[Research Interests]


  • Natural Resources on the West Coast of Kamchatka: A Resource Assessment Study on the State of the Environment and its Potential for Local Development with Regard to the Traditional Territory of the Itelmen People (1995-1996), funded by INTAS, European Union.
  • Multi-disciplinary European-Russian project (co-ordinator E. Kasten), in collaboration with the Kamchatka Institute of Ecology and Nature Management (co-ordinator of the Russian team: Elena Dulchenko), Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski, and with the CNRS, Université Sorbonne, Paris (Boris Chichlo). 
  • Economic Revitalization and Environmental Conservation in Kamchatka: The Historical Dynamics of Traditional Resource Use (1998), funded by CERC, Columbia University, New York. American-Russian-German project (co-ordinator D. Koester), in collaboration with the Kamchatka Institute of Ecology and Nature Management, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski, Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow State University, Moscow, Columbia University and American Museum of Natural History, New York.
  • Protected Territories in Kamchatka: Recent Experiences - Directions for the Future (1999), funded by Environment Defense Fund, Washington D.C.
  • Property Relations in post-Soviet Siberia: Case Studies from Central and Northern Kamchatka (2000-2002), funded by  Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle.
  • Indigenous Knowledge and its Role in Biodiversity Conservation and Nature Use in Kamchatka. UNESCO-LINKS project, funded by UNESCO, Paris/Moscow. (2003)


    2007    Kamtjatka – ekosystem i fara och hotot kulturarv. In: Fjärde Världen 2007 (2-3): 15–17.

    2006    Kamtschatka: Gefährdete Ökosysteme und bedrohtes kulturelle Erbe. In: Pogrom 2006 (1): 24¬26.

    2006   Seehundsfest und Rentiertanz. In: Kamtschatka entdecken. Zu den Bären und Vulkanen im Nordosten Sibiriens, A.v. Heßberg (ed.), 59–73.Trescher Verlag. Berlin.   

    2002 (ed.)  People and the Land: Pathways to Reform in Post-Soviet Siberia. Berlin/Seattle: Dietrich Reimer Verlag & University of Washington Press. html

    1996    (co-editor with E. Dul'chenko): Resursy traditsionnogo prirodopol'zovaniia narodov Severa i Dal'nego Vostoka Rossii. [Traditional Resource Management of the peoples of the Russian North and the Far East]. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski: Kamshat. html
    1998  Indigenous Cultures and the World Heritage Area in Kamchatka. In Cultural Landscapes and Nature Conservation in Northern Eurasia, S. Dömpke and M. Succow (eds.), 186–191. Bonn: NABU/AIDEnvironment. PDF
    (Russian edition: Kul'tura korennykh narodov i territoriia vsemirnogo naslediia). PDF
    1996    Voprosy okhrany prirody i interesy korennykh narodov Severa. [Nature Preservation and the Interests of Indigenous Peoples of the North]. In Resursy traditsionnogo prirodopol'zovaniia narodov Severa i Dal'nego Vostoka Rossii, E. Kasten and E. Dul'chenko (red.), 7–14. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski: Kamshat. PDF

    1995    Natural Resources on the West Coast of Kamchatka. UNESCO-MAB Newsletter 18: 16–17.


  • "Sustainable Development from the Indigenous Peoples' Point of View", International workshop  at the Institut für Ethnologie der FU Berlin, in connection with the World Climate Summit '95; April 5, 1995. (Co-organizer with H. Lehnacker) 
  • "Postsocialisms in the Russian North", November 8-9, 2000. International conference at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, convened at the Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle.

  • Last update: 20 January 2009