpc11Version.c: C-PreComp | Version | Version und Release Ausgabe pc/vpc13c: no match pc/vpc14: Analyse_SQLDB_Kommandos with new structures pc/vpc14b: Analyse_ORACLE_Kommandos pc/vpc14c: no match pc/vpc14e: Analyse_SQLDB_Kommandos with new structures pc/vpc14Fetch.c: | Stueckweises Lesen von Long-Spalten pc/vpc14Fetch.h: | Stueckweises Lesen von Long-Spalten pc/vpc15: Analyse-Parameter-Options pc/vpc15c: no match pc/vpc16: Check_Usage pc/vpc16c.c: | Code Analyse and generation of FETCH Commands pc/vpc16c.h: | Code Analyse and generation of FETCH Commands pc/vpc19: Search-Const-Type-Var-Namen pc/vpc19c: no match pc/vpc30c: no match pc/vpc31c: no match pc/vpc32c: no match pi/vpi00c: no match pi/vpi00fc: no match pi/vpi00fcc: no match pi/vpi00vc: no match pi/vpi01Libpcrl.c: Dynamic Runtime Loader | pi/vpi01Libpcrl.h: Dynamic Runtime Loader | pi/vpi10ConnSync.c: CPCDrv | Client | Connection Syncronisation | Connect Verwaltung pi/vpi10ConnSync.h: CPCDrv | Client | Connection Syncronisation | Connect Verwaltung pi/vpi30.c: CPCDrv | Client | CPC Entries | CPC Entries pi/vpi30cac: no match pi/vpi30orc: no match pi/vpi90c: Export session pr/gpr00.h: General CPC Driver Header | pr/gpr01.h: CPCDrv | Client | Prototypes fuer vpr01 | pr/gpr01b.h: Header for Oldstyle PASCAL and C Modules (vpr01b) | pr/gpr01e.h: CPCDrv | Client | Prototypes fuer vpr01e | pr/gpr01l.h: Header for Oldstyle PASCAL and C Modules (vpr01l) | pr/gpr01s.h: Header for Oldstyle PASCAL and C Modules (vpr01s, vpr03sc) | pr/gpr03.h: Header for Oldstyle PASCAL and C Modules (vpr03, vpr03c) | pr/gpr03m.h: CPCDrv | Client | Memory Management | Memory Management Verwaltung pr/gpr04.h: CPCDrv | Client | Converting Data | pr/gpr05.h: Header for Oldstyle PASCAL and C Modules (vpr05, vpr05c) | pr/gpr08.h: CPCDrv | Client | Prototypes fuer vpr03c | Precompiler_Runtime_Routinen pr/gpr11.h: Callinterface | Client | Prototypes fuer vpr11 | Call_statement_proceduren pr/vpr00: Precompiler_run_time_incudes pr/vpr00c: no match pr/vpr01: SQL_runtime_routinen pr/vpr01b: Fetch-Optimierung pr/vpr01c.c: CPCDrv | Client | SQL Commando Abarbeitung | SQL Commando Abarbeitung pr/vpr01Con.c: CPCDrv | Client | Connection Verwaltung | Connection Verwaltung pr/vpr01Con.h: CPCDrv | Client | Connection Verwaltung | Connection Verwaltung pr/vpr01Cursor.c: CPCDrv | Client | Cursorverwaltung | Cursor Verwaltung pr/vpr01Cursor.h: CPCDrv | Client | Cursorverwaltung | Cursor Verwaltung pr/vpr01e: SQL_runtime_routinen_init pr/vpr01Env.c: CPCDrv | Client | Environment | Verwaltung des Interface Environments pr/vpr01Env.h: CPCDrv | Client | Environment | Verwaltung des Interface Environments pr/vpr01Error.c: CPCDrv | Client | Error | Verwaltung von Runtime Errors pr/vpr01Error.h: CPCDrv | Client | Error | Verwaltung von Runtime Errors pr/vpr01EXECSQL.c: CPCDrv | Client | EXEC SQL Verarbeitung | EXEC SQL Verarbeitung pr/vpr01EXECSQL.h: CPCDrv | Client | EXEC SQL Verarbeitung | EXEC SQL Verarbeitung pr/vpr01Init.c: CPCDrv | Client | Runtime System Init | Runtime System Init (former VPR01E) pr/vpr01l: Long_var_char Implementierung pr/vpr01lc: no match pr/vpr01Module.c: CPCDrv | Client | Moduleverwaltung | Verwaltung von Precompilerten Uebersetzungseinheiten pr/vpr01Module.h: CPCDrv | Client | Moduleverwaltung | Verwaltung von Precompilerten Uebersetzungseinheiten pr/vpr01Precom.c: CPCDrv | Client | Precompiler Kommandos | Verwaltung von EXEC SQL Statements pr/vpr01Precom.h: CPCDrv | Client | Precompiler Kommandos | Verwaltung von EXEC SQL Statements pr/vpr01s: Select-direct-Optimierung pr/vpr01sc: Execute_at_fetch_optimierung pr/vpr01SQL.c: CPCDrv | Client | SQLStatment Verwaltung | SQL Verwaltung pr/vpr01SQL.h: CPCDrv | Client | SQLStatment Verwaltung | SQL Verwaltung pr/vpr01StmtName.c: CPCDrv | Client | Statementnamen | Verwaltung von Statementnamen pr/vpr01StmtName.h: CPCDrv | Client | Statementnamen | Verwaltung von Statementnamen pr/vpr01Trace.c: CPCDrv | Client | Trace SQL Commands | Verwaltung des Trace Descriptors pr/vpr01Trace.h: CPCDrv | Client | Trace SQL Commands | Output to the Tracefile pr/vpr02Con.c: Connect Syntax Analyse | pr/vpr02Con.h: Connect Syntax Analyse | Connect Syntax Analyse pr/vpr03: SQLDB-Auftrags-Schnittstelle pr/vpr03Abap.c: PR Layer | Abap Exception Handler Wrapper. pr/vpr03AbapInfo.c: CPCDrv | Client | VTRACE | Diagnose | ABAP | Kernel VTRACE Unterstuetzung von ABAP Programmen pr/vpr03c.c: CPCDrv | Client | Orderinterface | SAPDB-Order-Interface pr/vpr03cac: no match pr/vpr03Cancel.c: CPCDrv | Client | CANCEL | Cancel of SQL Commands pr/vpr03CheckPoint.c: CPCDrv | Client | APO | Kernel CheckPoint Unterstuetzung von APO pr/vpr03CheckPoint.h: CPCDrv | Client | Prototypes fuer Checkpointhandling | pr/vpr03Con.c: Connection Verwaltung | Connection Verwaltung pr/vpr03Con.h: Connection Verwaltung | Connection Verwaltung pr/vpr03m.c: CPCDrv | Client | Memory Management | Memory Management pr/vpr03Packet.c: Auftragsinterface | pr/vpr03Packet.h: Auftragsinterface | Header fuer Verwaltung des Auftragsinterfaces pr/vpr03Part.c: Functions to modify a Part | pr/vpr03Part.h: Functions to modify a Part | Header fuer Verwaltung des Auftragsinterfaces pr/vpr03sc: ADABAS-ABAP-Stream-IO-Interface pr/vpr03Segment.c: Verwaltung Auftrags Segment | pr/vpr03Segment.h: Verwaltung Auftrags Segment | pr/vpr04c.c: CPCDrv | Client | Parameter Conversions | Parameter Conversions pr/vpr04d2c: no match pr/vpr04Long.c: CPCDrv | Client | Longvarchar | Longvarchar Conversion pr/vpr04Long.h: CPCDrv | Client | Longvarchar | Longvarchar Conversion pr/vpr04orc: no match pr/vpr04Param.c: CPCDrv | Client | Parameterverwaltung | Verwaltung von Hostvariablen pr/vpr04Param.h: CPCDrv | Client | Parameterverwaltung | Verwaltung von Hostvariablen pr/vpr05: Runtime-Stringroutinen pr/vpr05AnalyzeSQL.c: | Analyzes a sql statement and stores analysis data pr/vpr05AnalyzeSQL.h: | Analyzes a sql statement and stores analysis data pr/vpr05c.c: | Contains functions for analysis sql statements pr/vpr05c.h: | Contains functions for analysis sql statements pr/vpr05IfCom_String.c: | universal String definition of Interfaces pr/vpr05IfCom_String.h: | universal string definition for Interfaces Group pr/vpr06ParseId.c: | pr/vpr06ParseId.h: | pr/vpr07c: ADABAS-runtime-Version-stamp pr/vpr07Check.c: CPCDrv | Client | Rangcheck | Check auf Konsistenz von Datenstrukturen und pr/vpr07Check.h: CPCDrv | Client | Rangcheck | Check auf Konsistenz von Datenstrukturen und pr/vpr07Macro.c: Usefull Preprozessor Macros | pr/vpr07Macro.h: Usefull Preprozessor Macros | pr/vpr08: Precompiler_Runtime_Routinen pr/vpr08b: Precompiler_ORACLE_Runtime_Routinen pr/vpr08c.c: CPCDrv | Client | SQL Runtime System | SQL Runtime System pr/vpr08c.h: CPCDrv | Client | Prototypes fuer vpr08c.c | SQL Runtime System pr/vpr08SharedMem.c: CPCDrv | Client | Trace SQL Commands | access to the shared memory for Interface Runtime (IRT) pr/vpr08SharedMem.h: CPCDrv | Client | Trace SQL Commands | access to the shared memory for Interface Runtime (IRT) pr/vpr08trace.c: PR layer (precompiler runtime) | trace routines pr/vpr08trace.h: PR layer (precompiler runtime) | trace routines pr/vpr09Config.c: Handling Configuration (ini) file entrys | pr/vpr09Config.h: Handling Configuration (ini) file entrys | Handling of '.ini' files on UNIX and registry on NT. pr/vpr09DynaDesc.c: Verwaltung Dynamischer Descriptoren | pr/vpr09DynaDesc.h: Verwaltung Dynamischer Descriptoren | Header fuer Verwaltung Dynamischer Descriptoren pr/vpr10: SQLDB-Call-Interface pr/vpr100.h: Version pr/vpr10c.c: | pr/vpr10c.h: no match pr/vpr11: Call_statement_proceduren pr/vpr11c.c: | Contains functions for execute SQL comming from ODBC. pr/vpr11c.h: CPCDrv | Client | ODBC Interface | pr/vpr12: Fetch-Optimierung pr/vpr12c.c: | Contains functions for execute SQL comming from ODBC. pr/vpr12c.h: | Contains functions for execute SQL comming from ODBC. pr/vpr15: SQLDB-Program-Options pr/vpr16c: Embedded SQL Profiling pr/vpr30wc: no match precom/abaphndl.h: no match precom/irtrace.c: CPCDrv | Client | Trace SQL Commands | Tool zum Ein-/Aus-/Umschalten des Traces precom/lcstream.h: no match precom/sqlcancel.h: no match precom/sqlinfo.h: no match precom/sqlver.c: sqlver shows versions of precompiled programs and runtime precom/sqlwhat.c: sqlwhat UNIX compatible what string parsing precom/what.c: what UNIX compatible what string parsing precom/what.h: what UNIX compatible what string parsing ps/vps01c: no match ps/vps10c: no match ps/vps11c: no match ps/vps30c: no match ps/vps31c: no match ps/vps99c: no match px/odbclnk.m: no match px/pcinstall.pt: no match px/precopt.hlf: no match px/sqllist.m: no match r3/analys.r3: no match r3/dbparams.r3: no match r3/dbparm.sql.r3: no match r3/dbtimes.r3: no match r3/dbtimes.sql.r3: no match r3/grantxdb.dbm.r3: no match r3/monioff.r3: no match r3/monion.r3: no match r3/wiz.r3: no match r3/wizstop.r3: no match r3/xdb46c.dbm.r3: no match redist/bin/I386_LINUX_32/python: no match redist/bin/I386_WIN32/pysapdb.exe: no match redist/bin/I386_WIN32/python15.dll: no match redist/python/cmd.py.rpy: no match redist/python/exceptions.py.rpy: no match redist/python/fnmatch.py.rpy: no match redist/python/glob.py.rpy: no match redist/python/linecache.py.rpy: no match redist/python/ntpath.py.rpy: no match redist/python/optlib.py.rpy: no match redist/python/os.py.rpy: no match redist/python/posixpath.py.rpy: no match redist/python/re.py.rpy: no match redist/python/site.py.rpy: no match redist/python/stat.py.rpy: no match redist/python/string.py.rpy: no match redist/python/tempfile.py.rpy: no match