Literaturhökerei WIESE
Second hand and antiquarian literature on
Geology and Palaeontology
Andres, D.,
1961. Die Struktur von Mastigograptiden aus einem ordovizischen Geschiebe
Berlins. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 12,
636-647, 10 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 6691] Andres, D.,
1980. Feinstrukturen und Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Graptolithen.
Paläont. Z. 54 (1/2), 129-170, 79 fig. - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR
7,00 [No. 6699] Barca, S. & Jaeger, H., 1990. New
geological and biostratigraphical data on the Silurian in SE-Sardinia. close
affinity with Thuringia. Boll. Soc. Paleont. Ital. 108, 565-580, 11 figs
- 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 6463] Bergakademie, Freiberg, 1969. Zur Paläontologie und Biostratigraphie
des Paläozoikums und Mesozoikums Europas, Teil IV. with: Über
Schwebeeinrichtungen bei Diplograptidae (Graptolithina) aus dem Silur.
Zur Biostratigraphie und Fazies des Zechsteins im Germanischen Becken unter
besonderer Berücksichtigung des Thüringer Beckens. Die Gattung Speluncella
SCHNEIDER 1956 ( Ostracoda) in der Germanischen Trias. Bemerkungen zur
Variabilität von Inoceramus koeneni G.MÜLLER aus der subherzynen
Kreide . Ostracoden aus der plenus-Zone (Oberkreide) Sachsens.
Freiberger Forschungshefte, C 245, 5-89, 31 figs, 5 tabs, 19 pl - 4to,
paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 14,00 [No. 5889] Berry, W.B.N.,
1962. Graptolite occurrence and ecology. Journal of Paleontology 36,
285-293 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 9725] Berry, W.B.N. & Murphy, M.A., 1975. Silurian and Devonian graptolites of
central Nevada. University of California Publications, Geological
Sciences 110, 109pp, 23 figs, 15 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 200g). EUR
14,90 [No. 14013] Boucek, B.,
1973. Lower Ordovician graptolites of Bohemia. Academia Publishing
House Prague, 185pp, 37 figs, 16 tabs, 24 pls - 8vo, paperback, some pencil
marking; (ca. 300g). EUR 17,50 [No. 13928] Bulman, O.M.B,
1953. On the thecae of Monograptus scanicus Tullberg.
Geological Magazine 90, 131-136, 3, figs - 8vo, offprint, some markings at
the back, not on the text; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 9726] Bulman, O.M.B,
1964. Lower Palaeozoic plankton. Quart. Journ. geol. Soc. 120,
455-476, 10 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 5,00 [No. 6483] Churkin, M. & al., 1970. Lower Devonian graptolites from
southeastern Alaska. Lethaia 3, 183-202, 9 figs - 8vo, offprint, some
notes; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 13627] Churkin, M. & Carter, C., 1996. Stratigraphy, structure, and graptolites
of an Ordovician and Silurian Sequence in the Terra Cotta Mountains, Alaska
range, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1555, 84pp, 50
figs, 3 tabs, 3 pls - 4to, paperback; (ca. 300g). EUR 19,50 [No.
17273] Churkin, M. jr. & al., 1970. Lower Devonian graptolites from
southeastern Alaska. Lethaia 3, 183-202, 9 figs - 8vo, offprint, some
markings; (ca. 50g). EUR 3,50 [No. 6448] Cooper, R.A. & Fortey, R.A., 1982. The Ordovician graptolites of Spitsbergen.
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology Series 36, 157-302,
83 figs, 6 pls - 8vo, paperback, a bit used; (ca. 100g). EUR 14,50
[No. 15182] Cuerda, A.J.,
1971. Monograpten des Unter-Ludlow aus der Vorkordilliere von San Juan,
Argentinien. Geologisches Jahrbuch 89, 391-406, 5 figs, 2 tabs, 1 pl -
8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 3,50 [No. 5955] Eisenack, A.,
1940. Regeneration im Bereich der Graptolithen-Prosicula. Paläontologische
Zeitschrift 22, 100-104, 3 figs, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR
3,00 [No. 7177] Ekström, G.,
1937. Upper Didymograptus Shale in Scania. Sveriges Geologiska
Undersökning, C 403, 1-53, 11 pls - 8vo, paperback, wrps damaged & loose,
some pencil notes; (ca. 200g). EUR 10,00 [No. 6716] Erben, H.K. (ed.), 1965. Referate. Symposiums-Band der 2. Internationalen
Arbeitstagung über die Silur/Devon-Grenze und die Stratigraphie von Silur und
Devon, Bonn-Bruxelles 1960. Geologie 14, 348-364, 1 tab - 8vo, offprint; (ca.
