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Journal articles

M.J. Macpherson. Research proposals, I to identify psychological barriers to change in attitudes towards conflict and factors allowing acceptance of genocidal weapons, II to assess psychopathological effects of the persistent threat of nuclear war on adults and its developmental effects on children and adolescents, III proposals for a multi-disciplinary research unit. Newsletter of European Network of Scientists for Nuclear Disarmament, 1983, No. 3, 8-9.

M.J. Macpherson. Public attitudes to and knowledge of nuclear issues (Abstract of invited lecture, British Psychological Society). Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 1983, 36, A10-A11.

M.J. Macpherson. War on the mind. RadioActive Times (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Wales), 1983, March/April, 6.

M.J. Macpherson. Emergency action. The role of the health-care professions in the prevention of nuclear war. RadioActive Times (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Wales), 1983,
May/June, 8.

M.J. Macpherson. Risk of nuclear war and the responsibility of the medical profession. British Medical Journal, 1983, 286, 1516.

T. Howe & M.J. Macpherson. Childhood and adolescent perceptions of war and the threat of nuclear war. Association for child psychology and psychiatry- Newsletter, 1984, 6(2), 21-24.

M.J. Macpherson. The human cost of nuclear war. Report about a conference of IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) organised by S. Farrow and M.J.Macpherson. Disarmament Campaigns (Published in Netherlands),1983, No.20, 11-12.

M.J. Macpherson. Psychosocial aspects of nuclear developments: Research proposals. Incorporated into UNESCO (Paris, France) source material. 1983.

M.J. Macpherson. Sefydliad Cymru er Hyrwddo Heddwch (Wales Institute for Peace Research). Aims and objectives. RadioActive Times 1983, Sept./Okt., 4.

H. Petri, K. Boehnke, M.J. Macpherson & M. Meador.Bedrohtheit bei Jugendlichen. Psychosozial, 1986, 9(29), 62-71.

... Nachdruck (REPRINTED) in: W. Popp (Hg.), "SDI" und das UNO Jahr des Friedens. Dortmund: pad, 1986, 69-80.
Nachdruck in: Zweiwochendienst Bildung Wissenschaft Kulturpolitik, 1986, 2(12), 5-6, 15-16.

... Nachdruck in: Sektion Bundesrepublik Deutschland der International Ärzte zur Verhütung des Atomkrieges (Hg.), Gemeinsam leben - nicht gemeinsam sterben ! Dokumentation des 6. Weltkongresses der IPPNW in Köln. Neckarsulm: Jungjohann, 1987, 138-143.

H. Petri, K. Boehnke, M.J. Macpherson & M. Meador. Zukunfts-hoffnungen und Ängste von Kindern und Jugendlichen unter der atomarer Bedrohung. Psychologie und Gesellschaftskritik,
1987, 11, 81-105.

K. Boehnke. Leben unter atomarer Bedrohung - psychosoziale Aspekte der Prävention. Suizidprohylaxe, 1987, 14(51), 147-155.

K. Boehnke, M.J. Macpherson & F. Schmidt. Tagungsbericht: Leben unter atomarer Bedrohung. Informationsdienst Wissenschaft und Frieden 1988, 1, 38-40.

M.J. Macpherson. Leben unter atomarer Bedrohung- eine internationale Tagung der FU. FU-info: Das Magazin der Freien Universität Berlin, 1987, 11, 15.

K. Boehnke, M.J. Macpherson, M. Meador & H. Petri. Feindbilder und die Ängste vor der atomaren Bedrohung. Kind und Umwelt, 1988, 17 (59), 39-59.

M.J. Macpherson, K. Boehnke, M. Meador & H. Petri. Interaction of young people with socio-political environment in the Federal Republic of Germany: Anxiety, level of information, coping, health."Physician in the 21st Century: New Paradigms to cope with specialisation and to promote health."Published abstracts of the 17th European conference on Psychosomatic research, Marburg, Germany 1988. ISBN 3-8155-0025-8.

K. Boehnke, M.J. Macpherson, M. Meador & H. Petri. Leben unter atomarer Bedrohung - zur Bedeutung existentieller Ängste im Jugendalter. Gruppendynamik, 1988,19 Jahrgang, Heft 4, 429-452.