redist/python/traceback.py.rpy: no match redist/python/types.py.rpy: no match redist/python/UserDict.py.rpy: no match redist/python/lib-dynload/dummy.py: no match Resource/backint.rc: no match Resource/bload.rc: no match Resource/cons.rc: no match Resource/cr_param.rc: no match Resource/dbcp.rc: no match Resource/dbcpin.rc: no match Resource/dbcpout.rc: no match Resource/dbformat.rc: no match Resource/dbfsapi.def: no match Resource/dbfsapi.rc: no match Resource/dbln.rc: no match Resource/dbls.rc: no match Resource/dbmaperl.def: no match Resource/dbmaperl.rc: no match Resource/dbmapi.def: Database Manager Api | Link Definition for the DBM-Api DLL Resource/dbmapi.rc: no match Resource/dbmcli.rc: no match Resource/dbmgetf.rc: no match Resource/dbmkdir.rc: no match Resource/dbmpyd.def: no match Resource/dbmpyd.rc: no match Resource/dbmsrv.rc: no match Resource/dbmsrv_clu.rc: no match Resource/dbmv.rc: no match Resource/dbrm.rc: no match Resource/dbrmdir.rc: no match Resource/diagnose.rc: no match Resource/getparam.rc: no match Resource/kernel.rc: no match Resource/liboms.def: no match Resource/liboms.rc: no match Resource/libpcr.def: no match Resource/libpcr.rc: no match Resource/libsqlcls.def: no match Resource/libsqlcls.rc: no match Resource/livecachedbg.rc: no match Resource/load.rc: no match Resource/ntcold.ico: no match Resource/ntkern.ico: no match Resource/ntkern.rc: no match Resource/ntkern_bin.mc: no match Resource/ntstate.ico: no match Resource/ntstop.ico: no match Resource/ntwarm.ico: no match Resource/odbcreg.rc: no match Resource/odcompr.def: no match Resource/odcompr.rc: no match Resource/pc3.rc: no match Resource/pipe2file.rc: no match Resource/regcomp.rc: no match Resource/repmanaperl.def: no match Resource/repmanaperl.rc: no match Resource/repmanpyd.def: no match Resource/repmanpyd.rc: no match Resource/sapdb90.bmp: no match Resource/sapdbaperl.def: no match Resource/sapdbaperl.rc: no match Resource/sapdbmscsex.def: no match Resource/sapdbmscsex.rc: no match Resource/sapdbmscsman.def: no match Resource/sapdbmscsman.rc: no match Resource/sapdbmscsman_.rc: no match Resource/sapdbmscsres.def: no match Resource/sapdbmscsres.rc: no match Resource/sapdbpyd.def: no match Resource/sapdbpyd.rc: no match Resource/serv.ico: no match Resource/serv.rc: no match Resource/service.rc: no match Resource/service_clu.rc: no match Resource/serv_clu.rc: no match Resource/show.rc: no match Resource/slowci.rc: no match Resource/sphsapdb.def: no match Resource/sphsapdb.rc: no match Resource/sphsapdb.tlb: no match Resource/sqlfilter.rc: no match Resource/sqlinst.def: no match Resource/sqlinst.rc: no match Resource/sqlod32.def: no match Resource/sqlod32.rc: no match Resource/sqlodext.def: no match Resource/sqlodext.rc: no match Resource/sqlrun.def: no match Resource/sqlrun.rc: no match Resource/sqlsp32.def: no match Resource/sqlsp32.ico: no match Resource/sqlsp32.rc: no match Resource/sqltcp.def: no match Resource/sqltcp.rc: no match Resource/sqltcp1.rc: no match Resource/sqltcp2.rc: no match Resource/sqltcpn.rc: no match Resource/sqluser73.def: no match Resource/sqluser73.rc: no match Resource/sql_run.rc: no match Resource/stp.rc: no match Resource/stp_clu.rc: no match Resource/strt.rc: no match Resource/strt_clu.rc: no match Resource/StudioUtil.def: no match Resource/StudioUtil.rc: no match Resource/systemrc.rc: no match Resource/TableDef.def: no match Resource/TableDef.rc: no match Resource/tracesort.rc: no match Resource/userx.rc: no match Resource/vttest.rc: no match Resource/wacgi.rc: no match Resource/waecho.def: no match Resource/wafs.def: no match Resource/wafs.rc: no match Resource/wahttp.def: no match Resource/wapi.def: WebAgent | Windows DLL resource file Resource/wapi.rc: no match Resource/wapiap.def: no match Resource/wapiap.rc: no match Resource/wapiap2.def: no match Resource/wapiap2.rc: no match Resource/wapims.def: no match Resource/wapims.rc: no match Resource/wapins.def: no match Resource/wapins.rc: no match Resource/webdbm.def: no match Resource/webdbm.rc: no match Resource/WebQuery.def: no match Resource/WebQuery.rc: no match Resource/xtcpupd.ico: no match Resource/xtcpupd.rc: no match rx/aeeenv.IN: no match rx/aixterm-m.hif: no match rx/aixterm-m.ti: no match rx/aixterm.hif: no match rx/aixterm.ti: no match rx/ansi-col.hif: no match rx/ansi-gra.hif: no match rx/ansi.hif: no match rx/ansi.ti: no match rx/at386-col.hif: no match rx/at386-gra.hif: no match rx/at386.hif: no match rx/at386.ti: no match rx/ba48.hif: no match rx/ba48.ti: no match rx/ba80-08.ti: no match rx/ba80.hif: no match rx/bgrep.c.mi: no match rx/dap4x.hif: no match rx/dap4x.ti: no match rx/dap4xvt100.hif: no match rx/dec-xterm.hif: no match rx/dec-xterm.ti: no match rx/distlist.er: no match rx/german.chc: no match rx/ibm3151.hif: no match rx/ibm3151.ti: no match rx/ibm437.chc: no match rx/iso8859.chc: no match rx/mbcs.chc: no match rx/netvault.txt.mi: no match rx/op2np.mr: no match rx/patchb.c.mi: no match rx/ps_all.mr: no match rx/README.1ST.RM: no match rx/README.deu.RM: no match rx/README.eng.RM: no match rx/sni-xterm.hif: no match rx/sni-xterm.ti: no match rx/sqldb-ow.hif: no match rx/sqldbsun.ti: no match rx/sqllist.rte.mr: no match rx/sun-cmd.ti: no match rx/uslxterm.hif: no match rx/uslxterm.ti: no match rx/VERSIONS.er: no match rx/vt100.hif: no match rx/vt100.ti: no match rx/vt100_hp.hif: no match rx/vt100_hp.ti: no match rx/vt100_mbcs.hif: no match rx/vt100_mbcs.ti: no match rx/vt220.hif: no match rx/vt220.ti: no match rx/vt320.hif: no match rx/vt320.ti: no match rx/x_genwin.mr: no match rx/x_install.mr: no match rx/x_look.mr: no match rx/x_watch.mi: no match rx/x_wiz.txt.mi: no match sap/err.h: no match sap/nixx.h: no match sap/saptype.h: no match sap/saptypeb.h: no match sap/saptypec.h: no match sap/sapuc.h: no match SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Autolog.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Autolog SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Autolog.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Autolog SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Backup.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Backup SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Backup.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Backup SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Common.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Common SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Common.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | DBM-Server Session Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Database.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Database Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Database.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Database Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_DateTime.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Data / Time handling SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_DateTime.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Date/Time handling SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Devspace.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Devspace Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Devspace.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Devspace Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_EnumDatabase.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Enum Database Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_EnumDatabase.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Enum Database Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_EnumInstallation.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Enum Installation Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_EnumInstallation.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Enum Installation Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_File.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | File Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_File.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | File Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_History.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | History Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_History.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | History Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Indexes.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Indexes Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Indexes.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Indexes Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Info.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Info Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Info.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Info Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_KernelTrace.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | KernelTraceOption Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_KernelTrace.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | KernelTrace Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_LogModeObj.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | LogModeObj Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_LogModeObj.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | LogModeObj Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Media.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Media Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Media.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Media Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Node.