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Subject: Re: Kid´s Page auf deutsch ? (Gute Frage...) Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 14:40:14 -0800 From: Ulisses <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: Stefan Wicke <swicke@csi.com> References: 1
Stefan Wicke wrote: > > Warum aber gibt es die Kinderseite nur auf englisch (oder habe ich was > übersehen ?). Vor einiger Zeit (da gab es die KIDS Page noch nicht) bekam ich eine Mail aus USA: "Ja ganz schön Deine Delphin Seiten, aber wieso ist da nichts für Kinder dabei?" Gute Frage dachte ich und kurze Zeit später... So wird's jetzt auch sein. Etwas Geduld (hab gerade sehr wenig Zeit) und ab und zu mal auf meiner WEB Site nachschauen. Und wenn das eine Jahresarbeit wird, dann haben wir ja noch etwas Zeit!!
So long, -ULISSES-
Subject: Re: Kid´s Page auf deutsch ? (Gute Frage...) Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 11:28:21 -0800 From: Ulisses <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: Stefan Wicke <swicke@csi.com> References: 1 , 2 , 3
Stefan Wicke wrote: > hier ist Lukas. Ich habe bis 1.6. Zeit für meine Arbeit...
Hallo Lukas,
die Delphin Seite für KIDS ist jetzt fertig. Schau mal rein!!
Bis dann, -ULISSES-
Subject: Re: Kid´s Page auf deutsch ? (Gute Frage...) Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 09:56:58 -0800 From: Ulisses <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: Stefan Wicke <swicke@csi.com> References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
Stefan Wicke wrote: > > Hallo Ulisses, > Einen Teil der Arbeit hat er schon geschrieben. > Wir schicken Dir dann später eine Kopie der Arbeit.
Hallo Stefan und Lukas,
ich hoffe Euch geht's gut! Auf die Kopie freue ich mich schon. > Für Deine Mühe möchten wir Dich belohnen: Da Du offenbar Forscher bist, > kannst Du sicher eine Spende von 100,-DM gut für Deine Arbeit oder einen > guten Delphinzweck gebrauchen. Das wär doch nicht nötig gewesen....Aber vielen Dank. Edle Spender bekommen als Dank eine CD! (Ich brauch dann Eure Snailmail Adresse. CD Info unter: http://www.snafu.de/~ulisses/kairoscd.htm )
> Außerdem werden wir Deine Seite demnächst mit meiner Homepage verbinden, > sobald diese eine "Kinderseite" bekommt. > ( http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/swicke/homepage.htm ) Na, da schau ich doch gleich mal vorbei.
Macht's gut Ihr Beiden, dolphin dreams, -ULISSES-
Subject: Re: Kid´s Page auf deutsch ? (Gute Frage...) Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 13:02:06 -0700 From: Ulisses <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: Stefan Wicke <swicke@csi.com> References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
Stefan Wicke wrote: > > Wir waren am Sonntag im Zoo Duisburg, haben uns die Delphine, die 2 > Weißwale und den Jakobita angesehen. Es kommt einem wirklich unwirklich > vor, was diese Tiere können... Ja, Duisburg. Ein trauriges Kapitel! Die haben viele Delphine auf dem Gewissen. Free the Dolphins!!!!
> 150,-DM wurden eben überwiesen. Wir wohnen in 40595 Düsseldorf, > Wernigeroderstraße 94. > Weiterhin alles Gute ! Ja, vielen Dank, das wünsch ich Euch auch. Ein kleines Päckchen ist schon "geschnürt". Es wird nach Ostern bei Euch eintrudeln,
so long ihr Zwo, -ULISSES-
Subject: hilfe Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 16:56:46 +0200 From: "D. Prochaska" <prochaska.fdajl@telecom.at> To: <ulisses@snafu.de>
hallo ich heisse anja und bin 13 jahre alt. zusammen mit meiner freundin stella muss ich nächste woche in der schule ein referat über wale halten. es wäre nett wenn ihr uns mit unterlagen aushelfen könntet. danke prochaska.fdajl@telecom.at
Subject: Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 20:33:28 +0100 (MET) From: Florian Frei <floeru@gmx.net> To: ulisses@snafu.de
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
Ich bitte Sie mir Informationen über Delphine und deren Kontakt oder Verhalten zwischen Menschen und Delphinen über meine E-mail Adresse zu senden.Ebenfalls über ihre Fähigkeiten, die verschiedenen Therapiemöglichkeiten (z.B. Autisten,Heilung von Krankheiten, und ihre psychologische Wirkung auf den Menschen...).
