General info on VRML 1.0 file format :
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These nodes are not implemented in other VRML tools. If VRML files with GLView nodes should be loadable in other tools, the proper fields declaration could be exported by saving the file from GLView.
In the current GLView implementation VRML 1.0 nodes can be mixed with VRML 2.0 nodes in the same file, an VRML 2.0 Inline can refer to an VRML 1.0 world and vice versa. However this is not recommended because the extension is not part of the VRML 2.0 standard, and the mixing can have side affects of the proper rendering of Appearance and Texture nodes. However it might be usefull during the porting of VRML 1.0 worlds.
If VRML 2.0 scenes with VRML 1.0 nodes are exported to a VRML
2.0 file, GLView currently does not write a proper EXTERNPROTO
statement. For GLView VRML 2.0 extension nodes proper EXTERPROTO'S
are generated.
Image is similar to the Texture2 node, but the image will be displayed as 2d image at the current coordinate system (0,0,0) location starting with the lower left pixel of the image.
If an alpha value is specified the image alpha channel will be set to this alpha value. If both an alpha value and an alphaColor is specified, the alpha value of all pixels matching the alphaColor will be set to the alpha value. This feature can be used to make parts of an image transparent, so that other objects are shining through. Normally an image should have a constant color background e.g. black or white, so that the alphaColor could easily be specified like 0,0,0 or 1,1,1
After all operations image will contain the resulting image.
In the default rendering mode, transparent pixels (Alpha == 0) will be skipped.
Image { // Fields. SFString filename // url/file to read image from SFImage image // or the image specified inline SFFloat alpha // default 1.0, alpha Value of the image SFColor alphaColor; // default black, alpha comparison color }
Example: render a transparent bitmap, the starting point rotates with the camera
Separator { Translation { translation -1 -1 0 } Image { filename "imageWithBlackBackground.bmp" alphaColor 0 0 0 alpha 0.0 } }
The ScaledImage node scales an child image node.
ScaledImage { // Fields // all field of Image ++ enum ScaleMode { NONE, TO_WINDOW, // scale relative to the current window size TO_SIZE, // scale to absolute pixel size BY_FACTOR, // scale relative by float factor } SFNode srcImage // the source image to scale, default NULL SFEnum scale // scale mode, default NONE SFVec2f scaleFactor // scale factor }
Examples are in the layer section.
One of the factors in scaleFactor can be 0, in this case scaling preserve the aspect of the original image. Scale factors can be negative, in this case the image is mirrored along the axis.
After all operations the field image will contain the resulting image.
This node turns an arbitrary pixel image into a 3D Landscape. This feature is also somtimes called Heightfield.
ImageElevationGrid { SFNode heightImage // an Image Node, default : NULL SFFloat heightScale // additional heightScale factor for images values, default: 1.0 SFNode colorImage // an Image Node for per vertex colors, default : NULL // fields from ElevationGrid SFLong xDimension // x direction, Default 0 SFFloat xSpacing // x direction Default 1.0 SFLong zDimension // z direction Default 0 SFFloat zSpacing // x direction Default 1.0 MFFloat height // height array default [] }
The field heightImage must contain an Image node e.g.
ImageElevationGrid { heightImage Image ( filename "mandrill.bmp") }
ImageElevationGrid is derived from ElevationGrid, fields from ElevationGrid will be computed from the heightImage :
xDimension = Width of heightImage zDimension = Height of heightImage if (xSpacing == 0) xSpacing = 1.0 / xDimension if (zSpacing == 0) zSpacing = 1.0 / zDimension height[i,j] = heightFactor * grayValue(pixel[i,j]) / 255.0
ShapeHints + per vertex material bindings can be applied as usual in VRML 1.0 Texture could be used with this node. A better way is to specify also an image (texture) to compute vertex colors for the height field by using a second colorImage, instead of using texture mapping. Often the height and the color image could be shared e.g.