30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7808] Erdtmann, B.-D., 1971. Tetragraptus otagoensis and Janograptus terranovensis
n.sp., Ordovician graptolites from western and northern Newfoundland.
Journal of Paleontology 45, 258-264, 1 tab, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca.
30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 7173] Erdtmann, B.-D., 1975. Lower Ordovician graptolites of Bohemia. Journal of
Paleontology 49, 433-436 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 10g). EUR 3,00 [No.
9728] Erdtmann, B.-D., 1976. Ecostratigraphy of Ordovician graptoloids. offprint
from: The Ordovician System University of Wales, 621-643, 1 fig, 10 tabs -
8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 4,00 [No. 10819] Erdtmann, B.-D., 1988. The earliest Ordovician nematophorid graptolites: taxonomy
and correlation. Geological Magazine 125, 327-348, 10 figs - 4to,
offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 5,50 [No. 8267] Erdtmann, B.-D. & Adams, R.L., 1975. Callograptus indianensis n. sp.;
the latest North American graptolite from the Mississippian (Late Osagean) of
Indiana. Journal of Paleontology 49, 340-345, 1 fig, 1 pl - 8vo,
offprint; (ca. 20g). EUR 3,00 [No. 9727] Erdtmann, B.-D. & Comeau, D.J., 1980. A new Anisograptus faunule from the
Goodwin Formation (Tremadoc, Early ordovician) of Central Nevada and the
Cambrian-Ordovician boundary. Journal of Paleontology 54, 719-727, 3
figs, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7171] Fortey, R.A. & Cooper, A.G., 1986. A phylogenetic classification of the
graptoloids. Palaentology 29, 631-654, 11 figs - 8vo, offprint, a bit
used; (ca. 50g). EUR 4,50 [No. 17802] Haberfelner, E., 1931. Eine Revision der Graptolithen der Sierra Morena (Spanien).
Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 43, 19-66, 4
figs, 1 pl - 4to, offprint; (ca. 300g). EUR 12,00 [No. 8737] Hughes, R.A.,
1989. Llandeilo and Caradoc graptolites of the Builth and Shelve inliers.
Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society 141, 89pp, 30 figs, 5 pls - 4to,
paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 18,50 [No. 15910] Jaanusson, V.,
1960. Graptoloids from the Ontikan and Viruan (Ordov.) Limestones of
Estonia and Sweden. Publications from the Palaeontological Institution of
the University of Uppsala 29, 289-366, 9 figs, 1 tabs, 5 pls - 8vo, offprint;
(ca. 100g). EUR 12,50 [No. 13628] Jaanusson, V.,
1965. Two multiramous Graptoloids from the Lower Didymograptus
Shale of Scandinavia. Publications from the Palaeontological Institution
of the University of Uppsala 58, 413-432, 10 figs - 8vo, paperback; (ca.
50g). EUR 4,00 [No. 9729] Jaeger, H.,
1963. Monograptus hercynicus in den Westsudeten und das Alter der
Westsudeten-Hauptfaltung. Vorläufige Mitteilung. Berichte der
Geologischen Gesellschaft der DDR 8, 649-652 - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g).
EUR 3,00 [No. 7076] Jaeger, H.,
1966. Two late Monograptus species from Victoria, australia, and their
significance for dating the Baragwanathia flora. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria
79, 393-413, 1 fig., 3 pls - some pencil markings.; (ca. 50g). EUR
8,00 [No. 7067] Jaeger, H.,
1969. Ein Linograptus-Rhabdosom mit thekalem Cladium aus dem thüringischen
Unterdevon. Geologie 4, 491-497, 1 tab, 1pl - 8vo, offprint; (ca.