Ich danke Ihnen zum Voraus
Florian Frei
Subject: Kinderseite Delfine Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 09:02:02 +-100 From: Marlene Katheras <marlene.katheras@tbv-sachsen.de> To: "'ulisses@snafu.de'" <ulisses@snafu.de>
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich finde es einfach klasse, daß es so eine schöne Seite für die Kinder gibt, daß sie an die Schönheit der Natur herangeführt werden und dabei lernen, ein Bild der Harmonie in sich zu tragen. Daß überhaupt jemand an die Kinder gedacht hat. Ich habe sehr wenig Zeit, deshalb der ungehobelte Text.
Viele Grüße Marlene.
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Subject: Re: congratulations!! Date: Sat, 02 Aug 1997 05:26:01 -0700 From: "Ulrich \"Ulisses\" Reinartz" <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: Maria Antonia Mejia <ficoinfa@gbm.hn> References: 1
Maria Antonia Mejia wrote: > > Les escribo desde Honduras.. y esta pagina me encanta, estaba buscando > informacion sobre delfines e imagenes y encontre lo que buscaba... > > Los delfines son preciosos... > es excelente....!!
Hola Maria Antonia, gracias, me alegro que te valia bien mi pagina. Honduras esta muy lejos de aqui! Hay delfines donde tu vives? Les has visto en el mar? So long, -ULISSES-
Subject: Re: paper on communication and intelligence of dolphins Date: Wed, 08 Oct 1997 06:15:02 -0700 From: Ulisses <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: K & L Swartzendruber <klswartz@gte.net> References: 1
K & L Swartzendruber wrote: > To whom it may concern, Hello, it´s me, ULISSES.
> My name is Keri Swartzendruber and I am doing a biology research > paper on communication and intelligence of dolphins. After reading your > lecture I was curios if you could send me any other information that you > have. Well, I could, but my archieve is big, so ask me a question and I´ll see what I can do for you. BTW:What is your research paper for? What is your job?
Regards, -ULISSES-
Subject: Re: paper on communication and intelligence of dolphins Date: Thu, 09 Oct 1997 09:00:25 -0700 From: Ulisses <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: K & L Swartzendruber <klswartz@gte.net> References: 1 , 2 , 3
K & L Swartzendruber wrote: > 1.What did you find most interesting from your research on dolphin > communication and intelligence? > 2. Everyone always says that the repeat or mimick, do > the sound out the word like we do?
> 3. Do you recomend any books that would be good for > this topic? An interesting book to read is "Communication between man and dolphin" by John C. Lilly. It´s a bit old fashioned but gives you an idea about the subject. The author was kind of inventor of human/dolphin research.
> 4. Do you know any REALLY interesting facts that have not really been published?
Hi Keri, OK, I recognized the questions and it´ll take some time to answer all of them. (I work as Soundengineer/Producer in a music studio and I´m very busy at the moment)
> Hey, I was wondering if you speak german... Sprechen > sie Deutsch? Na, logisch! Wie alt bist Du eigentlich ?
> I was wondering if you could send me some pictures of this web page of > yours. I can give you the permission to use the fotos, but only for your research paper! To get them on your computer, just point the cursor on the foto and then press the RIGHT mouse button. Choose SAVE IMAGE, done !