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Node Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Node.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Node Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_NodeInfo.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Node Info Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_NodeInfo.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Node Info Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Parameter.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Parameter Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Parameter.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Parameter Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Recover.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Recover Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Recover.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Recover Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Result.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Result handling SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Result.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Result handling SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_ResultBuf.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Result buffer handling. SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_ResultBuf.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Result buffer handling. SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Session.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | DBM-Server Session Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Session.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | DBM-Server Session Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Show.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Show Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Show.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Show Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_State.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Database State Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_State.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Database State SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Stuff.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Stuff SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Stuff.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Stuff SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_UpdStat.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Update Statistics Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_UpdStat.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | Update Statistics Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_User.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Media Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_User.hpp: Database Manager Client Library | User Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Version.cpp: Database Manager Client Library | Version Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Version.hpp: Version Manager Client Library | Version Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Wizard.cpp: Wizard Manager Client Library | Wizard Class SAPDB/DBM/Cli/DBMCli_Wizard.hpp: Wizard Manager Client Library | Wizard Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWeb.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWeb.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebBackup.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Database backup funtions of the DBMWeb_DBMWeb class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebBackup.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | the "Backup" section of "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebCheck.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | "Check" functions of "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebCheck.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | the "Check" section of "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebConfig.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Database configuration funtions of the DBMWeb_DBMWeb class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebConfig.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | the "Check" section of "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebCore.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | "core" functions of "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebCore.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | the "Core" section of "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebInfo.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | "Info" functions of "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebInfo.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | the "Info" section of "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebRecover.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | "Recover" functions of "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebRecover.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | the "Recover" section of "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebState.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Database state funtions of the DBMWeb_DBMWeb class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebState.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | the "Check" section of "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebTest.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | "Test" functions of "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebTest.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | the "Test" section of "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebTuning.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | "Tuning" functions of "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebTuning.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | the "Tuning" section of "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebWizard.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Database wizard funtions of the DBMWeb_DBMWeb class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_DBMWebWizard.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | the "Wizard" section of "the" DBMWeb Class SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_Service.cpp: | Database Manager WebAgent Extension SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateBackup.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Backup SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateBackup.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Backup SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateBackupFrame.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Backup SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateBackupFrame.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Backup SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateBadDevspaces.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | BadDevspaces SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateBadDevspaces.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | BadDevspaces SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateCommand.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | upgrade system tables SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateCommand.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | check command SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateDatabases.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | creating list of Databases SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateDatabases.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | creating list of Databases SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateDevspace.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | devspace SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateDevspace.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | devspace SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateDevspaces.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | devspaces SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateDevspaces.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | devspaces SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateFile.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | creating list of files SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateFile.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | view file SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateFiles.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | creating list of files SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateFiles.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | creating list of files SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateFrame.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Frame page SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateFrame.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Frame page SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateHeader.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | header page SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateHeader.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | header page SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateHistory.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | parameters SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateHistory.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | parameters SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateIndexes.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Indexes SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateIndexes.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Indexes SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateInfoTable.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | a class for creating info tables in SAP MiniApps style SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateInfoTable.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | a class for creating info tables in SAP MiniApps style SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateKernelTrace.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | creating list of kernel trace options SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateKernelTrace.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | creating list of kernel trace options SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateLogMode.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | HTML Template for Recovery SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateLogMode.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | HTML Template for Config Log Mode SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateLogoff.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | a class for the Logoff mask of the Web DBM SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateLogoff.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | a class for the Logoff mask of the Web DBM SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateLogon.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | a class for the logon mask of the Web DBM SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateLogon.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | a class for the logon mask of the Web DBM SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateMedia.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Media SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateMedia.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Media SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateMedium.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Medium SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateMedium.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Medium SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateMenu.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Menu page SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateMenu.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Menu page SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateMsgBox.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | MsgBox page SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateMsgBox.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | MsgBox page SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateParam.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | parameter SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateParam.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | parameter SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateParams.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | parameters SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateParams.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | parameters SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateParmed.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Parmed SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateParmed.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Parmed SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateRecovery.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | HTML Template for Recovery SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateRecovery.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | HTML Template for Recovery SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateShow.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | creating list of Shows SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateShow.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | view show SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateShows.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | a class for creating info tables in SAP MiniApps style SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateShows.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | creating list of shows SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateSize.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Size SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateSize.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Size SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateState.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | state of database SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateState.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | state of database SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateSysTabs.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | upgrade system tables SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateSysTabs.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | upgrade system tables SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateUpdStat.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | UpdStat database SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateUpdStat.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | UpdStat database SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateUser.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | User SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateUser.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | User SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateUsers.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | creating list of users SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateUsers.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | creating list of users SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateVerify.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | verify database SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateVerify.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | verify database SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateWizard.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Wizard SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateWizard.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Wizard SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateWizMenu.cpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Wizard Menu SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_TemplateWizMenu.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Wizard Menu SAPDB/DBM/Web/DBMWeb_Web.hpp: Database Manager WebAgent Extension | Common declarations for Database Manager WebAgent Extension SAPDB/Registry/Reg_Common.c: Registry | Handling registry entries - Common functions SAPDB/Registry/Reg_Common.h: Registry | Handling registry entries - Common functions SAPDB/Registry/Reg_Registry.c: Registry | Handling registry entries SAPDB/Registry/Reg_Registry.h: Registry | Handling registry entries SAPDB/Registry/Reg_Unix.c: Registry | Handling of registry entries - Unix functions SAPDB/Registry/Reg_Unix.h: Registry | Handling registry entries - Unix functions SAPDB/Registry/Reg_Win.c: Registry | Handling of registry entries SAPDB/Registry/Reg_Win.h: Registry | Handling registry entries - Windows functions SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/SAPDB_DynamicUTF8String.cpp: | see .hpp SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/SAPDB_DynamicUTF8String.hpp: | UTF8 string class for the SAPDB tools group SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/SAPDB_List.cpp: Common | Implementation of the doubly linked list class SAPDB_List. SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/SAPDB_List.hpp: Common | Definition of the doubly linked list class SAPDB_List. SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/SAPDB_Types.h: Common Base Type Definitions | Contains base type definitions SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/SAPDB_Types.hpp: Common Base Type Definitions | Contains base type definitions SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/SAPDB_UnicodeCaseTable.cpp: no match SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/SAPDB_UnicodeCaseTable.hpp: no match SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/SAPDB_UTF8Basis.cpp: SAPDB Common | UTF-8 basis functionality SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/SAPDB_UTF8Basis.h: no match SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/SAPDB_UTF8Basis.hpp: SAPDB Common | UTF-8 basis functionality SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/SAPDB_UTF8StringElement.hpp: SAPDB Common | UTF8 string elements of SAPDB_BasicString SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/ErrorsAndMessages/SAPDBErr_MessageList.hpp: no match SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/Fields/SAPDBFields_DynamicUTF8StringBuffer.hpp: SAPDBCommon/Fields | Class for dynamic utf8 string buffers SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/Web/SAPDBWeb_List.hpp: universal stuff for web access | a list class like STL list SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/Web/SAPDBWeb_String.hpp: universal stuff for web access | a string class like STL string SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/Web/SAPDBWeb_Template.cpp: universal stuff for web access | a class for creating simple Tables in SAP MiniApps style SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/Web/SAPDBWeb_Template.hpp: universal stuff for web access | a class for creating simple Tables in SAP MiniApps style SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/Web/SAPDBWeb_TemplateMsgBox.cpp: universal stuff for web access | a class for creating simple "Messageboxes" in SAP MiniApps style SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/Web/SAPDBWeb_TemplateMsgBox.hpp: universal stuff for web access | a class for creating simple "Messageboxes" in SAP MiniApps style SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/Web/SAPDBWeb_TemplateSimpleTable.cpp: universal stuff for web access | a class for creating simple Tables in SAP MiniApps style SAPDB/SAPDBCommon/Web/SAPDBWeb_TemplateSimpleTable.hpp: universal stuff for web access | a class for creating simple Tables in SAP MiniApps style SAPDB/SQLStudio/Studio_Connection.cpp: SQLStudio | class for handling a database connection SAPDB/SQLStudio/Studio_Connection.hpp: SQLStudio | class for handling database connection SAPDB/SQLStudio/Studio_DBFSObject.cpp: WebQuery | class for reading and writing to database file system SAPDB/SQLStudio/Studio_DBFSObject.hpp: WebQuery | class for keeping and showing db result SAPDB/SQLStudio/Studio_Errors.h: SQL Studio | Error codes for SQL Studio SAPDB/SQLStudio/Studio_Functions.cpp: SQLStudio | different helper functions SAPDB/SQLStudio/Studio_Functions.hpp: SQLStudio | different helper functions SAPDB/SQLStudio/Studio_Statements.cpp: SQLStudio | class for breaking a stream of statements SAPDB/SQLStudio/Studio_Statements.hpp: SQLStudio | class for breaking a stream of statements SAPDB/SQLStudio/Studio_StoredFileContent.cpp: Studio | class for storing ssqlstudio/websql objects in database file system SAPDB/SQLStudio/Studio_StoredFileContent.hpp: Studio | class for storing ssqlstudio/websql objects in database file system SAPDB/SQLStudio/OAL/StudioOAL_AResult.cpp: WebQuery | AScii Version of OAL SAPDB/SQLStudio/OAL/StudioOAL_AResult.hpp: no match SAPDB/SQLStudio/OAL/StudioOAL_Column.cpp: no match SAPDB/SQLStudio/OAL/StudioOAL_Column.hpp: OAL | Column Class for OAL SAPDB/SQLStudio/OAL/StudioOAL_Common.h: OAL | Constants for OAL SAPDB/SQLStudio/OAL/StudioOAL_Error.cpp: WebQuery | Error Class for ODBC/SQL Errors SAPDB/SQLStudio/OAL/StudioOAL_Error.hpp: OAL | Error Class for OAL SAPDB/SQLStudio/OAL/StudioOAL_Parameters.cpp: OAL | class for parameters SAPDB/SQLStudio/OAL/StudioOAL_Parameters.hpp: OAL | class for parameters SAPDB/SQLStudio/OAL/StudioOAL_Result.cpp: OAL | Result Class for OAL SAPDB/SQLStudio/OAL/StudioOAL_Result.hpp: OAL | Result Class for OAL SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_ATableDefODBC.cpp: | Implementation of the ODBC enabled table definition class StudioTD_ATableDefODBC. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_ATableDefODBC.h: | Definition of the ODBC enabled table definition class StudioTD_TableDefODBC. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_Base.h: SQL Studio | Definition of the base class StudioTD_Base. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_ColumnDef.cpp: SQL Studio | Implementation of the column definition class StudioTD_ColumnDef. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_ColumnDef.h: SQL Studio | Definition of the column definition class StudioTD_ColumnDef. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_ConditionDef.cpp: SQL Studio | Implementation of the condition definition class StudioTD_ConditionDef. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_ConditionDef.h: SQL Studio | Definition of the condition definition class StudioTD_ConditionDef. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_ConstraintDef.cpp: SQL Studio | Implementation of the constraint definition class StudioTD_ConstraintDef. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_ConstraintDef.h: SQL Studio | Definition of the constraint definition class StudioTD_ConstraintDef. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_ForeignKeyDef.cpp: SQL Studio | Implementation of the foreign key definition class StudioTD_ForeignKeyDef. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_ForeignKeyDef.h: SQL Studio | Definition of the foreign key definition class StudioTD_ForeignKeyDef. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_Global.h: SQL Studio | Global definitions for the table defintion class. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_TableDef.cpp: SQL Studio | Implementation of the table definition class StudioTD_TableDef. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_TableDef.h: SQL Studio | Definition of the table definition class StudioTD_TableDef. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_TableDefODBC.cpp: SQL Studio | Implementation of the ODBC enabled table definition class StudioTD_TableDefODBC. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_TableDefODBC.h: SQL Studio | Definition of the ODBC enabled table definition class StudioTD_TableDefODBC. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_Util.cpp: SQL Studio | Implementation of utility functions used by the table definition class StudioTD_TableDef. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_Util.h: SQL Studio | Definition of utility functions for the table defintion class. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_Wrapper.cpp: SQL Studio | Implementation of the C wrapper functions. SAPDB/SQLStudio/TableDefinition/StudioTD_Wrapper.h: SQL Studio | Prototypes of the C wrapper functions. SAPDB/SQLStudio/Util/StudioUtil_Convert.cpp: SQL Studio | functions to convert between different char formats SAPDB/SQLStudio/Util/StudioUtil_Convert.hpp: SQL Studio | functions to convert between different char formats SAPDB/SQLStudio/Util/StudioUtil_Functions.cpp: StudioUtil | Utility functions for SQLStudio SAPDB/SQLStudio/Util/StudioUtil_Functions.hpp: SQLStudoUtilities | Utility functions for SQLStudio SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_Definitions.hpp: WebQuery | datatypes for WebQuery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_Error.h: WebQuery | Error codes for webquery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_Functions.cpp: WebQuery | generic functions for WebQuery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_Functions.hpp: no match SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_HtmlFragments.h: WebSQL | HTML Fragments for websql HTML pages SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_Result.cpp: WebQuery | class for keeping and showing db result SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_Result.hpp: WebQuery | class for a sql window SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_ResultTemplate.cpp: WebQuery | result template class for WebQuery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_ResultTemplate.hpp: WebQuery | result template class for WebQuery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_SQLWindow.cpp: WebQuery | class for a sql window SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_SQLWindow.hpp: WebQuery | class for a sql window SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_StoredQueryTree.cpp: WebQuery | class for stored webqueries from sqlstudio SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_StoredQueryTree.hpp: WebQuery | class for stored webqueries from sqlstudio SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_TemplateDsql.cpp: WebQuery | sql window template class for WebQuery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_TemplateDsql.hpp: WebQuery | sql window template class for WebQuery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_TemplateHeader.cpp: WebQuery | logo header for WebQuery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_TemplateHeader.hpp: WebQuery | logo header for WebQuery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_TemplateLogoff.cpp: WebQuery | Logoff mask class for WebQuery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_TemplateLogoff.hpp: WebQuery | Logoff mask class for WebQuery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_TemplateLogon.cpp: WebQuery | logon mask class for WebQuery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_TemplateLogon.hpp: WebQuery | logon mask class for WebQuery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_TemplateParamQuery.cpp: WebQuery | logon mask class for WebQuery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_TemplateParamQuery.hpp: WebQuery | logon mask class for WebQuery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_WebQuery.cpp: WebQuery | main class for WebQuery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_WebQuery.hpp: WebQuery | main class for WebQuery SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_WebRequest.cpp: WebSQL | functions for web query service SAPDB/SQLStudio/WebQuery/StudioWeb_WebRequest.hpp: WebSQL | functions for WebSQL SAPDB/Trace/Trace_DevSpace.cpp: Handling of trace devspace | This class implements the interface to the kernel trace devspace SAPDB/Trace/Trace_DevSpace.hpp: Handling of trace devspace | This class implements the interface to the kernel trace devspace SAPDB/Trace/Trace_Entry.cpp: | SAPDB/Trace/Trace_Entry.hpp: Handling of