TNT - A UNIX Packet-Radio Terminal Program
Version of TNT described
License, copying, warranty
About Packet Radio and TNT
Why this program?
What's needed?
Mailbox program DPBox
1. Screen layout
1.1. Virtual screens
1.2. Types of virtual screens
1.3. Main statusline
2. Commands
2.1. Keyboard-commands
2.1.1. Cursor movement and miscellaneous
2.1.2. Window movement and control
2.1.3. Screen switching
2.1.4. Keyboard macros
2.2. Commands in command mode
2.2.1. TNC-commands
2.2.2. External commands Saving data to files Sending files Shell,Run,Redirect and Sockets Directory Miscellaneous Routing scripts Extended monitor and boxlist Interface commands DPBox-interface commands Password generation commands Remote-command permissions and access levels Broadcast transmission/receiption
3. Detailled description
3.1. Remote commands
3.1.1. Default access levels for remote-commands
3.1.2. Sysop password validation (//SYSOP)
3.1.3. Shell with root-permissions (//ROOTSH)
3.1.4. Socket connection (//SOCKET)
3.1.5. Dangerous //ECHO command
3.1.6. Handling of unknown remote commands
3.1.7. Extended remote commands
3.2. Umlaut conversion
3.2.1. Display
3.2.2. Sending text
3.2.3. File-receive
3.2.4. File-send
3.3. Using UNIX-features
3.3.1. Shell-login
3.3.2. Redirection
3.3.3. Running programs
3.3.4. Socket server AX25-Server Netcmd
3.3.5. Socket connect
3.4. File transfer methods
3.4.1. AutoBIN file transfer
3.4.2. YAPP file transfer
3.4.3. 7Plus file reception
3.5. Special connect text and files with macros, Name-database
3.6. Routing scripts
3.7. Call update
3.8. Logbook
3.9. Keyboard macros
3.10. Boxlist
3.10.1. General description
3.10.2. Using boxlist
3.10.3. Using keyboard macros
3.10.4. Recognized formats
3.11. Extended monitor
3.12. Use of DPBox
3.12.1. General description
3.12.2. Using unix socket interface
3.12.3. Mailbox screen
3.12.4. Using DPBox via Packet Radio
3.12.5. Autobox and monbox feature
3.12.6. Unproto list handling
3.13. Automatic password generation
3.13.1. General description
3.13.2. DIEBOX
3.13.3. FlexNet
3.13.4. TheNet
3.13.5. Baycom
3.13.6. MD2
3.14. Huffman compression
3.15. Handling Flexnet connection quality checks
3.16. Operating different software with same callsign
3.17. PACSAT broadcast operation
3.18. Autostart on connect
3.19. TNT as daemon, TNTC
4. Description of configuration files
4.1. Main configuration file
4.1.1. Serial and general configuration
4.1.2. Security
4.1.3. Directories, Files and Sockets Directories Files Sockets and Boxfiles
4.1.4. Lines of virtual screens
4.1.5. Display configuration
4.1.6. Screen attributes Color attributes Monochrom attributes
4.1.7. Packet assembly timeout
4.1.8. Additional options
4.2. TNC-configuration files
4.3. Cookie file
4.4. Files for remote commands
4.5. Files for connect text
4.6. Files for names database and routing scripts
4.6.1. Names database
4.6.2. Routing database
4.7. User-Id's and security
4.8. Logfile for resynchronisation
4.9. File for keyboard macros
4.10. File for password generation
4.11. File for sysop authentification
4.12. File for remote commands disabling
4.13. File containing not own callsigns
4.14. File containing Flexnet digipeaters
4.15. File for AX25-server access
4.16. File for autostart on connect
4.17. File for extended remote commands
4.18. Files for BBS features
4.19. Configuration file for TNTC
5. Additional Information
5.1. Options at startup
5.2. Running under X11
5.3. Porting of TNT
6. Credits and Contact
A. Appendix
A.1. Static huffman compression table
Back to Index
Version of TNT described
This documentation describes TNT V1.0 dated 97/01/26. The last update of
the documentation was done at 97/01/26.
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License, copying, warranty
TNT is Copyright (c) 1993-1997 by Mark Wahl, DL4YBG
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation;
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details (contained in file 'license').
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
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About Packet Radio and TNT
Packet-Radio is a special mode used by Radio Amateurs to transfer text and
data. It is packet orientend and uses the AX.25-protocol (a special version
of X.25 to fit Ham Radio needs).
There are some single board computers which implement the AX.25-protocol
and contain the modem-interface to the radio-transceiver. The terminal or
computer with terminalprogram is connected via a RS232-interface. These
single board computers are called Terminal Node Controller (TNC).
For most of these TNCs a special software is available (WA8DED-Software or
The Firmware by NORD><LINK) which can be switched to a special protocol
(hostmode) at the RS232-interface. If hostmode is selected it is not
possible to operate the TNC using a simple terminal, a computer with a
special terminalprogram is needed.
The advantage of hostmode is that the terminalprogram can implement virtual
screens for the different connections, the command mode and monitor mode.
All these will be displayed together on a normal terminal which leads to
confusion of the operator.
TNT is such a terminalprogram (TNT stands for TNc Terminalprogram).
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Why this program?
There are some implementations of the AX.25-protocol available for UNIX
(KA9Q, WAMPES, e.t.c.). They all use the TNC as a simple modem (KISS-mode)
and have TCP/IP protocol implemented (using AX.25). But the operator frontend
is very poor, there are no virtual screens and scroll back buffers.
So my intention was to write a program which has a powerful operator frontend
and uses the TNC not as a modem but as a Terminal Node Controller.
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What's needed?
The program is developed for LINUX and a VT100-compatible terminal. It
further needs a TNC with WA8DED-software or The Firmware by NORD><LINK
connected to a serial port of the computer.
The Firmware by NORD><LINK is available for TNC2, all TNC2-clones and for
AEA PK232 and PK88. WA8DED-software is available for TAPR-TNC1.
If you don't have a TNC with The Firmware or you don't want to change
the Software of your TNC, TFKISS may be used. TFKISS is a program running
under Linux, which emulates a TNC with The Firmware. It only needs a TNC
running KISS or a device which behaves like a TNC using KISS.
TFKISS supports standart KISS, KISS with checksum (SMACK) and KISS with
checksum used in Flexnet-digipeaters (RMNC-KISS).
Although LINUX is the development platform a porting of TNT to other UNIXes
shall be possible because no special functions are used. Other terminals
can be used if they have at least line insert and line delete and an entry
in /etc/termcap.
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Mailbox program DPBox
Joachim, DL8HBS has written a very powerful packet radio program called
DigiPoint for ATARI computers. It contains a packet radio host terminal,
satellite calculations and a bulletin board system.
The BBS contains almost all features of the known BBS-systems and is capable
of performing store and forward with many other systems including packed s&f
with F6FBB-BBS's. In addition it can be filled by simply monitoring the
frequency. So you will get an up-to-date mailbox without transmitting
So I decided to try a port of the BBS-part of DP to Linux. Joachim gave me
his Pascal-sourcecode and I translated it with P2C by Dave Gillespie
(contained in most Linux-distributions) to C. P2C did a terrific job,
thanks Dave! Only some minor prework at the sources was needed and P2C
created almost executable code. An unix socket interface was added on
both sides, TNT and DPBox and the first successful tests were performed.
Many improvements were done since then, even the PACSAT broadcast transmitter/
receiver is included now. The combination TNT and DPBox is running currently
in some german full time BBS's and performing good and stable. For more
information please consult the DPBox-Documentation.
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1. Screen layout
1.1. Virtual screens
In simple other programs all commands and the data for all channels are
displayed on one screen. This is not easy to handle and often leads to
confusion of the user. Therefore TNT uses a 'virtual' screen for every kind
of data. Because only one real display is available the operator must choose
which of the several virtual screens he wants to see. He can switch between
them by using special codes or keys on the keyboard.
To see which screen and channel is active and to give global information a
statusline is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
All virtual screens (or the two parts of the connect screen) can be
configured larger than the real display on the screen. Therefore only a
small window of the virtual screen is displayed. The window can be moved by
the operator.
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1.2. Types of virtual screens
It is possible to operate several connection on the same frequency.
Therefore a screen for every connection is implemented.
The connect screen is splitted to a part where all input is typed and a
part where all received data will be displayed. A statusline with all
information about the connection is located between these two parts.
Optionally some lines displaying the activity on the frequency can be
displayed (command MONLINES, 'lines_moncon' in tnt.ini).
To change parameters or give commands to the TNC a command screen is
available. To simplify operation all commands can be entered in the connect
screens, too by using a colon (:) as the first character.
It is possible to monitor all activity of other stations on the frequency.
To display these information a monitor screen is available.
In addition there are some additional screens for special purposes.
A screen for the heard stations list, for the extended monitor feature,
for the online-help and for the box read generator.
If a link to DPBox is active, there is a screen for the box operator-
console, too.
Back to Index
1.3. Main statusline
The statusline at the bottom of the screen shows the main status of the
program. It shows the screen type (connect, command or monitor) and the
current channel. In addition any open file (send or receive) on the
current channel will be displayed.
If huffman compression is active on the selected channel CONNECT is replaced
by CONN(H) and EXTMONI by EXTM(H).
In addition a 'P' will be displayed if the data output is paused,
a 'I' if insert mode is active. If the hostmode synchronisation is
lost a 'S' will be displayed. If the TNC was busy and a resend of data
from the computer is done, a 'B' will be displayed. If a routing script is
active a 'X' will be displayed.
If data is received on a channel which is not displayed the channel number
will be displayed until it is switched to the connect screen of this channel.
If a connection is active on a channel it is displayed by a '+' at the
channel position.
If a file is open on the displayed channel, a two-character file type
identifier and the filename (only last 14 charcters) will be displayed
in the statusline. Files which receive data will be displayed in the first
file field, files which transmit data will be displayed in the second file
field. The two-character file type identifier will be explained in the
file command chapter.
Back to Index
2. Commands
2.1. Keyboard-commands
The combination Alt and key generates the code <ESC>key in normal
console mode.
Under X the Alt-key is not supported in that way.
Therefore to activate for example the monitor screen with X you have
to type first <ESC> and then M instead of Alt-M.
(*1) : Input part of connect or mailbox screen.
(*2) : Command screen and input part of extended monitor screen.
(*3) : Monitor screen, receive part of connect, extended monitor or
mailbox screen.
(*4) : Command, boxlist, heard and help screen
(*5) : Only on monitor screen
Back to Index
2.1.1. Cursor movement and miscellaneous
- The line from the beginning up to the cursor position is transmitted on
the current channel (*1) or will be transferred to the command interpreter
(*2). If the first character of (*1) is a colon (":"), the line will be sent
to the command interpreter (without the colon). A colon as the first
character of (*2) will be ignored and removed.
If WHOLElin is set to on, the whole line will be used and the cursor
position is ignored.
- Arrow key left, <CNTL>S
- Move the cursor one character to the left, if not on the start of the line
- Arrow key right, <CNTL>D
- Move the cursor one character to the right, if not on the end of the line
- Arrow key up, <CNTL>E
- Move the cursor one line up, if not on the top of the screen
- Arrow key down, <CNTL>X
- Move the cursor one line down, if not on the bottom of the screen
- Move the cursor to the start of the line
(for command screen and input part of connect screen).
- Move the cursor to the last non-space character of the line
(for command screen and input part of connect screen).
- Toggle insert-mode. If insert-mode is active a 'I' is displayed in the
statusline at the bottom. In normal mode all characters are overwritten,
in insert mode all characters from cursor position to the end of the line
will be shifted one position right (*1,*2).
- Delete character left of cursor and move cursor one position left. If
insert-mode is active, all characters from cursor-position to the end of
the line is moved one position left (*1,*2).
- The character at the cursor position will be deleted, all characters right
of the cursor up to the end of the line will be shifted one position left
- Delete all characters from the cursor position to the end of the line
- The pass character. If for example you want to send cntl-T to the connected
station first type cntl-V and then a 'T'. A different attribute of the
character shows that it is a control character (*1).
Back to Index
2.1.2. Window movement and control
- <CNTL>R, Arrow key up (*5)
- Move the display window of the virtual screen one line up, if not on top
of virtual screen (*3).
- <CNTL>C, Arrow key down (*5)
- Move the display window of the virtual screen one line down, if not on
bottom of virtual screen (*3).
- Page up, <CNTL>W
- Move the display window of the virtual screen one page up, if not on top
of virtual screen (*3,*4).
- Page dwn, <CNTL>Z
- Move the display window of the virtual screen one page down, if not on
bottom of virtual screen (*3,*4).
- Move to the beginning of the window (*3,*4).
- Move to the end of the window (*3,*4).
- Toggle stop of data-output on the current screen, only possible on connect
and monitor screen. Stop is indicated by a 'P' in the statusline at the
bottom (Monitor screen and receive part of connect screen).
Back to Index
2.1.3. Screen switching
- F1 - F9
- Switch to connect screen of channel 1 to 9. If the key is pressed again
and the currently selected channel plus 10 exists, these 10 is added to
the actual channel (2 two times F1 lead to channel 11).
- F10
- Switch to connect screen of channel 0 (unproto channel). If pressed again
switch to channel 10, 20, ... if they exist.
- F11, <ALT>M, <ESC>M
- Switch to monitor screen, if in monitor screen switch back to last
selected screen.
- F12, <ALT>C, <ESC>C
- Switch to command screen.
- <ALT>Q, <ESC>Q
- Switch to connect screen of current channel.
- Select a new channel, a '??' as the channelnumber in the statusline
indicates this. A number between 00 to 99 for channels 00 to 99 must be
entered. Only existing channelnumbers are accepted. If the extended
monitor is active, the channelnumber of the extended monitor channel
(0 to 4) is selected instead of the connect channel.
- <ALT>H, <ESC>H
- Switch to help screen.
- <ALT>X, <ESC>X
- Switch to extended monitor screen.
- <ALT>S, <ESC>S
- Update heard stations list and display heard list screen.
- <ALT>L, <ESC>L
- Switch to box read generator (only if activated on current channel).
If already in read generator screen switch back to screen before
- <ALT>B, <ESC>B
- If DPBox is connected, switch to box operator console.