ImageElevationGrid { heightImage DEF myImage Image ( filename "mandrill.bmp") colorImage USE myImage }
Depending onn Computer performance and memory, the images should not be to large. Images sizes of 128*128, 256* 256 are sufficient. An image could be read in as Heightfield by using the GLView command File->New->Heightfield from image.
Example ElevatedMandrill.wrl
#VRML V1.0 ascii Separator { Info {string "Mandrill.bmp as Elevated grid " } Rotation {rotation 1 0 0 -1.5708 } // rotate into xy plane ImageElevationGrid { xSpacing 0.1 zSpacing 0.1 heightScale 2 heightImage DEF image Image { filename "mandrill.bmp" } colorImage USE image } }
The Layer node allows image composition effects. The Layer behaves like a Separator but sets up a new camera space and optionally enables OpenGL specific rendering functions like alpha blending.
The camera space for the child nodes in Layer is set up to view the xy plane from (-1,-1) to (1,1). Note that this space exactly maps to the window, and that objects can appear distorted if the windows aspect ratio is not 1.
A general VRML graph setup would be :
Layer { } # Background layer Separator {} # normal VRML scene controlled by camera movements Layer { } # Foreground layer 1 Layer { } # Foreground layer 2 Layer { enum Clear { NONE, COLOR, DEPTH, ACCUM, STENCIL, }; enum DepthFunc { NEVER LESS EQUAL LEQUAL GREATER NOTEQUAL GEQUAL ALWAYS }; enum AphaFunc { NEVER LESS EQUAL LEQUAL GREATER NOTEQUAL GEQUAL ALWAYS }; enum BlendSrcFunc { ZERO ONE DST_COLOR ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR SRC_ALPHA ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA DST_ALPHA ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE }; enum BlendDestFunc { ZERO ONE SRC_COLOR ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR SRC_ALPHA ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA DST_ALPHA ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA }; SFBitMask clear // glClear(clear); // Default : NONE SFBool depthWrite // glDepthMask(depthWrite) // Default : FALSE SFEnum depthFunc // glDepthFunc(depthFunc) Default : LESS SFBool lighted //glEnable/glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); Default : TRUE (if defaultValue use context setting) SFEnum alphaFunc // glAlphaFunc(alphaFunc,alphaRef); Default ALWAYS SFFloat alphaRef // Default : 0.0 SFBool blend //glEnable(GL_BLEND); Default : FALSE SFEnum blendSrcFunc //glBlendFunc(srcFunc,DestFunc); Default : SRC_ALPHA SFEnum blendDestFunc // Default : ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ... any child nodes e.g. Image ... Scene graph for -1 -1 1 1 camera }
More information on the different parameters can be found in the OpenGL references manual or the Microsoft Windows OpenGL SDK documentation. WWWAnchor is currently not supported inside a Layer node.
