Second hand and antiquarian literature on
Geology and Palaeontology




No. 23. - Andritzky, G. & al., 1971. Beiträge zur Geologie von Zentral- und Süd-Afghanistan. Beih. Geol. Jb. 96, 1-226, 36 fig., 2 tab., 13 pl. - 8vo, paperback. EUR 15,00 [600g]

No. 114. - Bender, F., 1974. Explanatory notes on the geological map of the Wadi Araba, Jordan. Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 10, 1-62, 14 fig., 2 tab., 1 pl., 3 geol maps - 8vo, paperback. EUR 25,00 [600g]

No. 144. - Berry, W.B.N. & BOUCOT, A.J., 1972. Correlation of the southeat Asian and Near Eastern Silurian rocks. Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Pap. 137, 1-65, 4 figs - 4to. EUR 9,00 [600g]

No. 305. - Collenette, P., 1958. The geology and mineral resources of the Jesselton-Kinabalu area, North Borneo. Geological Survey Department British Territories in Borneo Memoir 6, 1-194, 39 figs, 22 tabs, 53 pls, 1 col. geol map 1:125,000 - 4to, hardback. EUR 24,90 [1500g]

No. 580. - Ganss, O., 1970. Zur Geologie von Südost-Afghanistan. I.  Geologie des Gebietes von Ghazni-Gardez-Urgun. II. Geologie des Gebietes um Mukur und Ob-i-Istada. Beih. Geol. Jb. 84, 1-203, 11 fig., 1 tab., 23 pl. - 8vo, paperback. EUR 22,00 [600g]

No. 654. - BGR und geologische Landesämter in der BRD, Hannover, 1973. with: Bruggey: Mesozoikum und Alttertiär in Nord-Paktia (SE-Afghanistan) (24 fig., 2 pl.); Raufi & Sickenberg: Zur Geologie und Paläontologie der Becken von Lagman und Jalalabad (11 fig., 2 tab., 2 pl.). Geol. Jb. B3, 1-99 - 8vo, paperback. EUR 11,00 [300g]

No. 667. - BGR und geologische Landesämter in der BRD, Hannover, 1975. with: Bäcker: Exploration of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden during the M.S. VALDIVIA Cruises "Erzschlämme A" and "Erzschlämme B" (3-78, 15 fig, 3 tab); Bäcker, Lange & RICHTER: Morphology of the Red Sea Central Graben between Subair Islands and Abul Kizaan (79-123, 32 fig, 6 pls); WERNER & Lange: A Bathymetric Survey of the Sill Area between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden (125-130, 5 figs); ROESER: A Detailed Magnetic Survey of the Southern Red Sea (131-153, 10 figs, 1 pl); PLAUMANN: Some Results of a Detailed Gravimetric Survey of the Southern Red Sea (155--165, 8 figs, 1 tab, 1 pl). Geologisches Jahrbuch, D 13, 1-165 - 8vo, paperback. EUR 17,50 [600g]

No. 672. - BGR und geologische Landesämter in der BRD, Hannover, 1976. with: The stratigraphy and paleontology of the Mesozoic sequence in the Mae Sot area in Western Thailand; Geology of the Thong Pha Phum area (Western Thailand); Triassic and Jurassic limestones in the region northwest and west of Si Sawat (Western Thailand); The foraminifera in the Jurassic limestones of western Thailand; The stratigraphy and paleogeography on the nonmarine Mesozoic deposits in northern Thailand. Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 21, 1-204, 26 fig., 12 tab., 34 pl. - 8vo, paperback, with pls on Jurassic ammonites & foraminifera. EUR 15,00 [600g]

No. 695. - BGR und geologische Landesämter in der BRD, Hannover, 1980. with: Heimbach & Rösch: Die Mottled Zone in Zentraljordanien & Heimbach: Das Guano Vorkommen auf der Insel Hamar an Nafur im Golf von Masirah (Arabisches Meer), Sultanat von Oman. Geol. Jb. B40, 3-29, 3 figs, 1 tab., 3 pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 5,00 [300g]

No. 700. - BGR und geologische Landesämter in der BRD, Hannover, 1981. with: Geological map of west central Sumatra 1:250.000-with explanatory notes; The structure system of west central Sumatra; The Tertiary deposits of west central Sumatra. Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 47, 1-56, 8 fig., 3 pl., 1 map - 8vo, paperback. EUR 17,00 [500g]

No. 704. - BGR und geologische Landesämter in der BRD, Hannover, 1982. with: On the Evolution of the Wadi-Araba-Jordan Rift (3-20, 9 figs); Zum Vorkommen von Wolchonskoit, einem Cr-Montmorillonit, aus dem Hangenden der "Mottled Zone" Zentraljordaniens (21-30, 10 figs, 1 tab.). Geologisches Jahrbuch 45, 30pp, nm figs - 8vo, paperback. EUR 8,00 [300g]

No. 899. - Hahn, L., 1982. Stratigraphy and marine ingression of the Mesozoic Khorat Group in northeastern Thailand. Geologisches Jahrbuch 43, 7-35, 10 figs, 2 tabs, 2 pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 8,00 [100g]

No. 1013. - Ingham, F.T. & Bradford, E.F., 1960. The Geology and Mineral resources of the Kinta Valley, Perak. Geological Survey Records, District Memoir 9, 347pp. 19 figs, 18 pls, 4 large folded coloured geological maps - large 8vo, hardbound. EUR 69,50 [1500g]

No. 1036. - Jarrar, G.H., 1985. Late Proterozoic crustal evolution of the Arabian-Nubian shield in the Wadi Araba area, SW Jordan. Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 61, 3-87, 33 figs,  tabs, 4 pls - 8vo, offprint. EUR 11,00 [150g]

No. 1066. - Kaiser, K. & al., 1973. Quartärstratigraphische Untersuchungen aus dem Damaskus-Becken und seiner Umgebung. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 17, 263-353, 8 figs, 3 tabs, 11 pls - 8vo, offprint. EUR 14,50 [200g]

No. 1138. - Korean Organizing Committee for 5th Symposium of IGCP 220, 1988. Guide book for post symposium field conference IGCP 220. - 1-102, num figs - 8vo, paperback. EUR 12,50 [600g]

No. 1233. - Lepsius, R., 1912. Keine diluviale Eiszeit in Japan. Geologische Rundschau 3, 157-163 - 8vo, offprint. EUR 3,00 [30g]

