2006-04-28 last update, 2006-04-28 first day, Robert Jasiek


Strategic Differences: Area Scoring versus Territory Scoring



Not Considered

The following are not considered here:

Strategic Differences: Area Scoring versus Territory Scoring

Neutral Intersections (Dame)

Value of each "neutral intersection": Side conditions related to "neutral intersections": Comments:

Last Endgame Ko

Usually there are still "neutral intersections" available when a last endgame ko is fought.


# # . # .
# # # # #
O # . # O
. O O O O
O O . O .

Summary: Usually, by the last endgame ko a player can gain 2 points under Area Scoring or 1 point under Territory Scoring.

Asymmetrical Coexistences (Sekis)

A coexistence is asymmetrical if one side encloses more empty intersections than the other side. This is scarce.

Example: scoring position

O . # . #
. O # # #
# # O O O
. # O . O
# # O O .

Conclusion: In a coexistence, empty intersections enclosed by one player do score under Area Scoring but do not score under Territory Scoring rulesets (as they typically occur).

One-sided Neutral Intersections

A one-sided "neutral intersection" is a "neutral intersection" in a coexistence that only one player wants to occupy. This is scarce.


O O O O O O O .
# # # # # # O O
# . O O . # O .
# # O O . # O O

Conclusion: Like independent "neutral intersections", also one-sided "neutral intersections" provide points under Area Scoring but not under Territory Scoring.