So long, -ULISSES-
Subject: Re: paper on communication and intelligence of dolphins Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 17:28:16 -0700 From: Ulisses <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: K & L Swartzendruber <klswartz@gte.net> References: 1 , 2 , 3
K & L Swartzendruber wrote: > 1.What did you find most interesting from your research on dolphin > communication and intelligence? Before I came in contact with dolphin research, I already knew that dolphins are intelligent "animals". But when I met a wild dolphin for the first time, I recognized, that there was much more to discover than I expected. It was the look into a dolphins eye - only one feet of distance between the two of us - and I was sure, dolphins are not only intelligent, but *wise*. And from that moment on I couldn´t call them "animals" anymore. Now you might say: what´s about horses, dogs, pets, don´t they also have beautiful eyes? Of course they have beautiful eyes but compare for instance the eyes of a cow with human eyes. For me the cow looks always like asking the same question. On the other side, the human eye can tell you sometimes more than words can do. If I compare a dophins view with the view of other animals and with that of humans, I must say, it´s just like watching in human eyes. The dolphins like to keep the eyecontact, like we humans do when we communicate. That was an elemantry experience for me. [This was very emotional.] Then I studied many books and publications about dolphin communication, brain and intelligence. It was clear: they have a big brain, their mental abilities are incredibble and they use a complex language, completely different from ours. Their SONAR is like natural build in "high tech". Little later, I started my volunteer work on a human/dolphin research ship. I was responsible for the audio recordings of the dolphins. I worked as soundengineer. But originally I´m a musician and my "native language" is music, is *sound*. The same with the whales and dolphins, who live in a world of sound. I looked at them more like collegues than research objects. Dolphins live in open communities. Their extraordinary perceptions and the variety of their communications skills have also given them the opportunity to develop very complex social structures. The modern dolphins of today have lived for more than 10 millon years in peace and harmony with Mother Nature. However, unlike humans, the dolphins' intelligence did not result in the production of more and more material possessions, because their hands have changed into flippers, which, by the way, still contain the five fingers. Their intelligence becomes obvious when you take a look at their way of life: their message is joy, honesty and taking care of each other -- as well as taking care of the fragile ecosystem humans and dolphins share in common-- our home planet, Earth.
> 2. Everyone always says that the repeat or mimick, do > the sound out the word like we do? No, their sound production is different to us humans. They don´t have vocal cords. They also prefer higher frequencies for communication, than we do. So when a dolphin repeats a human word it sounds funny, but with a little imagination you can filter out the meaning of it. See my lecture in the WWW for more details about the dolphin sound production.
> 3. Do you recomend any books that would be good for > this topic? An interesting book to read is "Communication between man and dolphin" by John C. Lilly. It´s a bit old fashioned but gives you an idea about the subject. The author was kind of inventor of human/dolphin research.
> 4. Do you know any REALLY interesting facts that have not really been published? A very interesting thing is the reaction of the human brainwave emissions to dolphin sounds, especially Sonar Clicks. Many things happen in the human brain during encounters with dolphins. People on our research ship described it as a dreamlike or meditative state. In specific experiments the bainwaves of humans have been measured when they came in contact with dolphins. It is obvious that the brain activities change in a significant way. Hemispheric syncronisation happens sometimes, which means that the humans find themselves in an altered state of conciousness. The effects of human/dolphin encounters are clearly visible, but a scientific explanation is hard to find yet. But anyway psychologists work with dolphins or dolphin sound emissions in healing sessions. Autistic children for instance react to the dolphin contact with emotional movements, which is kind of a sensation for autistic people.
Bye for now Keri, don´t hesitate to ask more question and sorry for my english. ´hope ya able to get the "message".
PS.: Tell your friend with the humpback whale project that the best thing to do is an internet search for "whale song" , "songs of the humpback whales" , "Dr. Roger Payne" etc.
Subject: Re: Hi'ya... Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 08:56:03 -0800 From: Ulisses <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: TakinByGuy@aol.com References: 1
TakinByGuy@aol.com wrote: > > Gosh i done be so mighty impressed i done be a lovin these here dolphins > could ya done be a sendin me more so i can done read me -n- look at me some > more. > > thank ya > Tess
Hello Tess, I´m sorry, but I can hardly understand what you are talking about. But anyway, the most important facts about dolphins you find on my Web Site. May be you didn´t watch them all. Here´s a list of the dolphin related pages.
About the bottlenose dolphin and about dolphins in general: http://www.snafu.de:80/~ulisses/tursiops.htm
For kids: http://www.snafu.de:80/~ulisses/kids.htm
Dolphin pictures: http://www.snafu.de:80/~ulisses/gallery.htm
So long, -ULISSES-
Chuck McCullagh wrote: > > Thank you for all your help in the ocean kingdom, we love your web page! > Sarah & Laura Thank you Sarah and Laura. I hope you had a nice Xmas. I wish you a happy new year and for the future: close encounters with dolphins.
All the best, so long, -ULISSES-
we r mamals to. love, meghan
This was written by my 5 year old daughter. She really enjoyed your page on dolphins - thanks!