30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7822] Jaeger, H.,
1970. Remarks on the stratigraphy and morphology of Praguian and probably
younger monograptids. Lethaia 3, 173-182, 1 fig - 8vo, offprint; (ca.
30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7068] Jaeger, H.,
1976. Das Silur und Unterdevon vom thüringischen Typ in Sardinien und
seine regionalgeologische Bedeutung. Nova Acta Leopoldina 224, 263-299,
10 figs, 1 tab, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 8,00 [No. 7070] Jaeger, H.,
1977. Graptolites. IUGS Series A 5, 337-345, 7 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca.
30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7077] Jaeger, H.,
1978. Devonian features in Ludlovian graptolites - no guide to ancestry.
Lethaia 11, 301-306, 5 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No.
7065] Jaeger, H.,
1991. Neue Standard-Graptolithenzonenfolge nach der "Großen
Krise" an der Wenlock/Ludlow-Grenze (Silur). Neues Jahrbuch für
Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 182, 303-354, 32 figs - 8vo,
offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 7,50 [No. 7081] Jaeger, H.,
1992. Ein dendroider Graptolith (Ophigraptus hercyniae n.g.n.sp.)
von der Unter/Mitteldevon-Grenze im Harz (Deutschland). Paläontologische
Zeitschrift 66, 123-128, 5 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00
[No. 7066] Jaeger, H. & al., 1968. Graptolites of the Lower Devonian from
Thailand (Preliminary results). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie,
Monatshefte 1969/12, 728-730, 1 fig - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR
3,00 [No. 7064] Jaeger, H. & al., 1969. Fauna (Graptolithen, Brachiopoden) der
unterdevonischen Schwarzschiefer Nord-Thailands. Neues Jahrbuch für
Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 133, 171-190, 1 fig, 4 pl - 8vo,
offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 5,00 [No. 7625] Jaeger, H., Havlícek, V. & Schönlaub, H.P., 1975. Biostratigraphie der
Ordovizium/Silur-Grenze in den Südalpen - Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion um die
Hirnantia-Fauna. Verhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 1975,
271-289, 2 figs, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 7072] Kirk, N.H.,
1972. Some thoughts on the construction of rhabdosome in the
Graptolithina, with special reference to extrathecal tissue and its bearing
on the theory of automobility. University College of Wales, Aberystwyth,
Department of Geology Publications 1, 1-21, 5 pls - 4to; (ca. 400g).
EUR 10,00 [No. 8935] Kirk, N.H.,
1973. More thoughts on bithecae, budding and branching in the
Graptolithina. University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Department of
Geology Publications 2, 1-11, 2 pls - 4to, softbound, cover used; (ca.
400g). EUR 7,00 [No. 8887] Kirk, N.H.,
1974. Some thoughts on convergence and divergence in the Graptolithina.
University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Department of Geology Publications
5, 1-29, 2 pls - 4to, softbound; (ca. 400g). EUR 10,00 [No. 8900] Koren, T.N. & Rickards, R.B., 1996. Taxonomy and evolution of Llandovery
biserial graptoloids from the southern Urals, western Kazakhstan. Special
Papers in Palaeontology 54, 103pp, 23 figs, 2 tabs, 14 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca.
500g). EUR 18,00 [No. 15899] Kozlowski, R.,
1953. Badania nad nowym gatunkiem z rodzaju Corynoides (Graptolithina).
Acta Geologica Polonica 3, 193-209 - 8vo, offprint, with , Russian, French
and English abstract; (ca. 50g). EUR 3,50 [No. 6661] Kozlowski, R.,
1962. Crustoidea - Nouveau groupe de Graptolites. Acta Palaeontologica
Polonica 7, 3-52, 26 figs, 4 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR
11,00 [No. 5858] Kühn, O.,
1966. Ein systematisches Verzeichns aller auf österreichischem Gebiet
festgestellten Fossilien. Heft Vd: Graptolithna. Catalogus Fossilium
Austriae Wien, 78pp - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 100g). EUR 12,00 [No.