No. 1248. - Lindenberg, H.G. & al., 1984. Postpalaeozoic stratigraphy, structure and orogenic evolution of the southern Sabzewar Zone and the Taknar Block (Khorassan, NE Iran). N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 168, 287-326, 8 figs - offprint. EUR 7,50 [100g]

No. 1253. - Liu, G., 1992. Permian to Eocene sediments and Indian passive margin evolution in the Tibetian Himalayas. Tübinger Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten 13, 1-268, 108 figs, 13 tabs, 16 pls - 4to, paperback. EUR 12,00 [800g]

No. 1701. - Reichsamt für Bodenforschung, (Hrsg.), 1941. Die Bodenschätze des Nahen Ostens. Die wichtigsten Lagerstätten der Erde 9, 63p, 1 map - large 8vo. EUR 13,00 [600g]

No. 1828. - Schlimm, W., 1979. Zur Geologie des Paläozoikums von Malestan (Zentralafghanistan). Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 34, 1-105, 21 figs, 2 tabs, 4 pls, 1 col. map - 8vo, paperback. EUR 10,00 [600g]

No. 1948. - Shinaq, R., 1990. Mikrofazielle untersuchungen kambrischer, triassischer und jurassischer Karbonatgesteine Jordaniens. unpubl. PhD thesis Univ. Hamburg 1-196, 34 figs, 25 figs - 8vo, paperback. EUR 12,50 [600g]

No. 1957. - Siegmund, H., 1995. Fazies und Genese unterkambrischer Phosphorite und mariner Sedimente der Yangtse-Plattform, Südchina. Berl. geowiss. Abh. A173, 1-114, 32 fig., 29 tab., 10 pl. - 4to, paperback. EUR 12,50 [600g]

No. 2018. - Stauffer, K.W., 1968. Silurian-Devonian reef complex near Nowshera, West Pakistan. Geological Society of America Bulletin 79, 1331-1350, 7 figs, 8 pls - 8vo, offprint. EUR 4,00 [50g]

No. 2053. - Stille, H. & Lotze, F. (eds), 1942. Die tektonische Entwicklung der pazifischen Randgebiete I. Geotektonische Forschungen 4, 1-154, 45 figs, 1 pl - 4to, paperback, wrps damaged, needs cutting. EUR 15,00 [800g]

No. 2168. - Valeton, I., 1966. Laterale Faziesdifferenzierungen Laterit-Bauxit und deren Beziehung zum Paläorelief in Gujerat (Indien). Acad. Youg. Sciences et des Arts 2, 50-82, 15 figs - 8vo, offprint. EUR 7,50 [30g]

No. 2178. - van den Boom, G., 1969. Zur Geologie und Genese der Manganerz-Vorkommen im Wadi-Dana. Beihefte Geologisches Jahrbuch 81, 161-176, 5 figs, 1 pl - 4to, offprint. EUR 3,50 [30g]

No. 2276. - Wallbrecher, E., 1974. Zur Geologie der Südflanke des afghanischen Hindukush zwischen den Flüssen Salang und Parandeh. unpubl. PhD thesis Berlin, 150pp, 65 figs, 3 maps - 8vo, paperback. EUR 7,00 [300g]

No. 2277. - Walter, R., 1972. Über Salzdiapire in Südost-Iran. Geologisches Jahrbuch 90, 30pp, 7 figs, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint, pls in colour. EUR 4,50 [100g]

No. 2281. - Warwick, P. & al., 1995. Lithofacies and palynostratigraphy of some Cretaceous and Paleocene rocks, Surghar and Salt Range Coal Fields, northern Pakistan. U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 2096, 35 pp., 4 fig., 2 tab. - 4to. EUR 9,00 [300g]

No. 2294. - Weippert, D., Wittekindt, H. & Wolfart, R., 1970. Zur geologischen Entwicklung von Zentral- und Südafghanistan. Beih. geol. Jb. 92, 1-99, 1 fig., 10 tab., 11 pl. - 8vo, paperback. EUR 16,00 [500g]

No. 4483. - Matsumaru, K., 1967. Geology of the Tomioka Area, Gunma Prefecture, with a note on "Lepidocyclina" from the Abuta Limestone Member. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, Sendai 39, 113-147, 31 figs, 7 tabs, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint. EUR 6,50 [100g]

No. 4684. - Richter, S., 2002. Rekonstruktion spätquartärer Sedimentationsprozesse am hydrothermal aktiven, zentralen Rift im Nord-Fitschi-Becken (Südwestpazifik) - Sedimentologie, Geochemie und Stratigraphie metallreicher Sedimente, äolischer Fallouttephren und subaquatischer Vulkaniklastika. Greifswalder Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen 11, 3-132, 64 figs, 21 tabs, 3 pls - 4to, paperback. EUR 15,00 [800g]

No. 5110. - Walther, M. & al., 2000. State and dynamics of Geosciences and Human Geography of Mongolia. Extended Abstracts of the International Symposium Mongolia 2000. Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, A 205, 1-197, 66 figs, 41 tabs - 4to, paperback. EUR 18,00 [500g]

No. 5129. - Derin, B. & Reiss, Z., 1966. Jurassic microfacies of Israel. The Israel Institute of Petroleum, Special Publications Tel-Aviv, 1-15, 320 photos - 4to, hardback. EUR 14,50 [400g]

No. 5308. - Aselmeyer, G.U., 1998. Sedimentologie, Petrologie und Porenraumbeschaffenheit obertriassischer und jurassischer Sandsteine im südöstlichen Ordos-Becken (Zentral-China). Clausthaler Geowissenschaftliche Dissertationen 56, 316pp, 150 figs, 20 tabs - 8vo, paperback. EUR 19,00 [800g]

No. 5324. - Stöcklin, J. & al., 1965. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Soltanieh Mountains (Northwest Iran). Geological Survey of Iran 2, 44pp, 17 figs, 3 pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 13,00 [250g]

No. 5369. - Montenat, C. & Vachard, D., 1980. Le Trias des Montagnes Centrales et autres régions d'Afghanistan. Eclogae geol. Helv. 73, 697-725, 5 figs, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint, bind. loose. EUR 3,00 [30g]

No. 5400. - Isozaki, Y., 1987. End-Permian Convergent Zone along the Nothern Margin of Kurosegawa Landmass and its Products in Central Shikoku, Southwest Japan. Journal of Geosciences Osaka City University 30, 51-131, 32 figs, 9 tabs - 8vo, paperback. EUR 10,00 [150g]