Back to Index
2.1.4. Keyboard macros
- <ALT>0 - <ALT>9, <ESC>0 -<ESC>9
- User definable function keys for either text or commands.
Back to Index
2.2. Commands in command mode
Back to Index
2.2.1. TNC-commands
Most commands in hostmode consist of one character. It is difficult to
remember the charcter for a not often needed command. Therefore more verbose
command names were created for every TNC command. But it is still possible
to use the original command characters.
Only the known commands are implemented, if you have a TNC software which
has additional commands, the command 'TNC' must be used.
More information about the commands can be found in the documentation of
the TNC software (TNC commands of NORD><LINK The Firmware 2.6a). Some of
these commands are no longer existing in newer versions (TF 2.7).
DAMAdis,"B" : DAMA timeout
Version,"V" : Shows version of TNC-software
CHeck,"@T3" : Connection timer T3
Connect,"C" : Start connection
CText,"U" : Response text if connect is received by TNC
DIGIpeat,"R" : Digipeat function
Disconne,"D" : End connection
DAYTIme,"K" : Time and date functions
Frack,"F" : Start value of round trip timer for retry timing
FUlldup,"@D" : Fullduplex on modem side
MAXframe,"O" : Maximum number of outstanding packets
Monitor,"M" : Frequency monitor functions
MYcall,"I" : Callsign of the local operator
With MYCALL the call sign is set permanently on this
channel, with "I" only up to the next disconnect.
A permanent MYCALL can be removed by using "$" as call
Persist,"P" : Persistance value for transmitter keyup
RESptime,"@T2" : Delay before Info-frame will be confirmed (timer T2)
REtry,"N" : Maximum number of retries
SLottime,"W" : Slottime value for transmitter keyup
Txdelay,"T" : Time after transmitter keyup to sending of data
USers,"Y" : Number of channel open for connection
Xmitok,"X" : Locking of transmitter
BUFfers,"@B" : Free buffers of TNC
A1SRTT,"@A1" : A1-value for smoothed round trip timer
A2SRTT,"@A2" : A2-value for smoothed round trip timer
A3SRTT,"@A3" : A3-value for smoothed round trip timer
IPOll,"@I" : Packet length up to which I-Poll mode is used
VALcall,"@V" : Check callsign in connect command
All verbose commands can be abbreviated, the upcase part is mandatory.
Back to Index
2.2.2. External commands
Most of the commands can be abbreviated, the upcase part of the command
is mandatory.
Back to Index Saving data to files
- LOGQso <filename>
- A file will be openend and all transmitted and received data on the
selected channel will be saved.
If no directory was specified, the file will be stored in 'download_dir'.
If 'download_dir' is empty, the current directory is used. A CR will be
translated to a LF and control-codes will be translated to ^X.
Umlaut-conversion will be done, too. The file type ID is 'RN',
receive normal.
- LOGRec <filename>
- Same as LOGQSO but only received data will be saved.
The file type ID is 'RN', receive normal.
- LOGSnd <filename>
- Same as LOGQSO but only transmitted data will be saved.
The file type ID is 'RN', receive normal.
- READ <filename>
- A file will be openend and all received data will be saved.
If no directory was specified, the file will be stored in 'download_dir'.
If 'download_dir' is empty, the current directory is used. Only a CR to LF
translation is done. READ shall be used to receive 7PLUS files.
The file type ID is 'RP', receive plain.
- READBin <filename>
- Same as READ but no translation of characters is done.
The file type ID is 'RB', receive binary.
- READAbin <filename>
- Start receiving a file using the AutoBIN-protocol.
If no directory was specified, the file will be stored in 'download_dir'.
If 'download_dir' is empty, the current directory is used.
The file type ID is 'RA', receive AutoBIN.
- LOGAbin <filename>
- Same as READABIN except that at the end of transmission the transfer
statistics are only displayed, but not sent (useful for receiving binary
files from BBSs which get confused by the statistics).
The file type ID is 'RQ', receive AutoBIN, quiet mode.
- READYapp [filename]
- Start receiving a file using the YAPP-protocol.
If no filename was given, the name transmitted will be used, a directory
contained in the name will be removed.
If no directory was specified, the file will be stored in 'download_dir'.
If 'download_dir' is empty, the current directory is used.
The file type ID is 'RY', receive YAPP.
- CLose
- Close the active receive-file.
- LOGMon <filename>
- A file will be openend and all received data on the monitor screen will be
saved. If no directory was specified, the file will be stored in
'download_dir'. If 'download_dir' is empty, the current directory is used.
A CR will be translated to a LF and control-codes will be translated to ^X.
Umlaut-conversion will be done, too.
The file type ID is 'RN', receive normal.
- RDMON <filename>
- Same as LOGMON but only a CR to LF translation is done.
The file type ID is 'RP', receive plain.
- RDMONBin <filename>
- Same as RDMON but no translation of characters is done.
The file type ID is 'RB', receive binary.
- Close the active receive-file on the monitor screen.
- LOGXmon <filename> (on extended monitor screen)
- LOGXmon <xmon-channel> <filename> (on other screens)
- A file will be openend and all received data on the current (on extended
monitor screen) or on the specified (on other screens) extended monitor
channel will be saved.
If no directory was specified, the file will be stored in 'download_dir'.
If 'download_dir' is empty, the current directory is used. A CR will be
translated to a LF and control-codes will be translated to ^X.
Umlaut-conversion will be done, too.
The file type ID is 'RN', receive normal.
- RDXMON <filename> (on extended monitor screen)
- RDXMON <xmon-channel> <filename> (on other screens)
- Same as LOGXMON but only a CR to LF translation is done.
The file type ID is 'RP', receive plain.
- RDXMONBi <filename> (on extended monitor screen)
- RDXMONBi <xmon-channel> <filename> (on other screen)
- Same as RDXMON but no translation of characters is done.
The file type ID is 'RB', receive binary.
- CLOSEXmo (on extended monitor screen)
- CLOSEXmo <xmon-channel> (on other screens)
- Close the active receive-file on the current (on extended monitor screen)
or on the specified (on other screens) extended monitor channel.
- APPend [ON/OFF]
- Flag if data shall be appended to existing files
- Flag if AutoBIN-receive shall start autonomously on reception of a valid
AutoBIN-Header (AutoBIN-receive is performed in quiet mode like started
with LOGABIN-command).
- Flag if YAPP-receive shall start autonomously on reception of a valid
- Flag if 7Plus-receive shall start autonomously on reception of a valid
7Plus-Header. To indicate 7Plus reception a file type ID of 'A7' will
be displayed at the bottom statusline.
Back to Index Sending files
- SEND <filename>
- Send a file on the selected channel, a LF will be translated to CR.
If no directory was specified, the file will be fetched from 'upload_dir'.
If 'upload_dir' is empty, the current directory is used.
SEND shall be used to send 7PLUS files.
The file type ID is 'TP', transmit plain.
- SENDLog <filename>
- Same as SEND but control-codes will be translated to ^X and
Umlaut-conversion will be done.
The file type ID is 'TN', transmit normal.
- SENDBin <filename>
- Same as SEND but no LF to CR translation.
The file type ID is 'TB', transmit binary.
- SENDAbin <filename>
- Send a file using the AutoBIN-protocol.
If no directory was specified, the file will be fetched from 'upload_dir'.
If 'upload_dir' is empty, the current directory is used.
The file type ID is 'TA', transmit autoBIN.
- SENDQbin <filename>
- Same as SENDAbin, but it is not waited for #OK# after transmitting the
#BIN#-header and the statistics are not transmitted.
The file type ID is 'TQ', transmit autoBIN, quiet mode.
- SENDYapp <filename>
- Send a file using the YAPP-protocol.
If no directory was specified, the file will be fetched from 'upload_dir'.
If 'upload_dir' is empty, the current directory is used.
The file type ID is 'TY', transmit YAPP.
- BReak
- Abort sending of a file.
- Maximum packet length used for file sending. If SENDLog is used, the
length is divided by two because of possible Umlaut-conversion.
The allowed range is between 20 and 256 characters. If static huffman
compression is activated the maximum value is reduced to 255 characters.
Changes are global for all channels.
Back to Index Shell,Run,Redirect and Sockets
- SHell
- Open a shell on the current channel. The call sign of the remote station
is used as a user-id. If the user-id does not exist in the system, it
depends on 'unix_new_user', whether 'remote_user' is used instead
(0) or the user-id is created (1).
All received data on the current channel will be sent to the shell, all
data from the shell will be sent on the current channel.
All line feed characters sent by the shell will be
translated to carriage return . All carriage return characters
received from the remote station will be translated to line feed
prior to sending to the shell.
(This command is available only if TNT is invoked by root.)
- TSHell
- Same as SHELL, but no conversion of linefeed and carriage return will be
- Same as SHELL, but a shell with superuser privileges (root) is started.
- Same as ROOTSH, but no conversion of linefeed and carriage return will be
- ENDShell
- End the shell on the current channel.
- RUN <program>
- On the current channel the specified program will be executed.
All received data on the current channel will be used as standard input
of the program, all data sent to standard output by the program will be
sent on the current channel. Only programs contained in 'run_dir' can be
All line feed characters sent by the program will be translated to
carriage return. All carriage return characters received from the
remote station will be translated to line feed prior to sending
to the program.
- RUNT <program>
- Same as RUN, but no conversion of linefeed and carriage return will be
- ENDRun
- Abort execution of the program on the current channel.
- REDir <device>
- Redirection of input/output.
All received data on the current channel will be sent to <device>, all
data received from <device> will be sent on the current channel.
- ENDRedir
- End the redirection of the current channel.
- SOCKCon <socket address>
- The socket specified will be connected and all data received from the
socket will be transmitted on the current channel and vice versa.
All line feed characters received from the socket will be translated to
carriage return. All carriage return characters received from the
remote station will be translated to line feed prior to sending
to the socket.
More information can be found in the chapter 'Detailled Description'.
- TSOCKCon <socket address>
- Same as SOCKCON, but no conversion of linefeed and carriage return will be
- End the socket connection on the current channel.
- SOCket AXSERV <socket address>
- An AX25 server will be installed on the specified socket. From now on
a connection to this socket is possible and after authentification AX25-
connections can be started (for example internet-access to packet radio).
More information can be found in the chapter 'Detailled Description'.
- SOCket AXSPEC <socket address>
- Same as SOCKET AXSERV, except data from the client to AX25 will be
transmitted directly on occurence of line feed or carriage return without
waiting for 'pty_timeout'.
- SOCket NETCMD <socket address> <default callsign>
- A Wampes-compatible AX25 server will be started on the specified socket.
If no own callsign is given in the connect command the default callsign
is used. More information can be found in the chapter 'Detailled
- ENDSock <socket address>
- End the socket server on the specified socket address. All connections to
the server are disconnected.
Back to Index Directory
- CD <dir>
- Change the working directory to <dir>. If <dir> is empty, the
HOME-directory will be used.
- Displays the current working directory.
Back to Index Miscellaneous
- TNC <command>
- <command> is sent as a command to the TNC without any conversion.
- CHANnel <x> or S <x>
- Switch to connect screen of channel x.
If included in a command script, no changing of screens is performed,
it simply specifies the channel used for the following commands.
- CONCall <callsign>
- If the updated callsign in the statusline is corrupted by a connect
message in normal text, the callsign can be restored using this command.
- CStatus
- A list of all connected channels with starttime of connect and callsigns
will be displayed.
- SENDCom <filename>
- Execute a file containing TNC or external commands (command script).
- Beep if the state of a connection changes (connect bell). If other, then
a beep will only be generated if a station connects on a different than
the current channel.
- Beep if a new packet is received on any channel (information bell). If
other, then a beep will only be generated if a new packet is received on
a different than the current channel.
- Send a cookie if connected from a remote station.
- UMLaut [ON/OFF]
- Umlaut conversion.
- CONText [ON/OFF]
- Send a special connect text, using macros, overrides COOKIE.
- TXEcho [ON/OFF]
- Echo all sent data from input part to part with received data.
- PTYEcho [ON/OFF]
- Echo all data received and send on a channel on which SHELL, RUN, SOCKET
or REDIR is active.
- NAME <name>
- Set the name of the call on the current channel to <name>, if <name> is
not specified, the stored name is displayed (only if channel connected).
- STIme
- Send time and date on the current channel.
- SCOokie
- Send a cookie on the current channel.
- Send time of computer to TNC.
- Send date of computer to TNC.
- RESYnc
- Displays the number of hostmode resynchronisations since program start
and, if applicable, some additional information concerning the problem.
- LAYer3 [ON/OFF]
- Enables or disables the analysis of NETROM/TheNet headers (pid CF) in
monitored frames.
- HEArd [ON/OFF]
- Enables or Disables the heard list. If disabled, the heard list is not
updated any longer.
- KMAcro
- Reload the keyboard macro file 'func_key_file' defined in the init-file.
- MSEnd <filename>
- Send a file, using macros. The file is fetched from
'macrotext_dir' defined in the init-file.
- Enables the wordwrap-function. An incomplete word at the end of the line
will automatically be copied to the next line.
- If set to on, the whole line will be transmitted, if set to off only
the part of the line up to the current cursor position.
- LINelen <value>
- Set the linelength at which additional input characters are ignored or
wordwrap will be executed. This value shall normally be set to 80
The default value can be specified by 'input_linelen' in the init-file.
- MONLines <value>
- If you like to see a part of the monitor screen on the connect screen
the number of monitor lines can be specified here.
Set to 0 if you don't want monitor lines.
The default value can be specified by 'lines_moncon' in the init-file.
- CONDiv <value>
- Changes the input/output-lines ratio on the connect screen. For further
details see 'scr_divide' in the init-file.
- XMONDiv <value>
- Changes the input/output-lines ratio on the extended monitor screen. For
further details see 'xmon_scr_divide' in the init-file.
- MBOXDiv <value>
- Changes the input/output-lines ratio on the mailbox screen. For further
details see 'mbscr_divide' in the init-file.
- Huffman compression is enabled/disabled on the current channel. 'CONN(H)'
in the bottom statusline indicates an enabled huffman compression. If no
value is given the current status is returned.
To synchronize the switching to huffman compression between local and
remote station the remote command //COMP shall be used instead.
