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futuristic proposal of INTEGRAL STUDIES



We propose a new venture of advanced studies into human aspects of local and global change, which can generate innovative approaches to building creative political will. Features of academic and practitioner exchange, networking and project-building with aid of the "internet", long-term continuity (for documentation, programmes of study, personal contact of colleagues) and a non-hierarchical working mode are emphasised. We aim to overcome some shortcomings of academic work and to bring selected analyses and research results to the scrutiny of a broad public; and to improve communication and feed-back between academy and other sectors. Fields of study concerning "political behaviour" and "the social meaning of trauma" (see: trauma, stress and their "cultural dynamics") within which focussed projects may be developed, are referrred to as examples (via WWW link). We welcome further suggestions of topics relevant to building creative political will, requiring serious study. Benefits of association to the new venture are outlined. People from a broad range of backgrounds are encouraged to make contact. The new venture is seen in projection as a component of a potential "global human intelligence", which may be partly seeded by the creative but somewhat ephemeral social movements of the 20th century. A multi-dimensional development of new venture is sketched as "realiseable science-fiction"

key words: human local global change political will citizen participation democracy research outreach internet college future lokal politik kultur wille buerger partizipation demokratie wissenschaft kolleg vernetzung zukunft


We propose a new venture of collaborative study and communication which promises to reveal and diffuse ways to build political will and promote creative self and social change. And we aim to assist and encourage the informed and active participation of a broadening spectrum of people from all walks of life in public decision-making.

The internet offers well-used opportunities for data-transfer and exchange, chat, discussion, debate, even conferencing and publication of peer-reviewed journals. In addition some pilot projects are needed which allow, metaphorically speaking, the emergence of components of a global, collective human intelligence. Arguably can only such a form have a chance to secure a safe and dignified future for Homo sapiens and other species. What is proposed here might be one of many such components, this one specialised on research and outreach concerning human aspects of local and global change. Part of an open, globally accessible system of information, knowledge, education and science. Having said that we need to set some achievable goals.

The new venture should move through phases of contact, brainstorming, formation of focussed working groups, accumulation of experience, building data-bases and knowledge, pushing the emergence of a local and trans-national open college involving citizens and citizen-academics, reaching out to political representatives, executives, managers, industrialists and others. Developments might include components such as those listed below (MODI).

Some examples of themes which might be taken up by the new venture are to be found in the integral studies presentations (see "fields" in "Some challenging work" - and Outline of Research and Networking Plans which addresses aspects of "political behaviour" and (see paper) "trauma, stress and their "cultural dynamics""). Also, an example of preliminary approaches in proposed directions is provided by the initiative "Democracy in Action" (mirror), hosted by John Gotze at the Technical University of Denmark. Here you can find an on-going inquiry into the present reality and future possibilities of improved and increased citizen participation in public decision making (see paper), with many Internet connections to exciting projects, some in cyberspace, some in the "real" world.

Continuity is essential to allow the building of (accessible and good) new knowlege-bases, to allow suficient numbers of people to be reached with new ideas, to ensure adequate diffusion of innovations and to allow feed-back loops to develop. Continuity is lacking in academic work, in non-governmental initiatives and in the new electronic media, including the Internet. While spontaneity and a plethora of virtual contacts are valuable, we suggest that new forms of networking, working and building are needed to help us address serious problems of our time. By proposing a "matrix" of various forms (MODI) we show how new venture may progress, grow, seed others and maybe produce surprises.

Assisted by Internet we seek urgent contact to the interested and curious. After preliminary introductions, acquaintance and clarification of aims we envisage that a net of communicators, practitioners of social change and politics, and academics, will emerge. Some will wish to set up brainstorming sessions, a working group, or do individual study or research, others will act as consultants, some may join the process of building documentation of literature and resources, conferencing (including the electronic variety), coordination and management functions, others may support in different ways.



# joining a growing human network, linked by Internet and similar nets

# contact to colleagues with shared interests and to consultants with expertise in research and practice of self and social change

# meeting peer opinion and criticism at the interface of creative social activism and academia

# joining an acratic (non-hierarchical) process with autonomous researchers and working groups

# access to libraries, data banks and the PSAMRA/"integral studies" documentation containing e.g. literature, register of specialists

# getting advice on grant-hunting

# helping to build an "Internet-assisted transnational college"




* (unpredictable branching, communication, transformations etc. may occur at any stage!)


© Psycho-Social and Medical Research, Guildford and Berlin

Wer weiteres wissen moechte wird gebeten, den Kontakt aufzunehmen.
For further information please contact:
Dr. Michael Macpherson M.R.C.P. (U.K.)

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