No. 5410. - Hall, J. K. & Neev, D., 1975. Final Report No.1 on the  Dead Sea Geophysical Survey, 19 July - 1.August 1974. Geological Survey of Israel-Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, Report MG/1/78, 21pp, 9 figs, 3 apendix - 4to, paperback, a bit usd. EUR 13,00 [100g]

No. 5499. - von Stackelberg, U. & von Rad, U., 1990. Geological Evolution and Hydrothermal Activity in the Lau and North Fiji Basins, Southwest Pacific Ocean. Geologisches Jahrbuch, D 92, 660 pp, 193 figs, 81 tabs, 50 pls - 8vo, paperback (new: 91,00 EUR). EUR 45,00 [1100g]

No. 5545. - Amireh, B.S., 1987. Sedimentological and petrological interplays of the Nubian series in Jordan with regard to palaeogeography and diagenesis. Braunschweiger Geologisch-Paläontologische Dissertationen 7, 232pp, 33 figs, 16 pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 10,00 [300g]

No. 5564. - Janschin, A.L., Chain, W.E. & Muratow, M.W., 1968. Regionalbau und Entwicklungsgesetze Eurasiens. Fortschritte der sowjetischen Geologie 8, 127pp, 4 figs, 4 maps - 8vo, hardback, stamped "ex libris Franz Lotze". EUR 15,50 [250g]

No. 5578. - de Keyser, F., 1961. Misima Island - geology and gold mineralization. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Reports 57, 36pp, 15 figs, 2 tabs, 2 pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 14,00 [250g]

No. 5588. - Davies, H.L. & Ives, D.J., 1965. The Geology of Fergusson and Goodenough Islands, Papua. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Reports 82, 65pp, 5 figs, 12 pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 14,50 [400g]

No. 6626. - Lewy, Z., 1996. The approximate position of the Middle-Upper Cenomanian substage boundary in Israel. Israel Journal of Earth Siencies 45, 193-199, 2 figs, 1 pl - 4to, offprint. EUR 3,50 [30g]

No. 7175. - Eschghi, I. & Kasig, W., 1976. Kugelige Absonderung in Tuffen und Tuffiten der Karaj-Formation östlich Tehran (Iran). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 1976/12, 714-725, 3 figs - 8vo, offprint. EUR 3,00 [30g]

No. 7203. - Sha, Jingeng & al., et, 1994. A revised Early Cretaceous age for the Longzhaogou and Jixi Groups of eastern Heilongjiang, China, previously considered Jurassic: Palaeogeographic implications. Newsl. Stratigr. 31, 101-114, 7 figs - 8vo, offprint. EUR 3,00 [30g]

No. 7827. - Kummel, B & Teichert, C, 1970. Stratigraphic boundary problems: Permian and Triassic of West Pakistan. The University Press of Kansas Lawrence, 474pp, 21 figs - 8vo, hardback. EUR 25,00 [1130g]

No. 8060. - Goldberg, M. & Friedmann, G.M., 1974. Paleoenvironments and paleogeographic evolution of the Jurassic system in southern Israel. Geological Survey of Israel Bulletin 61, pp1-4416 figs, 8 pls - 4to, offprint. EUR 10,00 [150g]

No. 8062. - Guan Hoe, T., 1993. Proceedings Symposium on Tectonic framework and energy resources of the western margin of the Pacific Basin. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Special Publications 33, 1-419, num figs - 4to, paperback. EUR 20,00 [1100g]

No. 9914. - Fliegel, G., 1927. Über Karbon- und Kreidekohlen bei Djidde an der Nordküste von Kleinasien. Geologische Rundschau 18, 144-147 - 8vo, offprint. EUR 3,00 [10g]

No. 9935. - Hemleben, C., 1977. Rote Tiden und die oberkretazischen Plattenkalke im Libanon. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. 4, 239-255, 9 figs - 8vo, offprint. EUR 3,50 [30g]

No. 9956. - BGR und geologische Landesämter in der BRD, Hannover, 1977. "Zur geologischen und strukturellen Entwicklung der Volksrepublik China. -- Contributions on the Geology and Tectonic Systems of the People's Republic of China". Geologisches Jahrbuch, B B27, 1-152, 2 figs, 1 map - 8vo, paperback, in English & Chinese. EUR 8,00 [200g]

No. 9958. - Wolfart, R., 1987. Geology of Amphoe Sop Prap (Sheet 1:50 000 No. 4844-1) and Amphoe Wang Chin (Sheet 1:50 000 No. 4944-4), Thailand. Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 65, 3-52, 5 figs, 3 tabs, 2 pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 19,90 [500g]

No. 9961. - Steinfatt, E., 1988. The Holocene History of the Valley between Hualien and Taitung, Eastern Taiwan. Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 69, 3-25, 15 figs, 5 pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 12,00 [400g]

No. 9964. - BGR und geologische Landesämter in der BRD, Hannover, 1990. with: Geological Map of Thailand 1:50 000 - Eplanation for the Sheets Amphoe Pak Chom 5345 II, Ban Na Kho 5344 I, Ban Huai Khop 5445 III, King Amphoe Nam Som 5444 IV (3-55, 15 figs, 1 pl, 3 maps); Some Devonian Corals and Stromatoporoids from Northeast Thailand (57-79, 3 figs, 6 pls); Carboniferous Corals from Northeast Thailand (northeast of Loei) (81-89, 1 pl); New Data on Foraminifera, Algae and Pseudo-Algae of the Visean and Bashkirian (Lower Middle Carboniferous) from Northeast Thailand (91-109, 3 fig., 3 pls). Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 73, 109pp, 11pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 22,50 [500g]

No. 9965. - BGR und geologische Landesämter in der BRD, Hannover, 1990. with: Mineral Resources Investigation in Sabah, East Malaysia, 1980--1984. with: Mineral Resources Investigation in Sabah, East Malaysia, 1980--1984- Selected Results and Conclusions (3-29, 7 figs, 1 tab); Geophysical Contribution to Prospecting for Massive Sulfide Deposits in the Bidu Bidu Hills in Sabah, Malaysia (31-63, 24 figs); Geological, Geochemical and Ore Microscopic Investigations of the Massive, Cupriferous Sulfide Occurrences at West Sualog in the Bidu Bidu Ophiolite Complex, Sabah, East Malaysia (65-95, 11 figs, 3 tabs, 1 pl); The Geological Setting of a Cupriferous Sulfide Mineralization in the Kiabau Area of the Bidu Bidu Hills, Sabah, East Malaysia (97-114, 12 figs, 3 tabs); Photogeological Investigations in the Area of Mt. Kinabalu and Adjacent Parts of Sabah, East Malaysia (115-135, 4 figs, 2 pls). Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 74, 135pp - 8vo, paperback. EUR 14,50 [200g]