14274] Lenz, A.C.,
1982. llandoverian graptolites of the northern canadian Cordillera: Petalograptus,
Cephalograptus, Rhaphidograptus, Dimorphograptus,
Retiolitidae, and Monograptidae. Royal Ontario Museum, Life Science
Contributions 130, 154pp, 37 figs - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 300g). EUR
15,90 [No. 13932] Lenz, A.C. & Melchin, M.J., 1997. Phylogenetic analyses of the Silurian
Retiolitidae. Lethaia 29, 301-309, 5 figs - 4to, offprint; (ca. 30g).
EUR 3,00 [No. 17274] Loydell, D.K.,
1992. Upper Aeronian and Lowe Telychian (Llandovery) graptolites from
Western Mid-Lands. Part 1. Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society
146, 1-55, 13 figs, 1 pl - 4to, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 12,50 [No.
15949] Loydell, D.K.,
1993. Upper Aeronian and Lowe Telychian (Llandovery) graptolites from
Western Mid-Lands. Part 2. Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society
147, 56-180, 26 figs, 4 ls - 4to, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 17,50
[No. 15926] Loydell, D.K.,
2007. Graptolites from the Upper Ordovician and Lower Silurian of Jordan.
Special Papers in Palaeontology 78, 66pp, 22 figs, 2 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca.
500g). EUR 22,50 [No. 15874] Maletz, J. & Mitchell, C.E., 1996. Evolution and phylogenetic classification
of the Glossograptidae and Arienigraptidae (Graptoloidea): new data and
remaining questions. Journal of Paleontology 70, 641-655, 9 figs - 4to,
offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 8,00 [No. 8632] Maletz, J. & Servais, T., 1998. Upper Ordovician graptolites from the
Brabant Massif, Belgium. Geobios 31, 21-37, 8 figs - 4to, offprint; (ca.
50g). EUR 4,50 [No. 8630] Mierzejewski, P., 1991. Estoniocaulis Obut et Rotsk, 1958 and Rhadiongraptus
Obut, 1960 are not graptolites. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 36, 77-81,
2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 6394] Mierzejewski, P., 2000. On the nature and development of graptoblasts. Acta
Palaeontologica Polonica 45, 227-238, 4 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g).
EUR 3,00 [No. 6964] Mierzejewski, P., 2000. Graptolite nature of the Ordovician microfossil Xenotheka.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 45, 71-84, 9 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca.
50g). EUR 8,50 [No. 6957] Mierzejewski, P., 2000. An aberrant encrusting graptolite from the Ordovician of
Estonia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 45, 239-250, 6 figs - 8vo,
offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 7,00 [No. 6954] Moore, R.C.,
1963. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Part V. Graptolithina with
sections on Enteropneusta and Pterobranchia. Geological Society of
America and The University of Kansas Press Lawrence, V1-V101, 72 figs - 8vo,
paperback; (ca. 300g). EUR 15,00 [No. 6713] Moore, R.C. (ed.), 1970. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Part V. Second
Edition (Revised and Enlarged). Graptolithina with sections on Enteropneusta
and Pterobranchia. By O.M.B. Bulman. Geological Society of America and
The University of Kansas Press Lawrence, V1-V101, 72 figs - 8vo, paperback; (ca.
300g). EUR 20,00 [No. 17275] Müller, A. H.,
1964. Retiolitidae (Pterobranchiata, Graptolithina) mit Schwebeapparat (?)
aus dem Obersilur Ostthüringens. Geologie 8, 997-1003, 6 figs - 8vo,
offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 7833] Müller, A. H.,
1965. Über Abiesgraptus und verwandte (Graptoloidea) aus dem
mitteldeutschen Obersilur. Freiberger Forschungshefte C182, 5-18, 14
figs, 5 tabs - 4to, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR 6,00 [No. 19321] Müller, A.H.,
1971. Einiges über spirale und schraubenförmige Strukturen bei fossilen
Tieren unter besonderer Berücksichtigung taxonomischer und phylogenetischer
Zusammenhänge. Teil 3. Monatsberichte der deutschen Akademie der
Wissenschaften 13, 463-478, 11 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR
4,00 [No. 11039] Müller, A. H.,
1975. Form und Funktion der als Gonophoren gedeuteten Anhänge der
Diplograptidae (Graptolithina). Zeitschrift für Geologische
Wissenschaften 3, 1607-1616, 5 figs, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g).