Examples :
Render some 3D VRML objects with hidden surface removal and lighting in the foreground:
#VRML V1.0 ascii ... Normal VRML scene goes here Layer { clear DEPTH # clear only Z-buffer depthWrite TRUE # use z-buffer depthFunc LESS # world space is now the space from -1 -1 -1 to 1 1 1 ShapeHints { vertexOrdering COUNTERCLOCKWISE shapeType SOLID } # compose a cylinder rectangle Separator { Translation { translation 0.85 0.0 0} DEF CyY Cylinder { radius 0.1 height 2.0 parts SIDES} } Separator { Translation { translation -0.85 0.0 0} USE CyY } Separator { Translation { translation 0.0 -0.85 0} Rotation { rotation 0 0 1 1.57079 } USE CyY } Separator { Translation { translation 0.0 +0.85 0} Rotation { rotation 0 0 1 1.57079 } USE CyY } }
Render an image in the foreground, make all black pixels of the image transparent, make the image 25 % of the window size :
#VRML V1.0 ascii ... Normal VRML scene goes here Layer { depthWrite FALSE // we don´t need the z-buffer depthFunc ALWAYS // this disables z-test lighted FALSE // lights off alphaFunc GREATER // all pixels with alpha GREATER 0 are written to the screen alphaRef 0.0 Translation { translation -1 -1 0 } ScaledImage { scale TO_WINDOW scaleFactor 0.25 0.25 srcImage Image { filename "glview.bmp" alphaColor 0 0 0 alpha 0.0 } } } Instead of the alpha test, blending can be enabled to mix partly transparent objects on top of the current display. For images the alpha channel can be used, for other geometry a transparency can be specified in a material node. Blend a 50% transparent image ontop of the lower left part of the window. #VRML V1.0 ascii .... Normal VRML scene goes here Layer { depthWrite FALSE // we don´t need the z-buffer depthFunc ALWAYS // this disables z-test lighted FALSE // lights off blend TRUE // blendSrc and blendDest are having the right default Translation { translation -1 -1 0 } ScaledImage { scale TO_WINDOW scaleFactor 0.25 0.0 srcImage Image { filename "glview.bmp" alpha 0.5 } } } The difference for a background layer is, that normally no buffers need to be cleared. If 3D Objects are rendered to Layers there are the following considerations to speed up rendering : If 3D Objects are presorted and/or are rendered with proper ShapesHints settings a z-buffer check and z-buffer writing could be disabled : Layer { clear NONE depthWrite FALSE depthFunc ALWAYS .... } If complex objects with hidden surface removal are rendered : Layer { clear DEPTH depthWrite TRUE depthFunc LESS .... } Example LayerTest.wrl
Most nodes with a ktx_com suffix have been implemented as dummys to support VRML files translated from 3D Studio.
from VRML 2.0 spec : This node creates a rectangular grid of varying height, especially useful in modeling terrain. The model is primarily described by a scalar array of height values that specify the height of the surface above each point of the grid. The zDimension (rows) and xDimension (columns) fields indicate the number of grid points in the X and Z directions, respectively, defining a grid of (zDimension-1) x (xDimension-1) rectangles. The vertex locations for the rectangles are defined by the height field and the gridStep field: The height field is an array of scalar values representing the height above the grid for each vertex. The height values are stored so that row 0 is first, followed by rows 1, 2, ... verticesPerColumn-1. Within each row, the height values are stored so that column 0 is first, followed by columns 1, 2, ... xDimension-1. Thus, the vertex corresponding to the ith row and jth column is placed at ( xSpacing * j, height[ i* xDimension + j ], zSpacing * i ) in object space, where 0 <= i < xDimension and 0 <= j < zDimension.All points in a given row have the same Z value, with row 0 having the smallest Z value. All points in a given column have the same X value, with column 0 having the smallest X value. The default texture coordinates range from [0,0] at the first vertex to [1,1] at the far side of the diagonal. The S texture coordinate will be aligned with X, and the T texture coordinate with Z. ElevationGrid { SFLong xDimension // x direction, Default 0 SFFloat xSpacing // x direction Default 1.0 SFLong zDimension // z direction Default 0 SFFloat zSpacing // x direction Default 1.0 MFFloat height // height array default [] } ShapeHints + per vertex material bindings can be applied as usual in VRML 1.0 See as an example on how to create an elevation Grid.
from VRML 2.0 spec : Extrusion The Extrusion node is used to define shapes based on a two dimensional cross section extruded along a three dimensional spine. The cross section can be scaled and rotated at each spine point to produce a wide variety of shapes. An Extrusion is defined by a 2D crossSection piecewise linear curve (described as a series of connected vertices), a 3D spine piecewise linear curve (also described as a series of connected vertices), a list of 2D scale parameters, and a list of 3D orientation parameters. Shapes are constructed as follows: The cross-section curve, which starts as a curve in the XZ plane, is first scaled about the origin by the first scale parameter (first value scales in X, second value scales in Z). It is then rotated about the origin by the first orientation parameter, and translated by the vector given as the first vertex of the spine curve. It is then extruded through space along the first segment of the spine curve. Next, it is scaled and rotated by the second scale and orientation parameters and extruded by the second segment of the spine, and so on. A transformed cross section is found for each joint (that is, at each vertex of the spine curve, where segments of the extrusion connect), and the joints and segments are connected to form the surface. No check is made for self-penetration. Each transformed cross section is determined as follows: 1.Start with the cross section as specified, in the XZ plane. 2.Scale it about (0, 0, 0) by the value for scale given for the current joint. 3.Apply a rotation so that when the cross section is placed at its proper location on the spine it will be oriented properly. Essentially, this means that the cross section's Y axis (up vector coming out of the cross section) is rotated to align with an approximate tangent to the spine curve. For all points other than the first or last: The tangent for spine[i] is found by normalizing the vector defined by (spine[i+1] - spine[i-1]). If the spine curve is closed: The first and last points need to have the same tangent. This tangent is found as above, but using the points spine[0] for spine[i], spine[1] for spine[i+1] and spine[n-2] for spine[i-1], where spine[n-2] is the next to last point on the curve. The last point in the curve, spine[n-1], is the same as the first, spine[0]. If the spine curve is not closed: The tangent used for the first point is just the direction from spine[0] to spine[1], and the tangent used for the last is the direction from spine[n-2] to spine[n-1]. In the simple case where the spine curve is flat in the XY plane, these rotations are all just rotations about the Z axis. In the more general case where the spine curve is any 3D curve, you need to find the destinations for all 3 of the local X, Y, and Z axes so you can completely specify the rotation. The Z axis is found by taking the cross product of (spine[i-1] - spine[i]) and (spine[i+1] - spine[i]). If the three points are collinear then this value is zero, so take the value from the previous point. Once you have the Z axis (from the cross product) and the Y axis (from the approximate tangent), calculate the X axis as the cross product of the Y and Z axes. 4.Given the plane computed in step 3, apply the orientation to the cross-section relative to this new plane. Rotate it counter-clockwise about the axis and by the angle specified in the orientation field at that joint. 5.Finally, the cross section is translated to the location of the spine point. Surfaces of revolution: If the cross section is an approximation of a circle and the spine is straight, then the Extrusion is equivalent to a surface of revolution, where the scale parameters define the size of the cross section along the spine. Cookie-cutter extrusions: If the scale is 1, 1 and the spine is straight, then the cross section acts like a cookie cutter, with the thickness of the cookie equal to the length of the spine. Bend/twist/taper objects: These shapes are the result of using all fields. The spine curve bends the extruded shape defined by the cross section, the orientation parameters twist it around the spine, and the scale parameters taper it (by scaling about the spine). Extrusion has three parts: the sides, the beginCap (the surface at the initial end of the spine) and the endCap (the surface at the final end of the spine). The caps have an associated SFBool field that indicates whether it exists (TRUE) or doesn't exist (FALSE). When the beginCap or endCap fields are specified as TRUE, planar cap surfaces will be generated regardless of whether the crossSection is a closed curve. (If crossSection isn't a closed curve, the caps are generated as if it were -- equivalent to adding a final point to crossSection that's equal to the initial point. Note that an open surface can still have a cap, resulting (for a simple case) in a shape something like a soda can sliced in half vertically.) These surfaces are generated even if spine is also a closed curve. If a field value is FALSE, the corresponding cap is not generated. Extrusion automatically generates its own normals. Orientation of the normals is determined by the vertex ordering of the triangles generated by Extrusion. The vertex ordering is in turn determined by the crossSection curve. If the crossSection is drawn counterclockwise, then the polygons will have counterclockwise ordering when viewed from the 'outside' of the shape (and vice versa for clockwise ordered crossSection curves). Texture coordinates are automatically generated by extrusions. Textures are mapped like the label on a soup can: the coordinates range in the U direction from 0 to 1 along the crossSection curve (with 0 corresponding to the first point in crossSection and 1 to the last) and in the V direction from 0 to 1 along the spine curve (again with 0 corresponding to the first listed spine point and 1 to the last). When crossSection is closed, the texture has a seam that follows the line traced by the crossSection's start/end point as it travels along the spine. If the endCap and/or beginCap exist, the crossSection curve is cut out of the texture square and applied to the endCap and/or beginCap planar surfaces. The beginCap and endCap textures' U and V directions correspond to the X and Z directions in which the crossSection coordinates are defined. Extrusion { MFVec3f spine MFVec2f crossSection MFVec2f scale SFBool beginCap TRUE SFBool endCap TRUE }
ColorGradient is a modifier property node. Vertex colors of lower level geometry nodes are computed from the geometry vertex values. Colors are automatically animated during rendering if cylce is set to TRUE. ColorGradient { enum Axis { X // use x value of geometry coordinate Y // use y value Z // use z value RADIAL2 // compute distance from point to origin in xy plane RADIAL, // " " to origin SINXY // sin(x) * sin(y) }; MFColor colors; // a table of colors for cycling through MFFloat keys; // optional key frame values, default [] // to be done SFEnum axis; // the axis or coordinate to use as source parameter, default Y SFBool cycle; // if true, parametrizations is cylcled by the nodes current time frame. default : false SFFloat scaleFactor; // a optional scale factor for input value, default: 1.0 } Example : Colored*.wrl Separator { ColorGradient { } ... IndexedFaceSet { ...} } GLView 2.05 VRML node extensions
fileName can point to a local file. Fileformats/extensions wrl, vrml, raw, geo and 3dv are supported
additional field description "" #SFString name "#cameraname" will jump to a defined camera in the scene
additional fields for 3D extruded text extrusion #MFVec3f extrusion path parts #SFBitMask Visible parts of extrusion invertScale #SFVec2f size of invertion box Parts = ALL | SIDES|TOP|BOTTOM|INVERT For extruded text the value for extrusion should be [0 0 0, 0 0 DEPTH] where DEPTH is the desired depth of the extrusion. Standard attribute width of AsciiText is not implemented. If parts has the INVERT property explicitely set, GLView compute a 2d bounding box for text, scales this box by invertScale and subtracts the text from this box, to create a "inverted" string. Example: ShapeHints { } FontStyle { style BOLD family SANS ## == ARIAL size 1.0 } AsciiText { string "Abc" justification CENTER extrusion [0.0 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 1.] } Example: GLViewLogo.wrl Logo*.wrl TextFont : the font name can specify an arbitrary Windows True Type font.
BaseColor { rgb 0.8 0.8 0.8 #MFColor } Replaces the diffuse part of the current material
Rotor { rotation 0 0 1 TWOPI #SFRotation Rotation axis and value speed 1.0 #SFFloat Rotation speed on TRUE #SFBool enable/disable switch offset 0 #SFFloat additional offset } Derived from Rotation: Applies a rotation depending on time. For the above values a 360 degree rotation during one time step will be applied. Animation starts using the Render->Time->Start button.
Shuttle { translation0 0 0 0 #SFSVec3f Translation value 0 translation1 0 0 0 #SFSVec3f Translation value 1 speed 1.0 #SFFloat speed on TRUE #SFBool enable/disable switch } Derived from Translation Applies a translation from translation0 to translation1 depending on time.
Blinker { speed 1.0 #SFFloat speed (time scale) offset 0.0 #SFFloat time offset on TRUE #SFBool enable/disable switch upto FALSE #SFBool traverse from children 0 upto current if TRUE ... List of Nodes } Derived from Switch Traverses childs depending on time. Cycles through all children in one time step. The global time is transformed to localTime = globalTime * speed + offset. If the Blinker has only one child, the child is toggled on and off. Blinker can be used to blink different childs with geometry, but could also blink some properties like Material, Texture2, Transforms and so on. To create a simple video animation create a node like : Blinker { Texture2{} Texture2{} Texture2{} } Blinking of Coordinate3, TextureCoordinate2, Material nodes with local Materialbindings, Normals is currently not supported.
TextureRotor { rotation 0 0 1 TWOPI #SFRotation Rotation axis and value speed 1.0 #SFFloat Rotation speed on TRUE #SFBool enable/disable switch offset 0 #SFFloat additional offset } Similar to Rotor, TextureRotor applies a time dependent rotation for the texture transformation.
TexturShuttle { translation0 0 0 0 #SFSVec3f Translation value 0 translation1 0 0 0 #SFSVec3f Translation value 1 speed 1.0 #SFFloat speed on TRUE #SFBool enable/disable switch } Derived from Translation. Similar to Shuttle, TextureShuttle applies a translation of texture coordinate space from translation0 to translation1 depending on time. Example Animation Files : Rot*.wrl Example Files :HGJumpWorld.wrl All the above nodes can put before geometry nodes as you normally would use the correspoding Scale Translation Rotation nodes. There is no limit on then number of combined nodes. To rotate about a specific point use a sequence like Translation { ...) Rotor {... } Translation { ...)
TimeTransform { function TRANSFORM # SFEnum time mapping function translation 0.0 # SFFloat Translation vector scaleFactor 1.0 # SFFloat Scale factor } Function { TRANSFORM, IDENTITY, CLAMP, CYCLE, WRAP, MIRROR, SIN, SQR, CUB, RND, EASE_IN_OUT } Example HGJumpWorld.wrl The TimeTransform property transforms the local time space for the following childs of the current separator. For reference here the actual time transform implementation functions are listed:
static float f_tria(float x)
{ if (x<=0.0) return (0); if (x>=1.0) return (0.0);
if (x<=0.5) return (x*2.0); return(1.0- (x-0.5)*2.0); static float f_lin_i(float x) return(1.0-x); static float f_linclamp(float x) if (x<=0.0) return (0.0); if (x>=1.0)
return (1.0);
static float f_rect(float x)
{ if (x<0.5) return (0.0); return(1.0); static float f_saw(float x) float t0=0.3333333333; float t1=2*t0; float dt=t1-t0; if (x
/* triangle */
if (xMACROBUTTON HtmlDirect <=0.5)
return ((x-t0)/ (0.5-t0)); return(1.0- (x-0.5)/(t1-0.5));
static float f_sqr(float x) return(x*x); static
float f_cub(float x) return(x*x*x); static float f_sin(float
x) return(sin(x*PI)); static float f_smooth(float x) return((-cos(x*PI)+1)*0.5);
static float f_rnd(float x) return((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX);
float QvTimeTransform::Transform(GTraversal &state,
float t) switch (function) case TRANSFORM : return(translation+t*scaleFactor);
case CLAMP : return(translation+f_linclamp(t/scaleFactor)*scaleFactor);
case CYCLE : return(translation+f_tria(t/scaleFactor)*scaleFactor);
case WRAP : return(translation+fmod(t,scaleFactor)); case
MIRROR : return(translation+f_lin_i(t/scaleFactor)*scaleFactor);
case SIN : return(translation+f_sin(t/scaleFactor)*scaleFactor);
case SQR : return(translation+f_sqr(t/scaleFactor)*scaleFactor);
case CUB : return(translation+f_tria(t/scaleFactor)*scaleFactor);
case RND : return(translation+f_rnd(t/scaleFactor)*scaleFactor);
case EASE_IN_OUT : return(translation+f_smooth(t/scaleFactor)*scaleFactor);
default : return(t); return(t); </PRE>