No. 9966. - BGR und geologische Landesämter in der BRD, Hannover, 1992. with: Radiometric Dating of the Wangxiang Intrusive Complex, Hunan Province (3-37, 15 figs, 6 tabs); Radiometric Age Determinations on Granites and Sn-Nb-Ta Pegmatites from the Hengshan Area, Guangning District, Guangdong Province, China (39-74, 8 figs, 4 tabs, 1 pl). Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 76, 74pp - 8vo, paperback. EUR 12,00 [200g]

No. 9968. - Bannert, D., 1992. The Structural Development of the Western Fold Belt, Pakistan. Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 80, 3-60, 44 figs, 1 tab, 1 map - 8vo, paperback. EUR 18,50 [500g]

No. 9969. - Rammlmair, D., 1993. The Evolution of the Philippine Archipelago in Time ans Space: a Plate-Tectonic Model. Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 81, 3-48, 8 figs, 1 tab - 8vo, paperback. EUR 9,00 [200g]

No. 10127. - Wilckens, O. & v. Bubnof, S., 1942. Von der Nordsee zum Schwarzen Meer. Geologische Rundschau 33, 1-80, num. figs - 8vo, offprint. EUR 15,00 [150g]

No. 10263. - Ivanov, A., Coulter, G. & Timoshkin, O., 2002. Speciation in Ancient Lakes, SIAL III. Berliner Paläobiologische Abhandlungen 4, 200pp, num figs & tabs - 4to, paperback. EUR 12,50 [700g]

No. 10393. - Horie, S., 1976. Paleolimnology of Lake Biwa and the Japaneses Pleistocene, Vol. 4. Kyoto University Kyoto, 836pp, num figs & fold-out plates - 8vo, paperback. EUR 35,00 [2000g]

No. 10483. - Kerntke, M., 1992. Petrographische, geochemische und geochronologische Untersuchungen der Porphyr-Kupferlagerstätte Atlas Mining auf der Insel Cebu (Phillippinen). Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktors der Naturwissenschaften Hamburg, 300pp, 98 figs, num tabs in appendix - 8vo, paperback. EUR 14,00 [300g]

No. 10502. - McLure, H.M., Hussey, E. & Kaill, I., 1988. Permian-Carboniferous Glacial Deposits in Southern Saudi Arabia. Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 68, 3-31, 1 fig, 10 pls - 8vo, paperback, pls partly in col. EUR 5,50 [200g]

No. 10574. - Wolfart, R., 1966. Zur Geologie und Hydrogeologie von Syrien unter Berücksichtigung der süd- und nordwestlichen Landesteile. Beih. geol. Jb. 68, 1-129, 18 fig., 9 tab., 14 pl. - 8vo, paperback. EUR 22,00 [500g]

No. 10579. - Huckriede, R. & al., 1962. Zur Geologie des Gebietes zwischen Kerman und Sagand (Iran). Beih. Geol. Jb. 51, 1-197, 50 fig., 10 pl. - 8vo, paperback. EUR 14,00 [600g]

No. 10746. - Patwardhan, A.M. & Ahluwalia, A.D., 1973. A Note on the Origin of Mussooie Phosphorite in the Lower Himalaya, India, and its Palaeogeographic Implications. Mineral. Deposita (Berl.) 8, 379-387, 6 figs - 8vo, offprint. EUR 3,00 [20g]

No. 10755. - Gupta, V.J. & Stocklin, J., 1978. Stratigraphy and structure of the Phulchauki-Chandragiri Area, Nepal. Recent Researches in Geology 7, 263-275, 1 fig, 1 tab - 8vo, offprint. EUR 3,00 [30g]

No. 10846. - Liu, G., 1990. Permo-Carboniferous paleogeography and coal accumulation and their tectonic control in the North and Sout China continental pates. International Journal of Coal Geology 16, 73-117, 22 figs - 8vo, offprint. EUR 4,50 [30g]

No. 10873. - Leinz, V., 1933. Petrographische Untersuchungen der Sedimente des Toba-Sees (Nord-Sumatra). Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Supplement Band 12, 635-669, 1 fig, 2 pls - 8vo, offprint. EUR 10,00 [30g]

No. 11571. - Wilser, J.L., 1928. Der südrussische Tafelrand in Vorder- und Mittelasien (Geologie der Schwarzmeer-Umrandung und Kaukasiens. VI. Stück). Neues Jahrbuch für  Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilagen-Band 66, 151-184, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint. EUR 7,50 [30g]

No. 11648. - Wirth, E., 1937. Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Paläozoicums in der Umrandung des Roten Beckens von Szechuan, Südwest-China. Neues Jahrbuch für  Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilagen-Band 77, 77-112, 8 figs, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint. EUR 12,50 [100g]

No. 12257. - Dacqué, E., 1911. Die Stratigraphie des marinen Jura an den Ränderen des Pazifischen Ozeans. Geologische Rundschau 2, 464-498, 3 figs - 8vo, offprint. EUR 9,00 [30g]

No. 12272. - Lewy, Z., 1996. The approximate position of the Middle-Upper Cenomanian boundary in Israel. Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 45, 193-199, 2 figs, 1 pl - 4to, offprint, a bit used. EUR 3,50 [30g]

No. 12274. - Müller, R. & Walter, R., 1984. Stratigraphy, Magmatism and Structure of the Precambrian- Paleozoic Taknar Inlier Northwest of Kashmar (Khorassan, NE Iran). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 168, 327-344, 4 figs - 8vo, offprint. EUR 3,50 [30g]

No. 12275. - Oebbeke, K., 1881. Beiträge zur Petrographie der Philippinen. Habilitationschrift behufs Erlangung der venia docendi vorgelegt der hohen philosophischen Facultät der Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München, 51pp, 2 fgs - 8vo, paperback, first 2 pages slightly damaged. EUR 19,00 [100g]

No. 12288. - Wilser, J.L., 1928. Die geotektonische Stellung des Kaukasus und dessen Beziehungen zu Europa (Geologie der Schwarzmeer-Umrandung und Kaukasiens. II. Stück). Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 80, 153-194, 3 figs - 8vo, offprint. EUR 6,50 [30g]

No. 12289. - Wilser, J.L., 1928. Die stratigraphische und tektonische Stellung der Dobrudscha und die Zugehörigkeit des Balkangebirges zu den nordanatoloischen Ketten (III. Stück der Geologie der Schwarzmeer-Umrandung und Kaukasiens). Geologische Rundschau 19, 161-223, 3 figs, 2 tabs - 8vo, offprint. EUR 5,00 [30g]

No. 13102. - Hirano, H. & al., (eds.), 2001. Field Trip F: Environments of the Cretaceous Yezo Forearc basin - carbon cycle and bio-diversity change. Bulletin of the Nakagawa Museum of Natural History 4, 52pp, num figs - 4to, offprint. EUR 12,50 [50g]

No. 13103. - Hirano, H. & al., 2002. Cretaceous forearc basin of Central Hokkaido: Lithofacies and bofacies characteristics. 29th IGC Field Trip C02, 45-80, num figs - 4to, offprint. EUR 5,00 [50g]

No. 13375. - Arkin, Y. & Hamaoui, M., 1967. The Judea Group (Upper Cretaceous) in central and southern Israel. Geological Survey of Israel Bulletin 42, 17pp, 15 figs, 2 pl - 4to, offprint, a bit used. EUR 10,00 [50g]

No. 13376. - Ashalilov, M.R., 1971. Stratigraphy of Upper Cretacous deposits of the Tadshik Depression. Academy of Science of the Tadshik SSR Dushanbe, 209pp, num figs & tabs - 8vo, hardback, in Russian. EUR 20,00 [200g]

No. 13377. - Beerbaum, B., 1977. Die Genese der marin-sedimentären Phosphatlagerstätte von Al Hasa (westliches Zentraljordanien). Geologisches Jahrbuch, D 24, 3-55, 9 figs, 4 tabs, 6 pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 12,50 [200g]

No. 13378. - BGR und die staatlichen geologischen Dienste, BRD, 1996. The Paleogene of Syria-Stratigraphy, Lithology, Geochronology. Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 86, 3-135, 48 figs, 23 tabs - 8vo, paperback. EUR 13,50 [100g]

No. 13380. - Born, A., 1933. Zur Kenntnis des Orogen der Taimyr-Halbinsel. Geologische Rundschau 24, 129-137, 3 figs - 8vo, offprint. EUR 3,50 [30g]

No. 13381. - Hiller, K., 1988. On the Petroleum Geology of Bangladesh. Geologisches Jahrbuch, D 90, 3-32, 5 figs, 3 tabs, 1 pl - 8vo. EUR 9,00 [50g]

No. 13382. - Jux, U. & al., 1971. Schichtenfolge der marinen Oberkreide bei Bande Amir (Zentral-Afghanistan). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 1971/12, 712-733, 6 figs - 8vo, offprint. EUR 3,50 [30g]

No. 13384. - Kodama, K. & al., 2000. Magnetostratigrahy of Upper Cretaceous strata in Southern Sakhalin, Russia Far East. Cretaceous Research 21, 469-478, 5 figs - 4to, offprint. EUR 4,00 [30g]

No. 13385. - Kruck, W. & Thiele, J., 1983. Late Palaeozoic Glacial Deposits in the Yemen Arab Republic. Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 46, 3-29, 3 figs, 7 pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 8,00 [100g]

No. 13386. - Kummel, B. & Teichert, C., 1970. Stratigraphy and palaeontology of the Permian-Triassic boundary beds, Salt Range and Trans-Indus Ranges, west Pakistan. University of Kansas, Contributions 1970/33, 1-110, 37 figs - 8vo, paperback. EUR 14,00 [300g]

No. 13387. - Nemoto, T., 1934. Prliminary note on Alkaline Rhyolithes from Tokati, Hokkaido. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University, Series IV 2, 299-321, 6 figs, 4 pls - 8vo, offprint. EUR 12,00 [100g]

No. 13388. - Noack, O., 1926. Vergleichende petrographische Studien an Gesteinen der Minahassa in Nord-Celebes. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Hohen Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Vereinigten Friedrichsuniversität Halle, 41pp, - 8vo, paperback. EUR 14,00 [100g]

No. 13389. - Obrutschew, W.A., 1926. Die metallogenetischen Epochen und Gebiete von Sibirien. Abhandlungen zur praktischen Geologie und Bergwirtschaft 6, 63pp, 1 map - 8vo, paperback. EUR 12,50 [100g]

No. 13390. - Owen, L.A. & (eds), al., 2002. Special Issue: "Glaciation and Reorganisation of Asias Network of Drainage". Global and Planetary Change 32, 291-378, num figs - 8vo, paperback. EUR 14,50 [300g]

No. 13392. - Stöcklin, J. & al., 1965. Geology and mineral resources of the Soltanieh Mountains (Northwest Iran). Geological Survey of Iran Report 2, 44pp, 17 figs, 1 map - 8vo, paperback, dog-eared. EUR 12,00 [100g]

No. 13393. - Thiede, J. & (eds), al., 2001. Special Issue: "The Late Quarternary stratigraphy and environments of northern Eurasia and the adjacent Arctic seas - new contributions from QUEEN". Global and Planetary Change 31, 474pp, num figs - 8vo, paperback. EUR 27,90 [1500g]

No. 13395. - Weigelt, O., 1914. Über einige Erzlagerstätten am Sichota-Alin in Ostsibirien. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilagen-Band 37, 653-738, 9 figs, 6 pls - 8vo, offprint. EUR 17,50 [100g]

No. 13396. - Wirth, E., 1936. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Trias in der Provinz Szechuan, West-China. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilagen-Band 75, 412-446, 14 figs, 1 pl - 8vo. EUR 11,00 [100g]

No. 13792. - von zur Mühlen, L., 1929. Über die Morphologie der Gebirge Turkestans. Sitzungsberichte der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt 4, 4-7, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint. EUR 3,40 [30g]

No. 13942. - Furon, R., 1941. Géologie du Plateau Iranien (Perse-Afghanistan-Béloutchistan). Mem. Museum National d'Hist. Nat., N.S. 7, 238pp, 8 plates, 1 folded col. geol. mapl - 8vo, paperback. EUR 22,50 [300g]

No. 13979. - Fürst, M., 1970. Stratigraphie und Werdegang der östlichen Zagrosketten. Erlanger Geologische Abhandlungen 80, 1-51, 9 figs, 17 pls - 4to, paperback. EUR 14,50 [250g]