trace entries | This class is used to handle a various number of trace entries. SAPDB/Trace/Trace_InfoPage.cpp: Handling of trace entries | Function to create a trace info page from C SAPDB/Trace/Trace_InfoPage.h: Handling of trace entries | Function to create a trace info page from C SAPDB/Trace/Trace_InfoPage.hpp: Handling of trace entries | This class is used to handle the a various number of trace entries. SAPDB/Trace/Trace_Manager.cpp: | SAPDB/Trace/Trace_Manager.hpp: Interface of the kernel trace manager. | This class defines the singleton component trace manager and SAPDB/Trace/Trace_MessBlockEntry.cpp: | SAPDB/Trace/Trace_MessBlockEntry.hpp: Handling of mess block trace entries | SAPDB/Trace/Trace_PacketEntry.hpp: Handling of SAPDB order packet trace entries | SAPDB/Trace/Trace_Page.hpp: Handling of trace pages and trace entries | This class is used to handle trace pages and materialize SAPDB/Trace/Trace_Slot.cpp: | SAPDB/Trace/Trace_Slot.hpp: | Implementation of Kernel VTrace SAPDB/Trace/Trace_SlotPool.hpp: | Implementation of Kernel VTrace SAPDB/Trace/Trace_Types.cpp: | SAPDB/Trace/Trace_Types.hpp: | SAPDB/Trace/Trace_Wrapper.cpp: | SAPDB/Trace/Trace_Writer.cpp: | SAPDB/Trace/Trace_Writer.hpp: | Implementation of Kernel VTrace SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Agent.c: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Agent.h: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Conf.unix: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Conf.win: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Connect.h: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Control.c: SAP DB WWW | Windows Service Control Manager support SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Control.h: SAP DB WWW | Windows Service Control Manager support SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_DefaultDocument.html: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Entries.c: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Entries.h: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_FileAgent.c: SAP DB WWW | File management SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_FileAgent.h: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_HTTP.c: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_HTTP.h: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_IniPar.c: SAP DB WWW | Registry, INI Files, Settings SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_IniPar.h: SAP DB WWW | Registry, INI Files, Settings SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Log.c: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Log.h: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Main.c: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Memory.c: SAP DB WWW Web Server | Memory Management SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Memory.h: SAP DB WWW Web Server | Memory Management SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Misc.c: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Misc.h: SAP DB WWW | SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Server.c: SAP DB WWW | Sockets, Request delivering SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Server.h: SAP DB WWW | SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_WebAgent.c: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_WebAgent.h: no match SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Workers.c: SAP DB WWW | Worker Thread Management SAPDB/WebAgent/HTTP/WAHTTP_Workers.h: SAP DB WWW | Worker Thread Management sp/gsp00: SP_basic_constants_and_types sp/gsp00_0.h: Common | Tracing and Assertions | tracing and assertions sp/gsp00_1.h: Compile time size check macros | Macros that enable to check size of classes against size sp/gsp00_2.h: Common | Pascal compatibility | Pascal compatibility sp/gsp01.h: communication sp/gsp03: SP_message_constants_and_types sp/gsp03_1: SP_message_constants_and_types_for_ak_layer sp/gsp03_2: SP_message_constants_and_types_for_kb_layer sp/gsp03_3: SP_message_constants_and_types_for_bd_layer sp/gsp05.h: virtual file basic_constants_and_types sp/gsp09.h: RTE Server functions | Server and client specific declarations and function sp/gsp100.h: Version sp/gsp11.h: xparam | description ... sp/gsp12.h: Abstract Interfaces | Stream Interfaces sp/gsp200: configuration_constants_and_types sp/gsp92: RteInfoAccess sp/hsp02.h: no match sp/hsp100.h: Version sp/hsp20.h: no match sp/hsp26.h: no match sp/hsp30.h: no match sp/hsp40.h: no match sp/hsp41.h: no match sp/hsp42.h: no match sp/hsp45.h: | Conversion between character and various numerical representations. sp/hsp77.h: sprintf functions interface | Replacement for ANSI C sprintf and vsprintf functions sp/hsp78.h: String Convertion | Function accessing string convertion between Ascii/UCS2 and UTF8 sp/hsp81.h: UCS2 String Support | Function for UCS2 string support sp/hsp83.h: Unicode support | UTF8 Conversion sp/vsp00: basic_constants_and_types sp/vsp001: packet_constants_and_types sp/vsp001c: packet_constants_and_types sp/vsp001cc: packet_constants_and_types sp/vsp002: configuration_constants_and_types sp/vsp002c: configuration_constants_and_types sp/vsp0031: eventing sp/vsp003c: configuration_constants_and_types sp/vsp004: xuser_sqlargs_constants_and_types sp/vsp004c: no match sp/vsp005: virtual file basic_constants_and_types sp/vsp006: page_load_constants_and_types sp/vsp007: page_load_constants_and_types sp/vsp008: unicode_constants_and_types sp/vsp009c: no match sp/vsp00c: basic_constants_and_types sp/vsp03: SQLSTATEs sp/vsp10: RTE-Extension-10 sp/vsp100.cpp: Version sp/vsp101.cpp: Version for Pascal Components | description ... sp/vsp102.c: Wrapper for vsp100.cpp code (needed to keep RTE C Code only) | Directly included in vsp100.cpp!!!! sp/vsp10c: SP_MV_MODULS sp/vsp11: RTE-Extension-11 sp/vsp20: RTE-Extension-20 sp/vsp25: Set-Integer-Conversions sp/vsp26: Packet_handling sp/vsp31c: s31xor sp/vsp32: RTE-Extension-32 sp/vsp32a: RTE-Extension-32A sp/vsp32c: no match sp/vsp33: RTE-Extension-33 sp/vsp36.c: RTE | Basic Runtime Support | Template routines too large for inlining sp/vsp40: GET-Conversions sp/vsp41: PUT-Conversions sp/vsp42: GETSTRING-Conversions sp/vsp43: PUTSTRING-Conversions sp/vsp44: ESTRING-Conversions sp/vsp45.c: | Conversion between character and various numerical representations. sp/vsp46c: In-memory BCD conversions sp/vsp47: ORACLE-Conversions sp/vsp49: Patterns sp/vsp51: Number-Arithmetic sp/vsp52: Exponential-Functions sp/vsp60: RTE-Extension-60 sp/vsp70: RTE-Extension-70 sp/vsp77.c: sprintf functions interface | Replacement for ANSI C sprintf and vsprintf functions sp/vsp78: date_time_formatting sp/vsp78.c: no match sp/vsp78_0.c: Ascii/UCS2/UTF8 Convertion Matrix | Contains routines for converting between different formats sp/vsp80: RTE-Extension-80 sp/vsp81.c: UCS2 Support | Function for UCS2 string support sp/vsp82: RTE-Extension-82 sp/vsp83.c: Unicode support | UTF8 Conversion sp/vsp90: link_check sp/vsp91: link_check sp/vsp99: link_check_msg sp/I386_LINUX_32/vsp02.o: no match sp/I386_WIN32_32/vsp02.o: no match ta/gta00: TA_constants_and_types ta/hta01_3.h: no match ta/vta02: TA_test_procedures ta/vta03: TA_terminal_IO_of_ci ta/vta05: TA_RTE_functions ta/vta09: TA_terminal_IO ta/vta12: TA_write_protfile ta/vta13: TA_file_read ta/vta14: TA_buf_display ta/vta31: TA_command_interface ta/vta320: TA_driver_procedures ta/vta33: TA_dbmcli_sequential ta/vta340: TA_retrieval_output ta/vta370: TA_driver_testroutines ta/vta39: Terminaldriver ut/gut00: UT_constants_and_types ut/vut02: UT_utility_driver ut/vut03: UT_errormsg ut/vut05: UT_auxiliary_procedures ut/vut06: UT_hostfile ut/vut07: UT_repair ut/vut10: UT_diagnose_catalog ut/vut11: UT_diag_scheme_2 ut/vut12: UT_diag_scheme_3 ut/vut13: UT_diag_scheme_4 ut/vut14: UT_diag_scheme_5 ut/vut15: UT_diag_scheme_6 wd/1x1.gif.4w: no match wd/alloc.h.ap1: no match wd/ap.h.ap1: no match wd/ApacheCore.lib.ap2: no match wd/ApacheCore.lib.ap4: no match wd/apr.h.ap3: no match wd/aprlib.lib.ap4: no match wd/apr_errno.h.ap3: no match wd/apr_file_io.h.ap3: no match wd/apr_general.h.ap3: no match wd/apr_lib.h.ap3: no match wd/apr_lock.h.ap3: no match wd/apr_mmap.h.ap3: no match wd/apr_network_io.h.ap3: no match wd/apr_portable.h.ap3: no match wd/apr_thread_proc.h.ap3: no match wd/apr_time.h.ap3: no match wd/apr_win.h.ap3: no match wd/ap_config.h.ap1: no match wd/ap_config.h.ap3: no match wd/ap_config_auto.h.ap1: no match wd/ap_config_auto.h.ap3: no match wd/ap_ctype.h.ap1: no match wd/ap_ctype.h.ap3: no match wd/ap_hooks.h.ap3: no match wd/ap_iol.h.ap3: no match wd/ap_md5.h.ap1: no match wd/ap_mmn.h.ap1: no match wd/ap_mmn.h.ap3: no match wd/arrowc.gif.4w: no match wd/arrowo.gif.4w: no match wd/ballgreen.gif.4w: no match wd/ballgrey.gif.4w: no match wd/ballred.gif.4w: no match wd/ballyellow.gif.4w: no match wd/bigcube.gif.4w: no match wd/bluebar.gif.4w: no match wd/brdl.gif.4w: no match wd/brdr.gif.4w: no match wd/btn6.gif.4w: no match wd/btnb1.gif.4w: no match wd/btnb2.gif.4w: no match wd/btnb3.gif.4w: no match wd/btnb4.gif.4w: no match wd/btnb5.gif.4w: no match wd/btnl1.gif.4w: no match wd/btnl2.gif.4w: no match wd/btnl3.gif.4w: no match wd/btnl4.gif.4w: no match wd/btnl5.gif.4w: no match wd/btnr1.gif.4w: no match wd/btnr2.gif.4w: no match wd/btnr3.gif.4w: no match wd/btnr4.gif.4w: no match wd/btnr5.gif.4w: no match wd/buff.h.ap1: no match wd/buff.h.ap3: no match wd/b_arri.gif.4w: no match wd/cancel.gif.4w: no match wd/cbempty.gif.4w: no match wd/cbmark.gif.4w: no match wd/closeall.gif.4w: no match wd/cornergb.gif.4w: no match wd/DBM.css.5w: no match wd/DBMBackup.