- If enabled, no scrolling of the displayed window will be done if the last
line of the screen buffer is not displayed (backscroll active) and the
first displayed line is still in the screen buffer.
- If enabled, a TAB-character is expanded to position the cursor on the next
tab-stop. A tab-stop is defined every 8 characters.
If disabled '^I' is displayed instead.
- This command will display the number of free buffers in the TNC. The
command does not execute a '@B'-command, but it displays the value
of the last periodical polling.
- SIGNon
- Display version and copyright information of TNT.
- This command can disable the writing to the logbook-file.
- EXit
- Leave TNT.
- Leave TNTC without termination of the TNT-daemon.
Back to Index Routing scripts
- XConnect [portheader:]<callsign>
- Start of a routing script for the specified callsign.
An active script can be ended by using 'OFF' as callsign.
If a routing script is active, a 'X' in the main statusline will be
If the callsign is not found in the routing database, a simple connect
is started.
If a multiport-TNC is used, a valid portheader entered with command QRG
can be used in front of the callsign to select the port where the first
connect shall be started.
Using this command an automatic allocation of a free SSID for the source
call is performed. So multiple connects to the same digipeater are
- QRG [<port> <frequency>] [portheader:]
- With this command the operating frequency of the program is defined.
The specified frequency is used to select valid routing data out of the
routing database.
<frequency> can be any string up to 19 characters.
For TNCs with one port use 0 as <port> and omit <portheader:>:
QRG 0 438.300
For multiport-TNCs for each port a frequency and the portheader must be
QRG 0 438.300 1:
QRG 1 430.900 2:
Without arguments the current frequency definition is displayed.
- This command lists all callsigns for which an entry in 'tnt_notownfile'
was found. These callsigns are not allowed to be used as source calls
for a xconnect. So you are able to define some SSID's of your call which
TNT will not use (needed if different software is operated with the same
- If 'tnt_notownfile' was changed while TNT is running, it can be reloaded
with this command. A reload is necessary because TNT only reads the
file at startup and copies the data to memory.
Back to Index Extended monitor and boxlist
- Enables or Disables the extended monitor function. If disabled, received
monitor frames are not analysed any longer.
- EXTmon <call1> <call2> [<call3> <call4>] (extended monitor screen)
- EXTmon <xmon-channel> <call1> <call2> [<call3> <call4>] (other screens)
- On the current (extended monitor screen) or on the specified (other
screens) channel a connection shall be monitored.
If only <call1> and <call2> is specified, frames from <call1> to <call2>
and <call2> to <call1> are monitored, otherwise frames from <call1> to
<call2> and <call3> to <call4>.
- EXTAmon <call1> <call2> [<call3> <call4>]
- Same as EXTMON except that the next free xmon-channel will be used.
The resulting channel will be displayed as command response.
- ENDEXtm (extended monitor screen)
- ENDEXtm <xmon-channel> (other screens)
- The extended monitor on the current (extended monitor screen) or the
specified (other screens) channel will be closed. The connection will
be no longer monitored.
- EXTComp [ON/OFF]
- Huffman compression is enabled/disabled on the current extended monitor
screen. 'EXTM(H)' in the bottom statusline indicates an enabled huffman
compression. If no value is given the current status is returned.
- LOGBlist
- On the current channel or on the mailbox screen a file is openend and
all received data is saved. The command is similar to LOGREC except
a unique filename is generated (in /tmp directory) and the file will
be removed during exit of TNT.
- BLIst [<filename>]
- On the current channel or on the mailbox screen the last active file
is used for the boxlist screen and feature. If the file is not closed
up to now, it will be closed.
Optionally a filename can be specified. In this case this file will be
loaded into the boxlist screen.
- XBList
- Finish boxlist and close the boxlist screen on the current channel.
Back to Index Interface commands
- IFAce <socket-name>
- Build up a socket connection to an external program via an UNIX-socket
- ENDIFace <socket-name>
- Disconnect the socket connection to an external program via an UNIX-socket
- FINIFace <socket-name>
- Same as ENDIFACE, except that the external program get the command to
terminate its execution.
- ACTIf <socket-name>
- Activate the external program on the current channel using the already
built up socket connection.
- DEACtif <socket-name>
- Deactivate the external program on the current channel.
- SNOCONN <string>
- String which will be sent, if a program was remotely activated via
the Interface and the activation was not successful.
Back to Index DPBox-interface commands
- ACTBox
- Build up a socket connection to DPBox via an UNIX-socket specified
by 'box_socket' in the init-file.
- Disconnect the socket connection to DPBox.
- FINBox
- Disconnect the socket connection to DPBox and terminate DPBox.
- BOX [callsign]
- Activate DPBox on the current channel using the already built up
socket connection. If a callsign is specified at the mailbox console
this callsign is used for the boxsession instead of the box callsign.
- ENDBox
- Deactivate DPBox on the current channel.
- If activated, all connections are scanned for mail-headers. A valid
mail-header leads to saving the following mail. If the end is reached,
the mail will be sent via the interface to DPBox.
- If activated, all monitored frames are scanned for mail-headers.
A valid mail-header leads to an extended monitoring of the connection.
If no frames are lost and the mail-end is reached, the monitored mail
will be sent via the interface to DPBox.
- LMONbox
- All mails which are currently received using the MONBOX-feature are
- SNOBOX <string>
- String which will be sent, if DPBox was remotely activated and the
activation was not successful.
- SCANMBEA [<source> <destination> <own_call> <connectcall> [<timeout>]] [$]
- TNT can monitor mail-beacons and if it finds your call in it, it can
activate store and forward to get your new mail.
To activate this feature you have to give source and destination of the
expected mail-beacon (which will be the callsign of your bbs and MAIL as
destination), your own call (this call is searched in the beacon data)
and a connectcall with an optional timeout. The connection is built up
using the xconnect-feature giving connectcall and timeout as parameters.
If the connection is established store and forward will begin.
The command without parameters will give the current data.
If you want to deactivate this feature, give a '$' as a single argument.
- All files concerning the box configuration ('autobox_dir', 'tnt_boxender'
and 'f6fbb_box') will be reread. So changes in these files can be made
without the need of leaving TNT.
- If ON, unproto list requests to the callsign defined by ACCUICal will be
sent to DPBox. DPBox will then take the needed action.
- ACCUICal <BBS-callsign>
- If an unproto list request is received with the callsign (including SSID)
defined here, the request will be sent to DPBox. To clear the callsign
the value '$' can be used.
Back to Index Password generation commands
- This command starts the password generation sequence. The command is
rejected if the channel is not connected or the callsign of the connected
station is not contained in 'tnt_pwfile'.
The taken action is dependent on the type of the password generation
defined for the callsign.
- This command lists all callsigns for which an entry in 'tnt_pwfile'
was found. In addition for every callsign the type of password generation
and the file containing the password data is listed.
- If 'tnt_pwfile' was changed while TNT is running, it can be reloaded
with this command. A reload is necessary because TNT only reads the
file at startup and copies the data to memory.
Back to Index Remote-command permissions and access levels
- Enables or disables remote commands for ALL channels. If disabled commands
with status ALWAYS are not available.
- REMAllow [ON/OFF]
- Enables or disables remote commands on the current channel. If disabled
commands with status ALWAYS are available. This command is allowed only if
connected. In addition the current status is changed at a new connect
according to tnt_noremfile.
- defines which access-level a remote-station needs to execute a remote-
command. NORMAL means the command is available for everyone, commands with
SYSOP status only after a successful validation with //sys. If the
root-sysop flag was set in tnt_sysfile, commands with ROOT status are
available after validation. The ALWAYS status means that this command
is available even if the connected station is contained in tnt_noremfile.
- If set to ON, only remote stations contained in tnt_sysfile can connect
the station. All other will receive the string defined by SNOACC and will
be disconnected afterwards.
- SNOACC <string>
- defines the string which is sent to a station not authorized to connect.
- This command lists all callsigns for which an entry in 'tnt_sysfile'
was found. In addition for every callsign the file containing the password
data is listed and if the sysop-status can be achieved after password
validation (0: not root-sysop, 1: root-sysop).
- If 'tnt_sysfile' was changed while TNT is running, it can be reloaded
with this command. A reload is necessary because TNT only reads the
file at startup and copies the data to memory.
- This command lists all callsigns for which an entry in 'tnt_noremfile'
was found. For these callsigns remote-commands are disabled except the
commands with status ALWAYS. The disabling of remote-commands remains
until the channel is disconnected, so connecting or reconnecting to a
different station will not enable remote-commands any more.
A change is possible using the command REMALLOW.
- If 'tnt_noremfile' was changed while TNT is running, it can be reloaded
with this command. A reload is necessary because TNT only reads the
file at startup and copies the data to memory.
- This command lists all callsigns for which an entry in 'tnt_flchkfile'
was found. Connections from these callsigns will get no connect-text, no
remote access and will not be linked to DPBox or other programs using the
interface. In addition no entry will be included in the logbook.
- If 'tnt_flchkfile' was changed while TNT is running, it can be reloaded
with this command. A reload is necessary because TNT only reads the
file at startup and copies the data to memory.
- This command lists all currently active extended remote commands, their
access level, the number of significant characters and the related
command with parameters. This data is read from 'tnt_extremotefile' at
startup of TNT.
- If 'tnt_extremotefile' was changed while TNT is running, it can be reloaded
with this command. A reload is necessary because TNT only reads the
file at startup and copies the data to memory.
- Enables or disables the autostart feature.
- This command lists all currently active callsign/SSID combinations, for
which autostart commands are defined. This data is read from
'tnt_autostartfile' at startup of TNT.
- If 'tnt_autostartfile' was changed while TNT is running, it can be reloaded
with this command. A reload is necessary because TNT only reads the
file at startup and copies the data to memory.
Back to Index Broadcast transmission/receiption
- SENDBC <filename>
- The specified file will be sent using PACSAT broadcast protocol.
- If set to on, broadcast requests for missing data are generated, if off
it is just waited for a retransmission.
- If set to on, broadcast frames are displayed, if off, no display is done.
- If set to on, broadcast-frames are decoded. If set to off, broadcast
frames are not decoded.
- BCRXstat
- Display of the already received or currently received files by the
broadcast receiver including some status information.
- BCTXstat
- Display of the files currently transmitted by the broadcast transmitter
including some status information.
Back to Index
3. Detailled description
3.1. Remote commands
If remote is enabled the remote station can give some commands
to the program. All remote commands start with a double slash '//'. This double
slash must be entered directly at the beginning of a line, otherwise the
command is not recognized.
The following remote commands are recognized:
//COMP on/off Enable/disable huffman compression
//NAME <name> Store name in database
//CSTAT Show all active connections
//SHELL Start a UNIX-shell session
//TSHELL Start a UNIX-shell session without CR/LF translation
//RUN <program> Execute a program
//RUNT <program> Execute a program without CR/LF translation
//RUN Directory of all available programs
//BOX Start DigiPoint Box
//COOKIE Send a cookie
//DIR <filter> Show directory
//DIRLONG <filter> Show directory in long format
//FREE Shows space on disks
//INFO Info about station
//HELP This help-information
//NEWS Display news about this station
//READ <file> Read a file
//BREAK Abort reading file
//WRITE <file> Write file to disk
//CLOSE End writing file
//WPRG <file> Write file to disk using AUTOBIN-protocol
//WPRG <file> <rfile> Same as above, but send back //RPRG <rfile>
//RPRG <file> Read a file using AUTOBIN-protocol
//RPRG <file> <rfile> Same as above, but send back //WPRG <rfile>
//WYAPP <file> Write file to disk using YAPP-protocol
//RYAPP [file] Read a file using YAPP-protocol
//VERSION Show version of software
//ECHO <string> Send back string
//TIME Send time
//RTT [timestring] Calculate round trip timer
//RING Ring the bell (call for sysop)
//QUIT Disconnect
//DISC Disconnect
//SYSOP Start sysop password validation
//ROOTSH Start a shell with root-permissions
//TROOTSH Same as above without CR/LF translation
//SOCKET <sock addr> Start a connection to a socket
//TSOCKET <sock addr> Same as above without CR/LF translation
//COMMAND <command> Execute a valid TNT command
Back to Index
3.1.1. Default access levels for remote-commands
All remote commands are available for everyone (status NORMAL) except for
//SOCKET and //TSOCKET (status ROOT). The command //COMP is available if
remote is disabled on the current channel (status ALWAYS). This default
configuration can be changed by the command SETACC.
Back to Index
3.1.2. Sysop password validation (//SYSOP)
If the remote-command //sys is received, a sysop password validation
sequence is started. TNT will pick 5 random numbers with values up to
the length of the stored password string for the remote station.
The remote station must answer with the corresponding 5 characters.
The characters can be contained at every position inside a random string
to make a hacking of the password more difficult. In addition there is no
response if the //sys command was successful or not, the status is changed
only internally.
Therefore it is advisable to send //sys 3 or more times with only one correct
answer. This will make the hacking of the password quite impossible.
The algorithm used is compatible to the TheNet password validation.
Back to Index
3.1.3. Shell with root-permissions (//ROOTSH)
This command is very dangerous, please be sure that it is available only
for the right people after password validation.
If you don't want to allow this command, set it to status ROOT and set
the root-sysop flag in tnt_sysfile for all callsigns to 0.
Back to Index
3.1.4. Socket connection (//SOCKET)
This command allows to connect to every socket in your system. Therefore
it is quite dangerous, too. Change to a different status as ROOT is not
recommended. If you want to allow the connect to specific sockets, use the
extended remote commands ('tnt_extremotefile').
Back to Index
3.1.5. Dangerous //ECHO command
There are some pirat bulletins floating around in the BBS-network which
use the remote-command //ECHO to let you send a bulletin with offending
Therefore I changed the access level of //ECHO to SYSOP level. If you
put all the BBS's your are working with in tnt_noremfile or if you are
using command REMALLOW to disable the remote commands on the channel you
are connected to a BBS, you can change back the access level of //ECHO
But be very careful with it! Otherwise there may be an offending bulletin
forwarded worldwide with YOUR callsign as sender!
Back to Index
3.1.6. Handling of unknown remote commands
To easily add new remote commands an unknown remote command will be used as
a parameter for //RUN. For example the command //FOOBAR will be translated
to //RUN FOOBAR. If the program FOOBAR is existing in 'run_dir', it will be
executed. If the program is not existing, the user will be informed about an
invalid remote command.