Subject: Pilot Whales Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 22:00:31 -0500 From: "Bill and Wendy Vardy" <wvardy@bconnex.net> To: <ulisses@snafu.de>
My daughter is doing a project in school and she needs to know if Pilot Whales sleep. Can you help us?
Subject: Re: Pilot Whales Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 05:34:29 -0800 From: Ulisses <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: Bill and Wendy Vardy <wvardy@bconnex.net> References: 1
Bill and Wendy Vardy wrote: > > My daughter is doing a project in school and she needs to know if > Pilot Whales sleep. Can you help us? Hi there, pilot whales and dolphins in general do not sleep like we humans. They must control their breath function actively. But they relax after hunting for fish or after migrating a distance. Then they "lie" on the water surface, moving little. The pod members are relatively close together. Scientists found out, that dolphins(and pilot "whales" belong to the family of dolphins) actually sleep only with one half of their brain, while the other half keeps controling the most important bodyfunctions. After a few minutes they change the hemispheres.
Regards, -ULISSES-
Thank you for your response. I rather thought that they may have to keep moving. -----Original Message----- From: Ulisses <ulisses@snafu.de> To: Bill and Wendy Vardy <wvardy@bconnex.net> Date: January 19, 1998 11:33 PM Subject: Re: Pilot Whales
>Bill and Wendy Vardy wrote: >> >> My daughter is doing a project in school and she needs to know if >> Pilot Whales sleep. Can you help us? >Hi there, >pilot whales and dolphins in general do not sleep like we humans. They >must control their breath function actively. But they relax after >hunting for fish or after migrating a distance. Then they "lie" on the >water surface, moving little. The pod members are relatively close >together. Scientists found out, that dolphins(and pilot "whales" belong >to the family of dolphins) actually sleep only with one half of their >brain, while the other half keeps controling the most important >bodyfunctions. After a few minutes they change the hemispheres. > >Regards, -ULISSES-
Subject: Re: dolphins Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 08:34:03 -0800 From: Ulisses <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: Cathy Stanfield <paraduck@worldnet.att.net> References: 1
Cathy Stanfield wrote: > I was wondering if you could make a page about > dolphins for the children that have a lower reading level than I do. Dear Tosha Stanfield, I actually have a page for kids. You come to it if you click on the running dog at my start/index page. The direct www adress is: http://www.snafu.de/~ulisses/kids.htm
Enjoy it! So long, -ULISSES-
Subject: Re: Again Spermwhale Strandings in the Northsea Date: Sun, 25 Jan 1998 01:13:37 -0000 From: "carlin" <marian.carlin@sol.co.uk> To: <ulisses@snafu.de>
-----Original Message----- From: ULISSES <ulisses@xsnafu.de> Newsgroups: alt.animals.dolphins Date: 24 January 1998 12:48 Subject: Re: Again Spermwhale Strandings in the Northsea
>ulisses@xsnafu.de (ULISSES) wrote: >>More and more sperm whales can't find >>the right way south from the Norwegian Sea to the North Atlantik. >>There is a deep sea corridor in front of the norwegian coast line. >>This corridor gets more and more narrow and ends up in the "Skagerak". >>When they now want to go further south (may be directed by magnetic >>orientation) they find themselfes off shore "Jütland" in the eastern >>part of the north sea. The depth of 3 meters or less makes it almost >>impossible that the whales survive. >A map on my server makes clear what happens to the whales: >http://www.snafu.de/~ulisses/pics/norgemap.jpg > >or at my Info Page about Spermwhale Strandings *in german*: >http://www.snafu.de/~ulisses/pottstrn.htm > >-ULISSES- > > > > > > > > >
Dear Ulisses, I have information from an unusual source, Scottish Christian mystic recognised by the local catholic archbishop, that the groundings are deliberate acts of suicide. This implies sentience and a decision taken in despair, caused by the heavy pollution of the Oceans and the ruthless hunting of their kind. I can send you more information if you are interested, regards, Geoff e-mail Geoff Carlin marian.carlin@sol.co.uk
Subject: Re: Again Spermwhale Strandings in the Northsea Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 13:46:19 -0800 From: Ulisses <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: carlin <marian.carlin@sol.co.uk> References: 1
carlin wrote: >Dear Ulisses, > I have information from an unusual source, > Scottish Christian mystic recognised by the local catholic archbishop, that > the groundings are deliberate acts of suicide. This implies sentience and a > decision taken in despair, caused by the heavy pollution of the Oceans and > the ruthless hunting of their kind. I can send you more information if you > are interested, > regards, > Geoff
Dear Geoff,
the suicide theory is not new. Other cetaceans also strand (pilotwhales). But in this case(spermwhales, north sea) I would make the circumstances I wrote about at my website responsible for the strandings. But if possible, send me more of what you were talking about.