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMBackupFrame.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMBadDevspaces.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMCommand.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMDatabases.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMDevspace.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMDevspaces.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMEmpty.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMFile.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMFiles.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMFrame.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMHeader.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMHistory.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMIndexes.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMInfoTable.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMKernelTrace.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMLogMode.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMLogoff.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMLogon.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMMedia.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMMedium.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMMenu.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMMsgBox.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMParam.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMParams.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMParmed.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMRecovery.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMShow.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMShows.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMSize.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMState.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMSysTabs.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMToolbox.js.2w: no match wd/DBMUpdStat.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMUser.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMUsers.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMVerify.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMWizard.htm.6w: no match wd/DBMWizMenu.htm.6w: no match wd/dboltp0.gif.4w: no match wd/dboltp1.gif.4w: no match wd/dboltp2.gif.4w: no match wd/dboltp3.gif.4w: no match wd/dboltp4.gif.4w: no match wd/delete.gif.4w: no match wd/edit.gif.4w: no match wd/fastcgi.h: no match wd/fcgiapp.c: no match wd/fcgiapp.h: no match wd/fcgiappmisc.h: no match wd/fcgimisc.h: no match wd/fcgios.h: no match wd/fcgi_config.h: no match wd/fcgi_config_64.h: no match wd/fcgi_stdio.c: no match wd/fcgi_stdio.h: no match wd/gwd00.h: WebAgent | Common constants and macros for webagent wd/hsregex.h.ap1: no match wd/hsregex.h.ap3: no match wd/httpd.h.ap1: no match wd/httpd.h.ap3: no match wd/httpext.h.ms1: no match wd/httpfilt.h.ms1: no match wd/http_config.h.ap1: no match wd/http_config.h.ap3: no match wd/http_core.h.ap1: no match wd/http_core.h.ap3: no match wd/http_log.h.ap1: no match wd/http_log.h.ap3: no match wd/http_main.h.ap1: no match wd/http_main.h.ap3: no match wd/http_prot.h.ap1: no match wd/http_prot.h.ap3: no match wd/http_request.h.ap1: no match wd/http_request.h.ap3: no match wd/http_vhost.h.ap1: no match wd/http_vhost.h.ap3: no match wd/hwd01wadef.h: SAPDB WebAgent definitions | Export description of WebAgent definitions wd/hwd02waapi.h: SAPDB WebAgent C++ Interface | Export description of WebAgent C++ interface wd/hwd03waapi.h: SAPDB WebAgent C Interface | Export description of WebAgent C interface wd/hwd04wases.h: SAPDB WebAgent Session Pool C++ Interface | Public description of WebAgent session pool C++ interface wd/hwd05wases.h: SAPDB WebAgent Session Pool C Interface | Public description of WebAgent session pool C interface wd/hwd06waerr.h: SAPDB WebAgent Error Codes | Public description of WebAgent error codes wd/hwd07dbc.h: WebAgent | Pooled ODBC connections; C++ interface wd/hwd08dbc.h: WebAgent | Persistent ODBC connections; C interface wd/hwd09util.h: WebAgent | Utility functions (string functions etc.) wd/hwd101dbfs.h: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem API wd/hwd102fdesc.h: WebAgent | File descriptors for DB-Filesystem wd/hwd103inode.h: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem Inodes wd/hwd104fsdesc.h: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem descriptor wd/hwd105dynbuf.h: WebAgent | Dynamic buffer wd/hwd106pool.h: WebAgent | Abstract session pool interface wd/hwd10mem.h: WebAgent | Common constants and macros for webagent wd/hwd111getinode.h: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem GetInodeByName function wd/hwd112insinode.h: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem InsertInode function wd/hwd113delinode.h: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem DeleteInode function wd/hwd114seldir.h: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem directory listings wd/hwd115container.h: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem container functions wd/hwd117reninode.h: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem RenameInode function wd/hwd118moveinode.h: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem MoveInode function wd/hwd119copy.h: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem copy function wd/hwd11strseq.h: WebAgent | String sequence wd/hwd128help.h: WebAgent | Help messages for command-line-tools wd/hwd12hpool.h: WebAgent | Handle pool wd/hwd15text.h: Text/Template Repository | Repository for text pieces wd/hwd201sock.h: WebAgent | Socket interface wd/hwd202msg.h: WebAgent | Messages for socket interface wd/hwd203util.h: WebAgent | Utility functions (UNIX compatibility etc.) wd/hwd204zstring.h: WebAgent | A string class wd/hwd205fs.h: WebAgent | FTP Interface to filesystem wd/hwd206dbfs.h: WebAgent | FTP Interface to database-filesystem wd/hwd207stream.h: WebAgent | Simple input and output streams used by inetd wd/hwd208err.h: WebAgent | C++ Error Object derived from twd26ErrP wd/hwd20control.h: WebAgent | Initialisation and control functions wd/hwd211service.h: WebAgent | Abstract base class BasicService wd/hwd21req.h: WebAgent | HttpRequest functions wd/hwd220ftp.h: WebAgent | FTP service wd/hwd221ftpcmd.h: WebAgent | Parser for ftp commands wd/hwd22rep.h: WebAgent | HttpReply functions wd/hwd23wa.h: WebAgent | sapdbwa_Handle functions wd/hwd25log.h: WebAgent | Log routines wd/hwd26err.h: WebAgent | Error type wd/hwd27excl.h: WebAgent | Semaphores wd/hwd28dict.h: WebAgent | ADT Dictionary. Stores key value pairs. wd/hwd29date.h: WebAgent | Date conversion functions wd/hwd30ses.h: WebAgent | Session pool for ODBC DB connections wd/hwd31conn.h: WebAgent | Connection Type representing a ODBC DB connection wd/hwd32hses.h: WebAgent | Session pool handle wd/hwd33hconn.h: WebAgent | Connection handle wd/hwd34dbc.h: WebAgent | Persistent ODBC connections wd/hwd35res.h: WebAgent | Resource Pool wd/hwd36num.h: WebAgent | Get "exclusive" numbers. wd/hwd37wses.h: WebAgent | Web-Sessions wd/hwd38data.h: WebAgent | Managing list of user-data. wd/hwd39sqlconn.h: WebAgent | C-Wrapper for connect/disconnect with SQL-Class wd/hwd40user.h: WebAgent | UserDll functions wd/hwd41cpp.h: WebAgent | Calling init-/exit- and service-function in C++ UserDll wd/hwd91mime.h: WebAgent | Mime type management wd/hwd96wacom.h: WebAgent | COM functions wd/hwd97stdafx.h: no match wd/hwd98ustring.h: no match wd/ie4_mac.css.5w: Web Styles | Styles for the Internet Explorer on macintosh plattforms wd/ie4_win.css.5w: Web Styles | Styles for the Internet Explorer on windows plattforms wd/instweb.0w: no match wd/ledg.gif.4w: no match wd/ledi.gif.4w: no match wd/ledr.gif.4w: no match wd/ledy.gif.4w: no match wd/libhttpd.lib.ns4: no match wd/LMDemo.gif.4w: no match wd/LMDual.gif.4w: no match wd/LMDualDemo.gif.4w: no match wd/LMSingle.gif.4w: no match wd/mime.types.0w: no match wd/msgcrit.gif.4w: no match wd/msgerro.gif.4w: no match wd/msginfo.gif.4w: no match wd/msgques.gif.4w: no match wd/msgwarn.gif.4w: no match wd/MyNavigation.js.2w: Web Navigation --> | Sample personalization file for the web navigation control --> wd/Navigation.js.2w: Web Navigation --> | Web navigation control --> wd/ns4_mac.css.5w: Web Styles | Styles for the Netscape browser on macintosh plattforms wd/ns4_win.css.5w: Web Styles | Styles for the Netscape browser on windows plattforms wd/nsapi.h.ns1: no match wd/ok.gif.4w: no match wd/openall.gif.4w: no match wd/os-inline.c.ap3: no match wd/os.h.ap1: no match wd/os.h.ap3: no match wd/os_unix.c: no match wd/rbempty.gif.4w: no match wd/rbmark.gif.4w: no match wd/readdir.h.ap1: no match wd/refanim.gif.4w: no match wd/refresh.gif.4w: no match wd/sapdbleft.gif.4w: no match wd/sapdbleft_Bot.gif.4w: no match wd/sapdbleft_Top.gif.4w: no match wd/sapdblogo.gif.4w: no match wd/sapdblogo2.gif.4w: no match wd/SAPDBMsgBox.htm.6w: no match wd/SAPDBSimpleTable.htm.6w: no match wd/sapdbweb.css.5w: no match wd/systems.h.ns2: no match wd/tabbkoff.gif.4w: no match wd/tabbkon.gif.4w: no match wd/tabfroff.gif.4w: no match wd/tabfron.gif.4w: no match wd/taboff.gif.4w: no match wd/taboffoff.gif.4w: no match wd/taboffon.gif.4w: no match wd/tabon.gif.4w: no match wd/tabonoff.gif.4w: no match wd/tatami.gif.4w: no match wd/transbar.gif.4w: no match wd/util_cfgtree.h.ap3: no match wd/util_script.h.ap1: no match wd/util_script.h.ap3: no match wd/util_uri.h.ap1: no match wd/util_uri.h.ap3: no match wd/vwd09util.c: WebAgent | Utility functions (string functions etc.) wd/vwd101dbfs.