Back to Index
3.1.7. Extended remote commands
The behaviour described in the last section allows an easy extenstion of the
available remote commands by providing programs in the 'run_dir'. If an
extension is needed, which cannot be implemented with a program or the
program needs specific parameters, the extended remote commands feature can
be used.
A new extended remote command consists of a valid remote command plus
parameters. In addition the access level and the number of significant
characters is defined. All data is stored in 'tnt_extremotefile'.
The contents of this file can be displayed by command LSEXTREM. When the file
was updated, it can be reread using command LDEXTREM.
Back to Index
3.2. Umlaut conversion
Back to Index
3.2.1. Display
If the LINUX-console control codes are used, for a display on the screen
the IBM-characterset is used. No umlaut-conversion will be done.
If termcap is used a received IBM-umlaut is converted depending on UMLAUT.
If UMLAUT is on, the IBM-umlaut is converted into the 8-bit Latin-1 umlaut.
If UMLAUT is off, it is converted to a two character representation ("ae").
Back to Index
3.2.2. Sending text
If UMLAUT is off, all entered umlauts are converted to a two character
representation ("ae"). If UMLAUT is on, umlauts will not be converted and
sent as an IBM-umlaut.
Back to Index
3.2.3. File-receive
Only log-files (LOGREC, LOGSND, LOGQSO, LOGMON and LOGXMON) are affected
by umlaut conversion. If UMLAUT is on, the IBM-umlaut is converted into
the 8-bit Latin-1 umlaut. If UMLAUT is off, it is converted to a two
character representation ("ae").
Back to Index
3.2.4. File-send
Only log-files (SENDLOG) are affected by umlaut conversion.
If UMLAUT is on, the 8-Bit Latin-1 umlaut is converted into the IBM-umlaut.
If UMLAUT is off, it is converted to a two character representation ("ae").
Back to Index
3.3. Using UNIX-features
Back to Index
3.3.1. Shell-login
TNT allows a remote user to log into UNIX as a normal user. All received
data is treated as shell input, all data from the shell is transmitted to
the remote station. To use the shell-login it is necessary to invoke TNT by
the superuser root. Otherwise the shell-login is disabled. The shell can be
started by the operator using command SHELL or TSHELL or by the remote
station using command //SHELL or //TSHELL. It is possible to execute all
programs which are permitted to use from the shell.
To be in line with the end of line convention used in Packet Radio, all line
feed characters from the shell will be translated to carriage return and all
received carriage return characters will be translated to line feed. This
translation can be disabled by using the command TSHELL instead of SHELL or
//TSHELL instead of //SHELL as a remote command.
At login time, it is checked, if the callsign of the remote station is
a valid user-id. If it does not exist, depending on 'unix_new_user' in
the initfile a new user-id is created or the user-id specified by
'remote_user' is used.
In all cases the callsign is stored on the environment variable 'CALLSIGN'.
For some configurations it is useful to be able to get a shell with
root permissions. This can be done using the command ROOTSH and remote
command //ROOTSH or command TROOTSH and remote command //TROOTSH for
disabled CR/LF-translation. As giving superuser access to the system is
very dangerous, extra care must be taken.
To increase performance, all data will be buffered. This means that data is
not sent directly, but if the buffer contains 256 Bytes (the AX25 maximum
packetlength) or if for a specific time no new characters were received.
This time ('pty_timeout') can be configured in the initialisation file.
Back to Index
3.3.2. Redirection
A connect screen of TNT does not accept any of the standart control
characters used for screen oriented programs. If you use an AX25 connection
to work with such a program (for example using a TSHELL on another stations
TNT) you can use redirection (command REDIR) to one of the Linux virtual
consoles. Now all control codes are handled correctly and you can work with
the program like you were directly connected to the remote system.
REDIR allows to redirect all data of an AX25-channel to any device which is
known in the system. Examples are the Linux virtual consoles /dev/ttyX or
one part of a tty/pty-pair.
There is no translation of the characters, all data received is given
transparently to the device and vice versa. Like for the shell-login all
data will be buffered before transmission.
Back to Index
3.3.3. Running programs
For users who are not familiar with UNIX, the use of a shell is quite
complicated. Therefore a RUN command is implemented, which will execute a
specified program using a shell. If you don't like running TNT under
root-permissions and therefore the shell-login is disabled, the RUN command
allows to execute specific programs by a remote station.
A special directory 'run_dir' contains all executable programs. Programs in
other directories cannot be executed by this command. Because no login is
performed, the program is executed using the default user specified by
'remote_user'. If TNT was invoked not by the superuser root, the user can't
be changed. In this case the program is executed under the permission of the
userid from which TNT was started. The callsign of the user is stored in the
environment variables 'CALLSIGN' and 'LOGNAME'. The callsign including the
SSID will be available in the environment variable 'CALLSSID'.
In most cases it is wanted to translate the UNIX-linefeed to Packet-Radio
carriage return and vice versa. If no translation of the characters sent and
received by the program shall be done, the command RUNT must be used. Like
for the shell-login all data will be buffered before transmission.
Back to Index
3.3.4. Socket server
If your system is used by several people or is part of a network, you may
want to give access to Packet Radio to these users. Or you want to use
programs on your system, which must be able to perform an outgoing
AX25-connect. To handle these requirements the socket server feature
(command SOCKET) was implemented.
There are three type of servers, AXSERV, AXSPEC and NETCMD. AXSERV and
AXSPEC are almost identical, both define an AX25-server. AXSPEC does not
use the usual buffering method for data described for shell-login, but
sends data directly on occurence of a line feed or carriage return
character. NETCMD is a Wampes-compatible server which allows the usage of
programs designed for Wampes (like conversd) together with TNT.
All types of servers need a socket address. This socket address can have
different formats.
- UNIX-sockets
The format for a UNIX-socket is 'unix:<socket path>' or
'local:<socket path>'. The path can be an absolute path beginning with a
'/' or a relative path to 'tnt_dir'.
- INET-sockets
The format for a INET-socket is 'ip-address:port'. ip-address can be
a hostname, an ip-address or a '*' for any ip-address. Port can be any
valid port number or a name for a service.
Back to Index AX25-Server
A local user can connect to this server with 'telnet localhost
<portnumber>'. Then a login with callsign and password is executed. After a
successful login the user is connected to the AX25-server and may use one
channel of the TNC for Packet Radio connections. The usage is quite simple,
help for the user is available. The login information is kept in
'sock_passfile' and is independent of the passwd file.
Back to Index Netcmd
The Netcmd-server works compatible to Wampes. So after connect to the
socket, the server is in command mode and accepts three commands: ASCII,
BINARY and CONNECT. Any other input or wrong arguments lead to a closing of
the connection.
ASCII selects a translation from line feed to carriage return before
transmitting data on the AX25 side and vice versa. This is the default mode.
BINARY selects a transparent connection without any character translation.
CONNECT starts an AX25 connection on a free channel. It needs additional
parameters, the syntax is:
CONNECT <transport mode> <destination callsign> [source callsign]
The only valid value for 'transport mode' is AX25, other modes will lead to
a closing of the connection. The destination callsign must not contain any
digipeaters. TNT uses the xconnect-feature to build up the connection,
therefore the path must be defined in the routing database. Normally the
default callsign entered with the SOCKET command will be used. If a source
callsign is given in the CONNECT command, this will be used instead.
There will be an automatic SSID-update to allow several connections with the
same destination.
After a successful link setup the server will switch to data mode, all
received data will be sent to the socket, all data from the socket will be
transmitted on the AX25 side.
When the link setup was not successful, the socket connection will be
simply disconnected without any further information.
Back to Index
3.3.5. Socket connect
You may have installed some socket servers on the system. To give Packet
Radio users access to these, the socket connect feature is available.
The only Argument needed is the socket address of the socket which shall be
connected. The socket address uses the same syntax as the socket server.
Like for the other UNIX-features there is an option to translate carriage
return into line feed and vice versa (command SOCKCON, remote command
//SOCKET) or the possibility for a transparent connection (command TSOCKCON,
remote command //TSOCKET).
Because there is no access restriction to a socket, you have to be careful
with this command. A full connectivity of all sockets shall be allowed only
for a sysop. Users shall get only specific sockets by defining extended remote
commands ('tnt_extremotefile').
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3.4. File transfer methods
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3.4.1. AutoBIN file transfer
To transfer binary files easily without much overhead but with a security
check, the AutoBIN-'protocol' was defined.
It is implemented in many PR-programs. Therefore it is implemented in TNT,
too. To use AutoBIN the commands SENDABIN, READABIN and LOGABIN are available
for the operator and //WPRG and //RPRG for a remote user. In addition with
AUTOBIN the protocol is autonomously started after reception of a valid
At the end of a successful transfer the elapsed time and the effective
Baudrate is displayed. If a file was received, the received checksum and the
calculated checksum will be displayed, too. Normally these statistical
information will be send to the remote station, too. In case of LOGABIN or
AUTOBIN enabled the statistical information will only be displayed (to avoid
confusion of some BBSs).
If the transfer was aborted, the connection was disconnected or the
calculated checksum is not equal to the received checksum, the received file
will be moved to a special directory (abin_dir). In addition the name is
changed to a unique name. From time to time it is needed to clean up this
Although in most cases these corrupted files are of no interest, for the
rare cases where they are needed they are kept in this directory.
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3.4.2. YAPP file transfer
The AutoBIN-'protocol' is used widely in Germany. The rest of the world
usually use the YAPP-protocol. From the technical point of view YAPP and
its extension YAPP-C is the better approach to binary transfer and shall be
In TNT for YAPP the commands READYAPP and SENDYAPP are available, a remote
user can use //RYAPP and //WYAPP. To enable the automatic reception of a
YAPP-file, you can set AUTOYAPP to on. All files automatically received
will be stored in 'yapp_dir' defined in tnt.ini.
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3.4.3. 7Plus file reception
If you receive large numbers of 7Plus files, you might want to store them
directly in a special directory (without any character before and after).
This can be done by setting AUTO7PL to on. Now all received 7Plus files
will be stored in 'tnt_7plus_dir' defined in tnt.ini.
Back to Index
3.5. Special connect text and files with macros, Name-database
To be able to send a special connect text to a connecting station, macros
can be included in the connect text file.
The connect text file will be sent on a connect if CONTEXT was set to ON.
For default the connect text file (tnt_ctextfile) in the tnt directory
will be used, but you can put for some users a personal connect text in
the connect text directory (ctext_dir). The file must be named
<callsign>.ctx .
In addition a file containing macros can be sent every time you like,
not only on connect (command MSEND). All these files must reside in
the macro text directory 'macrotext_dir'.
To be more personal and to help remembering the name of the operator of the
remote station a name database is included.
A name can be entered by the operator using the NAME command or with //NAME
given by the remote station.
If no name is specified after the command, the current name will be
Following macros are expanded, if found in a connect text or macro file:
%v: Version of TNT running
%c: Call of other station
%n: Name of other station (extract from names database)
%y: Call of own station
%k: Channel number
%t: Current time
%d: Current date
%b: Bell (^G)
%i: Include news-file ('news_file_name')
%z: Timezone
%_: CR/LF
%o: Include a cookie
%?: Send a message if name of other station not contained in
names database
%%: '%' itself
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3.6. Routing scripts
The structure of the Packet Radio Network is quite different compared to
the internet. In the internet you can directly specify your destination and
the routing will be done automatically.
In the Packet Radio Network there exist different systems with incompatible
routing mechanisms. To connect to a destionation there may be needed several
steps. Suppose the following example:
You want to connect DL7ZZZ which is standby on the frequency of the digipeater
DB0LUC. Your local digipeater is DB0BLO.
Therefore your first command is to connect DB0BLO:
:c db0blo
If the link setup was successful you will send the line
c db0ber
to the digipeater which then will build up a connection to DB0BER, which is
the next digipeater towards DB0LUC. If the connection is established, DB0BLO
will send you the message:
*** connected to DB0BER'
Now you enter the line
c db0luc db0bln
which means DB0LUC can be reached from DB0BER via DB0BLN. DB0BLN is not
connected, because it uses hop-to-hop acknowledge instead of simple
digipeating. Now if the connection was successful, you get the line
BSUED:DB0BER> Connected to DB0LUC via DB0BLN
and you can at last try to
connect your destination with the line:
c dl7zzz
The successful connection is indicated by the line
*** connected to DL7ZZZ
If you do this manually, you must look at your screen and after each
successful connect-message you must enter the new line.
The connect-script facility (command XCONNECT) now does all these steps
automatically, if you have given the routing information to the program.
The routing information will be searched in the routing-database file
(route_file_name) and reads for the example as follows:
N>DB0BER Digi Tempelhof; N>DB0BLO N>DB0BER
N>DB0BLO Digi 9K6
As you can see the routing entries are recursive, you don't have to specify
the whole routing for the destination.
The characters before the callsigns give the information to the connect
script shall connect the digipeater ( N> ) or if the digipeater shall be
used in the via path ( F>, D> ).
To identify a normal user T> is used, for mailboxes B> can be used.
Some programs used by normal users allow a connect with the command
//c <callsign>. If you want to use such a user as part of your path,
put a T> in front of the callsign and a '//c <callsign>'-line will be
send by the routing script.
If you frequently change your operating frequency, you may want to use
the QRG command and want to define routing data only valid for a special
frequency ('<IF xxxx> <END>'-clause).
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3.7. Call update
If you use routing scripts or if you connect manually through a large
number of digipeaters, you easily loose the orientation, where you are.
Therefore, every 'connected to' line will update the callsign displayed
in the statusline.
'reconnected to' lines will update the call in the statusline, too, but
routing scripts will not send the next command line and the logbook call
will not be updated.
If the callsign is changed by a 'connected to' string in normal text,
it can be restored by using the CONCALL command.
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3.8. Logbook
All connections performed by the station are written into a logbook-file.
Each line contains starttime and endtime of the connection and the callsign
of the remote station. If the destination was connected directly only this
call is logged, if the destination was connected using several digipeaters
or by a routing script, the first digipeater used is logged, too.
The name of the logfile can be specified in the init-file (tnt_logbookfile).
The command LOGBOOK can be used to enable or disable the logbook function.