So long, -ULISSES-
Subject: Re: Louise Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 13:24:37 -0800 From: Ulisses <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: stefan peterson <peson@norrkoping.mail.telia.com> References: 1
stefan peterson wrote: > > My name is Louise and I am 7 years old. Right now I am doing an eork > on dolphins, specialy bottlenose dolphin at school. That is why we > passed this page. > Dear Louise, I hope you found good information for your work on bottlenose dolphins. Feel free to ask me any question on this subject.
So long, -ULISSES-
Subject: Re: 5th Grade Class Project Date: Sun, 15 Mar 1998 15:58:20 -0800 From: Ulisses <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: RLOWENS <RLOWENS@aol.com> References: 1
RLOWENS wrote: > > > My first question is about the bottle nose dolphins. I would like to know if > this particuliar dolphin is so common at Sea World because it is easy to catch > or is it because this species is the best to train ? Bottlenose Dolphins live in the open sea as well as in coastal waters. They are very curious and they trust in humans. It's not *so* easy to catch them but they don't have a chance when humans use "high tech" to catch them. > > Do all dolphins behave about the same or do certain species have different > habits ? The different species prefer different environments and differenz food. Every species has got it's own character and within the species the single dolphin has got his/her preferences. They are intelligent beings. Every dolphin is individual. > > Can you tell me what the most interesting thing about dolphins is to you ? I like their community spirit and their communication by sound. I love to meet them in the wild, not in dolphinaria. And I'm very interested in their high developed ultra-sound echolocation system. > > I would appreciate your answers to these questions or anything else you would > like to tell me about dolphins as soon as possible because the project is due > very soon. Did you check(??): http://www.snafu.de/~ulisses/tursiops.htm http://www.snafu.de/~ulisses/kids.htm
Good luck and so long, -ULISSES-
Subject: Re: dolphin Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 10:01:59 -0800 From: Ulisses <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: MLSully <MLSully@aol.com> References: 1
MLSully wrote: > > a dolphin is kind of like a porpis
Hello you, well, dolphins are similar to porpoises. Dolphins and Porpoises belong to the same familiy called "toothed whales". But dolphins are dolphin and porpoises are porpoises.
So long, -ULISSES-
Subject: Re: whales Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 08:33:40 -0800 From: Ulisses <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: jbmjk@mhv.net References: 1
jean staff wrote: > could you please tell me where i could find more info on > humpback whales > i'm doing a project. please reply as soon as possible,thanks
Hi there,
the best is to make a web search for "humpback whale" or "megaptera". You can also follow the link to the Oceania Project from my homepage: http://www.snafu.de/~ulisses/index.htm#links
So long, -ULISSES-
Subject: Re: School Project Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 11:45:41 -0700 From: Ulrich Reinartz <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: Moss <ljm143@psu.edu> References: 1
Moss wrote: > > I am working with a group of first graders on creating a web page for their > school about dolphins. Would it be okay if we use some of your images? > The children really like the image you named "sweet.jpg". Please let us > know in a day or two. We will follow any guide lines you have concerning > the use of your images. We love your site and look forward to hearing from > you very soon. Thank you for your time. - Laura Hi Laura,
you're welcome. The foto "sweet.jpg" I downloaded from a FTP server. You can use it at your own risk(as I did). The fotos with my copyright advice you could also use for your non commercial dolphin page. It would be nice when you make a link to my page.
All the best, so long, -ULISSES-
Subject: Bottlenose Dolphin Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 20:24:13 -0500 From: Susie Cohen <sprmom@txdirect.net> To: ulisses@snafu.de
Can you send me info. about the Bottlenose dolphin for a report?
Subject: Re: Bottlenose Dolphin Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 17:08:35 -0700 From: Ulrich Reinartz <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: Susie Cohen <sprmom@txdirect.net> References: 1
Susie Cohen wrote: > > Can you send me info. about the Bottlenose dolphin for a report? Dear Susan,
did you check http://www.snafu.de/~ulisses/tursiops.htm ?? If you still have questions after reading this paper, don't hesitate, just ask!
