CONTENTS # PURPOSE OF THIS PROGRAM # NEW IN THIS VERSION # PREREQUISITES # USER SETUP # CALLING SYNTAX # PROGRAM OUTPUT # DISCLAIMER AND CREDITS # BUG REPORT, COMMENTS ETC. # PURPOSE OF THIS PROGRAM The purpose of this program is to automatically compile directory overviews into one or more HTML files which then can be viewed with a browser. It can be used to compile any directory overviews, but was primarily written to get a more or less comfortable overview of the ever growing number of HTML files which find their way on the local hard disk these days. When HTML files are found the program will extract the document title and display it in the overview. This is especially useful when you have to deal with cryptic filenames which will not let you get any idea of the contents of the document itself. If you are using the Netscape browser the program will make use of Javascript for extended information about the files found like file size, file date etc. # NEW IN THIS VERSION - version 1.03 - Bug fixes only. Now also works on CD drives. Please update. - version 1.02 - Added command line switch /r to change the default drive range scanned by the program. You will now be able to choose either all local drives like before (default), all network drives or all accessible drives, i.e. all local and all network drives. - Made recognition of html files more flexible, before only *.html and *.htm files were assumed to be html. You now can easily add own file extensions. Currently recognized as HTML are files which's file extension includes one of the following substrings: HTM ASP PHP # PREREQUISITES You should have OS/2 and classic REXX installed. # USER SETUP None. # CALLING SYNTAX The calling syntax will be also shown to you if you call the program without any commandline arguments. dirmap [/a /r /1 /2 /3 /n /-] [...] /a: scan all disk drives /1: one HTML page for all files (default) /2: one HTML page per drive /3: one HTML page per directory /n: name of root page (default: dirmap.htm) /-: drives to be excluded /r: drive range: [l]ocal (default), [n]et, [a]ll Examples: dirmap c:\netscape\cache\*.*htm? g:\hypertxt\html\*.* => Compile an overview for the two directories given and put it on one page, the root page. Look for HTML files only in the first directory and for all files in the second directory given. dirmap /a /3 /-ij *.*htm? *.gif *.jp*g => Compile an overview for all local disk drives, but exclude drive i: and drive j:. Look for HTML, GIF and JPEG files and make one HTML page for every directory. # PROGRAM OUTPUT The program output depends on which commandline arguments are used and can get huge. It's a good idea to call the program in an empty directory especially when you plan to use commandline argument /3. E.g. when I call the program with commandline argument /3 on my home PC it compiles 670 files resulting in approximately 4 megabytes. # DISCLAIMER AND CREDITS This program is freeware. You may use it in any context, commercial or private. However I would appreciate if you send me an eMail if you use it and say hello. This program comes without any warranty. The author shall not be helt responsible for any dammage you may suffer from using this program. PLEASE USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK. You may freely use and modify it as long as these credits are kept. I originally wanted to call this program 'dir2html', but found out that there already is a program out there with that name. Thanks to Michel Plungjan for testing this program under Windows NT. (It failed.) I also sent this program out to some beta testers, but never heard of any of those again. It either means the program had no bugs or it didn't fit their needs and they threw it away ;-) Thanks to Fritz_Chwolka for beta testing version 1.2 # BUG REPORT, COMMENTS ETC. It would like to hear your comments, both positive and negative. The program does a satisfying job as far as myself is concerned, so if you want it to be developed further, you should say so. I can be reached at (and in that order please): (please replace # with @ in the above addresses) Please note: These addresses are for response to this program only. You may not send unsolicited commercial e-mail to these or legal action will be taken.