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Tensors in Physics v1.6

Tensors in Physics is a two-in-one package containing:

  • A user's guide and a brief refresher course in differential geometry that also aims to clarify and explain the definitions and conventions used by the computer program
  • The Mathematica-based program CARTAN 1.5, which provides the user with a fast and accurate way of getting from the vielbein to the curvature tensors in Riemann-Cartan geometries of arbitrary dimensions and signatures


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The tensor concept is important in physics and has wide applications in such diverse fields as relativity theory, cosmology, high energy physics, field theory, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, and mechanics. The package includes examples and references from the works of major mathematicians and scientific researchers such as Euler, Lagrange, Riemann, Levi-Civita, Brans, Dicke, Ricci, Cartan, Christoffel, Weyl, Cotton, York, and Einstein.

The program allows the user to compute tensor calculations with hundreds or thousands of components and can also be extended by the addition of user-defined functions. Calculations that previously took up to six months to work out by hand can now be done in a few minutes with a computer.


Erhältlich für Unix, Mac OS X und Windows.

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