Starttime | Endtime | Callsign
16.03.94 18:08 | 16.03.94 18:09 | DB0BLO
17.03.94 21:32 | 17.03.94 21:37 | GEHREN:DB0LUC, Uplink: DB0BLO
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3.9. Keyboard macros
With the keyboard macro feature some often used commands or texts can be
executed or sent by only one keycode.
You may define up to 10 keycodes (<ALT>0 to <ALT>9 or <ESC>0 to <ESC>9)
with either text patterns or TNT commands in a file specified by
'func_key_file' in the init-file.
Each line has to begin with a two digit number specifying the keycode and
a colon. (01: for <ALT>1 / <ESC>1, 10: for <ALT>0 / <ESC>0).
A text line must follow directly after the colon. If the last character
of the line is an asterisk '*' a CR will be sent instead of it, otherwise
no CR will be sent.
A command must be preceeded by an additional colon, a CR is always appended
to the command line.
The length of the text or command must not exceed the length of the line.
If the length of one line is not sufficient for your text or you want to
send a text containing macros like time and callsign, you must specify the
commands 'send' or 'msend' instead of a textline. The keyboard macro file
is loaded at startup. If you change this file during execution of TNT, you
can reload the file with the command 'kmacro'.
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3.10. Boxlist
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3.10.1. General description
If you get a list of files from a BBS, you will have to write down the
files you are interested in or you must store the list in a file and look
through this file afterwards. In both cases you have to type the filename
or number of the file to get it from the BBS.
The boxlist-feature allows to fetch a file from the BBS by selecting the
file (with cursor keys) from the filelist and simply pressing CR.
If an Interface-connection to a DPBox is active and a 'check'-command
with bulletin-ID in the list is given, all bulletins which are in the
bulletin-ID pool of the DPBox are displayed with a special attribute/colour.
That means you get an overview about the bulletins already contained in your
own BBS.
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3.10.2. Using boxlist
How does it work?
- Before requesting the filelist open a logfile. If you are not interested
in keeping the list, simply use the command 'logblist'. A temporary file
with a unique name will be used. This file will be erased when you exit
TNT. If you want to keep the list, use 'logrec <filename>'.
- If the end of the filelist is received, use the command 'blist'.
This command closes the logfile and loads it into the boxlist screen.
If no file was open the last logfile on the current channel will be
loaded into the boxlist screen.
- Use <ALT>L or <ESC>L to toggle connect and boxlist screen. In boxlist
screen you can use the cursor commands to select a file. Pressing CR
will send a read command to the BBS. All already fetched files will be
displayed with a different attribute.
- If you have read all files from the filelist you can close the boxlist
screen by the command 'xblist'.
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3.10.3. Using keyboard macros
To use the boxlist feature without typing in the commands, it is advisable
to use keyboard macros. For example:
<ALT>8 / <ESC>8 : 'logblist'
<ALT>9 / <ESC>9 : 'blist'
<ALT>0 / <ESC>0 : 'xblist'
These keyboard macros are already included in the sample keyboard macro
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3.10.4. Recognized formats
At the moment the following list formats are recognized:
- DIEBOX check
7 DL4BCU > TERMINE...16 24.09.94 DL 2214 5 2m Mobilfuchsjagd I05 08.
- DIEBOX list
263 DL1ZAX 02.11.94 18:03 6763 DL-RUNDSPRUCH NR. 39/94
-> R 263
- DIEBOX checklist with BID
85 DH3FBI > KENWOOD..423 055514DB0GV DL 851 5 LF & VLF Empfang mit TS-5
-> R KENWOOD 423
RUN C with option D=CRD$@L
DG0XC DIGI......17 28.04.95 2845DB0BALWE DL 1 DB0BRO-1 wieder ok.
-> R DIGI 17
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3.11. Extended monitor
The extended monitor feature allows the monitoring of specific connections
on the frequency with automatic removal of headers and resent packets.
There are 5 (0 to 4) different extended monitor channels available.
<ALT>X or <ESC>X will switch to the extended monitor screens and TAB can
be used to change the channel.
The command EXTMON is used to activate the extended monitor. If you have
given the command from an extended monitor screen, the current channel will
be taken. On other screens you must give the channel number as an additional
parameter before specifying the callsigns.
The next free extended monitor channel will be taken if the command EXTAMON
is used.
As command parameters you have to specify the callsigns of the connection
you want to monitor. Normally this will be 2 callsigns and both directions
will be monitored (in different attributes).
Using digipeaters like NETROM/TheNet or RMNC/Flexnet a connection is build
up out of 2 connections. First the connection from station 1 to the
digipeater (DL9xxx <> DB0xxx) and second the connection from the digipeater
to station 2 (DL9xxx-15 <> DG1xxx). In most cases you can only monitor frames
sent by the digipeater. In this case you can specify 4 callsigns
(DB0xxx DL9xxx DL9xxx-15 DG1xxx) and both directions of the connection will
be monitored in the extended monitor screen.
If the monitored connection is huffman-coded, decoding can be activated by
The extended monitoring can be finished by the ENDEXTM command.
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3.12. Use of DPBox
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3.12.1. General description
DPBox is a daemon which is totally independent of TNT. The daemon must
be activated before using any of the DPBox-commands of TNT.
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3.12.2. Using unix socket interface
To build up the connection from TNT to DPBox the command 'actbox' must
be used. If the connection shall be closed 'deactbox' must be used.
The command 'finbox' not only closes the connection like 'deactbox', it
gives a termination command to the DPBox daemon.
The unix socket name of DPBox must be defined in 'box_socket' in the
Back to Index
3.12.3. Mailbox screen
If the connection to DPBox is activated, the mailbox screen (<ALT>B or
<ESC>B) can be used as a sysop-console by executing the 'box' command.
You can either 'quit' or give the command 'endbox' to end your sysop-
All features of a normal connect screen are provided including the boxlist.
In boxlist mode there is an additional feature. If you select a file and
press 'e' instead of CR, the file will erased. 'k' for kill and 'l' for
list are available, too. 't' generates a transfer line where you can add
an new board name, '0' sets the lifetime of the message to 0.
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3.12.4. Using DPBox via Packet Radio
DPBox can be activated on a normal connect channel by the command 'box',
by the remote command //box or by connecting a channel which SSID of the
callsign is equal to 'tnt_box_ssid' in the initfile.
DPBox is activated only, if the channel is connected.
The 'endbox' command, 'quit' to the box or a disconnect will terminate
the box-session.
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3.12.5. Autobox and monbox feature
If you set 'autobox' to on, all mails you will receive on any channel
will be sent to DPBox and will be stored in the corresponding board.
This includes personal mail and bulletins.
If you set 'monbox' to on and 'xmon' is on, all monitored frames will be
searched for mail headers. If one is found, it is tried to receive the
whole mail similar to the extended monitor function. If packets are lost
or if any other error occurs, the mail is not accepted.
If the mail was correctly received it will be sent to DPBox and will be
stored in the corresponding board.
All bulletins and all personal mail which contains a callsign out of
'autobox_dir' as sender or receiver will be treated in this way.
All mails which will currently be received can be displayed with the
'lmonbox' command.
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3.12.6. Unproto list handling
Unproto list handling, a feature know from F6FBB-BBS's,is now available
together with DPBox 5.03.00 upwards. The BBS will send an unproto frame for
every newly arrived mail. This frame contains a message number which can
be used for a mail request by an user programm like TPK or TSTHOST.
If some unproto frames were lost, a listening station can request a resend
of older messages. To send these requests to DPBox, you have to activate
the feature using command ACCUIREQ und you have to define the BBS's callsign
with command ACCUICAL. This callsign must be equal to the source-callsign of
the unproto frames the BBS is sending.
All these configurations are needed to enable unproto list handling in a
real BBS. The other direction, TNT handling unproto lists as a client
like TPK or TSTHOST is not implemented up to now.
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3.13. Automatic password generation
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3.13.1. General description
In the packet radio network many different password systems are used at
the moment. Therefore a configuration file 'tnt_pwfile' is provided.
In this file for any callsign including SSID a password type and a file
containing the password can be defined. Depending on the password type
a different action is taken and the contents of the password file are
Up to now only few password systems are implemented in TNT, but it is
planned to increase the number of supported systems. If you have added
any password system, please contribute!
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3.13.2. DIEBOX
If the password type is DIEBOX, after a connect to the specified callsign
was done, every text is scanned for the string 'Login: '. If the string
was found, the following date and time is recorded and the scan for the
string will be stopped.
If you invoke the command 'priv', a 4 character password will be generated
out of the logintime and your password file and as a result 'PRIV xxxx' will
be sent (xxxx stands for generated password).
The password may contain CR and LF, CR, LF or none of both. TNT will detect
this from the length of the file.
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3.13.3. FlexNet
If the password type is FLEXNET and the connection to the wanted station is
established, the command 'priv' starts the password sequence. A string
containing 'SYS' is sent to the remote station which will respond with a
string like '(xyz) abcde>'. An answer is calculated out of this response
together with the specified password. This answer is sent to the remote
station and sysop-status will be available.
Unlike the other password systems the third value in the configuration file
is not the filename where the password is stored, but directly the password
There is some other software which uses the same password algorithm as
FlexNet, but need a different activation string than SYS. In this case
a fourth (optional) value can be used to define this activation string.
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3.13.4. TheNet
If the password type is TheNet and the connection to the wanted station is
established, the command 'priv' starts the password sequence. A string
defined by the fifth value in the configuration file is sent to the remote
station which will respond with a string like 'NODE:NO1DE: a b c d e' or
simply 'a b c d e'. This response defines which characters out of the
password file must be sent as an answer.
This answer is generated and is sent to the remote station and sysop
status will be available.
The third value in the configuration file defines the file where the
password is stored.
The fourth value in the configuration file defines if some additional
features shall be used. If Bit 0 is set, the password generation is done
3 times, but only one ramdomly selected time the password generation is
correct. The other two 2 times a random string is sent instead of the right
answer. If Bit 1 is set, the answer is hidden in a 72 character string.
If Bit 2 ist set, perfect hiding is used. This means that only characters
out of the password string will be used to generate the line. Alternatively
you can add a second line to the password file. In this case only characters
out of this line will be used.
The TheNet-type password generation is used by other software, too
(for example Baycom, DigiPoint).
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3.13.5. Baycom
The Baycom password system is almost identical to TheNet, except that no
activation string is needed and right after connect you will receive the 5
random numbers.
The syntax is the same as for TheNet, except the fifth parameter (the
activation string) can be omitted. The default will be SYS. Because the
string is needed only if you defined a special configuration for the
user profile in BayBox, it is normally not of any importance.
There is another small difference to the TheNet syntax, the option '3 tries,
where only one answer is correct', is not allowed.
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3.13.6. MD2
After connect a similar like the following string will be received:
Out of this string an answer is generated, the password algorithm used is
'RSA Data Security, Inc. MD2 Message Digest Algorithm'.
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3.14. Huffman compression
The huffman data compression implemented in some other programs is
available, too. It can be activated by the remote command //COMP or via
command COMP. The compression will lead to a data reduction of about 30%
for plain ASCII text. For binary files the compression is not useful.
To read a QSO in extended monitor which uses huffman compression the command
EXTComp is provided.
The MONBOX feature detects huffman compression and will in most cases catch
mails even if they are read in //COMP mode.
Compression is available only if tnt_comp in the configuration file is set.
In this case the maximum allowed packet length (file_paclen in configuration
file, command FPACLEN) for file sending is 255 Bytes.
The //comp - method was first used by DK4NB in SP 9.00, the translation
table is his setup.
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3.15. Handling Flexnet connection quality checks
The Flexnet digipeater protocol uses connects to determine the connection
quality and availability. These connects leads to unnecessary activation of
connect-texts, DPBox or other programs connected at the interface. In
addition the logbook will be flooded with these connections.
So TNT provides a file where the callsigns of Flexnet-digipeaters performing
these connection quality checks can be stored (tnt_flchkfile). If a callsign
found in this file is connecting, it will get no connect-text, no remote-
access and no connection via interface will be started. The logbook will not
contain this connection.
The contents of this file can be displayed by command LSTFLCHK. When the file
was updated, it can be reread using command LDFLCHK.
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3.16. Operating different software with same callsign
If you want to operate different software with the same callsign, you want
to define what SSID's of your call TNT must not use.
This can be done in the file defined by 'tnt_notownfile'. Calls contained in
this file will not be used for connecting using routing scripts.
The contents of this file can be displayed by command LSNOTOWN. When the file
was updated, it can be reread using command LDNOTOWN.
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3.17. PACSAT broadcast operation
TNT includes a PACSAT broadcast compatible receiver and transmitter. The
code is mainly based on the pascal source code written by Joachim, DL8HBS.
The receiver is enabled by setting DECBCAST to ON. All files received in
frames in PACSAT broadcast protocol will be decoded. Depending on the type
of the file, a complete file will be stored in 'tnt_bcsavedir' (normal
files) or will be sent to DPBox (BBS-files).
If parts of the received file are missing and the broadcast-transmitter
allows it by a not permanent transmission, the missing parts can be requested.
This is enabled by setting BCRQST to ON.
The status of the broadcast receiver can be displayed by BCRXSTAT. All files
successfully received or currently in receiption will be displayed. Some
statistical information shows the progress.
The broadcast transmitter is controlled either by DPBox to do a broadcast of
BBS-files. More information can be found in the DPBox-documentation. In
addition a broadcast transmission of normal files (command SENDBC) is
possible, too.
The status of the broadcast transmitter can be displayed by BCTXSTAT. All
files currently transmitted are listed including some statistical
As the TheFirmware and WA8DED-software does not allow to change the PID
used for transmitted frames, the broadcast transmission will be sent using
PID F0. This can lead to problems using other software (WISP) as a receiver.
TFKISS and a special version of TheFirmware (ask me or DL8HBS for it) allows
the change of the PID and therefore the correct broadcast transmission
according to the protocol.
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3.18. Autostart on connect
There are many possibilities in TNT (RUN, SOCKET) to allow a remote user to
use other software on the system. But to start these applications you first
have to give a special command when connected to TNT.
To make these application easily accessible and to hide that TNT is doing
the work, you can define for specific callsign/SSID combinations an
autostart command. This command, which contains any valid remote command
plus parameters, will be executed, when the callsign/SSID combination will
be connected.
