imdb-adds-mode.el --- Major Emacs mode for editing IMDb data submissions Editing and syntax highlighting extensions for off-line editing data submission files for the Internet Movie Database ( WHO SHOULD USE OR NEEDS THIS MODE? - This mode is for editing data additions for the Internet Movie Database (IMDb). It's for people who submit such additiions regularly and don't use the IMDb's online additions system. - PLEASE NOTE: E-mail additions to IMDb have been mostly phased out since Jan 1st, 2004. This mode will only be of use for you, if you are one of the few people still allowed to send in e-mail additions to IMDb. FEATURES - Provides easy help (description, formal syntax, example, on-line guide and e-mail address) for every IMDb submission keyword - Can use locally saved on-line guides instead of connecting to the IMDb WWW server - Syntax highlighting (font-lock) - Provides menu with most important commands - Creates new submission templates with the keywords you choose inserted - Creates sub-templates for keywords - Has beginner mode which makes using templates even more easier - Auto-creates a mail buffer for your data additions to IMDb - Provides insertion of comment, correct and namecorrect keywords - Provides insertion of namecorrectas, attribute and replace prefixes - Provides copying any data field from the next/previous line - Provides moving to next/previous IMDb submission keyword - Provides swapping any name from non-comma to comma form - Provides auto-insertion, increasing or decreasing of roman numerals, e.g. (II), for indexed names - Provides insertion of 'fulltext quotes' (qv). Please make yourself familiar with the new prefixes ATTRIBUTE- and REPLACE-. Those should be used in favor of any deletes, however especially the ATTRIBUTE- syntax basically changes from keyword to keyword. Make use of the function insert-sub-template [C-c t s] to get a feel for their syntax. BUSINESS and CAST are not longer supported. BUSINESS has been split into single keywords (see imdb-adds-additions-template-alist). New literature data should be sent in with LITERATURENEW. NEW (v2.5) - Added end of line matching to font-lock and move-to-keyword, before arbitrary terms beginning with a keyword were highlighted and moved to too, e.g. the title DVD Exclusive Awards (2003) (TV) was treated as DVD keyword. - Added TITLEYEARS keyword - Fixed a bug in move-to-keyword, it ignored prefixes (ATTRIBUTE- etc.) NEW (v2.4) - Changed to XEmacs compatible keybindings, e.g. [M-up] becomes [(meta up)] - Changed to menu definition with easy-menu for XEmacs compatibility NEW (v2.3) - Added region-make-fulltext-hyperlink Not released (v2.2) - Deleted FAQ tag from URLTITLE after finding out that it has been phased out long ago. - Added fontlock support for the URLTITLE/URLNAME built-in tags Not released (v2.1) - Added functions for insertion of NAMECORRECTAS-, REPLACE- and ATTRIBUTE- and their menu shortcuts - Changed imdb-adds-keyword-alist to include help strings for ATTRIBUTE (formal syntax only) and REPLACE (additional syntax only) - Changed several keywords to their longform as to meet the forms for ATTRIBUTE- and REPLACE- (Now: EDITOR, DIRECTOR, COSTUME, DESIGN, COMPOSER, CINEMATOGRAPHER, CASTINGDIRECTOR, WRITER) - Extended show-keyword-syntax for prefixed keywords (CORRECT-, COMMENT-, NAMECORRECT-, NAMECORRECTAS-, ATTRIBUTE-, REPLACE-) - Formalized insertion of ATTRIBUTE- and REPLACE, it is now impossible to insert such a prefix for a keyword which has no syntax for this prefix - Extended keyword-full-help to recognize prefixed keywords and thus show the (complete) help for the non-prefixed keyword - Added check for syntax strings > 79 chars to show-keyword-syntax, such strings are displayed in an own window instead of the minibuffer - Changed toggle-beginner-mode to reflect the mode change in the status line and made (entry) mode name variable, depending on whether imdb-adds-beginner-mode is preset or not. This could probably easier be done with a proper minor-mode definition, but I am too lazy to dig into that for now - Updated all online help page names to the new online help pages at - Added sub-submenu for extended online help, i.e. help which is not directly connected to a submission keyword. This includes function browse-extended-help and its wrappers as well as extending browse-keyword-online-help to accept an optional help page name - Made insert-sub-template prefix aware - Extended browse-keyword-online-help function to recognize missing offline files and optionally ask to browse online or not - Added support for TITLE-ATTRIBUTE keyword - Changed mail-to-maintainer to deal with phased-out e-mail support, instead users will be given opportunity to connect to the online support in several ways. Not released (v1.8) - Added CR: tag for awards master list - Fixed a 'GOOFS' bug, help for this keyword could not be found, because it's GOOF, not GOOFS - Added new piplined single keywords for the old tags formerly summarized under business. - Added new piplined keyword LITERATURENEW - Added basic support for NAMECORRECTAS, REPLACE and ATTRIBUTE NEW (v1.7) - Added 'name-formats' as guide for NAME - Changed LASERDISC keyword to LASER, because NAMECORRECT-LASERDISC is not accepted by the IMDb mailserver - Added support for new keywords: LOCATIONCORRECT, EPISODECORRECT-GUEST, COMPANYCORRECT, NAMECORRECTAS, AGENT, COMPANY-CONTACT - Fixed a bug in imdb-adds-count-roman-numeral, didn't work correctly when | and : occured together on the same line - Added abbrevs for some production/distribution companies - Changed routine names to insert-comment, insert-correct and insert-namecorrect to insert-prefix-comment, insert-prefix-correct and insert-prefix-namecorrect - Changed DESIGN keyword to DESIG, because NAMECORRECT-DESIGN is not accepted by the IMDb mailserver