Hard Data on Scientology
The 0% opinion web page. A large portion of the records here are the result of
database searches of on-line state public records.
Why them? Just check out alt.religion.scientology and see for
yourself. Suffice it to say that some of their practices (such as
the copious use of lawsuits, misinformation, and intolerance) annoy me.
In the meantime, here's some information about various
aspects of the organization.
Any factual errors in here? Just indicate the specific item and document
your correction, and I'll either make a change or include your e-mail in my
page. I have yet to hear complaints from anyone willing to back themselves
up with facts.
"Minor" details
Narconon (the CoS drug rehab program)
Church Debt
Is the Church expanding or not?
Database searches (raw data)
This page was done in 1995 and 1996 by Brett Achorn. It represents a snapshot from these days. Later developments have not been taken into consideration.