The autostart-feature must be enabled using command AUTOSTRT, by default
autostart is disabled.
To be able to connect the callsign/SSID combination, you have to define one
or more channels of your TNC to use this callsign (use MYCALL in tnt.up).
The callsign/SSID combinations and the autostart commands are defined in
'tnt_autostartfile'. The actual data can be displayed using LSAUTOST, if the
file was changed, it can be reread using LDAUTOST.
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3.19. TNT as daemon, TNTC
Normally, TNT will use a console for the user interface. But there are
some cases where this is not wanted or needed:
- TNT user interface needed on different host
- changing between X and terminalmode without terminating TNT
- no user interface needed
Therefore TNT can be started as a daemon using the command line parameter
'-d' on startup. TNT then accepts socket connect requests on the socket
address specified after 'frontend_socket' in tnt.ini.
This socket address can have different formats (equal to the definition
for socket servers):
- UNIX-sockets
The format for a UNIX-socket is 'unix:<socket path>' or
'local:<socket path>'. The path can be an absolute path beginning with a
'/' or a relative path to 'tnt_dir'.
- INET-sockets
The format for a INET-socket is 'ip-address:port'. ip-address can be
a hostname, an ip-address or a '*' for any ip-address. Port can be any
valid port number or a name for a service.
To connect TNT, a remote console program is available: TNTC. It uses its own
configuration file tntc.ini, where the home directory and the socket to
connect is stored. At start TNTC sends the terminal type (environment entry
TERM) and the lines and columns of the display to TNT. Except for the
number of columns which are fixed to the value specified after
'input_linelen' in tnt.ini, these values are taken to provide correct
screen positioning and attributing.
TNTC can be finished without terminating TNT by giving command QUIT.
With EXIT both TNT and TNTC will be terminated.
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4. Description of configuration files
4.1. Main configuration file
The configuration of the program is done by the main configuration file.
This file called 'tnt.ini' is searched at the current directory or at the
home directory of the user (other filenames can be specified by using the
-i option at startup).
sample tnt.ini:
# defines if select() shall be used, normally 1, put to 0, if you are
# using old kernels (select() produces there a higher CPU-load).
use_select 1
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 0 for real TNC at serial port, 1 for TFKISS on a UNIX-socket,
# 2 for TFKISS on other socket
soft_tnc 0
# serial port to which TNC is connected, UNIX-socket of TFKISS or
# other socket for TFKISS
device /dev/cua0
# lockfile for serial port or TFKISS
tnt_lockfile /usr/spool/uucp/LCK..cua0
# baudrate used, only used if TNC at serial port
speed 19200
# timinig parameters for interface to tfkiss (soft_tnc is 1)
# 1: fixed wait (10ms) after each hostmode-packet sent to tfkiss
fixed_wait 1
# if fixed_wait == 0, number of sent characters to tfkiss after which
# tnt will wait 10ms
amount_wait 20
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# number of channels of TNC
tnc_channels 10
# first channel with reduced backscroll buffer
r_channels 4
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# enable static huffman compression (//COMP)
tnt_comp 1
# packet length for transmission of files
file_paclen 255
# set to 1 to disconnect all channels on startup
disc_on_start 0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# UNIX-user for remote permissions
remote_user guest
# If set to 1, new users will be created, if set to 0, all new users will
# be logged in as user defined by 'remote_user'.
unix_new_user 1
# lowest user-id for creation of new users
unix_first_uid 410
# group-id for new users
unix_user_gid 101
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# timeout packet assembly (in seconds) for SHELL/REDIR and interface
pty_timeout 2
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# set to 1 for request of R:-headers in boxlist read command
blist_add_plus 0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SSID of DPBox (A channel with this SSID must exist in TNC!)
tnt_box_ssid 7
# Call and SSID of DPBox (A channel with this Call and SSID
# must exist in TNC!)
# (If this parameter is used, 'tnt_box_ssid' will be ignored)
# SSID of a node connect (not yet ready)
tnt_node_ssid 9
# Call and SSID of a node connect (not yet ready)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# main directory
tnt_dir /work/tnt/
# remote directory
remote_dir remote/
# ctext directory
ctext_dir ctext/
# directory for corrupt autobin-files
abin_dir abin/
# directory for uploads
upload_dir up/
# directory for downloads
download_dir down/
# directory for 7plus
tnt_7plus_dir 7plus/
# directory for YAPP
yapp_dir yapp/
# directory for executable programs
run_dir bin/
# home-dir for new users
unix_user_dir tntusers/
# dir for macro-texts
macrotext_dir macro/
# dir for box-broadcastfiles
tnt_bcnewmaildir bcast/newmail/
# dir for broadcastfiles
tnt_bcsavedir bcast/save/
# dir for temporary broadcastfiles
tnt_bctempdir /tmp/
# upfile
tnt_upfile tnt.up
# downfile
tnt_downfile tnt.dwn
# file containing process id
# remote infofile
rem_info_file tntrem.inf
# remote helpfile
rem_help_file tntrem.hlp
# tnthelpfile
tnt_help_file tnt.hlp
# cookiefile
tnt_cookiefile /usr/games/fortunes/startrek
# namesfile
name_file_name names.tnt
# routesfile
route_file_name routes.tnt
# newsfile
news_file_name news.tnt
# connect text
tnt_ctextfile ctext.tnt
# logbook file
tnt_logbookfile log.tnt
# password file
tnt_pwfile pw.tnt
# sysop access files
tnt_sysfile sys.tnt
# calls with remote disabled
tnt_noremfile norem.tnt
# calls which do flexnet-linkquality-check
tnt_flchkfile flchk.tnt
# own call/SSID not allowed for xconnect
tnt_notownfile notown.tnt
# resync logfile
resy_log_file resy.log
# broadcast logfile
bcast_log_file bcast.log
# socket passwordfile
sock_passfile netpass.tnt
# file for keyboard macros
func_key_file fkeys.tnt
# file for extended remote commands
tnt_extremotefile extrem.tnt
# file for autostart on connect
tnt_autostartfile autostrt.tnt
# socket for digipoint box
box_socket /work/box/stat/socket
# directory for newmail
newmaildir newmail/
# file holding monitored folders
autobox_dir autobox.dir
# file for boxfile endings
tnt_boxender boxender.tnt
# file for f6fbb-definitions
f6fbb_box /work/box/system/
# socket for tntnode (not yet ready)
node_socket /work/tntnode/socket
# socket for frontend
frontend_socket unix:tntsock
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# maximum length of input line
input_linelen 80
# set to 1 if insertmode shall be active after startup
insertmode 0
# maximum number of entries in heardlist
num_heardentries 100
# number of lines for backscroll
# command-screen
lines_command 50
# monitor-screen
lines_monitor 400
# input area of connect-screens
lines_input 20
# output area of connect-screens
lines_output 100
# input area of connect-screens (reduced backscroll)
lines_r_input 5
# output area of connect-screens (reduced backscroll)
lines_r_output 20
# input/output-lines ratio on real screen (connect)
scr_divide 5
# monitor lines on connect-screens
lines_moncon 0
# input area of mailbox-screen
lines_mbinput 10
# output area of mailbox-screen
lines_mboutput 200
# input/output-lines ratio on real screen (mailbox)
mbscr_divide 8
# input area of extended monitor screens
lines_xmon_pre 10
# output area of extended monitor screens
lines_xmon 100
# input/output-lines ratio on real screen (extended monitor)
xmon_scr_divide 5
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 0: monochrom, 1: use color attributes if TERM = 'linux' or 'conXXX',
# otherwise use monochrom attributes and termcap, 2: use color attributes,
# 3: use color attributes and termcap if TERM = 'xterm'
color 1
# 0: don't use termcap, 1: use termcap
termcap 0
# 1: alternative channel status line
altstat 0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# attributes for color
# normal characters
attc_normal 0x07
# characters in bottom statusline
attc_statline 0x10
# characters in monitor-headers
attc_monitor 0x06
# characters in channel statusline
attc_cstatline 0x1F
# control-characters
attc_controlchar 0x0F
# remote-answers
attc_remote 0x06
# special features
attc_special 0x01
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# attributes for monochrom
# normal characters
attm_normal 0x00
# characters in bottom statusline
attm_statline 0x08
# characters in monitor-headers
attm_monitor 0x10
# characters in channel statusline
attm_cstatline 0x10
# control-characters
attm_controlchar 0x10
# remote-answers and own transmitted text
attm_remote 0x10
# special features
attm_special 0x10
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# these values must remain unchanged using LINUX
# 1: terminal puts cursor to a new line after character in last column
auto_newline 0
# 1: don't display characters 128-160
supp_hicntl 0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Back to Index
4.1.1. Serial and general configuration
- 'use_select'
- Defines if select() shall be used, normally 1, put to 0, if you are using
old kernels (select() produces there a higher CPU-load)
- 'soft_tnc'
- Defines if a real TNC (0) is connected or TFKISS (1,2).
- 'device'
- Device, to which the TNC is connected, must be specified. If TFKISS is
used and soft_tnc is 1, device must contain the path and filename of the
UNIX-socket. If soft_tnc is 2, device must contain a general socket
description like explained in the Detailled description of the socket
- 'speed'
- Baudrate of the serial port, only used if configured for a real TNC
- 'tnt_lockfile'
- Filename to lock the port. Shall follow the usual conventions: for device
/dev/cua0 specify the lockfile /usr/spool/uucp/LCK..cua0. For TFKISS use
a pseudo-lockfile like /usr/spool/uucp/tfkiss or similar.
- 'fixed_wait'
- Only valid if TFKISS is used: Normally set to 1, which means a fixed wait
of 10ms after each hostmode-packet sent to TFKISS. If 0, 'amount_wait'
defines the waiting.
- 'amount_wait'
- Only valid if TFKISS is used and 'fixed_wait' set to 0: Number of characters
sent to TFKISS after which TNT will wait 10ms (can be used to optimize
the timing).
- 'tnc_channels'
- Number of channels of TNC.
- 'r_channels'
- First channel with reduced backscroll buffer.
- 'tnt_comp'
- If not 0, static huffman compression is activated.
In this case the maximum file packet length
('file_paclen') is 255 characters.
- 'file_paclen'
- Defines the maximum length of a packet. Valid values
are 20 up to 256 characters. If huffman compression is
activated ('tnt_comp'), the maxmimum value is
255 characters. The value can be changed by command
- 'disc_on_start'
- If 1, all established connection are disconnected on
startup of TNT, if 0, connections remain active.
- 'blist_add_plus'
- If not set to 0, a '+' is appended to the boxlist read
command. As a result the mail will contain full R: lines.
- 'tnt_box_ssid'
- If the SSID of the own call on the current channel is equal to this
SSID, DPBox is started on connect.
- 'tnt_box_call'
- If the own call (plus SSID) on the current channel is equal to this
call (plus SSID), DPBox is started on connect. This parameter will override
'tnt_box_ssid'. It can be used, if different callsigns with the same SSID
shall be used and DPBox shall be activated only for one of the calls.
- 'tnt_node_ssid'
- If the SSID of the own call on the current channel is equal to this
ssid, TNTNODE is started on connect.
(function currently under development).
- 'tnt_node_call'
- If the own call on the current channel is equal to this
call, TNTNODE is started on connect. This parameter will override
'tnt_node_ssid'. It can be used, if different callsigns with the same SSID
shall be used and TNTNODE shall be activated only for one of the calls.
(function currently under development).
Back to Index
4.1.2. Security
- 'remote_user'
- User-Id for remote access.
If TNT was started by root, prior to every remote file command the
user-id is changed to restrict the file permissions of the remote user.
If TNT was started by a normal user, the user-id is not changed. Therefore
a remote user has the same file permissions as the user himself.
- 'unix_new_user'
- 1: A new user gets an entry in /etc/passwd and a directory is created.
0: A new user is logging in as specified in 'remote_user'.
- 'unix_first_uid'
- First user-ID which will be taken for new users.
- 'unix_user_gid'
- Group-ID used for new users.
Back to Index
4.1.3. Directories, Files and Sockets
The directory 'tnt_dir' must always contain the complete path. For all other
files and directories it depends on the first character of the path. If the
first character is a '/', then the path is taken as the complete path. If
the first character is not '/', 'tnt_dir' is put in front of the path.
Back to Index Directories
- 'tnt_dir'
- Directory which contains tnt-files
- 'remote_dir'
- Directory used for remote access
- 'ctext_dir'
- Directory used for personal connect texts
- 'abin_dir'
- Directory for files of unsuccessful AutoBIN-transfers
- 'upload_dir'
- Directory for sending files (SEND/SENDLOG/...) if no
directory was specified.
- 'download_dir'
- Directory for receiving files (READ/LOGQSO/...) if no
directory was specified.
- 'yapp_dir'
- Directory for receiving files using AUTOYAPP.
- 'tnt_7plus_dir'
- Directory for receiving files using AUTO7PL.
- 'run_dir'
- Directory for executable programs (//RUN).
- 'unix_user_dir'
- Root-directory for directories of new users.
- 'macrotext_dir'
- Directory for files containing text-macros (MSEND)
- 'tnt_bcnewmaildir'
- Directory where received broadcast-files of type BBS will be stored.
- 'tnt_bcsavedir'
- Directory where other received broadcast-files will be stored.
- 'tnt_bctempdir'
- Directory for temporary files generated by broadcast receiver.
- 'newmaildir'
- Directory where mails read by AUTOBOX and MONBOX
are stored for DPBox
Back to Index Files
- 'tnt_upfile'
- Command script executed at startup of program
- 'tnt_downfile'
- Command script executed before exit of program
- 'proc_file'
- File which will contain the process ID of the running
TNT process
- 'rem_info_file'
- File transmitted if remote command //info is received
- 'rem_help_file'
- File transmitted if remote command //help is received
- 'tnt_help_file'
- File which is displayed if help screen is selected
- 'tnt_cookiefile'
- File which contains database for fortune cookies
- 'name_file_name'
- File for names database
- 'route_file_name'
- File for routing database
- 'news_file_name'
- File for news message, transmitted if //news is received
or if %i macro is found in a connect text file
- 'tnt_ctextfile'
- File containing common connect text
- 'tnt_logbookfile'
- File for logbook
- 'tnt_pwfile'
- File for generation of passwords
- 'tnt_sysfile'
- File for access restriction and sysop authentification
- 'tnt_noremfile'
- File containing calls for which remote-commands are disabled
- 'tnt_flchkfile'
- File containing calls which do flexnet-linkquality-check
- 'tnt_notownfile'
- File containing call plus SSID which are not allowed for xconnect
- 'resy_log_file'
- Logfile if a resync occured
- 'bcast_log_file'
- Logfile for errors/warnings from broadcast receiver/transmitter
- 'sock_passfile'
- Socket login database
- 'func_key_file'
- Definition of keyboard macros
- 'tnt_extremotefile'
- File defining extended remote commands
- 'tnt_autostartfile'
- File defining autostart commands executed on connect
Back to Index Sockets and Boxfiles
- 'box_socket'
- Path and name of the UNIX-socket used for connection to DPBox.