EUR 3,00 [No. 6597] Müller, A.H.,
1975. Aberrante Graptoloidea (Pterobranchiata) aus dem Silur.
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offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 6928] Münch, A.,
1952. Die Graptolithen aus dem anstehenden Gotlandium Deutschlands und der
Tschechoslowakei. Geologica 7, 157 S., 62 Taf. - 8vo, paperback, Papier
gebräunt, leicht beschädigt; (ca. 500g). EUR 12,00 [No. 20285] National Museum, Prague, 1977. with: On some new species
from the Mastixiaceae-flora taphocenose from the Miocene near Hradek nad
Nisou (Zittau Basin, north Bohemia) (5 pl); Representatives of the family
Mastxiaceae in the Bohemian tertiary (4 pls); The Würmian foxes of Bohemia
and Moravian karst (25 figs, 2 pls); Dendroid graptolites of the ordivician
of Bohemia (14 pls). Acta Musei nationalis Pragae 109-238, num figs &
pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 300g). EUR 14,50 [No. 5824] Obut, A.M. (ed.), 1974. Graptolites of the USSR [in Russian]. Nauka, Siberian
Branch Novosibirsk, 200pp, 28 pls. - 8vo, hardback; (ca. 800g). EUR
19,00 [No. 19541] Packham, G. H., 1962. Some Diplograptids from the British Lower Silurian.
Palaeontology 5, 498-526, 7 figs, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g).
EUR 10,00 [No. 5800] Palme, D. & Rickards, B., 1991. Graptolites. Writing in the Rocks.
Fossil Illustrated 1, 182pp, 138 pls - 8vo, hardback; (ca. 1500g). EUR
55,00 [No. 19403] Rickardts, B. & Chapman, A., 1991. Bendigonian graptolites (Hemichordata) of
Victoria. Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 52, 135pp, 156 figs, 35 pls -
8vo, paperback; (ca. 200g). EUR 15,50 [No. 13897] Ross, J.R. & Berry, W.B.N., 1963. Ordovician graptolites of the Basin
Ranges in Californa, Nevada, Utah and Idaho. U.S. Geological Survey
Bulletin 1134, 177pp, 3 figs, 8 tabs, 14 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 300g).
EUR 15,00 [No. 10405] Skevington, D., 1965. Graptolites from the Ontikan Limestones (Ordovician) of Öland.
II. Graptoloidea and Graptovermida. Bulletin of the geological
Institutions of the University of Uppsala 63, 74pp, 73 figs, 4 tabs - 8vo,
paperback; (ca. 200g). EUR 12,00 [No. 17276] Skevington, D., 1966. The morphology and systematics of "Didymograptus"
fasciculatus Nicholson, 1869. Geological Magazine 103, 487-497, 8
figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 6911] Skoglund, R.,
1961. Kinnegraptus, a new graptolite genus from the Lower Didymograptus
Shale of Västergötland, Central Sweden. Bulletin of the geological
Institutions of the University of Uppsala 38, 389-400, 7 figs, 1 pl - 8vo,
offprint; (ca. 40g). EUR 3,50 [No. 6159] Skoglund, R.,
1963. Uppermost Viruan and Lower Harjuan (Ordovician) stratigraphy of Västergötland
and Lower Harjuan graptolite faunas of Central Sweden. Bulletin of the
geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala 45, 55pp, 12 figs, 5 pls
- 8vo, paperback, used copy; (ca. 100g). EUR 7,50 [No. 6149] Stein, V.,
1965. Stratigraphische und paläontologische Untersuchungen im Silur des
Frankenwaldes. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie,
Abhandlungen 121, 111-200, 26 Abb., 16 Tab., 2 Taf. - 8vo, offprint, spine a
bit damaged; (ca. 200g). EUR 12,00 [No. 21540] Storch, P.,
1983. The genus Diplograptus (Graptolithina) from the Lower
Silurian of Bohemia. Vestnik Ustredniho ustavu geologickeho 58, 159-170,
4 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 40g). EUR 3,20 [No. 17277] Strachan, I.,
1969. A redescription of W. Carruthers' type graptolites. Bulletin of
the British Museum (Natural History), Geology 17, 181-206, 8 figs, 5 pls -
8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 10,00 [No. 17278] Strachan, I.,
1996. A bibliographic index of British graptolites (Graptoloidea).
Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society 150, 40pp - 4to, paperback; (ca.