No. 14015. - von Stahl, A.F., 1923. Kaukasus. Handbuch der Regionalen Geologie 25, Band 5, 5. Abt., 79pp,10 pl - 8vo, paperback, needs cutting, some pages damaged. EUR 12,00 [100g]

No. 14026. - von Bubnoff, S., 1937. Die Halbinsel Kola. Geologische Rundschau 28, 47pp, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint. EUR 14,00 [50g]

No. 14074. - Philippson, A., 1918. Kleinasien. Handbuch der Regionalen Geologie 22, 179pp, some figs, 3 pls - 8vo, paperback, needs cutting. EUR 17,50 [100g]

No. 14107. - Schnitzer, W. A., 1971. Das Jungpräkambrium Indiens ("Purana-System"). Neugliederung, Stromatolithenführung und lithofazielleVergleiche. Erlanger Geologische Abhandlungen 85, 44pp, 15 figs, 15 tabs, 6 pls - 4to, paperback. EUR 12,00 [100g]

No. 14306. - Golbert, A.V. & al., 1968. Paleolandscapes of West Siberia in the Jurassic, Cretaceous and Paleogene. Nauka Moscow, 150pp, num figs - 8vo, hardback, in Russian. EUR 22,00 [500g]

No. 14358. - Aliev, M.M., 1988. Cretaceous fauna of Azerbaidshan. Academy of Science of the ASSR Baku, 454pp, 157pls - 8vo, hardback, a bit used, in Russian, pls on forams, molluscs, echinoids, coccolithes. EUR 45,00 [1500g]

No. 14371. - von Drygalski, E. (ed.), 1909. 1.  von Drygalski: Geographie von St. Paul und Neu-Amsterdam. Mit 3 Abbildungen im Text. 2. Philippi: Geologie der Inseln von St. Paul und Neu Amsterdam im indischen Ozean. Mit Tafeln XXVIII-XXX und 2 Abbildungen im Text. 3. Reinisch: Gesteine von St. Paul und Neu Amsterdam. Mit 3 Abbildungen im Text.  4. Vanhöffen: Tiere und Pflanzen von St. Paul und Neu Amstersam. Deutsche Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903 im Auftrage des Reichsamtes des Inneren II. Band. Geographie und Geologie, Heft V, 346-410, 3 pls - folio, paperback, uncut. EUR 45,00 [1100g]

No. 14372. - von Drygalski, E. (ed.), 1908. 1. von Drygalski: Geographie von Heard-Eiland. Mit Tafel XXIII und 3 Abb. 2. Philippi: Geologie der Heard-Insel. 3. Reinisch: Gesteine der Heard-Insel. Mit 8 Abb. im Text. 4. Vanhöffen: Tiere und Pflanzen der Heard-Insel. 5. Meinardus: Skizze des Klimas der Heard Insel. Mit 2 Abb. im Text. Deutsche Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903 im Auftrage des Reichsamtes des Inneren II. Band. Geographie und Geologie, Heft III, 223-298, 1 pl. - folio, paperback, uncut. EUR 45,00 [1100g]

No. 14550. - Blanckenhorn, M., 1931. Geologie Palästinas nach heutiger Auffassung. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 54, 50pp, 1 map - 8vo, paperback. EUR 12,00 [50g]

No. 14616. - Thiele, O. & al., 1968. Explanatory sheet of the Golpaygan Quadrangle Map 1:250.000. Geological Survey of Iran Teheran, 24pp, 1 geol map - 8vo, paperback. EUR 15,00 [100g]

No. 14625. - Pfannenstiel, M., 1957. Das Quartär der Levante. Teil IV. Der Kalktuff von Bursa. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse 1957/3, 39pp, 8 pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 8,50 [50g]

No. 14626. - Pfannenstiel, M., 1956. Das Quartär der Levante. Teil III. Rezente Froststrukturen und Karst des Uludagh (Westtürkei). Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse 1956/5, 24pp, 7 pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 7,50 [50g]

No. 14635. - Nöth, H.L., 1931. Glazialgeologische und morphologische Untersuchungen im Nordwest-Pamir. Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft in München 24, 154-192, 3 pls - 8vo, offprint. EUR 12,00 [50g]

No. 14682. - Ghorbani, M., 1994. Untersuchungen zur Genese und zum Stoffbestand der Evaporite des Maharlu-Sees (Schiraz/Iran) und der Salzstöcke des Maharlubeckens. Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen, 93pp, 36 figs, 22 tabs, 1 pl - 8vo, paperback. EUR 12,50 [100g]

No. 14686. - Hückel, U., 1970. Die Fischschiefer von Haquel und Hjoula in der Oberkreide des Libanon. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 135, 113-149, 17 figs, 5 tabs - 8vo, offprint. EUR 5,00 [30g]

No. 15636. - Riedel, H., 1996. Die holozäne Entwicklung des Dalyan-Deltas (Südwest-Türkei). Marburger geographische Schriften 130, 216pp, 30 figs, 8 tabs - 8vo, paperback. EUR 15,00 [100g]

No. 15661. - Barsbold, R. (ed), 1985. Paleontology and stratigraphy of Paleogene of Transaltaic Gobi. The Joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition, Transactions 25, 102pp, 18 figs, 4 tabs - 8vo, paperback, in Russian. EUR 14,50 [100g]

No. 15662. - Höck, V. & al., 1999. Oligocene-Miocene sediments, fossils and basalts from the Valley of lakes (cetral Mongolia) - An integrated study. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft 90, 83-125, 22 figs, 4 tabs, 4 enclos - 4to, offprint. EUR 12,50 [100g]

No. 15663. - Tyokei, R., 1935. Stratigraphical studies on the younger Tertiary and Pleistocene Formations of Toyohara district, Taityu Prefecture, Taiwan (Formosa). memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Agriculture Taihoku Imperial University 8, 13-30, some figs, 7 pls, 1 col fold-out map - 8vo, offprint, used. EUR 12,00 [50g]

No. 15930. - Zhakarov, V.A. (ed), 1983. Jurassic and Cretaceous Palaeobiogeography and Biostratigraphy of Siberia [in Russian]. Academy of Science of the USSR, Siberian Branch, Transactions 528, 181pp, num figs, 27 pls - 8vo, paperback, pls on bivalves, belemnites & ammonites. EUR 17,50 [500g]

No. 15940. - Matsumoto, T., 1977. Mid-Cretaceous Events. Palaeontological Society of Japan, Special Papers 21, 1-265, num figs & pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 16,00 [500g]

