[Research Interests]
Even Language and Culture. html
Koryak Language and Culture. html
2005 Audiovizual'naia kul'tura i audiovizual'nye
kollektsii: nekotorye problemy sokhraneniia kul'turnogo naslediia i prav
na intellektul'nogo sobstvennost' [Audiovisual culture and audiovisual collections:
Problems of Preserving Cultural Heritage and Intellectual Property Rights].
Fifth International Conference "Echolot – 2005": Audiovisual Heritage. M.L.
Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature, Moscow. PDF
2005 Internet Projects & Multimedia Editions Exhibition
Catalogue. EVA 2005 (Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts), Moscow.
2004 Kul'turnoe nasledie narodov Kamchatki i internet:
Vozvrashchenie znaniia natsional'nym soobshchestvam. Seventh International
conference "EVA 2004" – Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts. The State
Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow. PDF
2004 Variatsii tantsoval'nykh i muzykal'nikh traditsii
v meniaiushchemsia kontekste: sokhranenie nematerial'nogo kul'turnogo naslediia
[Variations of dance and music traditions in changing contexts: Preserving
the non-material cultural heritage]. Fourth International Conference "Echolot
– 2004": Audiovisual Heritage. The State Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow. PDF
2004 Digitised Cultural Knowledge in Kamchatka: Digital
Impact on Native Communities. I4D Information for Development Magazine (Noida,
India) 2(11) 2004, 7–10. PDF
2005 Mit dem Seehund feiern: Korjaken und Evenen im
Fernen Osten Russlands (mit M. Dürr). Video DVD, mit deutschen, englischen
und russischen Untertiteln. Berlin: Zentral- und Landesbibliothek.
2003 Die das Rentier tanzen: Korjaken und Evenen im
Fernen Osten Russlands (mit M. Dürr). Video DVD, mit deutschen, englischen
und russischen Untertiteln und einem Booklet. Münster/Berlin: Westfälisches
Museum für Naturkunde & Dietrich
Reimer Verlag. PDF
2001 Itelmen Language and Culture (co-author with M.
Dürr and K. Khaloimova). Multimedia CD-ROM. Ethnographic Library on
CD, vol 3. Münster/New York: Waxmann.
2000 Children’s Drawings from Siberia and the North
Pacific Rim (co-author with M. Dürr). Multimedia CD-ROM. Ethnographic
Library on CD, vol 4. Münster/New York: Waxmann.
1999 Spirit of the North: Shamanistic Traditions of
Kamchatka in Dance and Music (co-author with M. Dürr). Multimedia CD-ROM.
Ethnographic Library on CD, vol 2. Münster/ New York: Waxmann.
Last update: 20 January 2009