100g). EUR 14,00 [No. 15911] Strachan, I.,
1997. A bibliographic index of British graptolites (Graptoloidea). Part 2.
Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society 151, pp 41-155 - 4to, paperback;
(ca. 100g). EUR 14,00 [No. 15925] Sudbury, M.,
1957. Diplograptus spinolosus sp. nov. from the Ordovician of Syria.
Geological Magazine 94, 503-506, 1 fig - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR
3,00 [No. 6834] Teichmüller, M., 1952. Monograptus sp. in einem Kieselschiefergeröll des
Schwarzwälder Buntsandsteins. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie,
Monatshefte 1952/8, 370-373, 1 fig - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR
3,00 [No. 6567] Teichmüller, M., 1978. Nachweis von Graptolithen-Periderm in geschieferten
Gesteinen mit Hilfe kohlenpetrologischer Methoden. N. Jb. Geol Paläont. Mh. 1978/7, 430-447, 7 figs -
8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,50 [No. 8583] Thorsteinsson, R., 1955. The mode of cladial generation in Cyrtograptus.
Geological Magazine 92, 37-49, 4 figs, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g).
EUR 3,00 [No. 8710] Urbanek, A.,
1959. Studies on Graptolites. II. On the develoment and structure of
graptolite genus Gymnograptus Bulman. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
4, 279-338,18 figs, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 200g). EUR 12,50 [No.
7118] Urbanek, A.,
1959. Studies on Graptolites. I. Development and structure of Pristiograptus
gotlandicus (Perner). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 4, 11-26, 4 figs,
2 pls - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 100g). EUR 4,50 [No. 7151] Urbanek, A.,
1960. An attempt at biological interpretation of evolution changes in
graptolite colonies. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 5, 127-234, 20 figs, 3
pls - 8vo, offprint, a bit damaged; (ca. 200g). EUR 10,00 [No. 7119] Urbanek, A.,
1966. On the morphology and evolution of the Cucullograptinae
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291-535, 27 figs, 47 pls - 8vo, paperback; (ca. 500g). EUR 19,50 [No.
13629] Urbanek, A.,
1970. Neocullograptinae n. subfam. (Graptolithina) - their evolutionary
and stratigraphic bearing. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 15, 164-388, 19
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1: the periderm and its derivatives in the Dendroidea and in Mastigograptus.
Smith. Contr. Paleobio. 20, 1-46, 2 figs, 2 tabs, 28 pls - 4to; (ca.
250g). EUR 9,00 [No. 7189] Urbanek, A. & Towe, K.M., 1975. Ultrastructural
studies on graptolites, 2: the periderm and its derivatives in the
graptoloidea. Smith. Contr. Paleobiol. 22, 1-24, 3 fig., 24 pl. - 4to; (ca.
250g). EUR 12,50 [No. 7190] Voigt, E.,
1957. Dictyonema-Schiefer als Geschiebe bei Hamburg.
Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Staatsinstitut in Hamburg 26, 39-42, 1 pl -
8vo, offprint; (ca. 30g). EUR 3,00 [No. 5761] Walker, M.,
1953. The development of Monograptus dubius and Monograptus
chimaera. Geological Magazine 90, 362-373, 6 figs - 8vo, offprint,
some markings; (ca. 50g). EUR 3,00 [No. 6346] Walker, M.,
1953. The development of a Diplograptid from the Platteville Limestone.
Geological Magazine 90, 1-16, 12 figs - 8vo, offprint; (ca. 50g). EUR
3,50 [No. 6348] Zai, D.T., 1974. Early
Ordovician graptolites of Kazachstan. Acad. Sci. USSR Moscow, 1-127, 39
figs, 11 pls - 8vo, paperback, cover a bit used, in Russian; (ca. 600g).
EUR 25,00 [No. 8620] |