a new program of PSAMRA (Psycho-Social and Medical Research)

Our area of work has special value for human progress and civilised development, bridging the disciplines of human ecology and polemology (conflict and peace research). Research topics include aspects of coping with extreme stress, human involvement in global change and citizen participation in political life. Recently, addressing the established western-style systems, we have stimulated a debate, in Germany, Europe and across the world, on renewal of democracy and the role of the citizen, critically assessing the potential of new electronic media.Through our research and public discourse we have helped to illuminate some of the deepest and most treacherous fields of human conflict, perhaps have contributed to resolution. Here we cite our work on coping and peace-building during the "cold war" (1980-1989), and our inquiry into the political psychology of trauma in eastern Europe and former USSR (1990-1995). Our geographical base in Berlin is important, lying between eastern and western Europe, in a city where former east and west Germans now live together. Helped by our trans-culturally derived perspective, by our global net of colleagues in academia and public life, we believe that we can make a meaningful contribution to peaceful development and democratic culture in this region.

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Dr. Michael Macpherson, Integral Studies, Derfflingerstrase 17,
10785 Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany.

Yes, I want to support the Integral Studies (PSAMRA) Fund's efforts in research, analysis and public discourse.

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(Donations may also be made by transferring funds to a bank account in Britain or Germany - please ask for details if you wish. More information about Integral Studies' development plans is available by post or by e-mail: