Literaturhökerei WIESE
Second hand and antiquarian literature on
Geology and Palaeontology

Molluscs (without Cephalopods)

Abbass, H.L., 1963. A Monograph on the Egyptian Cretaceous gastropods. Geological Museum, Palaeontological Series Monograph 2, 146pp, 13 figs, 12 pls - 8vo, paperback, last page damaged; (ca. 500g). EUR 25,00 [No. 19568]

Aberhan, M., 1992. Palökologie und zeitliche Verbreitung benthischer Faunengemeinschaften im Unterjura von Chile. Beringeria 5, 174 S., 66 Abb., 1 Tab., 2 Tafl - 4to, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 21,00 [No. 19472]

Acad. Science, USSR, 1981. Development and changes of molluscs at the Mesozoic/Cenozoic boundary. Nedra Moscow, 141pp, num figs & tabd - 8vo, paperback, in Russian, with lots of data and range charts of the faual turonover at the K/T boundary; (ca. 500g). EUR 19,50 [No. 10430]

Addicott, W.O., 1970. Miocene gastropods and biostratigraphy of the Kern river area. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 642, 174pp, 11 figs, 9 tabs, 21 pls - 4to, paperback, a bit used; (ca. 500g). EUR 24,00 [No. 19458]

Addicott, W.O., 1973. Oligocene molluscan biostratigraphy and the paleontology of the lower part of the Type Temblor Formation, California. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 791, 1-48, 5 figs, 1 tab, 9 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 300g). EUR 15,00 [No. 9084]

Akpan, E.B. & al., 1982. Limpet grazing on Cretaceous algal-bored ammonites. Palaeontology 25, 361-367, 2 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 6705]

Alencaster, G., 1971. Rudistas del Cretacico Superior de Chiapas. Paleontologia Mexicana 34, 1-94, 2 figs, 24 tabs, 5 pls - 8vo, paperback, cover a bit dirty; (ca. 320g). EUR 10,00 [No. 9471]

Aller, Robert C., 1974. Prefabrication of shell ornamentation in the bivalve Laternula. Lethaia 7, 43-56, 9 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,00 [No. 20454]

Amler, M., 1990. Bivalven des höchsten Oberdevons im Bergischen Land (Strunium; nördliches Rhein. Schiefergebirge). Geologica et Palaeontologica 24, 41-63, 3 Abb., 1 Tab., 4 Taf. - 4to, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 7,00 [No. 19871]

Amler, M., 1995. Die Bivalvenfauna des oberen Famenniums West-Europas. 1. Einführung, Lithostratigraphie, Faunenübersicht, Systematik. 1. Pteriomorphia. Geologica et Palaeontologica 29, 19-143, 12 figs, 26 tabs, 24 pls - 4to, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 19,90 [No. 19867]

Amler, M., 1996. Die Bivalvenfauna des oberen Famenniums West-Europas. 2. Evolution, Paläogeographie, Paläoökologie, Systematik. 2. Palaeotaxodonta und Anomalodesmata. Geologica et Palaeontologica 30, 49-117, 7 Abb., 6 Tab., 7 Taf. - 4to, offprint; (ca. 300g). EUR 14,50 [No. 19946]

Amler, M.R.W. & Winkler Prins, C.F. , 1999. Lower Carboniferous marine bivalves from the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain). Scripta Geologica 120, 45pp, 5 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 200g). EUR 10,00 [No. 21553]

Anderson, F.M., 1958. Die Pectiniden des niederrheinsichen Chatt. Fortschritte in der Geologie von Rheinland und Westfalen 1, 297-321, 1 fig, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 11,00 [No. 6700]

Anderson, H.-J., 1972. Die Bohrung Wildenrath 2 und das Alter der unteren Villeschichten (Tertiär, südliche Niederrheinsiche Bucht). Geologica et Palaeontologica 6, 169-172, 4 figs - 4to, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 3,00 [No. 8749]

Anderson, H.J., 1959. Die Gastropoden des jüngeren Tertiärs in Nordwestdeutschland. Teil 1: Prosobranchia Arachaegastropda. Meyniana 8, 37-81, 5 figs, 4 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 12,00 [No. 18183]

Anderson, H.J., 1962. Die Typen der chattischen Pectiniden in Goldfuss' "Petrefacta Germaniae". Notizblatt des hessischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung 90, 93-105, 1 fig, 4 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 6,50 [No. 6698]

Andreae, A., 1904. Dritter Beitrag zur Binnenconchylienfauna des Miocäns von Oppeln in Schlesien. Miteilungen aus dem Römer-Mseum 20, 22pp, 15 figs - 4to; (ca. 50g). EUR 12,50 [No. 15185]

Arkell, W.J., 1929-1931. A monograph of British Corallian Lamellibranchia. Parts I-III (132pp, 12 pls); plus Chandler 1925-1926: The Upper Eocene Flora of Hordle, Hants. Parts I & II (pp 1-52, pls 1-8). Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society London, 184pp, 20 pls - 4to, hardback; (ca. 1110g). EUR 75,00 [No. 17281]

Arkell, W.J., 1930. A monograph of British Corallian Lamellibranchia. Part II. Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society London, pp. 73-104, pls 5-8 - 8vo, paperback, newly bound in blue board; (ca. 300g). EUR 14,50 [No. 17282]

Arkell, W.J., 1931. A monograph of British Corallian Lamellibranchia. Part III. Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society London, pp. 105-132, pls. 9-12 - 8vo, paperback, newly bound in blue board; (ca. 300g). EUR 14,50 [No. 17283]

Arkell, W.J., 1932. A monograph of British Corallian Lamellibranchia. Part IV. Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society London, pp133-180, pls 13-20 - 8vo, paperback, newly bound in blue board; (ca. 300g). EUR 16,50 [No. 17284]

Arkell, W.J., 1934. A monograph of British Corallian Lamellibranchia. Part VI. Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society London, pp 229-276, pls 29-36 - 8vo, paperback, newly bound in blue board; (ca. 300g). EUR 15,50 [No. 17285]

Arkell, W.J., 1935. A monograph of British Corallian Lamellibranchia. Part VIII. Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society London, pp. 325-350, i-xvi, pls 45-49 - 8vo, paperback, newly bound in blue board; (ca. 300g). EUR 17,50 [No. 17286]

Astafieva, M.M., 1993. Permian inoceramid-like bivalve mollusks of Russia. Nauka Moscow, 128pp, 22 figs, 16 pls - 8vo, paperback, in Russian; (ca. 100g). EUR 18,00 [No. 15186]

Astre, G., 1954. Radiolitides Nord-Pyreneens. Mémoires de la Societé Géologique de France, Nouvelle Série 33, 140 pp, 11 pls - folio, paperback, original wrps, uncut; (ca. 1100g). EUR 25,00 [No. 20969]

Babin, C., 1966. Mollusques Bivalves et Céphalopodes du Paléozoique Armoricai. Étude systématique. Essai sur la phylogenie des Bivalves. Esquisse paléoecologique. Impremerie Commerciale et Administrative Brest, 468pp, 112 figs, 18 pls - 4to, paperback, pages need cutting; (ca. 1100g). EUR 32,50 [No. 19449]

Babin, C., 1973. Bivalvia of the Kartal Formation of Devonian age, Istanbul. Ege Üniv. Fen Fak. Yay. 40, 37-87, 6 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 10,00 [No. 19171]

Babin, C., 1977. Etude comparée des genres Babika Barrande et Coxiconcha Babin (Mollusques Bivalves de l'Ordovicien). Interet phylogenetique. Geobios 10, 51-79, 6 figs, 1 tab., 5 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 10,00 [No. 20001]

Babin, C. & del Volvé, J.-J., 1982. Une faune de mollusques bivalves du Namurien des Pyrénées centrales Francaises. Geobios 15, 729-745, 2 figs, 2 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 5,50 [No. 19981]

Babin, C. & Robardet, M., 1974. Mollusques bivalves du Silurian supérieur et de l'extreme base du Dévonien en Normandie. Annales de la Societe geologique du Nord 94, 19-45, 3 figs, 6 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 12,00 [No. 19971]

Babinot, J.F. & Catzigras, F., 1965. Role des Pectinides dans la stratigraphie du Miocéne de la Provence occidentale. Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Marseille 37, 167-181, 2 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 40g). EUR 3,20 [No. 13880]

Bachmann, G. H., 1979. Bioherme der Muschel Placunopsis ostracina v. Schlotheim und ihre Diagenese. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 138, 381-407, 17 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 7,50 [No. 6572]

Bahrig, B., Richter, D.K. & Riedel, D., 1988. Stabile Isotope und Sr als Tracer in Schalen der limnisch .brackischen Muschel Dreissena polymorpha. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. 4, 197-209, 5 figs, 1 tab - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 9511]

Bandel, K., 1988. Stages in the ontogeny and a model of the evolution of bivalves (Mollusca). Paläontologische Zeitschrift 62, 217-254, 21 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 5,00 [No. 7728]

Bandel, K., 1995. Mathildoidea (Gastropoda, Heterostropha) from the late Triassic St. Cassian Formation. Scripta Geologica 111, 83pp, 19 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 100g). EUR 14,50 [No. 20315]

Bandel, K., 2001. The new family Nerrhenidae (Neritimorpha, Gastropoda) from the Givetian of Germany. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 2001/12, 705-718, 8 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 3,40 [No. 19860]

Bandel, K., 2003. Cretaceous volutid Neogastropoda from the Western Desert of Egypt and their place within the Neogastropoda. Mitt.  Geol. -Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg 87, 73-98, 49 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 10,00 [No. 19859]

Bandel, K. & al., 1984. The conch of Limacina und Peraclis (Pteropoda) and a model for the evolution of planktonic gastropods. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 168, 87-107, 25 figs, 2 tabs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 3,50 [No. 6544]

Bandel, K. & Mustafa, H., 1996. Constructional morphology of some Upper Cretaceous rudists of the Ajlun (Jordan). Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 77, 603-635, 3 figs, 7 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 7,50 [No. 6560]

Barroso-Quiroz, S.A. & Perriliat, M.C., 1998. Pennsylvanian bivalves from the Ixaltepec Frmation, Mexico. Journal of Paleontology 72, 1011-1024, 6 figs - 4to, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 4,00 [No. 19976]

Barsbold, R., 1972. Lower Cretaceous biostratigraphy and freshwater molluscs from the Gobi area of Mongolia. Acad. Sci. USSR Moscow, 88pp, 3 figs, 6 pls - 8vo, paperback, in Russian, pls on bivalves; (ca. 200g). EUR 13,50 [No. 10442]

Beizel, A.L., 1983. Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous gastropods of the north of Middle Siberia [in Russian]. Academy of Science of the USSR, Siberian Branch, Transactions 484, 94pp, 30 figs, 4 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 100g). EUR 12,50 [No. 16020]

Berg-Madsen, V. & Malinky, J.M., 1999. A revision of Holm's late mid and late cambrian Hyolithes of Sweden. Palaeontology 42, 841-885, 8 figs, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 8,00 [No. 11926]

Best, G., 1975. Feinstratigraphie der Hydrobienschichten (Untermiozän, Mainzer Becken). Mainzer geowiss. Mitt. 4, 75-138, 18 fig., 4 tab., 5 pl. - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 300g). EUR 12,50 [No. 7101]

Bianucci, G. & al., 1997. Fossil mollusk association from Isabela Island (Gálapagos, Ecuador). Bolletino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 36, 277-281, 4 figs - 4to, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 17287]

Bobkova, N.N., 1961. Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous deposits and Late Cretaceous bivale molluscs of the Tadshik Depression [in Russian]. VSEGEI Leningrad, 190pp, 31 pls - 8vo, hardback, in Russian; (ca. 500g). EUR 24,50 [No. 20672]

Bobkova, N.N., 1961. Late Cretaceous Ostreids of the Tadshik Depression. Leningrad 139pp, 32 pls - 8vo, hardback, in Russian; (ca. 500g). EUR 19,90 [No. 13937]

Boehm, G., 1893. Coelastarte und Heteropsis. Akademische Verlagsbuchhandlung Mohr Freiburg, 10pp, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint, some waterstaining; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,50 [No. 9524]

Boehm, G., 1906. Zur Stellung von Lithiotis. Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie 6, 161-167, 2 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 10g). EUR 4,00 [No. 9494]

Boekschoten, G.J., 1967. Paleoecology of some Mollusca from the Tielrode Sands (Pliocene, Belgium). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 3, 311-362,40 figs, 14 tabs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 10,00 [No. 6486]

Boekschoten, G.J. & Georgiades-Dikeoulia, E., 1977. Une dolomie fossilifere Neogene a sission (a l'Est de Heraklion, Crete). Annales Géologiques des Pays Helléniques 28, 54-61, 5 figs, 5 pls - 4to, offprint, 1 corner dog-eared; (ca. 100g). EUR 3,50 [No. 6521]

Böhm, J., 1900. Ueber cretacische Gastropoden vom Libanon und vom Karmel. Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 52, 189-219, 16 figs, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 12,00 [No. 12731]

Böhm, J., 1911. Zusammenstellung der Inoceramen der Kreideformation. Jahrbuch der Königlich-Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt 32, 375-406 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 10,00 [No. 11584]

Böhm, J., 1914. Zusammenstellung der Inoceramen der Kreideformation [Nachtrag]. Jahrbuch der Königlich-Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt 35, 595-599 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 12733]

Böhm, J., 1917. Über die Gattungen Eriphyla, Dozyia und Freia. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Monatsbericht 69, 20-30 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,00 [No. 6573]

Böhm, J., 1917. Über die Gattungen Eriphyla, Dozyia und Freia. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Monatsbericht für 1917, 20-30 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 15190]

Böhm, J., 1920. Zur systematischen Stellung der Gattung Neithea. Jahrbuch der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt 40, 129-147, 2 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,00 [No. 12734]

Böhm, J., 1920. Über Pecten semiplicatus auct. Jahrbuch der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt 50, 156-160, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 15192]

Böhm, J., 1921. Aporrhais requieniana Wzttl. non d'Orb. Jahrbuch der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt 41, 210-215, 1 fig - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,20 [No. 15193]

Böhm, J., 1933. Die Palaeogen-Fauna Ost-Turkestans. Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 85, 99-118, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 10,00 [No. 11927]

Bourrouilh, R., 1966. Gastéropods du Lias inférieur et moyen du domaine atlasique marocain. Notes et Memoires du Service Geologique 196, 25-68, 37 figs, 3 pls - 4to, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 15,50 [No. 20813]

Boyd, D.W. & Newell, N.D., 1968. Hinge grades in the evolution of Crassatellacean bivalves and related genera. American Museum Novitates 2328, 52pp, 24 figs - 8vo, stapled; (ca. 100g). EUR 11,00 [No. 19969]

Boyd, D.W. & Newell, N.D., 1977. An addition to the known geographic range of the Permian Pelecypod Oriocrassatella. Contribs. to Geology, Univ. Wyoming 16, 55-57, 1 pl - 4to, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 9503]

Boyd, D.W. & Newell, N.D., 1979. Permian pelecypods from Tunisia. American Museum Novitates 2686, 23pp, 23 figs, 3 tabs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 5,00 [No. 19980]

Büttner, D., 1984. Biometrie und Evolution der Viviparus-Arten (Mollusca, Gastropoda) aus der Plio-Pleistozän-Abfolge von Ost-Kos (Dodekanes, Griechenland). Berliner Geowisschenschaftliche Abhandlungen, A 42, 79 S., 27 Taf. - 4to, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 15,00 [No. 19604]

Caffau, M. & Plenicar, M., 1991. Rudist fauna from Turonian deposits of the locality "Archi"/Moscenice in the surroundings of Duno (Karst of Triest). Razprave IV. Razreda Sazu 32, 259-315, 16 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 200g). EUR 12,00 [No. 21339]

Caffau, M. & Plenicar, M., 1995. Santonian-Campanian rudist fauna from the area of Basovozza/Bazovica (northeastern Triest Karst:) Systematic and paleoecological aspect. Razprave IV. Razreda Sazu 36, 223-275, 14 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 300g). EUR 12,00 [No. 21338]

Calzada Badía, S. & Botero Arango, G., 1979. Ceratostreon tuberculiferum landereri, n. ssp. del Aptiense espanol. Estudios geol. 35, 459-464, 2 figs - 4to, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 11928]

Carter, C., 1978. Ecology and evolution of the Gastrochaenacea (Mollusca, Bivalvia) with notes of the evolution of the endolithic habitat. Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University Bulletin 41, 92 pp, 67 figs - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 14,00 [No. 19558]

Carter, J.G. & al., 1998. Thermal potentiation and mineralogical evolution in the Bivalvia. Journal of Paleontology 72, 991-1010, 7 figs - 4to, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 20000]

Chinzei, Kiyotaka, 1982. Morphological and structural adaptations to soft substrates in the Early Jurassic monomyarians Lithiotis and Cochlearites. Lethaia 15, 179-197, 15 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 19909]

Chubb, L.J., 1956. Rudist assemblages of the Antillean Upper Cretaceous. Bull. Amer. Pal. 37 (161), 5-23 - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 100g). EUR 5,00 [No. 5945]

Collado, M.A. & Robles, F., 1983. Estudio de las asociaciones de moluscos de la turbera Holocena de Torreblanca (Castellon). Mediterránea Ser. Geol. 1, 105-142, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 8,90 [No. 17289]

Crame, J.A., 1982. Late Jurassic inoceramid bivalves from the Antarctic Peninsula and their stratigraphic use. Palaeontology 25, 555-603, 11 figs, 3 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 100g). EUR 11,00 [No. 13846]

de Toni, A., 1912. La Fauna Liasica di Vedana (Belluno). Parte Seconda: Molluschi. Mémoires de la Societé Paléontologique Suisse 38, 33-51, 1 pl - 4to, offprint, wrps a bit used, needs cutting; (ca. 300g). EUR 17,00 [No. 21336]

Dehm, R., 1967. Die Landschnecke Discus ruderatus im Postglazial Süddeutschlands. Mitt. Bayer. Staatssamml. Paläont. hist. Geol. 7, 135-155, 1 fig - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 3,50 [No. 5872]

Dehm, R., 1967. Der Kalktuff von Grünsberg bei Altdorf nahe Nürnberg. Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Historische Geologie 7, 321-326 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 19702]

Dehm, R., 1987. Die Landschnecke Discus perspectivus im Postglazial Südbayerns. Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Historische Geologie 27, 21-30, 1 Abb., 2 Tab. - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,20 [No. 19700]

del Carmen Perriliat Montoya, M., 1960. Moluscos del Mioceno de la Cuenca Salina del Istmo de Tehuantepec, Mexico. Paleontologia Mexicana 8, 38pp, 1 fig, 4 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 100g). EUR 8,90 [No. 17290]

Demanet, F., 1929. Les Lammelibranches du Mabre Noir de Dinant. Mem. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belg. 40, 1-78, 2 pls - 4to, cover sunned and slightly damaged, needs cutting; (ca. 700g). EUR 26,00 [No. 9094]

Dhondt, A.V., 1972. Systematic revision of the Chlamydinae (Pectinidae, Bivalvia, Mollusca) of the European Cretaceous. Part 2: Lyropecten. Bull. Inst. r. Sci. nat. Belg. 48, 80pp, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 14,00 [No. 11930]

Dhondt, A.V., 1973. Systematic revision of the Chlamydinae (Pectinidae, Bivalvia, Mollusca) of the European Cretaceous, Part 3: Chlamys and Mimachlamys. Bull. Inst. r. Sci. nat. Belg., Sciences de la Terre 49, 134pp, 2 figs, 9 pls - 8vo, disbound copy; (ca. 100g). EUR 14,50 [No. 12740]

Dhondt, A.V., 1981. Répartition des bivalves (san Inocérames ou Rudistes) dans le Cretacé Moyen. Cretaceous Research 2, 307-318, 6 tabs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 15195]

Dhondt, A.V., 1983. Tegulated inoceramids and Maastrichtian biostratigraphy. Newsl. Stratigr. 12, 43-53, 5 figs, 1 tab - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 5861]

Dhondt, A.V., 1984. The unusual cenomanian oyster Pycnodonte biauriclatum. Geobios, Mem. Spec. 8, 53-61, 6 figs - 4to, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 12741]

Dhondt, A.V., 1989. Late Cretaceous Limea (Pseudolimea) species of Europe. Bull. Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique 59, 105-125, 6 figs, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 200g). EUR 5,00 [No. 8721]

Dhondt, A.V., 1993. Upper Cretaceous bivalves from Tercis, Landes, SW France. Bull. Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique 63, 211-259, 16 figs, 7 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 14,00 [No. 17612]

Dhondt, A.V. & Dieni, I., 1988. Early Cretaceous bivalves of Eastern Sardinia. Memorie degli Istituti di Geologia e Mineralogia de'll Università di Padova 40, 1-97, 25 figs, 13 pl - 4to, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 19,90 [No. 7735]

Dhondt, A.V. & Dieni, I., 1990. Unusual inoceramid-spondylid association from the Cretaceous Scglia Rossa of Passo del Brocon (Trento, N. Italy) and its palaeoecological significance. Mem. Sci. Geol. 42, 155-187, 10 figs, 3 pls - 4to, offprint, 1 corner dog-eared; (ca. 400g). EUR 10,00 [No. 7736]

Dhondt, A.V. & Dieni, I., 1993. Non-rudistid bivalves from Late Cretaceous rudist limestones of NE Italy (Col dei Schiosi and Lago di S. Croce areas). Mem. Sci. geol. 45, 165-241, 18 figs, 1 tab, 20 pls - 4to, paperback; (ca. 400g). EUR 12,50 [No. 12742]

Dhondt, A.V. & Jagt, J.W.M., 1987. Bivalvia uit de Kalksteen van vijlen in Hallembaye (Belgie). Grondboor en Hamer 41, 78-90, 4 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 7734]

Dietrich, W.O., 1925. Gastropoda mesozoica: Fam. Nerineidae. Fossilium Catalogus I: Animalia Pars 31, 164pp - 8vo, paperback, needs cutting; (ca. 100g). EUR 19,50 [No. 13995]

Dietrich, W.O., 1938. Lamellibranquios de la Cordillera Oriental. from: Estudio geol. y pal. sobre la Cordillera oriental de Colombia Bogota, 81-108, 8 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 13,00 [No. 11931]

Dix, E. & Trieman, A.E., 1931. Some non-marine lamellibranchs from the upper part of the Coal Measure. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 87, 180-211, 10 figs, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint, some pencil markings; (ca. 100g). EUR 10,00 [No. 19991]

Duckheim, W., Jaeschke, A. & Welle, J., 1999. Molluskenfaunen aus dem Rupelium (Unteroloigozän) der Leipziger Bucht. Altenburger Naturwissenschaftliche Forschungen 12, 95pp, 8 figs, 7 tabs, 3 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 150g). EUR 9,00 [No. 12743]

Duckheim, W. , Jaeschke, A. & Welle, J., 1999. Molluskenfaunen aus dem Rupelium (Unteroligozän) der Leipziger Bucht. Altenburger Naturwissenschaftliche Forschungen 12, 3-75; 8 figs, 7 tabs, 3 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 200g). EUR 11,50 [No. 9472]

Durham, J.W., 1944. Megafaunal zones of the Oligocene of northwestern Washington. University of California Publications, Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences 27, 101-212, 7 figs, 6 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 200g). EUR 15,00 [No. 16077]

Falkner, G., 1974. Über Acanthinulinae aus dem Obermiozän Süddeutschlands. Archiv für Molluskenkunde 104, 229-245, 1 Abb., 2 Taf. - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,00 [No. 19703]

Farinati, E.A., 1995. El genero Chaetopleura (Molusca, Polylacophora) en sedimentos Holocenos de Bahia Blanca, Argentina. Ameghiniana 32, 267-270, 1 fig - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 15197]

Farrow, G.E., 1972. Periodicity structures in the bivalve shell: analyses of stunting in Cerastodrma edule from the Burry Inlet (South Wales). Palaeontology 15, 61-72, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 3,50 [No. 19974]

Farsan, N.M. & Blind, W., 1989. Ontogenetisch-phylogenetische Untersuchungen an unterfrasnischen Tentaculitiden.-Proterogenetischer Entwicklungsmodus in einer evolutiven Reihe. Palaeontographica, A 209, 93-110, 6 figs, 4 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 10,00 [No. 15198]

Farsan, N.M. & Blind, W., 1990. Entstehungsmodus biannulater Zyklen bei Tentaculitiden durch strukturelle Transformation während der Ontogenese. Palaeontographica, A 210, 18pp, 8 figs, 3 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 10,00 [No. 15199]

Fenninger, A. & al., 1966. Über ein bemerkenswertes Vorkommen von Biradiolites stoppanianus (PIRONA 1869) auf Kephallinia (Ionische Inseln). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 1966/12, 717-722, 2 Abb. - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 20403]

Feyling-Hanssen, R.W., 1955. Stratigraphy of the marine Late-Pleistocene of Billefjorden, Vestspitsbergen. Norsk Polarinstitutt Skrifter 107, 186pp, 57 figs, 3 tabs, 27 pls - large 8vo, paperback, a bit dog-eared; (ca. 1100g). EUR 31,00 [No. 11932]

Feyling-Hanssen, R.W., 1955. Late-Pleistocene deposits at Kapp Wijk, Vestspitsbergen. Norsk Polarinstitutt Skrifter 108, 21pp, 8 figs, 1 tab, 3 pls - large 8vo, offprint, wrps a bit sunned and used; (ca. 30g). EUR 7,00 [No. 11933]

Fiedel, U. & Keupp, H., 1988. Ischnochiton marloffsteinensis n.sp., eine Polyplacophore aus dem fränkischen Lias. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 62, 49-58, 7 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 5938]

Folch, E.G., 1984. Interacciones sedimentologiques i bibliographiques a les formacions cacaries de rudistes (Bivalvia) de les collades de basturs (Cretaci superior, zona sudpirinenca central). Publicaciones de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Madrid, 42pp, 14 figs - 8vo; (ca. 50g). EUR 10,00 [No. 13741]

Frebold, H., 1930. Verbreitung und Ausbildung des Mesozoikums in Spitzbergen. Skrift. Svalbard og Ishavet 31, 1-126, 8 fig., 33 pl. - large 8vo, paperback, plates mainly ammonites and palaeogeography; (ca. 900g). EUR 27,00 [No. 11935]

Frebold, H., 1931. Fauna, stratigraphische und palaeogeographische Verhältnisse des ostgrönländischen Zechsteins. Meddelelser om Grønland 84, 55pp, 5 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 300g). EUR 14,50 [No. 11936]

Freneix, S. & Sornay, J., 1974. Artigesia, genre nouveau de Monopleuridae du Maestrichtien de Royan. Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 215, 97-110, 2 figs, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 3,50 [No. 7001]

Füchtbauer, H. & Goldschmidt, H., 1964. Aragonitische Lumachellen im bituminösen Wealden des Emslandes. Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie 10, 184-197, 8 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 16326]

Fürsich, F.T., 1984. Palaeoecolgy of Boreal invertebrate faunas from the Upper Jurassic of Central East Greenland. Palaegeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 48, 309-364, 25 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 9,00 [No. 19932]

Fürsich, F.T. & Werner, W., 1988. The Upper Jurassic Bivalva of Portugal. Part I. Palaeotaxodonta and Triomorpha (Arcoida and Mytiloida). Comun. Serv. Geol. Portugal 73, 103-144, 17 figs, 12 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 12,50 [No. 17293]

Fürsich, F.T. & Werner, W., 1989. The Upper Jurassic Bivalva of Portugal. Part II. Pteriorpha (Pterioida exclusive Ostreina). Comun. Serv. Geol. Portugal 74, 105-164, 23 figs, 22 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 17,50 [No. 17294]

Fürsich, F.T. & Werner, W., 1989. Taxonomy and ecology of Juranomia calcibyssata gen et sp. nov - a widspread anomiid bivalve from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal. Geobios 22, 325-337, 9 figs, 1 tab, 1 pl - 4to, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,50 [No. 19701]

Gadzinski, A. & Pugaczewska, H., 1984. Biota of the "Pecten Conglomerate" (Polonez Cove Formation..) of King George Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). Studia Geologica Polonica 79, 59-120, 1 fig, 25 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 14,50 [No. 14928]

Gekker, A.F. & al., 1962. Fergana gulf of Paleogene sea of Central Asia, its history, sediments, fauna, and flora...Volume II [in Russian]. Academy of Science of the USSR Moscow, 331pp, 70 figs, 27 pls - 8vo, hardback, a bit used, pls mainly on bivalves; (ca. 500g). EUR 20,00 [No. 17295]

Gillet, S., 1924. Études sur les Lamellibranches Néocomiens. Mémoires de la Societé Géologique de France, N.S. 1, 224pp, 95 figs, 2 pls - 4to, paperback, spine damaged and taped; (ca. 500g). EUR 30,00 [No. 14309]

Gillet, S., 1925. Études sur les Lamellibranches Néocomiens. (Suite et Fin). Mémoires de la Societé Géologique de France, N.S. 2, 225-339, 4 maps - 4to, paperback, spine damaged and taped; (ca. 500g). EUR 25,00 [No. 14308]

Glibert, M., 1933. Monographie de la faune malacologique du Bruxellien des environs de Bruxelles. Mem. du Musée Royal d'Hisoire de Belgique 53, 1-208, 26 figs, 9 pls - 4to, uncut, wrps. used; (ca. 600g). EUR 60,00 [No. 9162]

Glibert, M., 1936. Fauna malacologique des Sables de Wemmel. I. Pélécypodes. Mem. du Musée Royal d'Hisoire de Belgique 78, 1-241, 75 figs, 7 pls - uncut, wrps. used.; (ca. 1100g). EUR 60,00 [No. 9163]

Glibert, M., 1985. The bivalves and gastropods from the Lower Bruxellian of Belgium (Middle Eocene). Annales de la Société Royale Zoologique de Belgique 115, 261-368, 5 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 100g). EUR 12,00 [No. 14106]

Glibert, M. & van de Poel, L., 1970. Les Bivalvia fossiles du Cénozoique étranger de collectiones de l'Institute Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique VI (fin) Oligodontina (2), Astartedontina et Septibranchida. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Deuxième Série 84, 183pp - 4to, paperback, unopened, pages need cutting; (ca. 800g). EUR 23,50 [No. 17690]

Gordon, M. & Pojeta, J. jr., 1975. Pelecypoda and Rostroconcha of the Amsden Formation (Mississippian and Pennsylvanian). U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 848-E, 24pp, 4 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 10,00 [No. 17296]

Görges, J., 1952. Die Lamellibranchiaten und Gastropoden des Oberoligozänen Meerssandes von Kassel. Abhandlungen des Hessischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung 4, 134pp, 3 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 200g). EUR 13,50 [No. 11937]

Gorthner, A., 1992. Bau, Funktion und Evolution komplexer Gastropodenschalen in Langzeit-Seen. Mit einem Beitrag zur Paläobiologie von Gyraulus "multiformis" im Steinheimer Becken. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie B 190, 173pp, 56 figs, 27 tabs, 10 pls - 8vo, paperback, some markings on the front; (ca. 500g). EUR 19,50 [No. 15200]

Gould, S.J., 1969. Land snail communities and Pleistocene climates in Bermuda: a multivariate analyses of microgastropod diversity. Proceedings of the North American Paleontological Convention Sept. 1969, Part E, 486-521, 10 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 4,50 [No. 18823]

Gruber, A., 1932. Eine Fauna mit erhaltenen Schalen aus dem oberen Muschelkalk (Trochitenkalk) von Wiesloch bei Heidelberg. Verhandlungen des naturhistorisch-medizinischen Vereins zu Heidelberg, Neue Folge 17, 243-325, 4 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 15,00 [No. 12746]

Gruber, B., Lein, R. & Seeger, M., 1980. Ein karnischer Tisovec-Kalk mit Halobia (?) clari n. spec. aus den St. Pauler Bergen. Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud Österr. 26, 167-177, 2 figs, 1 pl - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 11938]

Gupta, V.J. & Waterhouse, J.B., 1978. Eurydesma from Lahaul and Ladakh. Bull. Ind. Geol. Assoc. 2, 141-152, 1 fig, 2 tabs - 8vo, offprint, some spots on the 1st page; (ca. 25g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7738]

Hajkr, O. & al., 1975. Aussonderung der Karbonmuschel Ennirostra gen. nov als neue Gattung. Sammelschriften der Pädagogischen Fakultät in Ostrava 33, 108pp, 44 figs, 7 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 200g). EUR 14,50 [No. 11939]

Harries, P. (ed), 1996. Lower Turonian Euramerican Inoceramidae: a morphologic, taxonomic, and biostratigraphic overview. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 77, 641-671, 8 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 6,00 [No. 5976]

Hatai, K., Kotaka, T. & Noda, H., 1969. Some marine mollusca from Shimanokoshi Harbor in Tanohata-Cho, Shimohei-Gun, Iwate Prefecture, Northeast Honshu, Japan. Saito Ho-on Kai Museum Research Bulletin 38, 29-36, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 10779]

Hayami, I. & Ichikawa, T., 1965. Occurrence of Nippononalia ryosekiana from the Sanchu area, Japan. Transact. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. Japan, N.S. 60, 145-155, 1 fig, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 3,00 [No. 6040]

Heering, J., 1950. Pelecypoda (and Scaphopoda) of the Pliocene and older-Plistocene deposits of the Netherlands. Mededeelingen van de Geologische Stichting. Serie C-IV-1 9, 22 pp., 17 plates - Large 8vo, paperback; (ca. 1100g). EUR 23,50 [No. 20834]

Heine, F., 1929. Die Inoceramen des mittelwestfälischen Emschers und unteren Untersenons. Abhandlungen der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt 120, 1-123, 2 figs, 20 pls - large 8vo, paperback; (ca. 600g). EUR 22,50 [No. 6029]

Herm, D., 1969. Marines Pliozän und Pleistozän in Nord- und Mittel-Chile unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entwicklung der Mollusken-Faunen. Zitteliana 2, 1-159, 44 figs, 18 pls - 4to, paperback; (ca. 800g). EUR 12,50 [No. 9120]

Herm, D., 1970. Bostryx variabilis n. sp., eine Landschnecke aus dem Altpleistozän von Mejillones, Nordchile. Mitt. Bayer. Staatssamml. Paläont. hist. Geol. 10, 189-198, 3 figs, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint, markings on 1st page; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 6056]

Herm, D., 1970. Bostryx variabilis n. sp., eine Landschnecke aus dem Altpleistozän von Mejillones, Nordchile. Mitt. Bayer. Staatssamml. Paläont. hist. Geol. 10, 189-198, 3 figs, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,20 [No. 19704]

Herm, D., Kauffman, E.G. & Wiedmann, J., 1979. The age and depositional environment of the "Gosau"-Group (Coniacian-Santonian), Brandenberg/Tirol, Austria. Mitt. Bayer. Staatsslg. Paläont. hist. Geol. 19, 27-92, 11 figs, 1 tab, 7 pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 12,50 [No. 7740]

Herm, D. & Schenk, V., 1971. Parasitäre Epökie von Radiolites auf Trochactaeon. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 1971/6, 324-339, 5 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 19698]

Hilbrecht, H. & Dahmer, D.D., 1991. Inoceramen aus den Schwarzschiefern des basalen Unter-Turon (Oberkreide) von Helgoland und Misburg. Geol Jb. A120, 245-269, 1 fig., 6 tab., 4 pl. - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 6,00 [No. 6037]

Hill, R.T. & Vaughan, T.W., 1898. The Lower Cretaceous gryphaeas of the Texas region. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 151, 66pp, 2 figs, 35 pls - 8vo, paperback, wrps a bit damaged; (ca. 300g). EUR 17,50 [No. 6290]

Hiltermann, H., 1962. Assymetrische Skulpturen bei Mollusken, insbesondere bei einigen Bivalven. Paläontologische Zeitschrift H. Schmidt -Festbd., 86-92, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,20 [No. 13772]

Hinz-Schallreuter, I., 1997. Einsaugstutzen oder Auspuff? Das Rätsel um Yochelcionella (Mollusca, Kambrium). Geschiebekunde aktuell 13, 106-122, 7 figs, 1 tab - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 9485]

Hinz-Schallreuter, I., 2000. Middle Cambrian Bivalvia from Bornholm and a review of Cambrian bivalved Mollusca. Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia 32, 225-242, 9 figs, 1 tab - 4to, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 4,00 [No. 19999]

Hoare, R.D. & al., 2002. Structure, taxonomy, and epifauna of Pennsylvanian rostroconchs (Mollusca). The Paleontological Society Memoir 58, 30pp, 18 fogs - 4to; (ca. 30g). EUR 10,00 [No. 12749]

Hodges, P., 2000. The Early Jurassic Bivalvia from the Hettangian and Lower Sinemurian of south-west Britain. Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society 154, 64pp, 67 figs, 6 pls - 4to, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 22,00 [No. 15908]

Hölder, H., 1961. Das Gefüge eines Placunopsis-Riffs aus dem Hauptmuschelkalk. Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereines 43, 41-48, 2 figs, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 15201]

Hölder, H., 1978. Über die Pectinidengattung Parvamussium im Jura. Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk. B38, 1-37, 12 fig., 6 pl. - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 150g). EUR 7,50 [No. 5967]

Hölzl, O., 1957. Die Corbiculidae der oligozänen und miozänen Molasse Oberbayerns. Geologica Bavarica 29, 1-84, 6 figs, 7 pls - paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 12,00 [No. 9105]

Hölzl, O., 1958. Die Mollusken-Fauna des oberbayrischen Burdigials. Geologica Bavarica 38, 1-348, 6 figs, 22 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 600g). EUR 24,50 [No. 14153]

Hrubesch, K., 1965. Gosau-Landschnecken des Coniac von Unterlaussa bei Windisch Garsten, Oberösterreich. Mitt. Bayer. Staatssamml. Paläont. hist. Geol. 5, 121-126, 5 figs, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 20g). EUR 3,00 [No. 11940]

Hrubesch, K., 1965. Die santone Gosau-Landschneckenfauna von Glanegg bei Salzburg, Österreich. Mitt. Bayer. Staatssamml. Paläont. hist. Geol. 5, 83-120, 1 fig, 6 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 8,00 [No. 10861]

Hua-Zhang, P. & Erwin, D.H., 2002. Gastropods from the Permian of Guangxi and Yunnan provinces, South China. The Paleontological Society Memoir 56, 49pp, 23 figs - 4to; (ca. 100g). EUR 12,00 [No. 12750]

Huckriede, R., 1965. Eine frühholozäne ruderatus-Fauna im Amöneburger Becken (Mollusca, Hessen). Notizblatt des hessischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung 93, 196-206, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint, 1st page a bit used; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 5962]

Huckriede, R., 1967. Molluskenfaunen mit limnischen und brackischen Elementen aus Jura, Serpulit und Wealden NW-Deutschlands und ihre paläogeographische Bedeutung. Beih. geol. Jb. 67, 1-263, 32 figs, 25 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 700g). EUR 13,50 [No. 9128]

Ichikawa, K., 1958. Zur Taxionomie und Phylogenie der triadischen "Pteriidae" (Lamellibranch.) mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Gattungen Claraia, Eumorphotis, Oxytoma und Monotis. Palaeontographica, A 111, 131-212, 7 figs, 4 tabs, 4 pls - 4to, offprint, a bit dog-eared; (ca. 500g). EUR 25,50 [No. 15202]

Ichikawa, T., 1954. Late Triassic Pelecypods from the Kochigatani Group in the Sakuradani and Kito areas, Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan. Journal of the Polytechnics, Osaka City University 1, 35-57, 1 fig, 2 tabs, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 8,00 [No. 7082]

Ichikawa, T. & Maeda, H., 1958. Late Cretaceous pelecypods from the Izumi Group. Part II. Orders Taxodontida, Prionodontida, Dysodontida, Desmodontida and Adapedontida. Journal of the Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City University, Series G 4, 71-123, 4 pls - 8vo, offprint, a bit dog-eared; (ca. 50g). EUR 12,00 [No. 11941]

Ichikawa, T. & Maeda, H., 1958. Late Cretaceous pelecypods from the Izumi Group. Part I. Cucullaeidae (Pleurogrammatodon, nov., Nanonavis, and Indogrammatodon). Journal of the Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City University, Series G 4, 61-79, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint, a bit dog-eared; (ca. 30g). EUR 5,00 [No. 11942]

Ichikawa, T. & Maeda, H., 1963. Late Cretaceous pelecypods from the Izumi Group. Part III. Order Heterodontida (1). Journal of Geosciences Osaka City University 7, 113-145, 3 figs, 4 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 10,00 [No. 12751]

Imlay, R. W., 1959. Successions and speciation of the pelecypod Aucella. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 314-G, pp155-169, 4 pls - 4to; (ca. 100g). EUR 10,00 [No. 17300]

Imlay, R. W., 1964. Marine Jurassic Pelecypods from central and southern Utah. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 483-C, 42pp, 4 pls - 4to; (ca. 100g). EUR 10,00 [No. 17301]

Imlay, R. W., 1967. The Mesozoic pelecypods Otapiria Marwick and Lupherella Imlay, New Genus, in the United States. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 573-B, 11pp, 2 figs, 2 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,50 [No. 17302]

Ivanova, V., 1973. Bivalve molluscs and sedimentation condition (actualistic and lithologo-paleoecological analyses of Late Paleozoic coal-bearing deposits of South-West Siberia). Academy of Science of the USSR 1-163, num figs, 7 pls - 4to, hardback; in Russian; (ca. 500g). EUR 19,50 [No. 9014]

Janssen, A.W., 1989. Pteropoda (Gastropoda, Euthecosomata) from the Australian Cainozoic. Scripta Geologica 91, 76pp, 3 figs, 3 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 100g). EUR 13,90 [No. 15203]

Janssen, R., 1978. Die Scaphopoden und Gastropoden des Kasseler Meersandes von Glimmerode (Niederhessen. Geol. Jb. A41, 3-195, 3 fig., 3 tab., 7 pl. - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 600g). EUR 14,50 [No. 8773]

Jaworski, E., 1915. Die systematische und stratigraphsche Stellung von "Torlessia Mackayi" (=Terebellina) von Neuseland. Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie 16, 504-512, 1 fig - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,40 [No. 13748]

Jodot, P., 1955. Les subdivisions du Pliocéne dans le nord de l'Afrique (Algerie-Maroc) d'apres les faunes de mollusques continenteaux. Protectorat de la Republique Francaise au Maroc, Direction de la Production industrielle et des Mines, Division des mines, Notes et Mémoires 126, 112pp., 8 pls - 8vo, paperback, needs cutting; (ca. 400g). EUR 15,00 [No. 20939]

Jones, D.L. & al., 1969. Structural and stratigraphic sigificance of the Buchia Zones in the Colyear Springs-Paskenta area, California. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 647-A, 24pp, 5 pls - 4to; (ca. 100g). EUR 10,00 [No. 17303]

Jones, D.L. & Gryc, G., 1960. Upper Cretaceous pelecypods of the genus Inoceramus from northwestern Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 334-E, 149-165, 1 fig, 9 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 10,00 [No. 15821]

Jung, P., 1970. Torreites sanchezi (Douville) from Jamaica. Pal. Am. 7(42), 5-13, 3 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 300g). EUR 5,00 [No. 8290]

Jux, U., 1983. Pachypteria sinaitica n.sp. - ein aufgewachsnen austernähnliche Muschel aus dem Unterkarbon Ägyptens. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 57, 79-91, 5 Abb. - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 17304]

Kadolsky, D., 1973. Die vorpliozänen Littorinidae und Lacunidae Mitteleuropas. Arch. Moll. 103, 31-62, 30 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 5,50 [No. 6873]

Kaiser, P. & Voigt, E., 1983. Fossiler Schneckenlaich in Ammonitenwohnkammern. Lethaia 16, 145-156, 4 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7742]

Kauffman, E.G., 19?? 16. Cretaceous and Pleistocene Bivalvia, Deep Sea Drilling Project Holes 415,415A. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 50, 545-549, 1 fig - 4to, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7743]

Kauffman, Erle G., 1965. Middle and Late Turonian oysters of the Lopha lugubris group. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 148, 6, 92 - 8vo, paperback, uncut; (ca. 100g). EUR 12,50 [No. 15941]

Kauffman, E.G., 1977. Systematic, biostratigraphic, and biogeographic relationships between Middle Cretaceous Euramerican and north Pacific Inoceramidae. Special Papers Palaeontological Society of Japan 21, 169-212, 1 fig - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 5,50 [No. 20189]

Kauffman, E.G. & Runnegar, B., 1975. Atomodesma (Bivalvia), and Permian species of the United States. Journal of Paleontology 49, 23-41, 8 figs, 4 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 10,00 [No. 6798]

Kautsky, F., 1929. Ein neues Veneridengenus "Gomphomarcia" aus dem europäischen Miozän nebst Bemerkungen über die systematische Stellung von Tapes gregarius und Tapes senescens. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 43, 379-386, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,00 [No. 15204]

Keen, M., 1954. Five new species and a new subgenus in the pelecypod family Cardiidae. Bull. Am. Paleont. 35, 6-24, 8 fig., 1 pl. - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 4,00 [No. 6871]

Keeping, W., 1883. The fossils and palaeontological affinities of the Neocomian deposits of Upware and Brickhill. Cambridge at the University Press Cambridge, 146pp, 8 pls - 8vo, newly bound in hardback; (ca. 500g). EUR 99,90 [No. 11561]

Keilhack, K., 1889. Die Gastropodenfauna einiger kalkhaltiger Alluvialbildungen. Jahrbuch der Königlich Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt für 1888, 16 S. - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 10,00 [No. 19786]

Kelly, S.R.A., 1984. Bivalvia of the Spilsby Sandstone and Sandringham Sands (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) of Eastern England. Part I. Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society 137, 94pp, 59 figs, 20 pls - 4to, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 16,00 [No. 15943]

Kelly, S.R.A., 1988. Cretaceous wood-boring bivalves from western Antarctica with a review of the Mesozoic Pholadidae. Palaeontology 31, 341-372, 18 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 5,50 [No. 15935]

Kelly, S.R.A., 1992. Bivalvia of the Spilsby Sandstone and Sandringham Sands (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) of Eastern England. Part I. Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society 146, 95-123, pls 21-28 - 4to, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 14,00 [No. 15945]

Kleemann, K.H., 1983. Catalogue of recent and fossil Lithophaga (Bivalvia). The Journal of Molluscan Studies, Supplement 12, 46pp - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 12,00 [No. 16121]

Kobayashi, T., 1963. Contributions to the geology and paleontology of Southaeast Asia. III. On the Triassic Daonella Beds in Central Pahang, Malaya. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography 34, 101-112, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 6867]

Koch, W., 1996. Bivalve species distributions in uppermost Cretaceous boreal marine beds, Europe and North America and the implied taxonomic problems. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 77, 75-81, 3 tabs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 6782]

Kollmann, H.A., 1975. Zur Systematik und Paläobiologie der Gastropodengattung Tanaliopsis Cossmann. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 79, 37-46, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 5,00 [No. 6879]

Kollmann, H.A. & Sohl, N.F., 1979. Western hemisphere Cretaceous Itieriidae gastropods. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1125-A, 15pp, 7 figs - 4to, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 4,70 [No. 17305]

Kowalke, T., 1998. Bewertung protoconchmorphologischer Daten basaler Caenogastropoda (Cerithiimorpha und Littorinimorpha) hinsichtlich ihrer Systematik und Evolution von der Kreide bis rezent. Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, E 27, 121pp, 13 figs, 11 pls - 4to, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 24,00 [No. 18185]

Kowalke, T., 2001. Protoconch morphology, ontogenetical development and ecology of three species o the genus Potamides, and a discussion of the evolutionary history of the Potamiidae (Caenogastrooda: Ceritiimorpha: Cerithoida). Freiberger Forschungshefte, C 492, 27-42, 3 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,20 [No. 18199]

Krause, P. G., 1914. Paludina (Vivipara) Diluviana Kunth aus dem älteren Interglazial des Niederrheins. Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 66, 93-97 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,40 [No. 13791]

Krause, P. G., 1923. Über Fusus trilineatus SOW. und Fusus multisulcatus NYST. Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 75, 188-189, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 20g). EUR 3,00 [No. 9501]

Kriz, J., 1979. Silurian Cardiolidae (Bivalvia). Journal of Geological Sciences, Palaeontology 22, 157pp, 42 figs, 40 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 200g). EUR 15,90 [No. 14276]

Kriz, J. & Serpagli, E., 1993. Upper Silurian and lowermost Devonian Bivalvia of Bohemian type from south-wstern Sardinia. Bolletino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 32, 289-347, 11 pls - 4to, offprint, spine damaged; (ca. 100g). EUR 12,00 [No. 19562]

Kühn, O., 1944. Die Gattung Arnaudia Bayle (Zur Systematk und Stammesgeschichte der Rudisten. II.). Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 1944 2/3, 61-67 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 12757]

Kusslev, G.H., 1993. Atlas of Silurian and Devonian molluscs and brachiopods from the southern Tien-Tschan. University St. Petersburg, 1-114, 4 figs, 4 tabs, 20 pls - 8vo, paperback, in Russian; (ca. 400g). EUR 14,00 [No. 9259]

Ladd, H.S., 1972. Cenozoic fossil mollusks from western Pacific islands; gastropds (Turritellidae through Strombidae). U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 532, 1-79, 11 figs, 4 tabs, 20 pls - 4to, paperback; (ca. 400g). EUR 21,00 [No. 8284]

Lazar, E., 1965. Die Mollusken der Paläozän-Vorkommen von Waßmannsdorf (Brandenburg) und Ratheim (Niederrhein). Mitteilungen ZGI 1, 95-126, 2 tabs, 2 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 4,50 [No. 10967]

Lecointre, G., 1952. Recherches sur le Néogéne et le Quaternaire marins de la Cote atlantique du Maroc. Tome 2 Paléontologie. Protectorat de la Republique Francaise au Maroc, Direction de la Production industrielle et des Mines, Division des mines, Notes et Mémoires 99, 173pp plus 28 pls - 4to, paperback, pls mainly on bivalves; (ca. 500g). EUR 35,00 [No. 20815]

Lefèvre, R. & Sornay, J., 1966. Espèces nouvelles d'inocérames dans le Taurus lycien (Turquie). Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 7e Série 8, 870-876, 4 figs, 1 pl - 4to, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,00 [No. 20382]

Leonard, A.B. & Frye, J.C., 1978. Paleontology of Ogallala Formation, northeastern New Mexico. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Circular 161, 1-21, 3 figs, 2 pls - 4to; (ca. 200g). EUR 6,00 [No. 8281]

Lewy, Z., 1972. Xenomorphic growth in ostreids. Lethaia 5, 347-352, 2 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7747]

Lewy, Z., 1995. Incidentally-adjoined growth together. Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 44, 107-110, 3 figs - 4to, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 11946]

Lewy, Z., 1996. The Middle Cenomanian oldest Agerostrea (Bivalvia;Ostreidae) and its reconstruced mode of life. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 11, 645-650, 2 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7748]

Lewy, Z. & Samtleben, C., 1979. Functional morphology and palaeontological significance of the conchilin layers in corbulid pelecypods. Lethaia 12, 341-351, 5 fgs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 9525]

Liljedahl, L., 1983. Two silicified Silurian bivalves from Gotland. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning C799, 5-51, 18 figs - 8vo; (ca. 50g). EUR 9,00 [No. 21155]

Liljedahl, L., 1984. Silurian silicified bivalves from Gotland. Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning, Serie C 804, 82pp, 35 figs - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 50g). EUR 17,50 [No. 19649]

Linsley, R.M., 1968. Gastropods of the Middle Devonian Anderson Limestone. Bulletins of American Paleontology 54, 333-465, 14 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 500g). EUR 19,00 [No. 19564]

Lupu, D., 1967. Eine neue Osculigera aus der Oberkreide des Apusenigebirges. Sitzungsberichte der Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften 176, 65-69, 2 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 15206]

Lupu, D., 1976. Contributions á la paléontologie du Jurassique terminal et Crétacé des Carpates. Institut de Iéologie et de Geophysique Mémoirs 24, 83-151, 25 figs, 45 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 500g). EUR 17,00 [No. 10467]

MacClintock, C., 1967. Shell structure of patelloid and bellerophotd gastropods (Mollusca). Peabody Museum  of Natual History, Yale University Bulletin 22, 140pp, 127figs, 32 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 17,50 [No. 7750]

MacNeil, F.S., 1960. Tertiary and Quaternary gastropoda of Okinawa. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 339, 1-148, 17 figs, 21 pls - 4to, paperback; (ca. 900g). EUR 25,50 [No. 8413]

Maderny, U.N., 1990. Cenozoic continetal molluscs of the Turgai area and neigbouring areas. Trudy VSEGEI, N.S. 345, 1-151, 8 figs, 39 pls - 4to, hardbound, in Russian; (ca. 600g). EUR 22,50 [No. 8383]

Malchus, N., 1990. Revision der Kreide-Austern (Bivalvia: Pteriomorpha) Agyptens (Biostratigraphie, Systematik). Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, A 125, 231 S, 35 Abb., 17 Tab., 27 Taf. - 4to, paperback; (ca. 1100g). EUR 27,50 [No. 19548]

Malchus, N., 1995. Larval shells of Tertiary Cubitostrea, with a review of larval shell characters in the subfamilies and Crassostreinae (Ostreoidea, Bilavia). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Sciences des la Terre 65, 187-239, 14 figs - 4to, offprint, 2 pages dog-eared; (ca. 400g). EUR 14,00 [No. 8487]

Malchus, N. & al., 1996. The 'Glauconie de Lonzée' (?Coniacian-Santonien) near Gembloux (SE Belgium), part 1: Sedimentology, biostratigraphy, palaeoecology and -biogeography. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 77, 403-422, 6 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,00 [No. 19376]

Malchus, N., Dhondt, A.V. & Tröger, K.-A., 1994. Upper Cretaceous bivalves from the Glauconie de Lonzée near Gembloux (SE Belgium). Bull. Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique 64, 109-149, 5 figs, 6 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 200g). EUR 8,00 [No. 9496]

Malinky, J.M., 2003. Ordovician and Silurian hyolithes and gastropods reassigned from the Hyolitha from the Girvan district, Scotland. Journal of Paleontology 77, 625-645, 11 figs - 4to, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,00 [No. 11947]

Malinky, J.M., 2003. New Middle and Late Ordovician hyolithes from Estonia. Journal of Paleontology 77, 304-313, 6 figs - 4to, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 11948]

Marincovich, L., 1993. Danian Mollusks from the Prince Creek Formation, Northern Alaska, and Implications for Arctic ocean Paleogeography. The Paleontological Society Memoir 35, 35pp, 16 figs - 4to; (ca. 200g). EUR 13,50 [No. 11950]

Matsumoto, T. & Asai, A., 1989. Cenomanian (Cretaceous) inoceramids (Bivalvia) from Hokkaido and Sakhalien -I. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, N. S. 155, 178-196, 32 figs - offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 7,50 [No. 6945]

Matsumoto, T. & Noda, M., 1985. A new Inoceramid (Bivalvia) species from the Upper Campanian (Cretaceous) of Hokkaido. Proc. Japan Acad. 61, 9-11, 3 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 6965]

Matsumoto, T., Noda, M. & Kozai, T., 1982. Multidisciplinary research in the Upper Cretaceous of the Monobe area, Shikoku. VI. Upper Cretaceous inoceramidae from the Monobe area, Shikoku. Palaeontological Society of Japan, Special Papers 25, 53-68, 1 tab, 4 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 11,00 [No. 6988]

Matsumoto, T. & Okada, H., 1978. Evaluation of Molluscan fossils from the Mesozoic of Shimanto Belt. Proc. Japan Acad. 54, 325-330, 1 fig - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 3,20 [No. 15967]

Matsumoto, T., TOSHIMITSU, S. & NODA, M., 1993. On a Maastrichtian (Cretaceous) inoceramid species Sphenoceramus hetonaianus (MATSUMOTO) from the Hobetsu district, Hokkaido. Hobetsu Mus. Bull. 9, 21pp., 4 fig., 4 tab., 4 pl. - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 7,50 [No. 6390]

Mayer-Eymar, C., 1891. Diagnoses specierum novarum ex agris mollassicis seu neogenis, in Museo Turicensi conservatarum. Journal de Conchyliologie for 1891, 1-12 - 8vo, offprint, used; (ca. 10g). EUR 5,00 [No. 7752]

McAlester, A.L., 1962. Upper Devonian Pelecypods of the New York Chemung Stage. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven 16, 1-88pp, 4 figs, 32 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 400g). EUR 17,00 [No. 7753]

McAlester, A.L., 1962. A new Devonian pelecypod from Alaska and its bearing on pterioid phylogeny. Postilla 58, 1-13, 19 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,00 [No. 9492]

McAlester, A.L., 1962. Mode of preservation in early Paleozoic pelecypods and its morphologic and ecologic significance. Journal of Paleontology 36, 69-73, 1 fig - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 10g). EUR 3,00 [No. 9491]

McAlester, A.L., 1963. Revision of the type species of the Ordovician nuculoid pelecypod genus. Postilla 74, 1-19, 80 figs, 1 tab - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 40g). EUR 4,50 [No. 7754]

McAlester, A.L., 1963. Pelecypods of the Snyder Creek Shale (Upper Devonian) of Missouri. Journal of Paleontology 37, 981-996, 2 figs, 3 tabs, 7 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 20g). EUR 10,00 [No. 7755]

McAlester, A.L., 1963. Pelecypods as stratigraphic guides in the Appalachian Upper Devonian. Geological Society of America Bulletin 74, 1209-1224, 10 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 3,00 [No. 9493]

McAlester, A.L., 1964. Preliminary suggestions for a classification of nuculoid bivalves. Journal of Paleontology 38, 397-400 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 15g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7757]

McAlester, A.L., 1965. Systematic, affinities, and life habits of Babinka, a transitional Ordovician lucinoid bivalve. Palaentology 8, 231-246,5 figs, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 9,00 [No. 6958]

McAlester, A.L., 1966. Evolutionary and systematic implications of a transitional Ordovician lucinoid bivalve. Malacologia 3, 433-439, 2 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 15g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7759]

McAlester, A.L. & Doumani, G.A., 1966. Bivalve Ecology in the Devonian of Antarctica. Journal of Paleontology 3, 753-755, 2 figs, 1 tab - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 20g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7758]

McAlester, A.L., Speden, I.G & Buzas, M.A., 1964. Ecology of Pleistocene molluscs from Marthas Vineyard - A reconsideration. Journal of Paleontology 5, 986-991, 4 figs, 1 tab - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 25g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7756]

McCarthy, B., 1977. Selective preservation of mollusc shells in a Permian beach environment, Sydney Basin, Australia. N. Jb. Geol. Pal. Mh. 8, 466-474, 2 figs - 8vo, offprint, a bit used; (ca. 20g). EUR 3,00 [No. 10038]

McCort Ashbaugh, K. & Metcalf, A.L., 1986. Fossil Molluscan faunas from four spring-related deposits in the northern Chihuahuan Desert, southern new Mexico and westernmost Texas. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Circular 200, 1-25, 14 figs - 4to, mainly on gastropods; (ca. 300g). EUR 9,50 [No. 8633]

Mehl, J. & Rehfeld-Kiefer, U., 1992. Sipho-Erhaltung bei Pholadomya fidicula (Pelecypoda) aus dem Mittleren Jura (Bajocium), ein Vergleich mit der rezenten Pholadomya candida. Senckenbergiana lethaea 71, 367-375, 5 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 6975]

Mendes, J.C., 1952. A Formacao Corumbatai na regiao do rio Corumbatai. (Estratigrafia e descricao dos lamelibranchios). Univ. Sao Paulo Fac. Filos., Cienc e Letras, Boletim 145, 119pp, 16 figs, 4 pls - 8vo, paperback, on Permian bivalves; (ca. 200g). EUR 14,00 [No. 11951]

Mendes, J.C., 1954. Contribucao a estratigrafia de serie Passa Dois no Estado do Parana. Univ. Sao Paulo Fac. Filos., Ciencias e Letras, Boletim 175, 119pp, 23 figs, 3 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 200g). EUR 14,00 [No. 11952]

Menzel, H., 1904. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Quartärbildungen im südlichen Hannover. 1. Die Interglazialschichten von Wallensen in der Hilsmulde. Mit einem Anhang: zwei neue Arten von Valvata Müller (Gruppe Cincinna Hübner). Jb. Preuß. Geol. Landesanst . für 1903, 254-289, 4 figs, 1pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 15,00 [No. 6946]

Menzel, H., 1910. Das Problem der Anodonta. Congrès Géologique International 11, 1079-1088 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,00 [No. 9519]

Merklin, R.L., 1974. Handbook of Oligocene Bivalvia of the south of the USSR. Trudy Palaeontological Institut 145, 1-189, 63 figs, 54 pls - 4to, hardbound, in Russian; (ca. 500g). EUR 29,50 [No. 15207]

Merla, A., 1949. Indogrammatodon nuovi dell'Etiopia e della Somalia e osservazoni sulla filogenesi del gruppo. Memorie dell' Istituto di Geologia de'll Università di Padova 16, 22pp, 4 figs - folio, a bit used; (ca. 100g). EUR 10,00 [No. 19488]

Milovanovic, B., 1933. Paleobiolosky i Biostratigrafski Problemi Rudista. Mémoires du Service Géologique du Royaume de Yougoslavie 2, 195pp, 72 figs - 8vo, paperback, with a French summary; (ca. 500g). EUR 25,00 [No. 19486]

Milthers, V., 1900. Tellina calcaria Leret ved Hove i Odsherred. Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening 6, 37-44 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 10g). EUR 3,00 [No. 9517]

Mohanti, M. & Pons, J. M., 1999. The rudist Bournonia Mutabilis (Stoliczka, 1871) redescription based on new matarial from the Ottakkovil Formation (Maastrichtian), Ariyalur Region, South India. Geobios 32, 853-859, 3 figs, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 20g). EUR 3,00 [No. 9499]

Mongin, D., 1967. Etudes sur le Jurassique du moyen Atlas (Morocco). Le Jurassique de la region d'el Mers-Skoura (Moyen Atlas). Les molluseques du Bathonien saumatre du Moyen Atlas. Notes et Memoirs du Service Geologique 200, 95pp, 5 pls - 4to, paperback, a bit dog-eared, pls on bivalves and gastropods; (ca. 500g). EUR 17,50 [No. 20810]

Moore, B. (ed), 1960 (1964). Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part I. Mollusca 1. Mollusca general features, Scaphopoda, Amphineura, Monoplacophora, Gastropoda-general features, Archaeogastropoda and some (mainly Paleozoic) Caenogastropoda and Opistobrachnchia). Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press Lawrence, i-xxiii, 351pp, 216 figs - 8vo, hardback, in Folie eingeschlagen; (ca. 1200g). EUR 45,00 [No. 10258]

Moore, R.C. (ed.), 1969. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Part N. Volume 1 (of 3). Mollusca 6. Bivalvia. Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press Lawrence, N1-N489, 76 figs - 8vo, hardback; (ca. 1100g). EUR 67,00 [No. 10411]

Moore, R.C. (ed.), 1969. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology Part N, Volume 2 (of 2). Mollusca 6. Bivalvia. Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press Lawrence, N491-N952, 302 figs - 8vo, hardback, in Folie eingeschlagen; (ca. 1100g). EUR 65,00 [No. 10598]

Moore, R.C. (ed.), 1969. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology Part N, Volume 2 (of 2). Mollusca 6. Bivalvia. Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press Lawrence, N491-N952, 302 figs - 8vo, hardback; (ca. 1100g). EUR 70,00 [No. 18522]

Mordvilko, T.A., 1979. Early Cretaceous heterodont freshwater molluscs from the southerm USSR. Acad. Sci. USSR Moscow, 141pp, 41 figs, 23 pls - 8vo, paperback, in Russian; (ca. 800g). EUR 20,00 [No. 9478]

Mortara, E.F. & al., 1981. Cataloghi. VI-Catalogo dei tipi e degli esemplari figurati della collezione Bellardi e Sacco. Part I. Museo regionale die scienze naturali Torino, 327pp, 58 pls - 8vo, paperback, wrps dirty, pages need cutting, on gastropoda; (ca. 300g). EUR 18,50 [No. 15210]

Müller, G., 1898. Die Molluskenfauna des Untersenon von Braunschweig und Ilsede. I. Lamellibranchiaten und Glossophoren. Abhandlungen der Königlich Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt, N.F. 25, 142pp, 18 figs - 8vo, paperback, pages wavy, the atlas is missing; (ca. 200g). EUR 17,50 [No. 12759]

Münzing, K., 1966. Quartäre Molluskenfaunen aus Baden-Württemberg. Jh. geol. Landesamt Baden-Würrtemberg 8, 47-62, 8 tabs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 3,50 [No. 9487]

Nakahara, H., 1979. An electron microscope study of the growing surface of nacre in two gastropod species, Turbo cornutus and Tegula pfeifferi. Venus 38, 205-211; 8 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 25g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7760]

Nakano, M., 1971. A note on Trigonia calderoni (Castillo and Aguilera). Bulletin of the Hiroshima Institute of Technology 6, 11-13 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 20g). EUR 3,00 [No. 10741]

Nakano, M., 1973. A New Genus Arabitrigonia nov. Journal of Science of the Hiroshima University 7, 65-67 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 10g). EUR 3,00 [No. 10842]

Nakazawa, K. & Newell, N.D., 1968. Permian Bivalves of Japan. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Series of Geology & Mineralogy 35, 1-108, 11 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 300g). EUR 15,00 [No. 9510]

Nathorst, A.G., 1896. Marine Conchylien im Tertiär Spitzbergens und Ostgrönlands. Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 48, 984-986 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 10g). EUR 3,50 [No. 9518]

National Museum, Prague, 1994. with: Solandangella, a problematic Lower Ordovician molluscs from the Montagne Noire...; Muscle attachment areas in the Silurian bellerophontacean gastropods Bellerophon scaber and Bubovicus tardus; The supergene mineralization of uranium occurrences...; The arachnofauna of Bohemian peat bogs; Psychodiae (Diptera) of Geece. Sborník Národního Musea v Praze 50, 127pp, 26 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 100g). EUR 14,00 [No. 14453]

Neuffer, F.O., 1976. Eine neue Bohrmuschel (Pholadidae, Bivalvia) aus dem Schleichsand (Rupelium) des Mainzer Beckens. Mainzer geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen 5, 135-142, 3 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 20g). EUR 3,00 [No. 9507]

Newell, F. H. & Boyd, D.W., 1970. Oyser-like Permian Bivalvia. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 143, 217-282, 24 figs, 6 tabs - 8vo, paperback, spine a bit damaged; (ca. 500g). EUR 14,50 [No. 19552]

Newton, C.R. & al., 1987. Systematics and paleoecology of Norian (Late Triassic) bivalves from a tropical island arc: Wallowa terrane, Oregon. The Paleontological Society Memoir 22, 83pp, 60 figs - 8vo, stapled, a bit used; (ca. 400g). EUR 13,50 [No. 12760]

Noda, H. & Amano, K., 1985. Preliminary Report on the Geology and Paleontology of the environs of Teshio, Hokkaido. Part 6. The occurrence of the Genno-ishi and its associated marine molluscan fossils from the Pliocene "Yuchi" Formation. Human Culture and Environmental Studies in Northern Hokkaido 6 3, 1-13, 5 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 4,50 [No. 10046]

Noda, H., Watanabe, R. & Kikuchi, Y., 1995. Pliocene marine molluscan fauna from the Hitachi Formation in the northeastern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. Scince Reparts of the Institute of Geoscince, University of Tsukuba 16, 39-93, 17 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 130g). EUR 7,00 [No. 9498]

Nordmann, V., 1903. Ostersens (Ostrea edulis L.) udbredelse i nutiden og fortiden i havet omkring Danmark. Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening 9, 45-60, 2 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 5,00 [No. 9513]

Nordmann, V., 1912. Anomia squamula L. som Kvartaer-Fossil paa Spitzbergen. Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening 4, 75-78 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 20g). EUR 3,00 [No. 9514]

Nuttall, C.P. & Cooper, J., 1973. A review of some English Palaeogen Nassariidae, formerly referred to Cominella. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Geology 23, 179-219, 9 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 300g). EUR 15,00 [No. 19575]

Nützel, A., 1997. Über die Stammesgeschichte der Ptenoglossa (Gastropoda). Berliner Geowisschenschaftliche Abhandlungen, E 26, 1-229, 40 figs, 35 pls - 4to, paperback; (ca. 800g). EUR 45,00 [No. 8382]

Okamoto, K. & Nakano, M., 1963. Glycymeris and Cultellus from the Tertiary Hioki (Ashiya) Group in the Yuya-Wwan Area, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Southwest Japan. Geological Report of the Hiroshima University 12, 531-539, 4 figs, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 40g). EUR 4,00 [No. 10778]

Oppenheim, P., 1915. Die eocäne Invertebratenfauna des Kalksteins in Togo. Beiträge zur geologischen Erforschung der Deutschen Schutzgebiete 12, 1-126, 5 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 400g). EUR 27,00 [No. 7260]

Pavia, G., 1980. Molluschi del Tabianiano del Basso Monferrato (Alba, Italia NW). Bolletino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 19, 205-226, 11 figs, 5 tabs, 3 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 8,50 [No. 13873]

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Savazzi, E., 1982. Adaptions to tube dwelling in the Bivalvia. Lethaia 15, 275-297, 21 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 5,00 [No. 20459]

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Schmidt, M., 1905. Über Oberen Jura in Pommern. Beiträge zur Stratigraphie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen der Königlich-Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie 41, 1-222, 6 figs, 10 pls, 1 map - 4to, paperback, back wrp missing; (ca. 900g). EUR 45,00 [No. 15217]

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Seitz, O., 1965. Die Inoceramen des Santon und Unter-Campan von Nordwestdeutschland. II. Teil (Biometrie, Dimorphismus und Stratigraphie der Untergattung Sphenoceramus Böhm). Beihefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch 69, 1-194, 11 fig., 46 tab., 26 pl. - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 600g). EUR 17,00 [No. 7265]

Seitz, O., 1967. Die Inoceramen des Santon und Unter-Campan von Nordwestdeutschland. III. Teil: Taxonomie und Stratigraphie der Untergattungen Endocostea, Haenleinia, Platyceramus, Selenoceramus und Cordiceramus mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Parasitismus bei diesen Untergattungen. Beih. Geol. Jb. 75, 1-171, 27 fig., 8 tab., 27 pl. - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 600g). EUR 23,00 [No. 7268]

Seitz, O., 1970. Über einige Inoceramen aus der oberen Kreide. 1. Die Gruppe des Inoceramus subquadratus und der Grenzbereich Coniac/Santon; 2. Die Muntigler Inocramenfauna und ihre Verbreitung im Ober-Campan und Maastricht. Beihefte zum Geologisches Jahrbuch 86, 1-171, 12 figs, 28 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 18,00 [No. 7267]

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Semertzidis, S., 1976. Die Fauna des westdeutschen Oberkarbons VII. Die marinen Pelecypoden aus dem Flözführenden Oberkarbon des Niederrheinisch-Westfälischen Steinkkohlengebietes. 2. Teil: Cryptodonta, Pteriomorphia, Palaeoheterodonta, Anomalodesmata. Palaeontographica, A 151, 111-193, 15 Abb., 1 Tab., 5 Taf. - 4to, offprint, Rücken beschädigt; (ca. 100g). EUR 17,00 [No. 19444]

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Shikama, T. & Tanabe, K., 1970. Late Cretaces Rudistes from Uwajima, Ehime Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan. Sc. Rep. Yokohama Nat. Univ. 17, 59-58,7 figs, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 7768]

Sieverts, H., 1933. Beiträge zur Paläontologie des Ostindischen Archipels. IX. Jouannetia cumingi (Sowerby) aus dem Pliocän von Timor. Nebst Bemerkungen über andere Arten dieser Gattung. Neues Jahrbuch für  Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beil-Bd B71, 267-302, 2 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 12,00 [No. 18234]

Sieverts, H., 1934. Fossile Brechiten (Aspergillen), besonders aus dem ostindischen Tertiär. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 16, 263-275, 3 figs, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint, on clavagellid bivalves; (ca. 50g). EUR 5,00 [No. 7205]

Sliskovic, T., 1967. Hippurites (Vaccinites) chaperi douvillé iz senonskih naslaga okolice Imotskog. Posebni otisak glasnika zemaljskog muzeja 6, 23-31, 5 figs, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 10739]

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Smith, A.G., 1968. New Upper Cretaceous Amphineura (Mollusca). U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 593-G, 9pp, 1 pl - 4to; (ca. 50g). EUR 5,00 [No. 17312]

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Sohl, N.F., 1960. Archaeogastropoda, Mesogastropoda and stratigraphy of the Ripley Owl Creek, and Prairie Bluff Formations. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 331-A, 151pp, 11 figs, 18 pls - 4to, paperback, some markings on the front; (ca. 500g). EUR 19,50 [No. 15218]

Sohl, N.F., 1964. Neogastropoda, Opistobranchia and Basommatophora from the Ripley, Owl Creek, and Prairie Bluff Formations. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 331-B, 153-344, 18 figs, 2 tabs, pls 19-52 - 4to, paperback; (ca. 1100g). EUR 19,50 [No. 15220]

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Sornay, J., 1966. Idées actuelles sur les inocérames d'après divers travaux récents. Annales de Paléontologie 52, 59-92, 10 figs - 4to, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 12,00 [No. 20378]

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Sornay, J., 1982. Sur la faune d'Inocérames de la Smectite de Herve (Campanien) et sur quelques Inocérames du Campanien et du Maastrichtien de la Belgique. Bull. Inst. R. Sci. nat. Belgique, Sci. Terre 54, 14pp, 3 figs, 4 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 5,00 [No. 19183]

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Spaeth, C., 1975. Zwei fossile Arten holzbohrender Pholadiden aus der Unterkreide von Helgoland. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 44, 225-234, 1 fig, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,00 [No. 18072]

Spaeth, C., 1985. Aufwuchs und xenomorphe Skulptur bei Aetostreon latissimum (Lamarck) aus dem Hauterivium von Helgoland. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 59, 57-70, 1 fig, 1 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 11955]

Sprechmann, P., 1978. The paleoecology and palaeogeography of the Uriguayan coastal area during the Neogene and Quarternary. Zitteliana 4, 3-72, 14 fig., 20 tab., 6 pl - 4to, offprint, plates on forams, other data on molluscs; (ca. 200g). EUR 14,00 [No. 8609]

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Tegland, N.M., 1931. The gastropod genus Galeodea in the Oligocene of Washington. University of California Publications, Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences 19, 397-434, 7 pls - 8vo, offprint, wrps a bit used; (ca. 100g). EUR 12,50 [No. 16076]

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Tokuyama, A., 1960. On the bio- and litho-facies of the Hirabara Formation in Province of Nagato, West Japan & On the pelecypod fauna of the Late Triasic Hirabara Formation in West Japan. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography 31, 185-217, 1 fig, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 12,00 [No. 8493]

Toshimitsu, S., 1986. 60. A new Inoceramid (Bivalvia) Species from the Uppe Cretaceous of Hokkaido. Proc. Japan Acad. 62, 227-230 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 10g). EUR 3,00 [No. 10048]