So long, -ULISSES-
Subject: Re: I LOVE A DOLPHIN Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 10:03:25 -0700 From: Ulrich Reinartz <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: KANAGAWAN@MAIL.FINDLAY.EDU CC: Adam Minter <Adam8@looksmart.com> References: 1
NAMI wrote: > > I LIKE YOUR HOMEPAGE. Hi Nami,
thank you!
> I THINK DOLPHINS ARE SO CUTE AND SMART. Well, they obviously are. I hope you'll have the opportunity to meet them in the wild. Be sure to approach with respect and sensitivity. They are beautiful and intelligent creatures.
> CAN DOLPHIN COMMUNICATE WITH PERSON? I GUESS IT'S VERY DIFFICULT FOR > US NOW. Right, it's not easy. Since 30 years the modern science tries make a two-way communication between humans and dolphins possible. For the big succsess we're still waiting, but...
> BUT, I HOPE WE CAN COMMUNICATE WITH DOLPHINS SOMEDAY. I know from many encounters with wild dolphins, that it is possible to communicate with them. Not by using words but for example music or singing. This expression of youself let the dolphins know more about your emotional state. Sometimes the dophin will respond. With sound or with a specific behavior. If your feeling is good, you may understand the dolphins message and that was then communication for the two of you. So we have to seperate "real communication" in the scientific meaning from "interaction", which can be a form of communication for individuals. The communication research with dolphins touches various types of science, such as biology, psychology, neurophysioloy, acoustics. On the other side there is the personal contact between a human and a dolphin. Nobody can measure what really happens with you two creatures. But we know that dolphin therapy can help people. Next step should be dolphin therapy in the wild. But with respect for the dolphin doctors!
So long, -ULISSES-
Subject: RE: WEB PAGE Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 18:00:05 EST From: DLFN78510@aol.com To: ulisses@snafu.de
Subject: Re: Bottlenose Dolphin Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 17:04:29 -0600 From: Susie Cohen <sprmom@txdirect.net> To: ulisses@snafu.de References: 1 , 2
Dear Sir, My name is Lisa Perkins. Susan Cohen is my mom. Thank you for the web site it helps alot! Do you help with the reserch? If not could you tell me who dose and give me their e-mail? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Bottlenose Dolphin Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 14:21:18 -0800 From: Ulrich Reinartz <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: Susie Cohen <sprmom@txdirect.net> References: 1 , 2 , 3
Susie Cohen wrote: > > Dear Sir, > My name is Lisa Perkins. > Do you help with the reserch? If not could > you tell me who dose and give me their e-mail? > PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Lisa,
I would like to help you, but therefore you have to ask me clear questions about bottlenose dolphins. Then I'll answer by eMail. Anything of my work I could send you now, you can find at my web site. I guess you already checked the Dolphin Page for Kids. If not, here is the adress: http://www.snafu.de/~ulisses/kids.htm
So, I'm looking forward for your question *number one*,
Yours, -ULISSES-
Subject: Re: Bottlenose Dolphin Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 20:28:17 -0600 From: Susie Cohen <sprmom@txdirect.net> To: ulisses@snafu.de References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
My frist question is how do bottlenose do when they are in the wild and a bunch of people come around? Thanks ,please write back. A.S.A.P.
Subject: Re: Bottlenose Dolphin Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 10:07:44 -0800 From: Ulrich Reinartz <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: Susie Cohen <sprmom@txdirect.net> References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
Susie Cohen wrote: > > My frist question is how do bottlenose do when they are in the wild and a > bunch of people come around?
I guess it's you again Lisa, hm? Well, it depends on what the dolphins are doing in that moment.
1. They are feeding or socializing: Then they will probably ignore the people and continue with what they are doing. May be, some of them, the scouts, check the boat in order to know if it is dangerous or not.
2. They are relaxing: When the people do not notice, that they are relaxing and that it's better to leave them alone, they would dive away to change the place.
3. They are travelling: When they are travelling, it can happen, that some of them come to check the boat, but a little later, they would follow their group. When the boat is fast enough to join them on their way, they will have much fun in the bowwave. They love "bowriding". This means, they come very close to they bow of the boat. There, they can swim with less power, that means they save energy. If the boat is on the right course, this can last for hours! It's a beautiful experience to travel together with a group of dolphins.
