2000 Wolf Kahlen 2003

Arbeiten aus vierzig Jahren/Works from 1960 till 2000


Dreijährige Retrospektive in zehn Teilen, Teil II / Three year retrospective in ten parts, Part II

April - July  2000

Über Vergänglichkeit / On Impermanence

Early photo works (1971), video-sculpture, books, net.art

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Yama, 1992

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Caspar-David Friedrich-Saal, 1971

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Galapagos-Horizonte, 1980

(100 x 3600 cm enlargement of a roll of  film undergone a shipwreck)

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Leerheit, 1996 (Peking Kunstmuseum)

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Copyright  Wolf Kahlen and VG Bild Kunst Bonn 2000