[ Operation Freakout ]
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Op Freakout Document, Addendum A

Channels 4 & 5


                                        OP FREAKOUT


1) Do not tell "Pin Ball"FSM or TM FSM about this OP, but
alert them to immediately report any thing PC tells them.
Have them try to speed up their relationship with PC. for
feed back purposes. Get feedback on this op. (cle verly)
for use in other actions.                              __________
                                                         AG I NY


1) Wait 10 days after the completion of CHANNEL 3. If nothing
has accured from feedback, on PC. Then have the following
action done:

FSM Female disguized voice, calls the Arab  Consulate and asks
for the Press "attache". Talk through a piece of thin paper
covering the mouth of the phone. This will be taperecorded
but don't tell FSM on this. FSM says crying to Attache:

I just want to tell you there is someone a writer by the
name of PC, who recently came back from Isreal. She works for
Isreal Intelligence. She's also insane. She was in a Concentration
Camp in Natz Germany. She's been seeing Psychiatrist for years.
Her sister is also with Isreal Intelligence and lives in Isreal.
She talks when she high on drugs or drunk. Lately she's been
talking about bombing your embassy. I hate the damn
FSM hangs up and leaves fast.