4. They are just "hanging around": Then, they will be happy that something interesting happens. They would investigate the whole boat. They are very curious. May be they show up with artistic breaching(jumping). If people go for a swim, they might come to play with them, because they are very playful creatures.
So far, Lisa, you see: One question, four answers! Don't hesitate to continue asking!!
So long, -ULISSES-
Subject: Bottlenose Date: Sat, 07 Nov 1998 19:59:04 -0600 From: Susie Cohen <sprmom@txdirect.net> To: ulisses@snafu.de
Hi, My question is how come they dont have good hearing?
My friend says hi also. Thanks.
Subject: Re: Bottlenose Date: Sun, 08 Nov 1998 10:23:12 -0800 From: Ulrich Reinartz <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: Susie Cohen <sprmom@txdirect.net> References: 1
Susie Cohen wrote: > > My question is how come they dont have good hearing?
Hi there Lisa???,
dolphins hearing is excellent! The frequency range is about 10 times bigger than ours. And the sensitivity is also much better!
So long, -ULISSES-
Subject: Re: Bottlenose Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 20:05:40 -0600 From: Susie Cohen <sprmom@txdirect.net> To: ulisses@snafu.de References: 1 , 2
WHERE ARE YOU?????????? I mailed you a letter and you didn't answer. In case you didn't get it here it is: Why do dolphins have bad SMELL?
Subject: Re: Bottlenose Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 16:29:39 -0600 From: Susie Cohen <sprmom@txdirect.net> To: ulisses@snafu.de References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
Hi, Sorry but I have been busy. I just want to now what do you think of them (bottlenose dolphin).
Ulrich Reinartz wrote:
> Susie Cohen wrote: > > > > WHERE ARE YOU?????????? I mailed you a letter and you didn't answer. > Well, I live in Germany, so may be it takes a week or two until a letter > reaches me. That's why I prefer e-mail!! > > > In case you didn't get it here it > > is: Why do dolphins have bad SMELL? > > Hi there Lisa, > > Smell is the ability to analyze substances which "fly" in the air. So > the smell only works in air. But dolphins spent a lot of their lifetime > right below the water surface. Therefore the sense of smelling is not so > important for dolphins. They have to TASTE the water to analyze > invisible substances in there. And an ability that a creature doesn't > need, is not being develoved or disappears slowly during the evolution. > In the case of the dolphins the smell disappeared as well as other > anatomic structures like the legs or the hands or the hair. The dolphins > ancestors have been LANDMAMMALS. When they went back to the ocean 65 > mio. years ago they lost slowley these features but also developed new > features which serve them better in the water. > > So long, -ULISSES-
Subject: thanks Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 20:23:30 EST From: BOZ2U@aol.com To: ulisses@snafu.de
thank you for the neat picture that you made for us to read. :)
Subject: Re: thanks Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 09:29:43 -0800 From: Ulrich Reinartz <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: BOZ2U@aol.com References: 1
BOZ2U@aol.com wrote: > > thank you for the neat picture that you made for us to read. :)
Sorry, but what do you mean with that? --
So long, -ULISSES-
Subject: (no subject) Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 10:10:21 -0800 From: "Emerson Jr. High" <staff147@emerson.djusd.k12.ca.us> To: ulisses@snafu.de
Hello, My name is Michelle and I'm doing a report on the oceans for science class. I was just wondering if you knew of any good links. E-mail me at: i_love_roller_coasters@yahoo.com Michelle
Subject: Re: thanks Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 22:12:42 EST From: BOZ2U@aol.com To: ulisses@snafu.de
the confusing syntax was generated by a seven year old and a three year old pair of visitors reading your web-site. they enjoyed it tremendously!
Subject: report on the oceans for science class Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 01:25:48 -0800 From: Ulrich Reinartz <ulisses@snafu.de> Organization: Non-Violent, Non-Profit To: i_love_roller_coasters@yahoo.com References: 1
Emerson Jr. High wrote: > > Hello, > My name is Michelle and I'm doing a report on the oceans for science > class. I was just wondering if you knew of any good links. Hi Michelle,
did you check out my bookmarks page at: http://www.snafu.de/~ulisses/bookmarx.htm ?? --
So long, -ULISSES-
Copyright © 1999 by Ulrich Reinartz