No. 15999. - Rostovzev, K.O. (ed), 1992. The Jurassic of the Caucasus [in Russian. Nauka St. Petersburg, 184pp, 32 figs - 8vo, paperback. EUR 15,90 [500g]

No. 16028. - Okada, H. (ed.), 1994. The Cretaceous system in East and South Asia. Research Summary 1994. Newsletter Special Issue IGCP 350. Kyushu University Fukuoka, 68pp, some figs - 8vo, paperback. EUR 10,00 [100g]

No. 16029. - Okada, H. (ed.), 1995. The Cretaceous system in East and South Asia. Research Summary 1995. Newsletter Special Issue 2 IGCP 350. Kyushu University Fukuoka, 69pp, some figs - 8vo, paperback. EUR 10,00 [100g]

No. 16061. - Naini-Alavi, M., 1972. Etude géologique de la région de Djam. Geological Survey of Iran, Report 23, 287pp, 77 figs, 84 fotos - 8vo, paperback, some figs on Jurassic and Cretaceous ammonites. EUR 22,50 [500g]

No. 16079. - Okada, H. (ed.), 199&. The Cretaceous system in East and South Asia. Research Summary 1995. Newsletter Special Issue § IGCP 350. Kyushu University Fukuoka, 24pp, some figs - 8vo, paperback. EUR 8,00 [100g]

No. 16089. - Poyarkova, Z.N., 1987. Reference section of Cretaceous deposits in Sakhalien (Naiba section) [in Russian]. Nauka Publisher Leningrad Branch, 1-197, 22 figs, 35 pls - 8vo, paperback, hard to get, with pls on inoceramids, ammonites, foraminifera and radiolarians; important contribution to the Cretaceous of the area. EUR 22,50 [500g]

No. 16316. - Leuchs, K., 1914. Die Bedeutung der Überschiebungen in Zentralasien. Geologische Rundschau 5, 81-87 - 8vo, offprint. EUR 4,50 [30g]

No. 16318. - Leuchs, K., 1913. Ergebnisse neuer geolgischer Forschungen im Tian-Schan. Geologische Rundschau 4, 15-42 - 8vo, offprint, a bit waterstained. EUR 5,00 [30g]

No. 16355. - Easton, W.N., 1926. Die wichtigsten Edelmetall-Lagerstätten Sumatras. Archiv für Lagerstättenforschung 35, 53pp, 15 figs, 3 pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 12,50 [100g]

No. 16431. - Buggisch, W. & al., 1974. Mitteldevonische Vulkanite im südanatolischen Taurus (Beiträge zur Biostratigraphie des anatolischen Paläozoikums). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 1974/10, 577-592, 9 figs, 1 tab - 8vo, offprint. EUR 3,00 [30g]

No. 16660. - Alsharan, A.S. & (eds), al., 19?? Field Trip Guide Book to examine the Holocene carbonate/evaporites of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. U.A.E. University Publications Dep., 46pp, 51 figs - 8vo, with numerous colored photographs on the depositional settings. EUR 10,00 [100g]

No. 17061. - Sachs, V.N., 1970. The Upper Jurassic and its boundary to the Cretaceous system [in Russian]. Academy of Science of the USSR, Siberian Branch Novosibirsk, 192pp, 15 pls - 8vo, hardback, with pls on ammonites, bivalves and foraminifera. EUR 18,00 [800g]

No. 17062. - Sachs, V.N., 1974. Biostratigraphy of the Boreal Mesozoic [in Russian]. Academy of Science of the USSR, Siberian Branch Novosibirsk, 187pp, 15 pls - 8vo, paperback, pls on bivalves, ammonites and plants. EUR 12,50 [500g]

No. 17354. - Al-Husseini, M. (ed), 1997. with: Jurassic stratigraphy, Arabian Gulf; Nubian Sandstone, Gulf of Suez; Holocene Shoreline, Abu Dabi; Lower Paleozoic Haima; Oman (a.o.). GeoArabia 2, 353-520, num figs & tabs - 4to, paperback. EUR 12,00 [500g]

No. 17355. - Barber, C.T., 1935. The natural gas resources of Burma. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India 66, Part 1, 172pp, 5 figs, 11 tabs, 14 pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 35,00 [900g]

No. 17356. - Barbieri, F., 1987. The Island of Sumbawa. A major structural discontinuty in the Indonesian Arc. Boll. Soc. Geol. It. 106, 547-620, 44 figs, 10 tabs, 7 pls - 8vo, offprint. EUR 10,00 [100g]

No. 17357. - Bhargava, O.N., 1995. The Bhutan Himalaya: A Geological Account. Geological Survey of India 39, 245pp, num figs & fotos - 4to, hardback. EUR 75,00 [1100g]

No. 17358. - Crookshank, H., 1936. Geology of the northern slopes of the Satpuras between the Morand and the Sher Rivers. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India 66, Part 2, 173-381, 16 figs, 11 pls - 8vo, paperback, large chapter on the Deccan Trap Series. EUR 35,00 [900g]

No. 17359. - Geological Survey of India, Calcutta, 1939. The Bihar Earthquake of 1934. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India 73, 391pp, num figs & fold-outs - 8vo, board. EUR 35,00 [1100g]

No. 17360. - Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, 1985. Atlas of the Paleogeography of China. Cartographic Publishing House Beijing, 143 col map sheets, 28 pp explanation, 28 pp abbreviations and signatures - 4to, hardback. EUR 65,00 [1100g]

No. 17362. - Lebküchner, R.F., 1974. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Geologie des Oligozäns von Mittelthrakien (Türkei). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration Instutute of Turkey 83, 30 S., 24 Taf. - 4to, offprint, pls on molluscs and vertebrates, maps and cross-sections. EUR 12,00 [100g]

No. 17363. - Offermann, J., 1916. Beiträge zur Petrographie der Insel Neupommern. Beiträge zur geologischen Erforschung der Deutschen Schutzgebiete 14, 48pp - 8vo, paperback, nice copy. EUR 14,00 [100g]

No. 17724. - Kruse, G., 1965. Stratigraphische Untersuchungen an erzführenden, permischen Kalken im Hohen Bolkardag (kilikischer Taurus) unter besonderer Berückschtigung der Blei-Zink-Lagerstätte von Bolkar Maden. Inaugural Dissertation Univ. München, 55 S., zahl. Abb. und Beil. - 8vo, paperback. EUR 10,00 [100g]

