Subject: OT8 denounces Scientology From: ARIANE JACKSON <> Date: Mon, 2 Sep 1996 11:58:18 -0400 My name is Ariane Jackson and I intend to share some of the information I have concerning the cult known as Scientology.This information covers the experiences of myself and some of my friends and relatives during many years. Some of this information is supported by very complete, original documentation. I was involved in Scientology for 17 years and I attained the highest available level, called "New OT8, Truth Revealed". I was also trained as an "auditor" to "Class 6" and I have studied the "technology" of "Class 12". I was a staff member at Flag Service Organization, Inc. in Clearwater, Florida. My husband was involved for 20 years, attained "Clear", was trained as an auditor and was also on staff. My ex-husband was involved for 14 years, attained "OT7, Cause over Life", gave his fortune of several million dollars to Scientology and died at the age of 59, within days of being audited at Flag! In Dec, 1995 my husband and I approached the "church" of Scientology and requested that steps be taken to repair the damage we had experienced as a result of our involvement. We met with a representative from Flag and specified the damage as clearly as we could. We received three responses. One was on Flag letterhead and was signed "Brian Anderson, Church of Scientology, Flag Service Organization". (I wonder if this is the same "Brian Anderson" that works for the Office of Special Affairs). The letter stated that the way we presented our "cause"(sic) "appears to be blackmail and an attempt to extort funds" We also discovered another response which had been given to the Procureur Général (Attorney General) for the state of Geneva. This was a request by the Scientology center in Zurich to have us investigated by the police for blackmail and extortion. Not only have we never been in the center in Zurich, we have never spoken to anyone there. (In this complaint they also accused me of having lied as a court witness against the cult and said they would file a separate suit for that. Over 8 months later there is still no suit filed!!). The Procureur Général denied the request. The cult appealed. In the appeal the meeting we had with the Flag representative was referred to and the tape recording of it was transcribed. However, the date of the meeting was falsified and created the appearance that it was held one month earlier than it was. The appeal was denied. The cult requested a hearing. At the hearing the Procureur Général defended his position and indicated he knew that this was an attempt to use the law to prevent us from requesting damages. This appeal was also denied and the cult was ordered to pay our costs. We received a third response during a live TV broadcast in Paris when I was interviewed and described some of my experiences in the cult. The Scientology representative stated that I had made an offer to withdraw from the show if they paid me 17 million dollars. This I had never done. I have filed a suit for defamation. Some, but by no means all, of the subjects I will address are as follows:- 1. The destructive effects on myself, on my personality, on my behaviour and on my life of receiving Scientology levels including OT8, auditor training, "ethics", and being subjected to the level of control exercised by Scientology staff on other staff and public. 2. The various methods used to persuade my ex-husband to pay money. These included daylong interviews by groups of salesmen, "investment opportunities", donations to translate a book, donations to "protect Scientology", etc., etc. Two of the "investment opportunities" where he loaned almost half a million dollars in 1989 to a "patron" and a "patron meritorious" of the International Association of Scientologists"(IAS) turned out to be very bad "investments".These two patrons, who were vouched for by other Scientologists, were Jody Darling, Glendale, CA and Hans Rhyner, Weisslingen, Switzerland. They both failed miserably to fulfil the terms of the loan agreements. My ex-husband tried for MORE THAN FOUR YEARS to get them to pay what they owed but failed and actually died in the attempt. Their failure to repay him added to the fact he had given so much of his money to Scientology ruined him financially. The stress arising from his bad financial position aggravated a heart condition for which he could not afford proper medical care and which he had been persuaded Scientology would resolve. This illness killed him before he could recover the money owed to him. The "church" of Scientology was fully aware of this situation and was actually claiming to be administering "justice" in the affair, since my ex-husband was prohibited, by Scientology policy, from taking ANY legal action. At the time of his death Darling and Rhyner owed him around 650,000 dollars!! This is the "result" obtained by the cult's business and ethics "technology". Darling raised his status in the cult from "patron with honors" to patron meritorious shortly after my ex-husband "invested" in his company. This step is achieved by paying IAS around 150,000 dollars. I will detail Darling's "business dealings" later. He can be seen in Impact #28. 3. The effects of Scientology on my life as a wife and mother, including two divorces, a husband (to whom I was married before the ex-husband already mentioned) who was persuaded by auditing that he was Jesus Christ reincarnated and could perform miracles but could not keep a job to support our three young children. How I allowed my children to be taken from me. My husband and I, during the period of our involvement, had a total of 4 divorces and 5 marriages with 6 children involved. To prove this problem is not confined to just my husband and I, a review of the marital experiences of all my ex-husbands and his ex-wives gives totals as follows:- for 6 Scientologists, 9 divorces, 11 marriages and 13 children with broken homes. Of these 6 people only 3 are currently married; my husband and myself are two of them. Only two mariages have survived and one of them is mine.( I have just heard that my 16 year old daughter, who is at the cult's center in East Grinstead, England, is MARRIED!) This is the result of the cult's "technology" for resolving marital problems. 4. The results of Scientology involvement on the professional lives of individuals that I have witnessed. During my involvement I was totally unable to achieve any success professionally. My ex-husband went from successful businessman and self-made millionaire pre-cult to bankrupt, no career and physically incapable of working after involvement. I have a list of Scientologists who borrowed from my ex-husband and did not repay him. Either they cannot repay because they are professional failures or they refuse to pay because they are criminals. 5. The so-called "confidential" levels. From OT3 to OT7 all you "handle" is BT's. OT4 is the effects of drugs on them, OT5 is NOTs, OT6 is just a course to train you in more exotic ways of "finding" and "handling" them, and OT7 is application of OT6. The only versions from the Fishman letter still valid are OT1, OT2, OT3, and OT5. OT8 has totally changed and has none of the Fishman version. It is actually just a review of all of the person's auditing and a verification/nullification of discoveries the person has made about himself. It consists of ONE question (in two parts) repeated. I am very willing to discuss my experiences. I have provided court testimonies and appeared on TV and given magazine interviews and I am willing to do this also. Ariane Jackson. August 1996.