- 'autobox_dir'
- File containing boards which shall be monitored using
- 'tnt_boxender'
- File containing strings indicating end or abort
of message (MONBOX and AUTOBOX).
- 'f6fbb_box'
- File containing strings which are used by the F6FBB-Box you are using. This
file is used by DPBox, too and shall be placed in the DPBox-system-directory.
A correct definition is needed for the AUTOBOX-feature.
- 'node_socket'
- Path and name of the UNIX-socket used for connection
to TNTNODE (currently under development).
- 'frontend_socket'
- Name of the socket used by frontend TNTC if TNT is
started as a daemon. The syntax is identical to the socket definition in
the detailled description of the socket servers.
Back to Index
4.1.4. Lines of virtual screens
- 'input_linelen'
- Maximum length of input line at which additional characters
are ignored or wordwrap is executed.
The value can be changed with command LINelen.
- 'insertmode'
- Set to 1 if insertmode shall be active on all screens after startup.
- 'num_heardentries'
- Number of entries in heardlist.
- 'lines_command'
- Number of lines of the command screen.
- 'lines_monitor'
- Number of lines of the monitor screen.
- 'lines_input'
- Number of lines of the input part of the connect screen.
- 'lines_output'
- Number of lines of the output part of the connect screen.
- 'lines_r_input'
- Number of lines of the input part of the connect screen
(reduced backscroll buffer).
- 'lines_r_output'
- Number of lines of the output part of the connect screen
(reduced backscroll buffer).
- 'scr_divide'
- Input/output-lines ratio on real screen (connect).
The value can be changed with command CONDiv.
Example: Real screen has 25 Lines, scr_divide is 5.
25 Lines - 2 Statuslines = 23 lines for input/output.
23 / 5 = 4.6 -> 4 lines on input.
23 - 4 = 19 lines for output.
- 'lines_moncon'
- Number of lines of monitor screen additionally displayed
on the connect screen. Set to 0, if no monitor lines
shall be displayed.
The value can be changed with command MONLines
(The lines of the real screen will be reduced by the
number of monitor lines, before the lines of input and
output part will be calculated using scr_divide)
- 'lines_mbinput'
- Number of lines of the input part of the mailbox screen.
- 'lines_mboutput'
- Number of lines of the output part of the mailbox screen.
- 'mbscr_divide'
- Input/output-lines ratio on real screen (mailbox).
The value can be changed with command MBOXDiv.
- 'lines_xmon'
- Number of lines of the output part of the extended
monitor screen.
- 'lines_xmon_pre'
- Number of lines of the input part of the extended
monitor screen.
- 'xmon_scr_divide'
- Input/output-lines ratio on real screen (extended monitor screen).
The value can be changed with command XMONDiv.
Back to Index
4.1.5. Display configuration
- 'color'
- non color attributes (0), color attributes if LINUX-
console (1) or color attributes always (2)
- 'termcap'
- use LINUX-console control codes (0) or /etc/termcap (1)
- 'altstat'
- Set to 1 if you want to use the alternative statusline
on connect-screens.
if color == 1 and LINUX-console control codes are selected, but the TERM
entry in the environment is not "con..." or "linux", no color and termcap
is used.
Back to Index
4.1.6. Screen attributes
Depending on the selected mode (color) the color or monochrom attributes
are used.
Important notice: The attributes for normal text and for controlcharcters
in the input field MUST be different, otherwise no control-characters can
be sent.
Back to Index Color attributes
- 'attc_normal'
- For normal text.
- 'attc_statline'
- For main statusline at the bottom of the screen.
- 'attc_monitor'
- For monitor headers.
- 'attc_cstatline'
- For statusline of channel in connect screen.
- 'attc_controlchar'
- For controlcharacters in the input field.
- 'attc_remote'
- For text transmitted because of remote functions.
- 'attc_special'
- For special features.
The attributes are coded in the following manner:
Blink BCo2 BCo1 BCo0 FCo3 FCo2 FCo1 FCo0
Background- Foreground-
Colour Colour
0:off, 1:on
Background Color:
BCo2 BCo1 BCo0
Black 0 0 0
Red 0 0 1
Green 0 1 0
orange 0 1 1
blue 1 0 0
magenta 1 0 1
cyan 1 1 0
white 1 1 1
Foreground Color:
FCo3 FCo2 FCo1 FCo0
Black 0 0 0 0
Red 0 0 0 1
Green 0 0 1 0
Orange 0 0 1 1
Blue 0 1 0 0
Magenta 0 1 0 1
Cyan 0 1 1 0
White 0 1 1 1
Grey 1 0 0 0
Light red 1 0 0 1
Light green 1 0 1 0
yellow 1 0 1 1
Light blue 1 1 0 0
Light magenta 1 1 0 1
Light cyan 1 1 1 0
Light white 1 1 1 1
Back to Index Monochrom attributes
- 'attm_normal'
- For normal text.
- 'attm_statline'
- For main statusline at the bottom of the screen.
- 'attm_monitor'
- For monitor headers.
- 'attm_cstatline'
- For statusline of channel in connect screen.
- 'attm_controlchar'
- For controlcharacters in the input field.
- 'attm_remote'
- For text transmitted because of remote functions.
- 'attm_special'
- For special features.
The attributes are coded in the following manner:
Att5 Att4 Att3 Att2 Att1 Att0
Att0: Standout (termcap so/se)
Att1: Underline (termcap us/ue)
Att2: Blink (termcap mb/me)
Att3: Reverse (termcap mr/me)
Att4: Bold (termcap md/me)
Att5: Halfbright (termcap mh/me)
0: off, 1: on
Back to Index
4.1.7. Packet assembly timeout
- 'pty_timeout'
- Time for packet assembly
All characters received by a shell or redirection are buffered. If the
buffer reaches the maximum packetsize (256 bytes) the buffer is transmitted.
After each new character pty_timeout seconds are waited for the next
character. If during this time no character is given, the buffer will be
sent even if the maximum packetsize is not reached.
Back to Index
4.1.8. Additional options
The following switches are available to customize TNT to a different
terminal or operating system. For use with linux, both must be set to 0.
- 'auto_newline'
- Set to 1 if terminal performs a newline after last
character in a line
- 'supp_hicntl'
- Set to 1 if characters in range 128-160 shall be
substituted by a period (.)
Back to Index
4.2. TNC-configuration files
At the startup of the program a command script is executed. It can be used
to initialize some parameters in the TNC. The filename must be specified
after 'tnt_upfile' in the init file.
To set up different callsigns on specific channels the following command
sequence can be used:
After the EXIT command is given another command script is executed before
the termination of the program. The filename must be specified after
'tnt_downfile' in the init file.
Back to Index
4.3. Cookie file
If fortune cookie sending is active (command COOKIE) and someone is connecting
to the station a randomly selected cookie out of the cookie file will be sent.
The cookie file consists of cookie texts delimited by a line containg a '-'
or a '%' as the first character (the rest of the line will be ignored). The
minimal size of a cookie file is 2048 bytes.
The data files contained in the 'fortunes' package in most Linux-distributions
can be used.
The filename of the cookie file must be given after 'tnt_cookiefile' in the
init file.
Back to Index
4.4. Files for remote commands
If the remote command //help is received a file specified after
'rem_help_file' in the init file is transmitted.
The file shall contain an overview and an explanation of the possible remote
If the remote command //info is received a file specified after
'rem_info_file' in the init file is transmitted.
The file shall contain a description of the station and the used equipment.
If the remote command //news is received a file specified after
'news_file_name' in the init file is transmitted.
The file shall contain any news about the station.
Back to Index
4.5. Files for connect text
If connect text sending is active (command CONTEXT) and someone is connecting
to the station a special connect text will be sent.
The connect text is fetched from the file specified after 'tnt_ctextfile'.
Any macros contained in the file will be expanded.
It is possible to send several users a personal connect text. To achieve this
a file called <callsign>.ctx must be put to the directory specified after
'ctext_dir', where <callsign> is the call of the user.
Back to Index
4.6. Files for names database and routing scripts
Back to Index
4.6.1. Names database
For use with the connect text feature a names database is included. The
database itself is contained in the file specified after 'name_file_name'.
All entries in the names database use the following format:
If the command NAME or the remote command //NAME is used to update a name,
the names database file will be updated.
Back to Index
4.6.2. Routing database
For routing scripts the routing database is contained in a file with a
similar layout like the names database. The filename of the routing database
is specified after 'route_file_name'.
Unlike the names database file, the routing database is not updated by tnt,
any updates must be done with an text editor.
The entries for routing scripts can be recursive, it is not needed to
specify the whole path for each callsign.
The path is assembled using the relevant entries in the database.
If you frequently change the frequency and the uplink digipeater, you
may want to specify for every frequency a different routing database.
Therefore <IF xxxxxx> and <END> is included.
If for example you operate on 438.300 Mhz, you can specify all routing
information valid only on this frequency by:
<IF 438.300>
All routing information which is not surrounded by <IF xxxxxx> and <END>
is valid on all frequencies.
The frequency you are operating on can be specified using the command QRG.
The format of each database entry is as follows:
In front of the callsign a letter specifies the type of the station:
T : Normal user
N : Network node
All other characters are accepted.
The only difference is the treatment of the call in routing scripts.
The database is a text file containing lines like the following:
- T>DL4YBG Mark
- -> The name of the operator of station DL4YBG is Mark, no routing information
given or station can be reached directly.
- -> The name of the operator of station DL7ZZZ is Joe, the station can be
connected from digipeater DB0LUC.
- N>DB0BLO Digi 9K6
- -> The digipeater DB0BLO can be connected directly.
- N>DB0BER Digi Tempelhof; N>DB0BLO N>DB0BER
- -> The digipeater DB0BER can be connected from digipeater DB0BLO.
- -> The digipeater DB0LUC can be connected from digipeater DB0BER via DB0BLN.
Back to Index
4.7. User-Id's and security
For every user it is possible to log into the UNIX-system by using //SHELL
or if the operator uses the SHELL command for the channel.
The callsign of the connected station is used as the user-id.
If there is no user-id existing with this call sign and 'unix_new_user' is
not set, the user-id "guest" is used.
Because at the moment there is no security for the password, no passwords
are used.
If you don't use 'unix_new_user' you must prepare the user-id's of the
authorized users yourself.
Therefore the entries in /etc/passwd shall look like:
These user-id's must not appear in /etc/shadow (only if shadow passwords
are used).
- Hint:
- The user guest can be created using 'useradd -m guest', then
/etc/passwd must be adapted and the password-entry in /etc/shadow
(only if shadow passwords are used) must be erased. Try a login
from a virtual terminal prior to logging in via remote command.
Check the file permissions on your system and use a password for root, now
you are not alone any longer!
Back to Index
4.8. Logfile for resynchronisation
If during operation a resynchronisation is frequently started, it might be
useful to track down the reason for it. This can be achieved by specifying
'resy_log_file' in the init-file. The full path to the file must be given.
If left blank no resync log file is written.
Have a look at the size of the resync file, it is advisable to remove it
from time to time to regain disc space.
Back to Index
4.9. File for keyboard macros
sample fkeys.tnt:
# Function-Key-File
# XX:text
# XX::command
# '*' at end sends CR after a text
01::send .signature
03::c db0abc
04::c db0zzz-8
Back to Index
4.10. File for password generation
sample pw.tnt:
# sample password file
# all lines must use the following format:
# <callsign> <password-type> <password-file>
# <callsign> <password-type> <secret-number> [priv-string]
# <callsign> <password-type> <password-file> <flags> <priv-string>
# <callsign> <password-type> <password-file> <flags> [priv-string]
# MD2:
# <callsign> <password-type> <password-file>
# DieBox DB0XXX
DB0XXX-3 DIEBOX /work/tnt/
# FlexNet DB0YYY
# FlexNet DB0YYZ-8 with different activation string
# TheNet DB0ZZZ
DB0ZZZ THENET /work/tnt/ 0 SYS
# TheNet DB0ZZA-2 with 3 tries
DB0ZZA-2 THENET /work/tnt/ 1 SYS
# TheNet DB0ZZB with password hiding
DB0ZZB THENET /work/tnt/ 2 SYS
# TheNet DB0ZZC-15 with password hiding and 3 tries
DB0ZZC-15 THENET /work/tnt/ 3 SYS
# TheNet DB0ZZB-1 with perfect password hiding
DB0ZZB-1 THENET /work/tnt/ 6 SYS
# TheNet DB0ZZC-14 with perfect password hiding and 3 tries
DB0ZZC-14 THENET /work/tnt/ 7 SYS
# Baycom DB0ZZE-5
DB0ZZE-5 BAYCOM /work/tnt/ 0
# Baycom DB0ZZD with password hiding and different activation string
DB0ZZD BAYCOM /work/tnt/ 2 SYS
# Baycom DB0ZZD-1 with perfect password hiding and different activation string
DB0ZZD-1 BAYCOM /work/tnt/ 6 SYS
# MD2 password for DB0ZZF
DB0ZZF MD2 /work/tnt/
Back to Index
4.11. File for sysop authentification
sample sys.tnt:
# sample access restriction and sysop authentification file
# format:
# <callsign> <password-file> <sysop-level>
# DL7ZZZ with root access
DL7ZZZ /work/tnt/ 1
# DL7ZZY with no root access
DL7ZZY /work/tnt/ 0
Back to Index
4.12. File for remote commands disabling
sample norem.tnt:
# sample file for remote commands disabling
# format:
# <callsign with SSID>
Back to Index
4.13. File containing not own callsigns
sample notown.tnt:
# sample file for call/SSID-combinations which are not allowed as
# source callsign for xconnects
# format:
# <callsign with SSID>
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4.14. File containing Flexnet digipeaters
sample flchk.tnt:
# sample file for ignoring Flexnet connection quality checks
# format:
# <callsign with SSID>
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4.15. File for AX25-server access
sample netpass.tnt:
# netpass.tnt - file
# Syntax is:
# Examples
# Next line sets user/pass=dl7zzz/geheim, no default connect, level=9
dl7zzz geheim none 9
# Next line sets user/pass=dl7zzy/secret, autoconnects
# to DB0ZZZ-8 always, and he has command-access-level=3
# This autoconnect-callsign means that dl7zzy CAN'T connect
# any other station than DB0ZZZ-8 ! - Excluding if he has level=9 !
dl7zzy secret DB0ZZZ-8 3
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4.16. File for autostart on connect
sample autostrt.tnt:
# sample autostart file
# format:
# <callsign+SSID> <tnt command>
# connect dl4ybg-5 -> start convers user-client
dl4ybg-5 convers
# connect dl4ybg-12 -> get a channel status
dl4ybg-12 cs
# connect dl4ybg-13 -> get a unix shell
dl4ybg-13 shell
# connect dl4ybg-14 -> connect to convers-server
dl4ybg-14 socket unix:/tcp/sockets/convers
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4.17. File for extended remote commands
sample extrem.tnt:
# sample file for extended remote commands
# format:
# <remote command> <access level> <significant chars> <tnt command>
# //SCONvers : connect convers (Unix-)socket
sconvers 0 4 socket unix:/tcp/sockets/convers
# //AXSERv : connect local ax25 server on port 2001 (only for sysop)
axserv 1 5 socket localhost:2001
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4.18. Files for BBS features
sample boxender.tnt:
# additional strings to detect the end of a mailbox-message
# format: 'xy string'
# x: 1 = message complete, 2 = message aborted
# y: value from 1 to 4 (up to 4 strings)
# one prompt of baycom-box
11 Help Dir Read Erase Check REPly Send Alter Quit
# prompt of diebox, if message read cancelled
21 (H)elp (C)heck (L)ist (R)ead (S)end (E)rase (D)ir (U)sage (Q)uit
# flexnet-reconnect
22 *** reconnected to
# Definition of F6FBB-Fileheaders for the MonitorCut-Feature of DP
# Unfortunately, the f6fbb-soft has two basic types of fileheaders
# The first one consists of 5 lines, the second (and newer one) of 7.
# Additionally those headers exist in many different lingual versions.
# Therefore you are obliged to setup this file for your personal use...
# If the Header Format of your local F6FBB doesn't match to these,
# please write me a msg.
# An old-style (and dutch language) fbb-header may look like this:
# Van : DC6OQ voor IBM @DL
# Type/Status : B$
# Datum/tijd : 21-Mrt 13:55
# Bericht # : 72618
# Titel : hilfe aastor
# Now the definitions:
# first word in header (all signs until the senders callsign):
Van :
# third word in header
# A new-style (and german language) fbb-header may look like this:
# Von : DG8NBR
# Nach : YAESU @EU
# Typ/Status : B$
# Datum : 18-Jun 06:44
# BID/MID : 17630BDB0BOX
# Meldung # : 85385
# Titel : info > FT 530
# Now the definitions:
# Denotator in first line:
#Von :
# Denotator in second line:
#Nach :
# A new-style (and german language) fbb-header may look like this:
#Von : DG1RFG
#Typ/Status : BF
#Datum/Zeit : 28-Apr 08:26
#Msg # : 457242
#Titel : TNX ! WinGT und Passwort wer...
# Now the definitions:
# Denotator in first line:
Von :
# Denotator in second line:
An :
# month identifiers as used in your local f6fbb-bbs:
# (they depend on the selected language, too)
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4.19. Configuration file for TNTC
sample tntc.ini:
# main directory
tntc_dir /work/tnt/
# socket for frontend
frontend_socket unix:tntsock
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5. Additional Information
5.1. Options at startup
Usage : tnt [-i <init-file>] [-l <log-file>] [-u] [-d]
TNT has four startup options. A file after -i is taken as the init file and
a file after -l is opened on channel 1 equal to a LOGREC command.
The -l option is useful if the TNC holds data from the time without
a terminal.
If the program was not normally ended and the serial port is locked, the
lockfile can be ignored with -u. If TNT shall be started as a daemon without
terminal the paramter -d must be specified. A connection to TNT can be
established with TNTC.
Usage : tntc [-i <init-file>] [-s <tnt-socket>]
TNTC has two startup options. A file after -i is taken as the init file.
A socket specified after -s will be used instead of the 'frontend_socket'
defined in tntc.ini.
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5.2. Running under X11
TNT needs a XTERM or RXVT console for execution under X11. Therefore TNT can
be started from every XTERM or RXVT shell.
As XTERM does not allow the use of the <ALT> keysequences, I suggest the
usage of RXVT, which will provide the same handling as a linux-console.
A sample script file 'xtnt' can be used to create a new window for TNT. To
change the parameters in 'xtnt' see the manual entry for RXVT.
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5.3. Porting of TNT
In config.h several options can be defined or undefined. Create a new entry
in config.h and a new makefile for your operating system. At the moment
Linux and Interactive UNIX (ISC) are supported.
The codes generated by function and special keys are defined in keys.h and
must be adapted.
Because in most cases not all keys are listed in the /etc/termcap entry the
keycodes are defined in this way.
If your porting was successful, please send me your changes. They will be
included then in the next release.
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6. Credits and Contact
Thanks to Dieter, DK5SG / N0PRA for wampes. The source code contains many
interesting things and I took some parts of the shell-functions out of the
Thanks to Joerg, DD8FR for providing the code for macro expansion in the
connect text and for using more than 80 characters per line.
Patrick (ex DL7AUC), who has ported TNT to ISC Unix and has contributed many
ideas and additional code for the socket feature, lost his life in
an accident. His work and support was very much appreciated and will be
missed very much. He will always be remembered.
Thanks to Joachim, DL8HBS (author of DigiPoint for ATARI) for providing me
with his sourcecode. Thanks also for the hours of discussing and planning
the porting of the box-part of DP to Linux and for the support during the
debugging sessions.
Thanks to Gert, DK3NY for the implementation of the password generation
for DIEBOX-BBS's and for several bug reports.
Thanks to Andreas, DK9HE for analysing and fixing the startup problem if
TNT was not invoked by root.
Thanks to Werner, DL4NER for code and ideas for the FlexNet password
Thanks to Mario, DL5MLO for providing the code for the alternative
statusline, the 'insertmode'-flag in tnt.ini, AUTO7PL and several bugfixes.
Thanks to Oliver, DL8NEG for code for the baycom password, for perfect
password hiding and for //RTT.
Thanks to Hansi, DL9RDZ for a bug report concerning unsuccessful socket
connect and the solution for it.
Thanks to Claudio, IW0FBB for code for the MD2 password.
Thanks to Martin, DL3FCC for providing a TeX-version of the documentation
(this was the trigger to leave the path of a clean ASCII-doc).
Thanks to Bruno, F1IRW and Daniel, F1RMB for the french translation of the
Thanks to Matthias, DL2SUT for fixes in the daemon code.
The code for YAPP is based on work of Jeff Jacobsen, WA7MBL, Jonathan Naylor,
G4KLX and S N Henson.
Thanks to Sanne Graaf for code for //RTT and //RING.
Thanks to Gerd, DK3NZ and Jonny, DG4MMI for bug reports.
Thanks to all who have tested TNT and have given comments.
And last but not least thanks to Linus and all of the Linux-community for
giving us a superb operating system.
Special thanks to Joseph H. Allen for the JOE-editor and Dave Gillespie
for the P2C Pascal to C translator.
If you have questions, comments or bug reports, just write a mail:
Ham Radio : DL4YBG @ DB0GR.#BLN.DEU.EU
Internet : wahlm-at-berlin-snafu-de
73, Mark Wahl (DL4YBG)
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A. Appendix
A.1. Static huffman compression table
This table was set up by DK4NB for SP 9.00
< 0>: 101010110010110 <128>: 100111111110110
< 1>: 101010101000010 <129>: 00100001
< 2>: 100111111100010 <130>: 100111111101110
< 3>: 101010110011110 <131>: 100111111100110
< 4>: 101010110001110 <132>: 111100000
< 5>: 101010101111110 <133>: 011111010111110
< 6>: 101010101110110 <134>: 011111010110110
< 7>: 101010101101010 <135>: 00111010010000
< 8>: 101010101011010 <136>: 101010110100000
< 9>: 1111001101 <137>: 101010110011100
< 10>: 101010101010010 <138>: 101010110011000
< 11>: 011111010110010 <139>: 101010110010100
< 12>: 101010101101110 <140>: 101010110010000
< 13>: 1111010 <141>: 101010110001100
< 14>: 101010101001010 <142>: 1010101101110
< 15>: 100111111111010 <143>: 101010110001000
< 16>: 100111111101010 <144>: 101010110000100
< 17>: 011111010111010 <145>: 101010110000000
< 18>: 101010110100010 <146>: 101010101111100
< 19>: 101010110011010 <147>: 101010101111000
< 20>: 101010110010010 <148>: 001110110
< 21>: 101010110001010 <149>: 101010101110100
< 22>: 101010110000010 <150>: 101010101110000
< 23>: 101010101111010 <151>: 101010101101100
< 24>: 101010101110010 <152>: 101010101101000
< 25>: 10101011011000 <153>: 10101011011001
< 26>: 101010110000110 <154>: 011111010011
< 27>: 101010101100110 <155>: 101010101100100
< 28>: 101010101011110 <156>: 101010101100000
< 29>: 101010101010110 <157>: 101010101011100
< 30>: 101010101001110 <158>: 101010101011000
< 31>: 101010101000110 <159>: 101010101010100
: 110 <160>: 101010101010000
!: 001110101 <161>: 101010101001100
": 1010101111 <162>: 101010101001000
#: 00000000011 <163>: 101010101000100
$: 011111010100 <164>: 101010101000000
%: 10101011010111 <165>: 100111111111100
&: 000000000000 <166>: 100111111111000
': 10101011010110 <167>: 100111111110100
(: 011111000 <168>: 100111111110000
): 001111001 <169>: 100111111101100
*: 01111101000 <170>: 100111111101000
+: 000000000001 <171>: 100111111100100
,: 0001001 <172>: 100111111100000
-: 0111101 <173>: 011111010111100
.: 101110 <174>: 011111010111000
/: 0011001 <175>: 0011101001011
0: 0010001 <176>: 011111010110100
1: 11110110 <177>: 011111010110000
2: 00111101 <178>: 101010110100011
3: 100111100 <179>: 101010110100001
4: 101111011 <180>: 101010110011111
5: 011111001 <181>: 101010110011101
6: 000000001 <182>: 101010110011011
7: 101010100 <183>: 101010110011001
8: 101111010 <184>: 101010110010111
9: 100111110 <185>: 101010110010101
:: 00000011 <186>: 101010110010011
;: 1010101101111 <187>: 101010110010001
<: 1010101101101 <188>: 101010110001111
=: 001111000 <189>: 101010110001101
>: 001100000 <190>: 101010110001011
?: 00000000001 <191>: 101010110001001
@: 011111010101 <192>: 101010110000111
A: 0011100 <193>: 101010110000101
B: 0111100 <194>: 101010110000011
C: 1001110 <195>: 101010110000001
D: 1111111 <196>: 101010101111111
E: 001001 <197>: 101010101111101
F: 10111100 <198>: 101010101111011
G: 00000010 <199>: 101010101111001
H: 00000001 <200>: 101010101110111
I: 11110001 <201>: 101010101110101
J: 00000000010 <202>: 101010101110011
K: 00110001 <203>: 101010101110001
L: 11110010 <204>: 101010101101111
M: 0011010 <205>: 101010101101101
N: 0001110 <206>: 101010101101011
O: 0001111 <207>: 101010101101001
P: 1011111 <208>: 101010101100111
Q: 10101011101 <209>: 101010101100101
R: 0011111 <210>: 101010101100011
S: 000101 <211>: 101010101100001
T: 0011011 <212>: 101010101011111
U: 111100111 <213>: 101010101011101
V: 111100001 <214>: 101010101011011
W: 00100000 <215>: 101010101011001
X: 11111100 <216>: 101010101010111
Y: 1001111110 <217>: 101010101010101
Z: 100111101 <218>: 101010101010011
[: 101010111001 <219>: 101010101010001
\: 001110111 <220>: 101010101001111
]: 101010111000 <221>: 001110100111
^: 10101011010101 <222>: 101010101001101
_: 0011101001010 <223>: 101010101001011
`: 10101011010100 <224>: 101010101001001
a: 10100 <225>: 001100001
b: 000110 <226>: 101010101000111
c: 100110 <227>: 101010101000101
d: 01110 <228>: 101010101000011
e: 010 <229>: 101010101000001
f: 000001 <230>: 100111111111111
g: 101011 <231>: 100111111111101
h: 111110 <232>: 100111111111011
i: 0110 <233>: 100111111111001
j: 0011101000 <234>: 100111111110111
k: 11111101 <235>: 100111111110101
l: 00101 <236>: 100111111110011
m: 101100 <237>: 100111111110001
n: 1000 <238>: 100111111101111
o: 101101 <239>: 100111111101101
p: 0001000 <240>: 100111111101011
q: 011111010010 <241>: 100111111101001
r: 11100 <242>: 100111111100111
s: 10010 <243>: 100111111100101
t: 11101 <244>: 100111111100011
u: 00001 <245>: 100111111100001
v: 11110111 <246>: 011111010111111
w: 1010100 <247>: 011111010111101
x: 011111011 <248>: 011111010111011
y: 1111001100 <249>: 011111010111001
z: 0111111 <250>: 011111010110111
{: 10101011010010 <251>: 011111010110101
|: 0011101001001 <252>: 011111010110011
}: 10101011010011 <253>: 011111010110001
~: 001110100110 <254>: 001110100100011
<127>: 100111111111110 <255>: 001110100100010
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