No. 17810. - Cissarz, A., 1928. Petrographische Untersuchungen von Sedimentesteinen aus Nowaja Semlja und deren metamorphe Umwandlungen. Report on the Scientific Results of the norwegian Expedition to Novaya Zemlya 1921 37, 66 S., 3 Taf. - 8vo, paperback. EUR 17,50 [400g]

No. 17917. - Leuchs, K., 1919. Marines Oberkarbon im zentralen Tianschan. Sitzungsberiche der Bayrischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Math-Phys. Kl. Jg 1919, 217-228, 2 figs, 1 pl - 8vo, offprint. EUR 6,00 [30g]

No. 18054. - Hancock, J. M., Kennedy, W. J. & Wright, C. W., 1977. Towards a correlation of the Turonian sequences of Japan with those of North-West Europe. Special Papers of the Palaeontological Society of Japan 21, 151-168, 4 figs - 8vo, offprint. EUR 3,40 [30g]

No. 18321. - Iskandar, E., 1994. Thermometamoprphose im Bukit Asam Kohlenrevier, Südsumatra, Indonesien. Inaugural - Dissertation Universität Köln, 120 S., 38 Abb. - 8vo, paperback. EUR 10,50 [200g]

No. 18339. - Porth, H. & Daniels, C.H. von (eds.), 1989. with: On the Geology and Hydrocarbon Prospects of the Visayan Basin, Philippines. with: Neogene Geodynamic Evolution of the Visayan Region (6 figs, 1 tab), The Sedimentary Formations of the Visayan Basin, Philippines (34 figs, 6 tabs), Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Studies in the Tertiary of the Visayan Basin, Philippines (1 tab, 16 pls), Larger Foraminifera from the Visayan Basin and Adjacent Areas of the Philippines (Eocene through Miocene) (5 tabs, 17 pls), Younger Tertiary Limestone Formations in the Visayan Basin, Philippines (34 figs, 10 pls), Facies and Diagenetic Aspects of a Miocene Carbonate Sequence, Santan A-1XA Well, Visayas, Philippines (1 fig, 5 pls), Paleogeographic Outlines of the Visayan Basin (6 figs), Organic-Geochemical Studies in the Visayan Basin, Philippines (8 figs, 11 tabs), Organopetrographic Studies in the Visayan Basin, Philippines (6 figs, 11 tabs), On the Petroleum Prospects of the Visayan Basin, Philippines (1 fig, 2 tabs), Observations on Recent Sedimentary Environments in the Bank Belt Northwest of Bohol, Philippines (19 figs). Geologisches Jahrbuch, B 70, 428pp, num figs & pls - 8vo, paperback. EUR 24,50 [1100g]

No. 18390. - Hettler, J., 1995. Bergbau und Umwelt in Papua-Neuguinea: Die Ok Redi-Mine und das Fly River-Flußökosystem. Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, A 176, 152 S., 29 Abb., 17 Tab, 2 Taf. - 4to, paperback. EUR 19,50 [500g]

No. 18391. - Hettler, J. & Lehmann, B., 1995. Environmental impact of large-sclae mining in Papua New Guinea: Mining residue disposal by the Ok Tedi Copper-Gold mine. Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, A 176-II, 52pp, 31 Abb., 17 tabs, 2 maps - 4to, paperback. EUR 17,00 [300g]

No. 18399. - Mertmann, D., 1999. Die Faziesentwicklung der Zaluch-Gruppe (Perm) in der Salt Range und in den Trans Indus Ranges, Pakistan. Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, A 204, 94 S., 29 Abb., 5 Taf. - 4to, paperback. EUR 17,00 [500g]

No. 18858. - Hirano, H. & al., 1989-1990. Biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous in the Oyubari Area, Central Hokkaido (I-IV). Bulletin of Science and Engineering Research Laboratory [Waseda University] 123, 125, 126, 127, ca. 80pp, num figs - 8vo, 4 offprints. EUR 15,00 [100g]

No. 18872. - Pfannenstiel, M., 1953. Das Quartär der Levante. Teil II. Die Entstehung der ägyptischen Oasendepresionen. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse 1953/7, 337-411, 13 Abb. - 8vo, paperback. EUR 12,50 [50g]

No. 18879. - Pfannenstiel, M., 1952. Das Quartär der Levante. Teil I. Die Küste Palästina-Syrien. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse 1952/7, 375-475, 2 Abb., 8 Taf. - 8vo, paperback, ungeschnitten. EUR 14,50 [50g]

No. 18922. - Willis, B., 1928. Earthquakes in the Holy Land. Bulletin of the Seismological Socitey of America 18, 73-103, 31 figs - 8vo, offprint. EUR 12,00 [100g]

No. 18970. - Bender, F. & al., 1969. Beiträge zur Geologie Jordaniens. Beihefte Geologisches Jahrbuch 81, 1-247, 59 fig., 23 pl., 31 pl. - 8vo, paperback, several articles on the topic. EUR 33,00 [1000g]

No. 19015. - Pilger, A. & Mir-Mohammedi, M.A., 1977. Beiträge zur Mineralogie, Tektonik und Lagerstättenkunde des Iran. Clausthaler Geologische Abhandlungen 27, 85 S., 7 Abb., 1 Tab., 7 Taf. - 8vo, paperback, back cover a bit damaged. EUR 8,50 [100g]

No. 19037. - Vala, M. (ed.), 1983. Geodynamic Project (Geotraverse) in Iran. Final report. Geological Survey of Iran Teheran, 519 pp, num figs & tabs - 4to, paperback. EUR 35,00 [1100g]

No. 19075. - D' Addario, R.W. & al., 1975. Geology of Papua New Guinea 1: 2 500 000. Buerau of Mineral Resources Australia Canberra, 1 sheet - without explanations. EUR 15,00 [500g]

No. 19115. - Pfeiffer, D. & Stach, L.W., 1972. Hydrogeology of the island of Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga, South Pacific. Geologisches Jahrbuch, C 4, 1-13, 3 figs, 2 tabs - 8vo. EUR 4,00 [30g]

No. 19123. - As-Saruri, M.A.L., 1999. Lithostratigraphie der Tertiär-Sedimente der Republik Jemen. Schriftenreihe für Geowissenschaften 10, 131 S., 25 Abb. - 8vo, paperback. EUR 12,50 [100g]

No. 19179. - Brice, D. & al., 1978. Le Dévonien de l'Elbourz oriental: stratigraphe, paleontologie (Brachiopodes et Bryozaires), paléogeographie. Riv. It. Paleont. 84, 56pp, 5 pls - 8vo, offprint. EUR 12,00 [100g]



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