Debug commands

last update: 06/2003

Debug is the most simpliest debugger. It comes along with your (older) MS-DOS and I hope even PC-DOS. Newer MS-DOS versions don't have debug, if you didn't make an update from an older version.

A ssemble [adr]
start assemblyentering-mode
C ompare
compares two memoryblocks
D ump [adr]
dumps a part of the memory
E nter [adr]
enters a byte
F ill
fills a memoryblock:
F start, end (or L length) list (of filling values)
G o
executes the program:
G =startadr breakpoints
H exarithmetic
calculates sum and difference of the values
H value1,value2
I nput
show a i/o port
L oad
load a file (set the Name first)
M ove
moves memoryblock:
M start end destination
N ame
sets the name
O ut
put a byte to an i/o port
P rocede
to execute an interupt or a subroutine
Q uit
R egister
S earch
S area list
T race
executes one(!) command
just T or T =start, number of executing bytes
U nassemble
unassembles the memory
W rite
writes a file to disk (beginning has to be at off 100h)