Toth, G., 1948. Das Alter der Ablagerungen von Grußbach. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 56, 410-416 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 10g). EUR 3,50 [No. 9484]

Tracey, S. & al., 1996. Distribution of Mollusca in units S1 to S9 of the Selsey Formation (middle Lutetian), Selsey peninsula, West Sussex. Tertiary Research 16, 97-139, 1 fig, 3 pla, 1 tab - 4to, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 5,00 [No. 10952]

Traub, F., 1989. Weitere Paläozän-Gastropoden aus dem Helvetikum des Haunsberges nördlich von Salzburg. Mitt. Bayer. Staatssamml. Paläont. hist. Geol. 29, 85-108, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 4,00 [No. 10806]

Tröger, K.-A., 19?? Zur Biostratigraphie der Ober-Turon bis Unter-Santon aus dem Schachtelaufschluß der Zeche Grimberg IV bei Bergkamen (BRD). Geowissenschaften, Bereich Grundlagengeologie der Bergakademie Freiberg 281, 109-138, 8 figs, 10 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 80g). EUR 10,00 [No. 9497]

Tröger, K.-A., 1981. Zur Bedeutung der Wachstumsknicke bei Inoceramen der Oberkreide. Freiberger Forschungshefte C 363, 101-110, 2 tabs, 3 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 9502]

Tröger, K.-A., 1981. Zu Problemen der Biostratigraphie der Inoceramen und der Untergliederung des Cenomans und Turons in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Newsletter Stratigr. 9, 139-156, 8 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 40g). EUR 4,50 [No. 10047]

Truc, G., 1972. Clausiliidae (Gastropoda, Euthyneura) du Néogene du Bassin Rhodanien (France). Geobios 5, 247-275, 19 figs, 3 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 10,00 [No. 14184]

Tulane University, Luisiana, 1969. with papers on molluscs. Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology 7 (3/4), 93-204, num figs & tabs - 8vo, some notes on the front page; (ca. 200g). EUR 12,00 [No. 13875]

Vangerow, E.F., 1938. Zur Gattung Goniomya. Palaeont. Z. 19, 345-349, 3 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 10g). EUR 3,00 [No. 9489]

Vlahovic, I. & Korbar, T., 2002. Sixth International Congres on Rudists. Abstracts and Excursion Guide Book. Insitute of Geology Zagreb, 152pp, num figs - 4to, paperback; (ca. 300g). EUR 12,50 [No. 17317]

Vogel, A., 1962. Muscheln mit Schloßzähnen aus dem spanischen Kambrium und ihre Bedeutung für die Evolution der Lammellibranchiaten. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Abhandlungen der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse 1962/4, 1-52, 19 figs, 5 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 200g). EUR 12,00 [No. 13997]

Vogel, K., 1970. Die Radioliten-Gattung Osculigera Kühn (höhere Oberkreide) und die Funktion kennzeichnender morphologischer Eigenschaften der Rudisten. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 44, 63-81, 6 figs, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint, slightly used; (ca. 50g). EUR 4,00 [No. 7143]

Vogel, K., 1971. On the Upper Cretaceous in east Iran and in west and north Afghanistan. Geological Survey of Iran, Report 20, 56-79, 1 fig, 8 tabs, 2 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 4,00 [No. 5870]

Voigt, E., 1954. Das Alter der Reitbrooker Schichten (Ob. Kreide, Maastr.-Stufe) und ihr Leitfossil Pteria (Oxystoma) danica Ravn. Geologisches Jahrbuch 68, 617-652, 4 figs, 1 tab, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 4,50 [No. 7148]

Volkova, N.S., 1974. Atlas of the molluscan fauna from Neogen deposits of the southern USSR. Nedra Leningrad, 191pp, 41 pls - 8vo, hardback, in Russian; (ca. 300g). EUR 19,90 [No. 14175]

von Staff, H. & Reck, H., 1911. Die Lebensweise der Zweischaler des Solnhofener lithographischen Schiefers. Sitzungsbericht der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 1911/3, 157-175, 1 fig, 6 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 12,00 [No. 15224]

Wagner, P.J., 1995. Diversity patterns among early gastropods: contrasting taxonomic and phylogenetic descriptions. Paleobiology 21, 410-439, 13 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 4,50 [No. 19881]

Walaszczyk, I., 1992. Turonian through Santonan deposits of the Central Polish Uplands; their facies development, inoceramid paleontology and stratigraphy. Acta Geologica Polonica 42, 1-122, 32 figs, 48 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 300g). EUR 13,00 [No. 7776]

Walaszczyk, I., 1997. Biostratigraphie und Inoceramen des oberen Unter-Campan und unteren Ober-Campan Norddeutschlands. Geologie und Paläontologie in Westfalen 49, 111pp, 21 figs, 32 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 300g). EUR 14,50 [No. 11957]

Waller, T.R., 1969. The evolution of the Argopecten gibbus stock (Mollusca: Bivalvoa), with emphasis on the Tertiary and Quarternary species of eastern north America. The Paleontological Society Memoirs 3, 1-125, 7 figs, 43 tabs, 8 pls - 4to, paperback; (ca. 600g). EUR 14,00 [No. 8491]

Waterhouse, J.B. & Riccardi, A.C., 1970. The Lower Cretaceous bivalve Maccoyella in Patagonia and its palaeogeographic significance for continental drift. Ameghiniana 7, 281-296, 3 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 13783]

Weigelt, J., ohne Jahr. Das Posidonomyenproblem im Oberkarbon Westfalen. Jahrbuch des Halleschen Verbandes für die Erforschung der mitteldeutschen Bodenschätze und ihrer Verwertung, Neue Folge 6, 72-82, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint, a bit dog-eared; (ca. 30g). EUR 5,00 [No. 12770]

Weisbord, N.E., 1964. Late Cenozoic scaphopods and serpulid polychaetes from northern Venezuela. Bull. Amer. Paleont. 47 (214), 111-203, 7 pl. - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 400g). EUR 14,00 [No. 8588]

Wendt, J., 1968. Discohelix (Archaeogastropoda, Euomphalacea) as an index fossil in the Tethyan Jurassic. Palaeontology 11, 554-575, 9 figs, 4 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 100g). EUR 7,50 [No. 10535]

Wignall, P.B., 1990. Benthic palaeoecology of the Late Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay of England. Special Papers in Palaeontology 43, 74pp, 50 figs - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 17,00 [No. 15886]

Wiontzek, H., 1935. Zur Organisation der Radiolitengattungen Bournonia und Medeella. Zentralblatt f. Min. etc. 3, 90-96, 3 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 20g). EUR 3,50 [No. 9515]

Wise, S.W. jr., 1971. Shell ulrastructure of the taxodont pelecypod Anadara notabilis. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 64, 12pp, 3 figs, 9 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 5,50 [No. 14163]

Woodring, W.P., 1958. Springvaleia, a Late Miocene Xenophota-like turritellid from Trinidad. Bulletins of American Paleontology 38, 163-171, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 13869]

Woodring, W.P., 1973. Geology and paleontology of the Canal Zone and adjoining parts of Panama. Description of Tertiary molluscs (Additions to gastropods, scaphopods, pelecypods: Nuculidae to Maleidae). U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 306-E, 453-539, pls 67-82 - 4to, paperback; (ca. 900g). EUR 12,50 [No. 21154]

Yamani, S.-A., 1982. Die Bivalvenfauna der Schwammkalke von Biburg (Oberoxford, Südliche Frankenalb). Pteriomorpha I. Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Historische Geologie 22, 19-34, 5 Abb., 1 Taf. - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 20003]

Yamani, S.-A., 1983. Die Bivalvenfauna der Schwammkalke von Biburg (Oberoxford, Südliche Frankenalb). Pteriomorpha II. Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Historische Geologie 23, 3-33, 12 Abb., 2 Tab., 3 Taf. - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,00 [No. 20002]

Yamani, S.-A. & Schairer, G., 1975. Bivalva aus dem Dolomit von Großmehring bei Ingolstadt (Untertithon, Südliche Frankenalb, Bayern). Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Historische Geologie 15, 19-27, 4 Abb., 1 Taf. - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,20 [No. 19697]

Yancey, T.E. & Boyd, D.W., 1983. Revision of the Alatoconchidae: a remarkable family of Permian bivalves. Palaeontology 26, 497-520, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 5,50 [No. 20005]

Yen, T.-C., 1952. Molluscan Fauna of the Morrison Formation. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 233-B, 21-51, 4 pls - 4to, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 8,50 [No. 17321]

Yochelson, E.L., 1968. On the nature of Polylopia. Geological Survey Professional Paper 593-F, 6pp, 1 pl - 4to; (ca. 30g). EUR 7,00 [No. 15227]

Yochelson, E.L. & Jones, C.R., 1968. Teiichispira, a new early Ordovician gastropod genus. Geological Survey Professional Paper 613-B, 13pp, 2 pls - 4to; (ca. 30g). EUR 7,50 [No. 15228]

Zakharov, V.A., 1966. Late Jurassic and early Cretaceous Bivalvia (Anisomyaria) in northern Siberia and the conditions of their existence [in Russian]. Academy of Science of the USSR, Siberian Branch Moscow, 189pp, 46 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 22,50 [No. 20698]

Zakharov, V.A., 1966. Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Bivalves of the North of Siberia and their paleoecology. Order Anisomyaria [in Russian]. Nauka Moscow, 189pp, 46 pls - 8vo, paperback, a bit used; (ca. 700g). EUR 19,50 [No. 17322]

Zakharov, V.A., 1970. Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous bivalves of the Siberian north and their ecology. Part 2. Family Astartidae. Academy of Science of the USSR, Siberian Branch, Transactions 113, 143p, 39 figs, 15 pls - 8vo, paperback, in Russian, cover and bind. damaged; (ca. 500g). EUR 15,00 [No. 14160]

Zeiss, A., 1955. Pholadomya (Procardia) ziergiebeli n.sp., eine neue Lamellibrachiaten-Art aus dem Callovien Europas. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 1955/11, 498-503, 1 fig - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 6309]

Zhi-Wen, J., 1980. Early Lower Devonian tentaculites from western Yunnan. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 19, 505-510, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint, in Chinese with English sumary; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,40 [No. 15229]

Ziegler, B., 19?? Pelecypoden im mediterranen Oberjura. Ann. Inst. Geologici Puplici Hungarici 54, 259-262 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7777]

Ziegler, B., 1969. Über Exogyra virgula (Lamellibranchiata, Oberjura). Bericht der Schweizerischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft 62, 685-696, 12 figs, 6 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 3,50 [No. 6322]

Zonova, T.D., Kazincova, L.I. & Yazykova, E.A., 1993. Atlas to the guiding groups of Cretaceous fauna from Sachalin. St. Petersburg Nedra, 1-326, 6 fig., 108 pl. - 8vo, in Russian, hardcover, very important atlas on radiolarians, inoceramids and ammonites; the plates are in a horrible printing quality, however, good contribution to the knowledge of the Cretaceous Sachalin fauna.; (ca. 600g). EUR 24,00 [No. 8674]



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