M.J. Macpherson. Individual and collective action for war prevention and peace building - Two linked sessions:

Session 1: Constraints, commitment, apathy, pathology. Report (published anonymously) on a workshop organised by M.J. Macpherson during the 9th Annual Scientific Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology, Amsterdam 1986. Political Psychology 1987, 8(2), 321-322.

Session 2: Formulation, funding and organisation of future research. Annotation (published anonymously) on a symposium organised by M.J. Macpherson at the above meeting. Political Psychology 1987, 8(2), 322-323.

M.J. Macpherson. Action to prevent war and build peace for the nuclear age:

(I) Development of political and protest action in the context of peace. Report (published anonymously) on a symposium organised by Helen Haste, University Bath, U.K. and M.J. Macpherson during the 10th Annual Scientific Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology, San Francisco 1987. Politica] Psychology 1988, 9(2), 355-357.

(II) Stress, coping and mental health, 365-366.

K. Boehnke, M.J. Macpherson, M. Meador, H. Petri. How West German adolescents experience the nuclear threat. Political Psychology 1989, 10(3), 419-443.

E. Fromberg, K. Boehnke & M. J. Macpherson. Die Reaktionen Westdeutscher Jugendlicher auf makrosozialen Stress. Bewußt-sein für den Frieden (Sonderausgabe/ Supplement),
1989, S. 24-31.

E. Fromberg, K. Boehnke & M. J. Macpherson. Umweltzerstörung und Atomkriegsdrohung als makrosozialer Stress. PP (Politische Psychologie) Aktuell, 1991, 10(1-2), S.42-55.

K. Boehnke, E. Fromberg & M. J. Macpherson. Macrosocial stress in adolescence: results of a follow-up study.Abstract in English. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 1991, 40(6), S. 204-213.

M.J. Macpherson. So kann man Kinder terrorisieren (Terrorising children). Die Tageszeitung (TAZ), 1991, 12.


K. Boehnke, M.J. Macpherson & F. Schmidt (Hg.). Leben unter atomarer Bedrohung. Probleme und Ergebnisse internationaler Forschung. Heidelberg: Asanger, 1989.

Book contributions

M.J. Macpherson. Psychological aspects of the nuclear war threat: The development of a research agenda. In S. Farrow & A. Chown (Eds.) The Human Cost of Nuclear War. Cambridge, U.K.: MCANW 1983, 154-159.

K. Boehnke, M.J. Macpherson & F. Schmidt. Leben unter atomarer Bedrohung: Zwischen Forschung und Engagement. In K. Boehnke, M.J. Macpherson & F. Schmidt (Hg.), Leben unter atomarer Bedrohung. Probleme und Ergebnisse internationaler psychologischer Forschung. Heidelberg: Asanger, 1989, 11-20.

K. Boehnke & M.J. Macpherson. Zum Einfluß atomarer Bedrohung auf das politische Engagement- Literaturübersicht und interkulturelle Vergleichsstudie. In K. Boehnke, M.J. Macpherson & F. Schmidt (Hg.), Leben unter atomarer Bedrohung. Probleme und Ergebnisse internationaler Forschung. Heidelberg: Asanger, 1989.

K. Boehnke, M.J. Macpherson, M. Meador & H. Petri. Atomare Bedrohung und psychische Gesundheit im Jugendalter. In A. Böhm, A. Faas & H. Legewie (Hg.), Angst allein genügt nicht: Thema: Umwelt-Krisen. Weinheim: Beltz (Psychologie Heute Taschenbuch; 518) 1989, 151-178.

K. Boehnke, M.J. Macpherson, M. Meador & H. Petri. Leben unter atomarer Bedrohung: zur Bedeutung existentieller Ängste im Jugendalter. In H-J. Wirth (Hg.), Nach Tschernobyl. Regiert wieder das Vergessen ? Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1989.

K. Boehnke & M.J. Macpherson. Kriegs- und Umweltaengste
sieben Jahre danach: Ergebnisse einer Laengschnittstudie.
In K. Aurand, B.P. Hazard & F. Tretter (Hg.), Umwelt-
belastungen un Aengste. Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag 1993.

Lectures and conference contributions

M.J. Macpherson. Invited Lecture. Public knowledge of and attitudes to nuclear issues. London Conference of the British Psychological Society, December 1982.

M.J. Macpherson. Invited Lecture. Human knowledge of and emotional reactions to nuclear weapons. Conference "Psychological consequences of nuclear weapons" sponsored by Pontefract Area Health Authority, National Health Service, U.K.April 1983.

M.J. Macpherson. Conference presentation. Relationships between government policy decisions and public opinion: Opinion polls, surveys- their value to the peace movements. Conference "European Nuclear Disarmament Convention III" Perugia 1984.

M.J. Macpherson. Conference presentations at the Sixth World Conference of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), Cologne, FRG, June 1986:

a. Young people and nuclear threat: Knowledge and attitudes compared internationally. (In Discussion Session chaired by Prof. Galina Andreyeva USSR and Prof. Milton Schwebel, USA.)

b. Young people and threat of war: From perception to political action: results of new empirical studies in FRG. (In Information Session chaired by Dr. Tytti Solantaus, Finland.)

c. Threat of war in the context of hopes and other fears: Research with pre-teenage children in South Germany. (In Colloquium "Responding to threat of war in the nuclear age" chaired by Dr. Michael Macpherson.)

H. Petri. Vortrag auf dem 6th World Congress of IPPNW, Köln, Juni 1986. Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen mit der "Bundesweite Befragung". (Podiumsdiskussion- Koordination Prof. Harald Theml und Dr. Fritjof Winkelmann.)

M.J. Macpherson. Lecture. Research into threat of nuclear war by social and medical scientists across the world. Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, West Berlin, 16.XI.1985.

M.J. Macpherson. Lecture. Fears for the future among children and youth: Research into aspects of health and coping. Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung West Berlin, 30.XI.1985.

M.J. Macpherson*, K. Boehnke, M. Meador & H. Petri. The children's theatre of war: Young people's experience in West Germany and West Berlin. Conference presentation by M.J.M. Ninth Annual Scientific Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology, Amsterdam, June/July 1986.

M.J. Macpherson*, K. Boehnke, M. Meador & H. Petri. Invited Lecture by M.J.M. Young people's experience of war-threat in West Germany: Knowledge, fear, coping, action- report on a large pilot study. Congress of European Psychologists for Peace, Helsinki, August 1986.

M.J. Macpherson. Invited Lecture at the First National Meeting of Polish Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Katowice, Poland, October 1986. Psychologiczne aspekty zagrozenia atomowego i wy§cigu zbrojen. (Psychological consequences of living in nuclear-war-readiness.)

K. Boehnke & M.J. Macpherson. Atomkriegsangst bei Kindern und Jugend]ichen. Vortrag auf dem Kongreß für Klinische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie (DGVT). Berlin, Februar 1986.

K. Boehnke & M.J. Macpherson. Zur Bedeutung existentiel]er Ängste im Jugendalter. Referat aut der Tagung "Leben unter atomarer Bedrohung. Perspektive pädagogische-psychologische Forschung/Politische Optionen und pädagogische Handlungsmöglichkeiten." Berlin West Dezember 1987.

M.J. Macpherson. Kinderängste im Atomzeita]ter: Das Verhältnis von Informationsgrad, emotionalen, Verhaltens- und Gesundheitsvariablen. Referat auf dem 4. Bundesweiten Pädagogen-Friedenskongreß, Mannheim, September 1987.(invited presentation)

M.J. Macpherson. Invited Lecture at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Polish Society of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kolobrzej, Poland, 1987. Psychosocial consequences of nuclear-war-readiness.

M.J. Macpherson* & M. Meador. Political fear and mental hea]th among German pre-teenagers. Paper presented by M.J.M. during a Symposium "Action to prevent war and build peace for a nuclear age: I Development of political and protest action in the context of peace, II Stress, coping and menta] health." organised by Helen Haste, University of Bath, U.K. and Michael Macpherson at the 10th Annual Scientific Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology, San Francisco, USA, July 1987.

M.J. Macpherson. Psychological consequences of living in nuclear-war-readiness: An overview of the world literature with appended remarks on the need for further research into coping with macro-social and politically derived stress. Paper presented in a Panel Session "Stress, coping and action in the nuclear age: Recent developments in research and theory." organised by Helen Haste and Michael Macpherson during the 11th Annual Scientific Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology, Secausus, New Jersey USA, July 1988.

K. Boehnke. Affects and attitudes towards the nuclear issue and their impact on political participation- a cross-cultural study. Paper presented at the XXIVth International Congress of Psychology; Sydney, August/September 1988.