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem API wd/vwd102fdesc.c: WebAgent | File descriptors for DB-Filesystem wd/vwd103inode.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem Inodes wd/vwd104fsdesc.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem descriptor wd/vwd105dynbuf.c: WebAgent | Dynamic buffer wd/vwd106pool.c: WebAgent | Abstract session pool interface wd/vwd10mem.c: WebAgent | Memory routines for WebAgent wd/vwd111getinode.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem GetInodeByName function wd/vwd112insinode.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem InsertInode function wd/vwd113delinode.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem DeleteInode function wd/vwd114seldir.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem directory listings wd/vwd115container.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem container functions wd/vwd117reninode.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem RenameInode function wd/vwd118moveinode.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem MoveInode function wd/vwd119copy.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem copy function wd/vwd11strseq.c: WebAgent | String sequence wd/vwd120format.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem dbformat executable wd/vwd121mkdir.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem dbmkdir executable wd/vwd122rmdir.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem dbrmdir executable wd/vwd123cpin.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem dbcpin executable wd/vwd124cpout.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem dbcpout executable wd/vwd125ls.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem dbls executable wd/vwd126rm.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem dbrm executable wd/vwd127mv.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem dbmv executable wd/vwd128help.c: WebAgent | Help messages for command-line-tools wd/vwd129cp.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem dbcp executable wd/vwd12hpool.c: WebAgent | Handle pool wd/vwd130ln.c: WebAgent | DB-Filesystem dbln executable wd/vwd15text.c: Text/Template Repository | Repository for text pieces wd/vwd201sock.c: WebAgent | Socket interface wd/vwd203util.c: WebAgent | Utility functions (UNIX compatibility etc.) wd/vwd204zstring.cpp: WebAgent | A string class wd/vwd206dbfs.cpp: WebAgent | FTP Interface to database-filesystem wd/vwd208err.cpp: WebAgent | C++ Error Object derived from twd26ErrP wd/vwd20control.c: WebAgent | Main control functions for WebAgent wd/vwd210inetd.cpp: WebAgent | Inet-daemon wd/vwd211service.cpp: WebAgent | Abstract base class BasicService wd/vwd21req.c: WebAgent | HttpRequest functions wd/vwd220ftp.cpp: WebAgent | FTP service wd/vwd221ftpcmd.cpp: WebAgent | Parser for ftp commands wd/vwd22rep.c: WebAgent | HttpReply functions wd/vwd23wa.c: WebAgent | sapdbwa_Handle functions wd/vwd25log.c: WebAgent | Logging routines wd/vwd26err.c: WebAgent | Error type wd/vwd27excl.c: WebAgent | Semaphores wd/vwd28dict.c: WebAgent | ADT Dictionary wd/vwd29date.c: WebAgent | Date conversion functions wd/vwd30ses.c: WebAgent | Session pool for ODBC DB connections wd/vwd31conn.c: WebAgent | Connection Type representing a ODBC DB connection wd/vwd32hses.c: WebAgent | Session pool handle wd/vwd33hconn.c: WebAgent | Connection handle wd/vwd34dbc.c: WebAgent | Persistent ODBC connections wd/vwd35res.c: WebAgent | Resource Pool wd/vwd36num.c: WebAgent | Get "exclusive" numbers. wd/vwd37wses.c: WebAgent | Web-Sessions wd/vwd38data.c: WebAgent | Managing list of user-data. wd/vwd39sqlconn.cpp: WebAgent | C-Wrapper for connect/disconnect with SQL-Class wd/vwd40user.c: WebAgent | UserDll functions wd/vwd41cpp.cpp: WebAgent | Calling init-/exit- and service-function in C++ UserDll wd/vwd51ns.c: WebAgent | Functions for Netscape's Web Server wd/vwd52ms.c: WebAgent | Functions for Microsoft's Web Server wd/vwd53ap.c: WebAgent | Functions for Apache Web Server wd/vwd54cgi.c: WebAgent | CGI -> WebAgent interface wd/vwd55ap2.c: WebAgent | Functions for Apache Web Server wd/vwd56fcgi.c: WebAgent | FastCGI -> WebAgent interface wd/vwd59sim.c: WebAgent | simple simulation of a web-server wd/vwd61dllmain.c: WebAgent | entry-point function for WebAgent DLL (Win NT) wd/vwd82fs.c: WebAgent | UserDll for access to the database file system wd/vwd83echo.c: WebAgent | UserDll that echos the request wd/vwd91mime.c: WebAgent | Mime type management wd/vwd95wacom.h: no match wd/vwd95wacom.idl: WebAgent | idl for WebAgentCOM-Interface wd/vwd96wacom.cpp: WebAgent | UserDll for WebAgent COM interface wd/vwd98ustring.cpp: no match wd/wa.reg.0w: no match wd/WACorner.gif.4w: no match wd/WADefineNewService.htm.6w: Web Agent Administration --> | Define New Service --> wd/WADefineNewServiceParameter.htm.6w: Web Agent Administration --> | New Service Parameter --> wd/WADefineNewSessionPool.htm.6w: Web Agent Administration --> | Define New Session Pool --> wd/WAHeader.htm.6w: Web Agent Administration --> | Header frame --> wd/WAHeader.png.4w: no match wd/wait.gif.4w: no match wd/WANav1.gif.4w: no match wd/WANav10.gif.4w: no match wd/WANav11.gif.4w: no match wd/WANav12.gif.4w: no match wd/WANav13.gif.4w: no match wd/WANav2.gif.4w: no match wd/WANav3.gif.4w: no match wd/WANav4.gif.4w: no match wd/WANav5.gif.4w: no match wd/WANav6.gif.4w: no match wd/WANav61.gif.4w: no match wd/WANav7.gif.4w: no match wd/WANav8.gif.4w: no match wd/WANav9.gif.4w: no match wd/WAShowService.htm.6w: Web Agent Administration --> | Show Service --> wd/WAShowServiceParametersToDelete.htm.6w: Web Agent Administration --> | Delete Service Parameter --> wd/WAShowServiceToDelete.htm.6w: Web Agent Administration --> | Show Service To Delete --> wd/WAShowSessionPool.htm.6w: Web Agent Administration --> | Show Session Pool --> wd/WAShowSessionPoolToDelete.htm.6w: Web Agent Administration --> | Show Session Pool To Delete --> wd/WebAgent73.ini.0w: no match wd/winos.h.ap1: no match wd/winos.h.ap3: no match wd/wqbutton.js.2w: Web Buttons | Displays a web button wd/wqframe.htm.6w: SQLStudio WebSQL | main frame for logged in user wd/wqframenotree.htm.6w: SQLStudio WebSQL | logon frame, no tree window wd/wqlogon.htm.6w: SQLStudio WebSQL | logon frame window wd/wqlogonmain.htm.6w: Web SQL --> | logonmask for Web SQL --> wd/wqlogonmenu.htm.6w: SQLStudio WebSQL | header frame window in websql wd/wqparamquery.htm.6w: Web SQL --> | template for parameter queries --> wd/wqresulttemplate.htm.6w: Web SQL --> | Template for query results --> wd/wqsql.htm.6w: SQLStudio WebSQL | direct sql window in websql wd/wqtreebuttons.htm.6w: SQLStudio WebSQL | window with buttons to work with stored statement tree xt/vxt01: XT_Diagnose xt/vxt02: XT_kernprot xt/vxt03: XT_typebuf xt/vxt04: XT_logscan xt/vxt05: XT_auxiliary_procedures xt/vxt07: XT_page_display xt/vxt08: XT_dump_display xt/vxt11: XT_copy_vtrace xx/ADATOOLS.ins: no match xx/ADATOOLS.py.ipy: no match xx/AS.ins: no match xx/AS.py.ipy: no match xx/CNR3DATA.ins: no match xx/CNR3DATA.py.ipy: no match xx/CNR3TAB.ins: no match xx/CNR3TAB.py.ipy: no match xx/cserv.pcf: no match xx/DBanalyzer.ins: no match xx/DBLOAD.ins: no match xx/DBLOAD.py.ipy: no match xx/DBM.en: DBM Error Messages | documentation of dbm error messages xx/DBMVIEWS.ins: no match xx/DBMVIEWS.py.ipy: no match xx/de.lng: no match xx/DOMAIN.ins: no match xx/EDITH.de: no match xx/EDITH.en: no match xx/en.lng: no match xx/general.use: no match xx/INFO.ins: no match xx/INFO.py.ipy: no match xx/installib.py.ipy: no match xx/iso_1.ind: no match xx/iso_1.ino: no match xx/iso_1.ins: no match xx/jp.lng: no match xx/jp_euc.ind: no match xx/jp_euc.ino: no match xx/jp_euc.ins: no match xx/jp_sjis.ind: no match xx/jp_sjis.ino: no match xx/jp_sjis.ins: no match xx/kernprot.use: no match xx/lo.use: no match xx/load2repman.py.ipy: no match xx/LOADH.de: no match xx/LOADH.en: no match xx/LOADM.de: no match xx/LOADM.en: no match xx/lsystab.ins: no match xx/lsystab.py.ipy: no match xx/nls.inf: no match xx/NLSDROP.ins: no match xx/NLSEXTRACT.ins: no match xx/NLSLOAD.ins: no match xx/ODBC.ins: no match xx/ODBC.py.ipy: no match xx/ODBCM.de: no match xx/ODBCM.en: no match xx/ORADD.ins: no match xx/ORADD.py.ipy: no match xx/ORADDCOM.ins: no match xx/ORADDCOM.py.ipy: no match xx/ORADDROP.ins: no match xx/ORADDSYN.ins: no match xx/ORADDSYN.py.ipy: no match xx/ORADDV.ins: no match xx/ORADDV.py.ipy: no match xx/PRECOM.ins: no match xx/PRECOM.py.ipy: no match xx/PRECOMM.de: no match xx/PRECOMM.en: no match xx/QP.ins: no match xx/QP.py.ipy: no match xx/qu.use: no match xx/QUERY.ins: no match xx/QUERY.py.ipy: no match xx/QUERYH.de: no match xx/QUERYH.en: no match xx/QUERYM.de: no match xx/QUERYM.en: no match xx/regcomp.use: no match xx/repmanEx.py.ipy: no match xx/REPORTH.de: no match xx/REPORTH.en: no match xx/serv.use: no match xx/SHOWCMD.ins: no match xx/SHOWCMD.py.ipy: no match xx/SQLM.de: no match xx/SQLM.en: no match xx/SQLPL.ins: no match xx/SYSDBA.ins: no match xx/SYSDBA.py.ipy: no match xx/SYSSET.ins: no match xx/SYSSET.py.ipy: no match xx/TERMCHAR.ind: no match xx/TERMCHAR.py.ipy: no match xx/TOOLM.de: no match xx/TOOLM.en: no match xx/UCXDD.ins: no match xx/vserver.use: no match xx/WA.ins: no match xx/WA.py.ipy: no match xx/XDD.ins: no match xx/XDD.py.ipy: no match xx/XDDCOM.ins: no match xx/XDDCOM.py.ipy: no match xx/xgwstart.use: no match xx/xp.use: no match xx/xparam.pcf: no match 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