M.J. Macpherson. Interaction of young people with socio-political environment in the FRG: Anxiety, level of information, coping, health. Presentation during a Symposium organised by Dr. Michael Macpherson and Dr. Bohdan Wasilewski, University of Warsaw, Poland, "Social Stress and Psychosomatic Health", during the 17th European Conference on Psychosomatic Research, Marburg, FRG, September 1988.

M.J. Macpherson. Atomkriegs-Ängste bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Gastvortrag im Rahmen der "10. Interdisziplinären Vortragsreihe: Wissenschaft und Friedenssicherung" der Friedensinitiative Augsburger Hochschulangehöriger, Universität Augsburg, Augsburg, Januar 1989.

M.J. Macpherson. Zur Konzeption zukunftssichernder sozialwissenschaftlicher Projekte. Referat auf der "Arbeitstagung zur Konzeption zukunftssichernder sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung", Fachhochschule München, München, Februar 1989.

M.J. Macpherson*, K. Boehnke & E. von Fromberg. Effects of the nuclear threat on young people. Gastvortrag im Rahmen des 5. European Symposium of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), Coventry, England, Sept. 1990.

M.J. Macpherson*, K. Boehnke & E. von Fromberg. Macrosocial stressors and youth: a longitudinal questionnaire study in the Federal Republic of Germany. Lecture in the symposium "Macrosocial stressors, family and education" organised by M. Macpherson during the 2nd European Conference on Traumatic Stress, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, September 1990.

M.J. Macpherson. Macrosocial stressors, the health professions, and a scientific basis for cooperation. Paper presented in the Workshop "Psychosocia] stress and sociopolitical environment", organised by M. Macpherson during the 2nd European Conference on Traumatic Stress, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, September 1990.

K. Boehnke & M. J. Macpherson. Coping with macrosocial stress: a comparison of adolescents from West Germany and Australia over time. Paper presented at the Tenth International Congress for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nara, Japan, July 1990.

M. J. Macpherson. Macrosocial stressors and youth: a longitudinal study. Paper presented at the Fourteenth Annual Scientific Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology ISPP, Helsinki, Finland, July 1991.

M. J. Macpherson. Macrostressors and youth. Invited Lecture at a meeting of the Royal Society of Medicine, "The Nature of Human Responses to Abnormally Stressful Experiences.", London, England, December 1991.

M. J. Macpherson* & K. Boehnke. Makrosoziale Faktoren und psychische Gesundheit bei Jugendlichen. Gastvortrag auf einer Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Humanökologie, München, November 1991.


M. J. Macpherson. Macrosocial change, the health professions, and a scientific basis for cooperation with other professions and groups in the public sector. (World Wide Web presentation An earlier draft in print: PSYCHOMED 1998

Macpherson Michael. Die Bedeutung makrosozialer Veränderungen für die Gesundheitsberufe: Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen für die Zusammenarbeit der Gesundheitsberufe mit anderen Berufen und Gruppen im öffentlichen Bereich. PsychoMed 1998, 10 Jahrgang, Heft 3, 149-152.

M. J. Macpherson. Working through the trauma of political oppression: focus on eastern Europe and the USSR (World Wide Web presentation

M. J. Macpherson. Die kulturelle Dynamik von Trauma. Konzeption und Durchfuehrung einer Tagung, organisiert in Kooperation mit dem Bundesbeauftragten fuer die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen DDR, Berlin, April 1995. The cultural dynamics of trauma. Conception and organisation of a conference in cooperation with the Federal Commissioner for Files of the State security service "STASI" of the former German Democratic Republic.

M. J. Macpherson. Case reports of sociopolitical stress from eastern Europe and USSR. Annual Meeting of International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 1993

M. J. Macpherson. "Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung" (working through a traumatic period of history). Invited presentations at the Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute and the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, October 1993.

M. J. Macpherson. Trauma of political origin: facing history and ourselves. Presentation at the annual scientific meeting of International Society of Political Psychology, San Francisco, USA, July 1993.

M. J. Macpherson. Trauma and its cultural dynamics: focus on eastern Europe and the former USSR. Presentation at the World conference of International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 1992.

Psycho-Social and Medical Research PSAMRA Project description. In MOSAIC Newsletter, 12, January 1992

Macpherson, Michael. "So kann man Kinder terrorisieren" Berliner Wissenschaftler untersuchten "coping"-Strategien bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Die Tageszeitung S.12, 30 January 1991.

contact: Dr. Michael Macpherson via e-mail,

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